Ejemplo n.º 1
		private void InitializeComponent()
			components = new Container();
			errorProvider = new ErrorProvider(components);
			gBoxOverloadCurrentProtection = new GroupBoxEx();
			panel4 = new Panel();
			rBtnOcpOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnOcpOn = new RadioButton();
			label5 = new Label();
			nudOcpTrim = new NumericUpDownEx();
			suffixOCPtrim = new Label();
			gBoxOutputPower = new GroupBoxEx();
			nudOutputPower = new NumericUpDownEx();
			suffixOutputPower = new Label();
			gBoxPowerAmplifier = new GroupBoxEx();
			cBoxPaRamp = new ComboBox();
			panel1 = new Panel();
			rBtnPaControlPa1Pa2 = new RadioButton();
			rBtnPaControlPa1 = new RadioButton();
			rBtnPaControlPa0 = new RadioButton();
			suffixPAramp = new Label();
			label3 = new Label();
			errorProvider.ContainerControl = this;
			gBoxOverloadCurrentProtection.Location = new Point(0xd9, 0x12b);
			gBoxOverloadCurrentProtection.Name = "gBoxOverloadCurrentProtection";
			gBoxOverloadCurrentProtection.Size = new Size(0x16c, 0x45);
			gBoxOverloadCurrentProtection.TabIndex = 2;
			gBoxOverloadCurrentProtection.TabStop = false;
			gBoxOverloadCurrentProtection.Text = "Overload current protection";
			gBoxOverloadCurrentProtection.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(control_MouseEnter);
			gBoxOverloadCurrentProtection.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(control_MouseLeave);
			panel4.AutoSize = true;
			panel4.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
			panel4.Location = new Point(0xc0, 0x13);
			panel4.Name = "panel4";
			panel4.Size = new Size(0x66, 20);
			panel4.TabIndex = 0;
			rBtnOcpOff.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnOcpOff.Location = new Point(0x36, 3);
			rBtnOcpOff.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnOcpOff.Name = "rBtnOcpOff";
			rBtnOcpOff.Size = new Size(0x2d, 0x11);
			rBtnOcpOff.TabIndex = 1;
			rBtnOcpOff.Text = "OFF";
			rBtnOcpOff.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnOcpOff.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnOcpOn_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnOcpOn.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnOcpOn.Checked = true;
			rBtnOcpOn.Location = new Point(3, 3);
			rBtnOcpOn.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnOcpOn.Name = "rBtnOcpOn";
			rBtnOcpOn.Size = new Size(0x29, 0x11);
			rBtnOcpOn.TabIndex = 0;
			rBtnOcpOn.TabStop = true;
			rBtnOcpOn.Text = "ON";
			rBtnOcpOn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnOcpOn.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnOcpOn_CheckedChanged);
			label5.AutoSize = true;
			label5.Location = new Point(6, 0x31);
			label5.Name = "label5";
			label5.Size = new Size(0x34, 13);
			label5.TabIndex = 1;
			label5.Text = "Trimming:";
			nudOcpTrim.Location = new Point(0xc0, 0x2d);
			int[] bits = new int[4];
			bits[0] = 120;
			nudOcpTrim.Maximum = new decimal(bits);
			int[] numArray2 = new int[4];
			numArray2[0] = 0x2d;
			nudOcpTrim.Minimum = new decimal(numArray2);
			nudOcpTrim.Name = "nudOcpTrim";
			nudOcpTrim.Size = new Size(0x7c, 20);
			nudOcpTrim.TabIndex = 2;
			nudOcpTrim.ThousandsSeparator = true;
			int[] numArray3 = new int[4];
			numArray3[0] = 100;
			nudOcpTrim.Value = new decimal(numArray3);
			nudOcpTrim.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(nudOcpTrim_ValueChanged);
			suffixOCPtrim.AutoSize = true;
			suffixOCPtrim.Location = new Point(0x142, 0x31);
			suffixOCPtrim.Name = "suffixOCPtrim";
			suffixOCPtrim.Size = new Size(0x16, 13);
			suffixOCPtrim.TabIndex = 3;
			suffixOCPtrim.Text = "mA";
			gBoxOutputPower.Location = new Point(0xd9, 0xf9);
			gBoxOutputPower.Name = "gBoxOutputPower";
			gBoxOutputPower.Size = new Size(0x16c, 0x2c);
			gBoxOutputPower.TabIndex = 1;
			gBoxOutputPower.TabStop = false;
			gBoxOutputPower.Text = "Output power";
			gBoxOutputPower.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(control_MouseEnter);
			gBoxOutputPower.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(control_MouseLeave);
			nudOutputPower.Location = new Point(0xc0, 0x13);
