Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// This is where you should call your service.
 /// Batch parameter contains the selected order IDs
 /// that should be processed in this service call.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void ExecuteForBatch(List <string> batch)
     BasicSamplesService.OrderBulkAction(new OrderBulkActionRequest
         OrderIDs = batch.Select(x => int.Parse(x, 10)).ToList()
                                         response =>
         SuccessCount = SuccessCount + batch.Count;
                                         options: new ServiceCallOptions
         BlockUI = false,
         OnError = response =>
             ErrorCount = ErrorCount + batch.Count;
         OnCleanup = ServiceCallCleanup
        protected override void OnDialogOpen()

            BasicSamplesService.OrdersByShipper(new OrdersByShipperRequest(), response =>
                areaChart = CreateAreaChart(new
                    element   = this.IdPrefix + "Chart",
                    resize    = true,
                    parseTime = false,
                    data      = response.Values,
                    xkey      = "Month",
                    ykeys     = response.ShipperKeys,
                    labels    = response.ShipperLabels,
                    hideHover = "auto"

            this.element.Closest(".ui-dialog").Bind("resize", delegate { Arrange(); });