public TamingBOBLargeEntry( LargeMobileBOD bod )
			m_AmountMax = bod.AmountMax;

			m_Entries = new TamingBOBLargeSubEntry[bod.Entries.Length];

			for ( int i = 0; i < m_Entries.Length; ++i )
				m_Entries[i] = new TamingBOBLargeSubEntry( bod.Entries[i] );
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public TamingBOBLargeEntry(LargeMobileBOD bod)
            m_AmountMax = bod.AmountMax;

            m_Entries = new TamingBOBLargeSubEntry[bod.Entries.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Entries.Length; ++i)
                m_Entries[i] = new TamingBOBLargeSubEntry(bod.Entries[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public Item Reconstruct()
            LargeMobileBOD bod = null;

            bod = new LargeTamingBOD(m_AmountMax, ReconstructEntries());

            for (int i = 0; bod != null && i < bod.Entries.Length; ++i)
                bod.Entries[i].Owner = bod;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public LargeMobileBulkEntry(LargeMobileBOD owner, GenericReader reader)
            m_Owner  = owner;
            m_Amount = reader.ReadInt();

            Type realType = null;

            string type = reader.ReadString();

            if (type != null)
                realType = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByFullName(type);

            m_Details = new SmallMobileBulkEntry(realType, reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadInt());
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public LargeMobileBulkEntry(LargeMobileBOD owner, SmallMobileBulkEntry details)
     m_Owner   = owner;
     m_Details = details;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public LargeMobileBODTarget(LargeMobileBOD deed) : base(18, false, TargetFlags.None)
     m_Deed = deed;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public LargeMobileBODAcceptGump(Mobile from, LargeMobileBOD deed) : base(50, 50)
            m_From = from;
            m_Deed = deed;


            LargeMobileBulkEntry[] entries = deed.Entries;


            AddBackground(25, 10, 430, 240 + (entries.Length * 24), 5054);

            AddImageTiled(33, 20, 413, 221 + (entries.Length * 24), 2624);
            AddAlphaRegion(33, 20, 413, 221 + (entries.Length * 24));

            AddImage(20, 5, 10460);
            AddImage(430, 5, 10460);
            AddImage(20, 225 + (entries.Length * 24), 10460);
            AddImage(430, 225 + (entries.Length * 24), 10460);

            AddHtmlLocalized(180, 25, 120, 20, 1045134, 0x7FFF, false, false); // A large bulk order

            AddHtmlLocalized(40, 48, 350, 20, 1045135, 0x7FFF, false, false);  // Ah!  Thanks for the goods!  Would you help me out?

            AddLabel(40, 72, 1152, @"Amount to tame:");                        // Amount to make:
            AddLabel(250, 72, 1152, deed.AmountMax.ToString());

            AddHtmlLocalized(40, 96, 120, 20, 1045137, 0x7FFF, false, false);               // Items requested:

            int y = 120;

            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i, y += 24)
                string s = entries[i].Details.AnimalName;

                int capsbreak = s.IndexOfAny("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray(), 1);

                if (capsbreak > -1)
                    string secondhalf = s.Substring(capsbreak);
                    string firsthalf  = s.Substring(0, capsbreak);

                    string newname = firsthalf + " " + secondhalf;

                    AddLabel(40, y, 1152, newname.ToString());
                    AddLabel(40, y, 1152, entries[i].Details.AnimalName.ToString());

            AddHtmlLocalized(40, 192 + (entries.Length * 24), 350, 20, 1045139, 0x7FFF, false, false);               // Do you want to accept this order?

