Inheritance: Server.BaseItem, IUsesRemaining
Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override int CanCraft( Mobile from, BaseTool tool, Type typeItem )
            if ( tool.Deleted || tool.UsesRemaining < 0 )
                return 1044038; // You have worn out your tool!
            else if ( !BaseTool.CheckAccessible( tool, from ) )
                return 1044263; // The tool must be on your person to use.

            if ( typeItem != null )
                object o = Activator.CreateInstance( typeItem );

                if ( o is SpellScroll )
                    SpellScroll scroll = (SpellScroll)o;
                    Spellbook book = Spellbook.Find( from, scroll.SpellID );

                    bool hasSpell = ( book != null && book.HasSpell( scroll.SpellID ) );


                    return ( hasSpell ? 0 : 1042404 ); // null : You don't have that spell!
                else if ( o is Item )

            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override bool Begin( Mobile from, BaseTool tool )
     if ( tool is MortarPestle )
         return base.Begin(from, tool);
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public QueryMakersMarkGump(int quality, Mobile from, CraftItem craftItem, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool)
            : base(100, 200)

            this.m_Quality = quality;
            this.m_From = from;
            this.m_CraftItem = craftItem;
            this.m_CraftSystem = craftSystem;
            this.m_TypeRes = typeRes;
            this.m_Tool = tool;


            this.AddBackground(0, 0, 220, 170, 5054);
            this.AddBackground(10, 10, 200, 150, 3000);

            this.AddHtmlLocalized(20, 20, 180, 80, 1018317, false, false); // Do you wish to place your maker's mark on this item?

            this.AddHtmlLocalized(55, 100, 140, 25, 1011011, false, false); // CONTINUE
            this.AddButton(20, 100, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            this.AddHtmlLocalized(55, 125, 140, 25, 1011012, false, false); // CANCEL
            this.AddButton(20, 125, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public override int CanCraft( Mobile from, BaseTool tool, Type itemType )
			if ( tool.Deleted || tool.UsesRemaining < 0 )
				return 1044038; // You have worn out your tool!

			return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public MakeNumberCraftPrompt(Mobile from, CraftSystem system, CraftItem item, BaseTool tool)
     m_From = from;
     m_CraftSystem = system;
     m_CraftItem = item;
     m_Tool = tool;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        //private string m_PieceName = "None";
        //private int m_PiecePage = 1;
        //private BaseIngot m_Ingot;
        public BStartGump(PlayerMobile crafter, BlackSmithingCraftState craftstate, BaseTool tool, BStartContext context)
            : base(0, 0)
            m_CraftState = craftstate;
            m_Crafter = crafter;
            m_Tool = tool;

            if (context == null)
                m_Context = new BStartContext();
                m_Context = context;

            this.Closable = true;
            this.Disposable = false;
            this.Dragable = true;
            this.Resizable = false;


            if (m_Context.Ingot != null)

            switch (m_Context.Page)
                case 1: InitialPiecePage(); break;
                case 2: ArmorPiecePage(); break;
                case 3: WeaponPiecePage(); break;
                case 4: AttackPiecePage(); break;
                case 5: HiltsPage(); break;
                //case 6: EmbellishmentsPage(); break;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public BrewingState( Mobile brewer, BaseTool tool )
     m_Brewer = brewer;
     m_Tool = tool;
     m_Type = PotionType.Drink; // default potion type
     m_Bottle = 3626;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public QueryMakersMarkGump( bool exceptional, Mobile from, CraftItem craftItem, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, bool questItem )
            : base(100, 200)
            from.CloseGump( typeof( QueryMakersMarkGump ) );

            m_Exceptional = exceptional;
            m_From = from;
            m_CraftItem = craftItem;
            m_CraftSystem = craftSystem;
            m_TypeRes = typeRes;
            m_Tool = tool;
            m_QuestItem = questItem;

            AddPage( 0 );

            AddBackground( 0, 0, 220, 170, 5054 );
            AddBackground( 10, 10, 200, 150, 3000 );

            AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 20, 180, 80, 1018317, false, false ); // Do you wish to place your maker's mark on this item?

