protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            intVaidError = 0;
            if (!IsEmailValid(txtEmail.Text.ToString()))
                strErrorMessage += "<img src='image/warning.png' height='25px' width='25px' />&nbsp;&nbsp;E mail address is not valid.<br />";
            if (intMailAvail == 0)
                strErrorMessage += "<img src='image/warning.png' height='25px' width='25px' />&nbsp;&nbsp;E mail address does not exists.<br />";

            if (intVaidError == 0)
                    string serverPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationPath"].ToString() + "/Login.aspx";
                    DataTable dtCV = null;
                    ServeAtDoorstepService obj = new ServeAtDoorstepService();
                    if (sType == "cus")
                        dtCV = obj.ForgotPasswordCus(txtEmail.Text.Trim());
                    else if (sType == "ven")
                        dtCV = obj.ForgotPasswordVen(txtEmail.Text.Trim());
                    string sLoginName = "";
                    string sLoginPassword = "";
                    if (dtCV.Rows.Count>0)
                        sLoginName = dtCV.Rows[0][""].ToString();
                        sLoginPassword = dtCV.Rows[0][""].ToString();

                    ServeAtDoorstepData.SendMailDetails objMail = new ServeAtDoorstepData.SendMailDetails();
                    objMail.MailID = txtEmail.Text.Trim();
                    objMail.MailSubject = "Serve At Doorstep Password request";
                    objMail.MailContent = "<html><body><form id='form1' runat='server'><div>" +
                    "Dear " + sLoginName + ",<br /><br />As you request, your username and password is given below:<br><br>" +
                    "<b>UserName : "******"<br>Password : "******"</b>" +
                    "<br /><br />Now you can login with Serve At Doorstep<br />" +
                    "<a href='" + serverPath + "' runat='server' >" + serverPath + "</a>" +
                    "<br /><br />All the best,<br />Serve At Doorstep.</div></form></body></html>";


                    divMessage.InnerHtml = "Password sent to your " + txtEmail.Text + ".<br/><img src='image/Mail Reply.png' height='25px' width='25px' />&nbsp;Goto your inbox";
                    txtEmail.Text = "";
                catch (SqlException sqlEx)
                    divErrorMessage.InnerHtml = "<img src='image/warning.png' height='25px' width='25px' />&nbsp;" + sqlEx.Message.ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    divErrorMessage.InnerHtml = "<img src='image/warning.png' height='25px' width='25px' />&nbsp;" + ex.Message.ToString();
                divErrorMessage.InnerHtml = strErrorMessage;