Ejemplo n.º 1
        //thread to recieve driving commands from webserver
        private static void ControlReciever(object obj, object handler)
            Byte[]        bytes       = new Byte[256];
            DataHandler   datahandler = (DataHandler)handler;
            TcpClient     client      = (TcpClient)obj;
            NetworkStream stream      = client.GetStream();

            while (true)
                    while ((stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0)
                        string data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);                 //convert the bytes in the tcp stream into a string

                        RobotData recievedData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RobotData>(data); //deserialize the data from the string
                        datahandler.Mode = recievedData.Mode;
                        datahandler.Data = recievedData.DrivingCommand;
                catch (Exception e) //this usually happens when the client disconnects or times out. Will need to make the error handling for other cases instead of handling all exceptions
                    Console.WriteLine("Client Disconnected");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //thread to stream driving commands to the robot (deprecated), might be used in the future to send a sensor config changes if needed
        private static void RobotStreamer(object obj, object handler)
            DataHandler   datahandler = (DataHandler)handler;
            TcpClient     client      = (TcpClient)obj;
            NetworkStream stream      = client.GetStream();

            while (true)
                    RobotData data = new RobotData();
                    data.DrivingCommand = datahandler.Data;
                    data.Mode           = datahandler.Mode;

                    string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);       //serialize the object into a json string

                    byte[] msg = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json); //convert the string into bytes to be sent over the TCP stream
                    stream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length);                      //send the string to the robot or sensor
                catch (Exception e) //this usually happens when the client disconnects or times out. Will need to make the error handling for other cases instead of handling all exceptions
                    Console.WriteLine("Client Disconnected");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //thread to stream sensor data to webserver/mapgen
        private static void SensorStreamer(object obj, object handler)
            DataHandler   datahandler = (DataHandler)handler; //the datahandler passed to the thread
            TcpClient     client      = (TcpClient)obj;       //the tcp stream passed to the thread
            NetworkStream stream      = client.GetStream();

            while (true)
                    RobotData data = new RobotData(); //this was originally used to stream the robot's sensors to the server, but it serves the same purpose for a stationary sensor

                    data.BatteryPercentage = datahandler.BatteryPercentage;

                    data.DistanceSensorFront = datahandler.DistanceSensorFront;
                    data.DistanceSensorLeft  = datahandler.DistanceSensorLeft;
                    data.DistanceSensorRight = datahandler.DistanceSensorRight;

                    data.TemperatureReading = datahandler.TemperatureReading;
                    data.Timestamp          = datahandler.Timestamp;
                    data.HumidityReading    = datahandler.HumidityReading;
                    data.WaterDetected      = datahandler.WaterDetected;
                    data.SmokeDetected      = datahandler.SmokeDetected;

                    data.DrivingCommand = datahandler.Data;
                    data.Mode           = datahandler.Mode;

                    string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);       //serialize the data into a string of json

                    byte[] msg = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json); //convert the json string into bytes
                    stream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length);                      //send the bytes over the tcp stream
                    Thread.Sleep(100);                                     //wait .1 seconds
                catch (Exception e)                                        //this usually happens when the client disconnects or times out. Will need to make the error handling for other cases instead of handling all exceptions
                    Console.WriteLine("Client Disconnected");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //thread to recieve data from robot or sensor
        private static void SensorDataReciever(object obj, object handler)
            Byte[]        bytes       = new Byte[256];
            DataHandler   datahandler = (DataHandler)handler; //the datahandler passed to the thread
            TcpClient     client      = (TcpClient)obj;       //the tcp stream passed to the thread
            NetworkStream stream      = client.GetStream();

            while (true)
                    int i;
                    while ((i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0)
                        string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, i);                       //decode the bytes into a string

                        RobotData recievedData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RobotData>(data); //deserialize the string into a robotdata object

                        datahandler.DistanceSensorFront = (recievedData.DistanceSensorFront);
                        datahandler.DistanceSensorRight = (recievedData.DistanceSensorRight);
                        datahandler.DistanceSensorLeft  = (recievedData.DistanceSensorLeft);
                        datahandler.BatteryPercentage   = (recievedData.BatteryPercentage);
                        datahandler.Timestamp           = recievedData.Timestamp;
                        datahandler.TemperatureReading  = recievedData.TemperatureReading;
                        datahandler.HumidityReading     = recievedData.HumidityReading;
                        datahandler.MotionDetected      = recievedData.MotionDetected;
                catch (Exception e) //this usually happens when the client disconnects or times out. Will need to make the error handling for other cases instead of handling all exceptions
                    Console.WriteLine("Client Disconnected");