            AddHtmlLocalized( 55, 100, 140, 25, 1011036, false, false ); // OKAY
            AddButton( 20, 100, 4005, 4007, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

            AddHtmlLocalized( 55, 125, 140, 25, 1011012, false, false ); // CANCEL
            AddButton( 20, 125, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 9
		public override int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )
			double magery = from.Skills.Magery.Value - 100;
			if ( magery < 0 )
				magery = 0;
			int count = (int) Math.Round( magery * Utility.RandomDouble() / 5 );
			if ( count > 2 )
				count = 2;
			if ( Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.5 )
				count = 0;
				BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo( this, false, 0, count, 70, 80 );
			Attributes.SpellDamage = 25;
			Attributes.LowerManaCost = 10;
			Attributes.CastSpeed = 1;
			Attributes.CastRecovery = 1;
			if ( makersMark )
				Crafter = from;
			return quality;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void Craft( Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem )
            if ( from.Backpack == null )
                from.EndAction( typeof( CraftSystem ) );

            Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( craftSystem.Delay ), new TimerCallback(
                    if ( from.Backpack.GetAmount( typeof( Bottle ) ) < 1 || from.Backpack.GetAmount( typeof( PlantClippings ) ) < 1 )
                        from.EndAction( typeof( CraftSystem ) );

                        // You don't have the components needed to make that.
                        from.SendGump( new CraftGump( from, craftSystem, tool, 1044253 ) );
                    else if ( ShouldChooseHue( from ) )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1074794 ); // Target the material to use:
                        from.Target = new ClippingsTarget( craftSystem, typeRes, tool, craftItem );
                        from.EndAction( typeof( CraftSystem ) );
                        DoCraft( from, craftSystem, typeRes, tool, craftItem, from.Backpack.FindItemByType<PlantClippings>() );
            ) );
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override bool Begin( Mobile from, BaseTool tool )
            if ( from.Deleted || !from.Alive || m_Wood == null || m_Wood.Deleted )
                return false;

            if ( !base.Begin( from, tool ) )
                return false;

            if ( m_Wood.IsChildOf( from ) )
                if ( ShowMenu( m_WoodMenu ) )
                    return true;
                    return false;
                from.SendAsciiMessage( "That wood belongs to someone else." );
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public AutoCraftTimer(Mobile from, CraftSystem system, CraftItem item, BaseTool tool, int amount, TimeSpan delay, TimeSpan interval)
            : base(delay, interval)
            m_From = from;
            m_CraftSystem = system;
            m_CraftItem = item;
            m_Tool = tool;
            m_Amount = amount;
            m_Ticks = 0;
            m_Success = 0;

            CraftContext context = m_CraftSystem.GetContext(m_From);

            if (context != null)
                CraftSubResCol res = (m_CraftItem.UseSubRes2 ? m_CraftSystem.CraftSubRes2 : m_CraftSystem.CraftSubRes);
                int resIndex = (m_CraftItem.UseSubRes2 ? context.LastResourceIndex2 : context.LastResourceIndex);

                if (resIndex > -1)
                    m_TypeRes = res.GetAt(resIndex).ItemType;

            m_AutoCraftTable[from] = this;