            AddButton(100, 216 + (entries.Length * 24), 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(135, 216 + (entries.Length * 24), 120, 20, 1006044, 0x7FFF, false, false);               // Ok

            AddButton(275, 216 + (entries.Length * 24), 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(310, 216 + (entries.Length * 24), 120, 20, 1011012, 0x7FFF, false, false);               // CANCEL
		public LargeMobileBODGump( Mobile from, LargeMobileBOD deed ) : base( 25, 25 )
			m_From = from;
			m_Deed = deed;

			m_From.CloseGump( typeof( LargeMobileBODGump ) );
			m_From.CloseGump( typeof( SmallMobileBODGump ) );

			LargeMobileBulkEntry[] entries = deed.Entries;

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 50, 10, 455, 236 + (entries.Length * 24), 5054 );

			AddImageTiled( 58, 20, 438, 217 + (entries.Length * 24), 2624 );
			AddAlphaRegion( 58, 20, 438, 217 + (entries.Length * 24) );

			AddImage( 45, 5, 10460 );
			AddImage( 480, 5, 10460 );
			AddImage( 45, 221 + (entries.Length * 24), 10460 );
			AddImage( 480, 221 + (entries.Length * 24), 10460 );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 225, 25, 120, 20, 1045134, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // A large bulk order

			AddLabel( 75, 48, 0x480, @"Amount to tame:"); // Amount to make:
			AddLabel( 275, 48, 1152, deed.AmountMax.ToString() );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 75, 72, 120, 20, 1045137, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // Items requested:
			AddHtmlLocalized( 275, 76, 200, 20, 1045153, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // Amount finished:

			int y = 96;

			for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i )
				LargeMobileBulkEntry entry = entries[i];
				SmallMobileBulkEntry details = entry.Details;

				string s = details.AnimalName;

				int capsbreak = s.IndexOfAny("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray(),1);

				if( capsbreak > -1 )
					string secondhalf = s.Substring( capsbreak );
 					string firsthalf = s.Substring(0, capsbreak );

					string newname = firsthalf + " " + secondhalf;

					AddLabel( 75, y, 0x480, newname.ToString() );
					AddLabel( 275, y, 0x480, entry.Amount.ToString() );
					AddLabel( 75, y, 0x480, details.AnimalName.ToString() );
					AddLabel( 275, y, 0x480, entry.Amount.ToString() );

				y += 24;

			AddButton( 125, 168 + (entries.Length * 24), 4005, 4007, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 160, 168 + (entries.Length * 24), 300, 20, 1045155, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // Combine this deed with another deed.

			AddButton( 125, 192 + (entries.Length * 24), 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 160, 192 + (entries.Length * 24), 120, 20, 1011441, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // EXIT
		public LargeMobileBODAcceptGump( Mobile from, LargeMobileBOD deed ) : base( 50, 50 )
			m_From = from;
			m_Deed = deed;

			m_From.CloseGump( typeof( LargeMobileBODAcceptGump ) );
			m_From.CloseGump( typeof( SmallMobileBODAcceptGump ) );

			LargeMobileBulkEntry[] entries = deed.Entries;

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 25, 10, 430, 240 + (entries.Length * 24), 5054 );

			AddImageTiled( 33, 20, 413, 221 + (entries.Length * 24), 2624 );
			AddAlphaRegion( 33, 20, 413, 221 + (entries.Length * 24) );

			AddImage( 20, 5, 10460 );
			AddImage( 430, 5, 10460 );
			AddImage( 20, 225 + (entries.Length * 24), 10460 );
			AddImage( 430, 225 + (entries.Length * 24), 10460 );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 180, 25, 120, 20, 1045134, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // A large bulk order

			AddHtmlLocalized( 40, 48, 350, 20, 1045135, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // Ah!  Thanks for the goods!  Would you help me out?

			AddLabel( 40, 72, 1152, @"Amount to tame:"); // Amount to make:
			AddLabel( 250, 72, 1152, deed.AmountMax.ToString() );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 40, 96, 120, 20, 1045137, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // Items requested:

			int y = 120;

			for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i, y += 24 )
				string s = entries[i].Details.AnimalName;

				int capsbreak = s.IndexOfAny("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray(),1);

				if( capsbreak > -1 )
					string secondhalf = s.Substring( capsbreak );
 					string firsthalf = s.Substring(0, capsbreak );

					string newname = firsthalf + " " + secondhalf;

					AddLabel( 40, y, 1152, newname.ToString() );
					AddLabel( 40, y, 1152, entries[i].Details.AnimalName.ToString() );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 40, 192 + (entries.Length * 24), 350, 20, 1045139, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // Do you want to accept this order?