			int[] numArray4 = new int[4];
			numArray4[0] = 13;
			nudOutputPower.Maximum = new decimal(numArray4);
			int[] numArray5 = new int[4];
			numArray5[0] = 0x12;
			numArray5[3] = -2147483648;
			nudOutputPower.Minimum = new decimal(numArray5);
			nudOutputPower.Name = "nudOutputPower";
			nudOutputPower.Size = new Size(0x7c, 20);
			nudOutputPower.TabIndex = 0;
			nudOutputPower.ThousandsSeparator = true;
			int[] numArray6 = new int[4];
			numArray6[0] = 13;
			nudOutputPower.Value = new decimal(numArray6);
			nudOutputPower.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(nudOutputPower_ValueChanged);
			suffixOutputPower.AutoSize = true;
			suffixOutputPower.Location = new Point(0x142, 0x17);
			suffixOutputPower.Name = "suffixOutputPower";
			suffixOutputPower.Size = new Size(0x1c, 13);
			suffixOutputPower.TabIndex = 1;
			suffixOutputPower.Text = "dBm";
			gBoxPowerAmplifier.Location = new Point(0xd9, 0x7c);
			gBoxPowerAmplifier.Name = "gBoxPowerAmplifier";
			gBoxPowerAmplifier.Size = new Size(0x16c, 0x77);
			gBoxPowerAmplifier.TabIndex = 0;
			gBoxPowerAmplifier.TabStop = false;
			gBoxPowerAmplifier.Text = "Power Amplifier";
			gBoxPowerAmplifier.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(control_MouseEnter);
			gBoxPowerAmplifier.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(control_MouseLeave);
			cBoxPaRamp.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "3400", "2000", "1000", "500", "250", "125", "100", "62", "50", "40", "31", "25", "20", "15", "12", "10" });
			cBoxPaRamp.Location = new Point(0xc0, 0x5e);
			cBoxPaRamp.Name = "cBoxPaRamp";
			cBoxPaRamp.Size = new Size(0x7c, 0x15);
			cBoxPaRamp.TabIndex = 2;
			cBoxPaRamp.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cBoxPaRamp_SelectedIndexChanged);
			panel1.AutoSize = true;
			panel1.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
			panel1.Location = new Point(0x41, 0x13);
			panel1.Name = "panel1";
			panel1.Size = new Size(0xeb, 0x45);
			panel1.TabIndex = 0;
			rBtnPaControlPa1Pa2.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnPaControlPa1Pa2.Location = new Point(3, 0x31);
			rBtnPaControlPa1Pa2.Name = "rBtnPaControlPa1Pa2";
			rBtnPaControlPa1Pa2.Size = new Size(0xe5, 0x11);
			rBtnPaControlPa1Pa2.TabIndex = 2;
			rBtnPaControlPa1Pa2.Text = "PA1 + PA2 -> Transmits on pin PA_BOOST";
			rBtnPaControlPa1Pa2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnPaControlPa1Pa2.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnPaControl_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnPaControlPa1.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnPaControlPa1.Location = new Point(3, 0x1a);
			rBtnPaControlPa1.Name = "rBtnPaControlPa1";
			rBtnPaControlPa1.Size = new Size(0xc5, 0x11);
			rBtnPaControlPa1.TabIndex = 1;
			rBtnPaControlPa1.Text = "PA1 -> Transmits on pin PA_BOOST";
			rBtnPaControlPa1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnPaControlPa1.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnPaControl_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnPaControlPa0.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnPaControlPa0.Checked = true;
			rBtnPaControlPa0.Location = new Point(3, 3);
			rBtnPaControlPa0.Name = "rBtnPaControlPa0";
			rBtnPaControlPa0.Size = new Size(0xa5, 0x11);
			rBtnPaControlPa0.TabIndex = 0;
			rBtnPaControlPa0.TabStop = true;
			rBtnPaControlPa0.Text = "PA0 -> Transmits on pin RFIO";
			rBtnPaControlPa0.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnPaControlPa0.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnPaControl_CheckedChanged);
			suffixPAramp.AutoSize = true;
			suffixPAramp.Location = new Point(0x142, 0x62);
			suffixPAramp.Name = "suffixPAramp";
			suffixPAramp.Size = new Size(0x12, 13);
			suffixPAramp.TabIndex = 3;
			suffixPAramp.Text = "\x00b5s";
			label3.AutoSize = true;
			label3.Location = new Point(6, 0x62);
			label3.Name = "label3";
			label3.Size = new Size(50, 13);
			label3.TabIndex = 1;
			label3.Text = "PA ramp:";
			base.AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(6f, 13f);
			base.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