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            this.ItemID = 0x14F0;
            this.Faction = Faction.Find(from);

            return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public override bool OnCraft( bool exceptional, bool makersMark, Mobile from, Server.Engines.Craft.CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, Server.Engines.Craft.CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )
            if ( exceptional )
                ArmorAttributes.MageArmor = 1;

            return base.OnCraft( exceptional, makersMark, from, craftSystem, typeRes, tool, craftItem, resHue );
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public InternalTarget( CraftSystem craftSystem, double skill_level, Item contract )
     : base(2, false, TargetFlags.None)
     m_CraftSystem = craftSystem;
     m_Tool = null;
     m_SkillLevel = skill_level;
     m_Contract = contract;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public CartographyMenu(Mobile m, ItemListEntry[] entries, string Is, BaseTool tool)
     : base("Attempt what scale of map?", entries)
     m_Mobile = m;
     IsFrom = Is;
     m_Tool = tool;
     m_Entries = entries;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public AlchemyMenu(Mobile m, ItemListEntry[] entries, string Is, BaseTool tool)
     : base("Choose a formula.", entries)
     m_Mobile = m;
     IsFrom = Is;
     m_Tool = tool;
     m_Entries = entries;
Ejemplo n.º 18
		public override int CanCraft( Mobile from, BaseTool tool, Type itemType ) {
			if( tool == null || tool.Deleted || tool.UsesRemaining < 0 )
				return 1044038; // You have worn out your tool!
			else if( !BaseTool.CheckAccessible( tool, from ) )
				return 1044263; // The tool must be on your person to use.

			return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public BlacksmithMenu(Mobile m, ItemListEntry[] entries, string Is, BaseTool tool)
     : base("What would you like to make?", entries)
     m_Mobile = m;
     IsFrom = Is;
     m_Tool = tool;
     m_Entries = entries;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public TinkeringMenu(Mobile m, ItemListEntry[] entries, string Is, BaseTool tool)
     : base("Choose an item.", entries)
     m_Mobile = m;
     IsFrom = Is;
     m_Tool = tool;
     m_Entries = entries;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public CraftState( Mobile crafter, BaseTool tool, int componentAmount )
     m_Crafter = crafter;
     m_Tool = tool;
     m_GumpComponents = new GumpComponent[componentAmount];
     for ( int i = 0; i < componentAmount; i++ )
         m_GumpComponents[i] = new GumpComponent();
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public CraftGumpItem( Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, CraftItem craftItem, BaseTool tool )
            : base(40, 40)
            m_From = from;
            m_CraftSystem = craftSystem;
            m_CraftItem = craftItem;
            m_Tool = tool;

            from.CloseGump( typeof( CraftGump ) );
            from.CloseGump( typeof( CraftGumpItem ) );

            AddPage( 0 );
            AddBackground( 0, 0, 530, 417, 5054 );
            AddImageTiled( 10, 10, 510, 22, 2624 );
            AddImageTiled( 10, 37, 150, 148, 2624 );
            AddImageTiled( 165, 37, 355, 90, 2624 );
            AddImageTiled( 10, 190, 155, 22, 2624 );
            AddImageTiled( 10, 217, 150, 53, 2624 );
            AddImageTiled( 165, 132, 355, 80, 2624 );
            AddImageTiled( 10, 275, 155, 22, 2624 );
            AddImageTiled( 10, 302, 150, 53, 2624 );
            AddImageTiled( 165, 217, 355, 80, 2624 );
            AddImageTiled( 10, 360, 155, 22, 2624 );
            AddImageTiled( 165, 302, 355, 80, 2624 );
            AddImageTiled( 10, 387, 510, 22, 2624 );
            AddAlphaRegion( 10, 10, 510, 399 );

            AddHtmlLocalized( 170, 40, 150, 20, 1044053, LabelColor, false, false ); // ITEM
            AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 192, 150, 22, 1044054, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>SKILLS</CENTER>
            AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 277, 150, 22, 1044055, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>MATERIALS</CENTER>
            AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 362, 150, 22, 1044056, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>OTHER</CENTER>

            if ( craftSystem.GumpTitleNumber > 0 )
                AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 12, 510, 20, craftSystem.GumpTitleNumber, LabelColor, false, false );
                AddHtml( 10, 12, 510, 20, craftSystem.GumpTitleString, false, false );