			AddButton( 100, 216 + (entries.Length * 24), 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 135, 216 + (entries.Length * 24), 120, 20, 1006044, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // Ok

			AddButton( 275, 216 + (entries.Length * 24), 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 310, 216 + (entries.Length * 24), 120, 20, 1011012, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // CANCEL
		public static LargeMobileBulkEntry[] ConvertEntries( LargeMobileBOD owner, SmallMobileBulkEntry[] small )
			LargeMobileBulkEntry[] large = new LargeMobileBulkEntry[small.Length];

			for ( int i = 0; i < small.Length; ++i )
				large[i] = new LargeMobileBulkEntry( owner, small[i] );

			return large;
		public LargeMobileBulkEntry( LargeMobileBOD owner, GenericReader reader )
			m_Owner = owner;
			m_Amount = reader.ReadInt();

			Type realType = null;

			string type = reader.ReadString();

			if ( type != null )
				realType = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByFullName( type );

			m_Details = new SmallMobileBulkEntry( realType, reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadInt() );
		public LargeMobileBulkEntry( LargeMobileBOD owner, SmallMobileBulkEntry details )
			m_Owner = owner;
			m_Details = details;
		public LargeMobileBODTarget( LargeMobileBOD deed ) : base( 18, false, TargetFlags.None )
			m_Deed = deed;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public LargeMobileBODGump(Mobile from, LargeMobileBOD deed) : base(25, 25)
            m_From = from;
            m_Deed = deed;


            LargeMobileBulkEntry[] entries = deed.Entries;


            AddBackground(50, 10, 455, 236 + (entries.Length * 24), 5054);

            AddImageTiled(58, 20, 438, 217 + (entries.Length * 24), 2624);
            AddAlphaRegion(58, 20, 438, 217 + (entries.Length * 24));

            AddImage(45, 5, 10460);
            AddImage(480, 5, 10460);
            AddImage(45, 221 + (entries.Length * 24), 10460);
            AddImage(480, 221 + (entries.Length * 24), 10460);

            AddHtmlLocalized(225, 25, 120, 20, 1045134, 0x7FFF, false, false); // A large bulk order

            AddLabel(75, 48, 0x480, @"Amount to tame:");                       // Amount to make:
            AddLabel(275, 48, 1152, deed.AmountMax.ToString());

            AddHtmlLocalized(75, 72, 120, 20, 1045137, 0x7FFF, false, false);               // Items requested:
            AddHtmlLocalized(275, 76, 200, 20, 1045153, 0x7FFF, false, false);              // Amount finished:

            int y = 96;

            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i)
                LargeMobileBulkEntry entry   = entries[i];
                SmallMobileBulkEntry details = entry.Details;

                string s = details.AnimalName;

                int capsbreak = s.IndexOfAny("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray(), 1);

                if (capsbreak > -1)
                    string secondhalf = s.Substring(capsbreak);
                    string firsthalf  = s.Substring(0, capsbreak);

                    string newname = firsthalf + " " + secondhalf;

                    AddLabel(75, y, 0x480, newname.ToString());
                    AddLabel(275, y, 0x480, entry.Amount.ToString());
                    AddLabel(75, y, 0x480, details.AnimalName.ToString());
                    AddLabel(275, y, 0x480, entry.Amount.ToString());

                y += 24;

            AddButton(125, 168 + (entries.Length * 24), 4005, 4007, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(160, 168 + (entries.Length * 24), 300, 20, 1045155, 0x7FFF, false, false);               // Combine this deed with another deed.

            AddButton(125, 192 + (entries.Length * 24), 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(160, 192 + (entries.Length * 24), 120, 20, 1011441, 0x7FFF, false, false);               // EXIT