            AddButton( 15, 387, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
            AddHtmlLocalized( 50, 390, 150, 18, 1044150, LabelColor, false, false ); // BACK

            AddButton( 270, 387, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
            AddHtmlLocalized( 305, 390, 150, 18, 1044151, LabelColor, false, false ); // MAKE NOW

            if ( craftItem.NameNumber > 0 )
                AddHtmlLocalized( 330, 40, 180, 18, craftItem.NameNumber, LabelColor, false, false );
                AddLabel( 330, 40, LabelHue, craftItem.NameString );

            if ( craftItem.UseAllRes )
                AddHtmlLocalized( 170, 302 + (m_OtherCount++ * 20), 310, 18, 1048176, LabelColor, false, false ); // Makes as many as possible at once


            if( craftItem.RequiresSE )
                AddHtmlLocalized( 170, 302 + (m_OtherCount++ * 20), 310, 18, 1063363, LabelColor, false, false ); //* Requires the "Samurai Empire" expansion
Ejemplo n.º 23
		public virtual int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )
			if ( makersMark )
				Crafter = from;

			m_Quality = (RuneQuality)quality;

			return quality;
Ejemplo n.º 24
		public CustomCraft( Mobile from, CraftItem craftItem, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, bool exceptional )
			m_From = from;
			m_CraftItem = craftItem;
			m_CraftSystem = craftSystem;
			m_TypeRes = typeRes;
			m_Tool = tool;
			m_Exceptional = exceptional;
Ejemplo n.º 25
		public override int CanCraft( Mobile from, BaseTool tool, Type typeItem )
			if ( tool.Deleted || tool.UsesRemaining < 0 )
				return 1044038; // You have worn out your tool!
			else if ( !BaseTool.CheckAccessible( tool, from ) )
				return 1044263; // The tool must be on your person to use.

			if ( typeItem != null )
				object o = Activator.CreateInstance( typeItem );

				if ( o is SpellScroll )
					SpellScroll scroll = (SpellScroll)o;
					Spellbook book = Spellbook.Find( from, scroll.SpellID );

					bool hasSpell = ( book != null && book.HasSpell( scroll.SpellID ) );


					//return ( hasSpell ? 0 : 1042404 ); // null : You don't have that spell!
					if( hasSpell )
						Server.Spells.Spell spell = Server.Spells.SpellRegistry.NewSpell( scroll.SpellID, from, null );
						if( spell == null )
							return 0;
							double minmagery = 0.0;
							double maxmagery = 0.0;
							spell.GetCastSkills( out minmagery, out maxmagery );
							if( minmagery > from.Skills.Magery.Value )
								return 1044153; // You don't have the required skills to attempt this item.
								return 0;
						return 1042404; // You don't have that spell!
				else if ( o is Item )

			return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
		public override int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )
			Quality = (ClothingQuality)quality;

			if( Quality == ClothingQuality.Exceptional )
				DistributeBonuses( (tool is BaseRunicTool ? 6 : (Core.SE ? 15 : 14)) );	//BLAME OSI. (We can't confirm it's an OSI bug yet.)

			return base.OnCraft( quality, makersMark, from, craftSystem, typeRes, tool, craftItem, resHue );
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public CustomCraft(Mobile from, CraftItem craftItem, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, int quality)
     this.m_From = from;
     this.m_CraftItem = craftItem;
     this.m_CraftSystem = craftSystem;
     this.m_TypeRes = typeRes;
     this.m_Tool = tool;
     this.m_Quality = quality;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public override int CanCraft( Mobile from, BaseTool tool, Type itemType )
            if( tool == null || tool.Deleted || tool.UsesRemaining < 0 )
                return 1044038; // You have worn out your tool!
            else if ( !(from is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)from).Feats.GetFeatLevel(FeatList.Painter) > 0 ) )
                return 1063492; // You lack the required feat.

            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public override string CanCraft( Mobile from, BaseTool tool, Type itemType )
            if ( tool.Deleted || tool.UsesRemaining < 0 )
                return "You have worn out your tool!";
            else if ( !BaseTool.CheckAccessible( tool, from ) )
                return "The tool must be on your person to use.";

            return "";
Ejemplo n.º 30
		public override int CanCraft( Mobile from, BaseTool tool, Type itemType )
			if ( tool.Deleted || tool.UsesRemaining < 0 )
				return 1044038; // You have worn out your tool!
			else if ( !BaseTool.CheckAccessible( tool, from ) )
				return 1044263; // The tool must be on your person to use.
			else if ( itemType != null && ( itemType.IsSubclassOf( typeof( BaseFactionTrapDeed ) ) || itemType == typeof( FactionTrapRemovalKit ) ) && Faction.Find( from ) == null )
				return 1044573; // You have to be in a faction to do that.

			return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public override int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Quality = (ItemQuality)quality;

            if (makersMark)
                Crafter = from;

            Type resourceType = typeRes;

            if (resourceType == null)
                resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

            Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

            PlayerConstructed = true;

            CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

            Hue = CraftResources.GetHue(Resource);

Ejemplo n.º 32
        public override bool OnCraft(bool exceptional, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Type resourceType = typeRes;

            if (resourceType == null)
                resourceType = craftItem.Ressources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

            var resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

            Hue = CraftResources.GetHue(resource);

            return(base.OnCraft(exceptional, makersMark, from, craftSystem, null, tool, craftItem, resHue));
Ejemplo n.º 33
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (quality == 2)
                UsesRemaining *= 2;

		public int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )

			//STARTMOD: Teiravon chestmod

			Type resourceType = typeRes;

			if ( resourceType == null )
				resourceType = craftItem.Ressources.GetAt( 0 ).ItemType;

			Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );

			//ENDMOD: Teiravon chestmod

			if ( from.CheckSkill( SkillName.Tinkering, -5.0, 15.0 ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500636 ); // Your tinker skill was sufficient to make the item lockable.

				Key key = new Key( KeyType.Copper, Key.RandomValue() );

				KeyValue = key.KeyValue;
				DropItem( key );

				double tinkering = from.Skills[SkillName.Tinkering].Value;
				int level = (int)(tinkering * 0.8);

				RequiredSkill = level - 4;
				LockLevel = level - 14;
				MaxLockLevel = level + 35;

				if ( LockLevel == 0 )
					LockLevel = -1;
				else if ( LockLevel > 95 )
					LockLevel = 95;

				if ( RequiredSkill > 95 )
					RequiredSkill = 95;

				if ( MaxLockLevel > 95 )
					MaxLockLevel = 95;
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500637 ); // Your tinker skill was insufficient to make the item lockable.

			return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 35
        public virtual int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (quality >= 2)
                m_Exceptional = true;

                if (makersMark)
                    m_Crafter = from;

            if (typeRes == null)
                typeRes = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

            CraftResource resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(typeRes);

            Hue = CraftResources.GetHue(resource);

Ejemplo n.º 36
        public virtual int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (makersMark)
                Crafter = from;

            m_Quality = (BookQuality)(quality - 1);

Ejemplo n.º 37
 public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
Ejemplo n.º 38
        public virtual int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Quality = (FouetQuality)quality;

            Crafter = from;

            Type resourceType = typeRes;

            if (resourceType == null)
                resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

            Resource          = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);
            PlayerConstructed = true;

            CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

            RareteInit.InitItem(this, quality, Crafter);

            if (context != null && context.DoNotColor)
                Hue = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 39
        public virtual int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Quality = (ItemQuality)quality;

            if (makersMark)
                Crafter = from;

            if (!craftItem.ForceNonExceptional)
                if (typeRes == null)
                    typeRes = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

                Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(typeRes);

Ejemplo n.º 40
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (craftSystem is DefAlchemy)
                Container pack = from.Backpack;

                if (pack != null)
                    // Genova: suporte ao UO:ML.
                    #region Mondain's Legacy
                    if ((int)PotionEffect >= (int)PotionEffect.Invisibility)

                    List <PotionKeg> kegs = pack.FindItemsByType <PotionKeg>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < kegs.Count; ++i)
                        PotionKeg keg = kegs[i];

                        if (keg == null)

                        if (keg.Held <= 0 || keg.Held >= 100)

                        if (keg.Type != PotionEffect)


                        from.AddToBackpack(new Bottle());

                        return(-1);                        // signal placed in keg

Ejemplo n.º 41
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Quality = (ToolQuality)quality;

            if (makersMark)
                Crafter = from;

Ejemplo n.º 42
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Type resourceType = typeRes;

            if (resourceType == null)
                resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

            Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

            CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

            if (context != null && context.DoNotColor)
                Hue = 0;

            if (1 < craftItem.Resources.Count)
                resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(1).ItemType;

                if (resourceType == typeof(StarSapphire))
                    GemType = GemType.StarSapphire;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Emerald))
                    GemType = GemType.Emerald;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Sapphire))
                    GemType = GemType.Sapphire;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Ruby))
                    GemType = GemType.Ruby;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Citrine))
                    GemType = GemType.Citrine;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Amethyst))
                    GemType = GemType.Amethyst;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Tourmaline))
                    GemType = GemType.Tourmaline;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Amber))
                    GemType = GemType.Amber;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Diamond))
                    GemType = GemType.Diamond;

Ejemplo n.º 43
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            int charges = 5 + quality + (int)(from.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Value / 30);

            if (charges > 10)
                charges = 10;

            MaxCharges = charges;

            if (makersMark)
                Crafter = from;

            m_Quality = (BookQuality)(quality - 1);

Ejemplo n.º 44
        public override int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (resHue > 0)
                Hue = resHue;

            Type resourceType = typeRes;

            if (resourceType == null)
                resourceType = craftItem.Ressources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

            Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

            switch (Resource)
            case CraftResource.Bloodwood: Attributes.RegenHits = 2; break;

            case CraftResource.Heartwood: Attributes.Luck = 40; break;

            case CraftResource.YewWood: Attributes.RegenHits = 1; break;

Ejemplo n.º 45
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            PlayerConstructed = true;

            Type resourceType = typeRes;

            if (resourceType == null)
                resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

            if (!craftItem.ForceNonExceptional)
                Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

            CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

            if (context != null && context.DoNotColor)
                Hue = 0;

            //daat99 OWLTR start - runic jewels
            if (Core.AOS && tool is BaseRunicTool && OWLTROptionsManager.IsEnabled(OWLTROptionsManager.OPTIONS_ENUM.RECIPE_CRAFT))
            //daat99 OWLTR end - reunic jewels

            if (1 < craftItem.Resources.Count)
                resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(1).ItemType;

                if (resourceType == typeof(StarSapphire))
                    GemType = GemType.StarSapphire;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Emerald))
                    GemType = GemType.Emerald;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Sapphire))
                    GemType = GemType.Sapphire;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Ruby))
                    GemType = GemType.Ruby;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Citrine))
                    GemType = GemType.Citrine;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Amethyst))
                    GemType = GemType.Amethyst;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Tourmaline))
                    GemType = GemType.Tourmaline;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Amber))
                    GemType = GemType.Amber;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Diamond))
                    GemType = GemType.Diamond;

            #region Mondain's Legacy
            m_Quality = (ItemQuality)quality;

            if (makersMark)
                m_Crafter = from;

Ejemplo n.º 46
        public override int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Quality = (ClothingQuality)quality;

            if (Quality == ClothingQuality.Exceptional)
                DistributeBonuses((tool is BaseRunicTool ? 6 : (Core.SE ? 15 : 14)));                   //BLAME OSI. (We can't confirm it's an OSI bug yet.)
            return(base.OnCraft(quality, makersMark, from, craftSystem, typeRes, tool, craftItem, resHue));
Ejemplo n.º 47
        public virtual int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Quality = (ClothingQuality)quality;

            if (makersMark)
                Crafter = from;

            if (DefaultResource != CraftResource.None)
                Type resourceType = typeRes;

                if (resourceType == null)
                    resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

                Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);
                Hue = resHue;

            PlayerConstructed = true;

            CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

            if (context != null && context.DoNotColor)
                Hue = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 48
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (from.CheckSkill(SkillName.Tinkering, -5.0, 15.0))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500636);                   // Your tinker skill was sufficient to make the item lockable.

                Key key = new Key(KeyType.Copper, Key.RandomValue());

                KeyValue = key.KeyValue;

                double tinkering = from.Skills[SkillName.Tinkering].Value;
                int    level     = (int)(tinkering * 0.8);

                RequiredSkill = level - 4;
                LockLevel     = level - 14;
                MaxLockLevel  = level + 35;

                if (LockLevel == 0)
                    LockLevel = -1;
                else if (LockLevel > 95)
                    LockLevel = 95;

                if (RequiredSkill > 95)
                    RequiredSkill = 95;

                if (MaxLockLevel > 95)
                    MaxLockLevel = 95;
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500637);                   // Your tinker skill was insufficient to make the item lockable.

Ejemplo n.º 49
        public virtual int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            int magery = from.Skills.Magery.BaseFixedPoint;

            if (magery >= 800)
                int[] propertyCounts;
                int   minIntensity;
                int   maxIntensity;

                if (magery >= 1000)
                    if (magery >= 1200)
                        propertyCounts = m_LegendPropertyCounts;
                    else if (magery >= 1100)
                        propertyCounts = m_ElderPropertyCounts;
                        propertyCounts = m_GrandPropertyCounts;

                    minIntensity = 55;
                    maxIntensity = 75;
                else if (magery >= 900)
                    propertyCounts = m_MasterPropertyCounts;
                    minIntensity   = 25;
                    maxIntensity   = 45;
                    propertyCounts = m_AdeptPropertyCounts;
                    minIntensity   = 0;
                    maxIntensity   = 15;

                int propertyCount = propertyCounts[Utility.Random(propertyCounts.Length)];

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(this, true, 0, propertyCount, minIntensity, maxIntensity);

            if (makersMark)
                Crafter = from;

            #region Mondain's Legacy
            m_Quality = (BookQuality)(quality - 1);

Ejemplo n.º 50
        public bool OnCraft(bool exceptional, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Exceptional = exceptional;

            if (makersMark)
                Crafter = from;

            PlayerConstructed = true;

            Type resourceType = typeRes;

            if (resourceType == null)
                resourceType = craftItem.Ressources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

            Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

            CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

            if (context != null && context.DoNotColor)
                Hue = 0;

            if (1 < craftItem.Ressources.Count)
                resourceType = craftItem.Ressources.GetAt(1).ItemType;

                if (resourceType == typeof(StarSapphire))
                    GemType = GemType.StarSapphire;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Emerald))
                    GemType = GemType.Emerald;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Sapphire))
                    GemType = GemType.Sapphire;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Ruby))
                    GemType = GemType.Ruby;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Citrine))
                    GemType = GemType.Citrine;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Amethyst))
                    GemType = GemType.Amethyst;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Tourmaline))
                    GemType = GemType.Tourmaline;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Amber))
                    GemType = GemType.Amber;
                else if (resourceType == typeof(Diamond))
                    GemType = GemType.Diamond;

Ejemplo n.º 51
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Quality = (MeadQuality)quality;

            if (makersMark)
                Crafter = from;

            Item[] items = from.Backpack.FindItemsByType(typeof(BreweryLabelMaker));

            if (items.Length != 0)
                foreach (BreweryLabelMaker lm in items)
                    if (lm.BreweryName != null)
                        this.Name = lm.BreweryName;

            Type resourceType = typeRes;

            if (resourceType == null)
                resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

            Variety = BrewingResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

            CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

            Hue = 0;

        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (Core.ML)
                Quality = (CraftQuality)quality;

                Type resourceType = typeRes;

                if (resourceType == null)
                    resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

                Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

                CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

                if (context != null && context.DoNotColor)
                    Resource = DefaultResource;

                if (makersMark)
                    Crafter = from;

            if (from.CheckSkill(SkillName.Tinkering, -5.0, 15.0))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500636);                   // Your tinker skill was sufficient to make the item lockable.

                Key key = new Key(KeyType.Copper, Key.RandomValue());

                KeyValue = key.KeyValue;

                double tinkering = from.Skills[SkillName.Tinkering].Value;
                int    level     = (int)(tinkering * 0.8);

                RequiredSkill = level - 4;
                LockLevel     = level - 14;
                MaxLockLevel  = level + 35;

                if (LockLevel == 0)
                    LockLevel = -1;
                else if (LockLevel > 95)
                    LockLevel = 95;

                if (RequiredSkill > 95)
                    RequiredSkill = 95;

                if (MaxLockLevel > 95)
                    MaxLockLevel = 95;
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500637);                   // Your tinker skill was insufficient to make the item lockable.

Ejemplo n.º 53
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (craftSystem is DefAlchemy)
                Container pack = from.Backpack;

                if (pack != null)
                    Item[] kegs = pack.FindItemsByType(typeof(PotionKeg), true);

                    for (int i = 0; i < kegs.Length; ++i)
                        PotionKeg keg = kegs[i] as PotionKeg;

                        if (keg == null)

                        if (keg.Held <= 0 || keg.Held >= 100)

                        if (keg.Type != PotionEffect)


                        from.AddToBackpack(new Bottle());

                        return(-1);                        // signal placed in keg

Ejemplo n.º 54
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Exceptional = (quality >= 2);

            if (makersMark)
                Crafter = from;

            Type resourceType = typeRes;

            if (resourceType == null)
                resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

            Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

            CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

            if (context != null && context.DoNotColor)
                Hue = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 55
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            int charges = 5 + quality + (int)(from.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Value / 30);

            if (charges > 10)
                charges = 10;

            MaxCharges = (Core.SE ? charges * 2 : charges);

Ejemplo n.º 56
        public virtual int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Type resourceType = typeRes;

            if (resourceType == null)
                resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

            this.Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

            CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

            if (context != null && context.DoNotColor)
                this.Hue = 0;
                this.Hue = resHue;

Ejemplo n.º 57
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (craftSystem is DefAlchemy)
                Container pack = from.Backpack;

                if (pack != null)
                    if ((int)PotionEffect >= (int)PotionEffect.Invisibility)

                    List <PotionKeg> kegs = pack.FindItemsByType <PotionKeg>();

                    foreach (var keg in kegs)
                        if (keg == null)

                        if (keg.Held <= 0 || keg.Held >= 100)

                        if (keg.Type != PotionEffect)


                        @from.AddToBackpack(new Bottle());

                        return(-1); // signal placed in keg

Ejemplo n.º 58
        public virtual int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            this.Quality = (ClothingQuality)quality;

            if (makersMark)
                this.Crafter = from;

Ejemplo n.º 59
        public virtual int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            Quality = (ItemQuality)quality;

Ejemplo n.º 60
        public override bool OnCraft(bool exceptional, bool makersMark, Mobile from, Server.Engines.Craft.CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, Server.Engines.Craft.CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (exceptional)
                ArmorAttributes.MageArmor = 1;

            return(base.OnCraft(exceptional, makersMark, from, craftSystem, typeRes, tool, craftItem, resHue));