			base.Name = "TransmitterViewControl";
			base.Size = new Size(0x31f, 0x1ed);
Ejemplo n.º 2
		private void InitializeComponent()
			components = new Container();
			errorProvider = new ErrorProvider(components);
			label4 = new Label();
			lblAGC = new Label();
			panel3 = new Panel();
			rBtnLnaZin200 = new RadioButton();
			rBtnLnaZin50 = new RadioButton();
			panel4 = new Panel();
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn = new RadioButton();
			label7 = new Label();
			lblSensitivityBoost = new Label();
			pnlSensitivityBoost = new Panel();
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn = new RadioButton();
			gBoxLnaSensitivity = new GroupBoxEx();
			gBoxAgc = new GroupBoxEx();
			panel2 = new Panel();
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOn = new RadioButton();
			label5 = new Label();
			label8 = new Label();
			label24 = new Label();
			label25 = new Label();
			label26 = new Label();
			label27 = new Label();
			label28 = new Label();
			label1 = new Label();
			label2 = new Label();
			label3 = new Label();
			label29 = new Label();
			label30 = new Label();
			label31 = new Label();
			label32 = new Label();
			label33 = new Label();
			nudAgcStep5 = new NumericUpDown();
			nudAgcSnrMargin = new NumericUpDownEx();
			nudAgcStep4 = new NumericUpDown();
			nudAgcRefLevel = new NumericUpDownEx();
			nudAgcStep3 = new NumericUpDown();
			nudAgcStep1 = new NumericUpDown();
			nudAgcStep2 = new NumericUpDown();
			gBoxRssi = new GroupBoxEx();
			pnlRssiPhase = new Panel();
			rBtnRssiPhaseManual = new RadioButton();
			rBtnRssiPhaseAuto = new RadioButton();
			label23 = new Label();
			btnRestartRx = new Button();
			panel7 = new Panel();
			rBtnFastRxOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnFastRxOn = new RadioButton();
			label21 = new Label();
			btnRssiRead = new Button();
			label17 = new Label();
			label54 = new Label();
			label55 = new Label();
			label56 = new Label();
			lblRssiValue = new Label();
			nudRssiThresh = new NumericUpDownEx();
			ledRssiDone = new Led();
			panel1 = new Panel();
			rBtnRssiAutoThreshOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnRssiAutoThreshOn = new RadioButton();
			label6 = new Label();
			nudTimeoutRxStart = new NumericUpDownEx();
			label9 = new Label();
			label14 = new Label();
			label11 = new Label();
			label15 = new Label();
			nudTimeoutRssiThresh = new NumericUpDownEx();
			gBoxAfcFei = new GroupBoxEx();
			nudLowBetaAfcOffset = new NumericUpDownEx();
			lblLowBetaAfcOffset = new Label();
			lblAfcLowBeta = new Label();
			label19 = new Label();
			lblLowBetaAfcOfssetUnit = new Label();
			label20 = new Label();
			pnlAfcLowBeta = new Panel();
			rBtnAfcLowBetaOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnAfcLowBetaOn = new RadioButton();
			btnFeiRead = new Button();
			panel8 = new Panel();
			rBtnAfcAutoClearOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnAfcAutoClearOn = new RadioButton();
			ledFeiDone = new Led();
			panel9 = new Panel();
			rBtnAfcAutoOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnAfcAutoOn = new RadioButton();
			lblFeiValue = new Label();
			label12 = new Label();
			label18 = new Label();
			label10 = new Label();
			btnAfcClear = new Button();
			btnAfcStart = new Button();
			ledAfcDone = new Led();
			lblAfcValue = new Label();
			label22 = new Label();
			gBoxOok = new GroupBoxEx();
			cBoxOokThreshType = new ComboBox();
			lblOokType = new Label();
			lblOokStep = new Label();
			lblOokDec = new Label();
			lblOokCutoff = new Label();
			lblOokFixed = new Label();
			suffixOOKstep = new Label();
			suffixOOKfixed = new Label();
			nudOokPeakThreshStep = new NumericUpDownEx();
			nudOokFixedThresh = new NumericUpDownEx();
			cBoxOokPeakThreshDec = new ComboBox();
			cBoxOokAverageThreshFilt = new ComboBox();
			gBoxAfcBw = new GroupBoxEx();
			nudAfcDccFreq = new NumericUpDownEx();
			lblAfcDcc = new Label();
			lblAfcRxBw = new Label();
			suffixAFCDCC = new Label();
			suffixAFCRxBw = new Label();
			nudRxFilterBwAfc = new NumericUpDownEx();
			gBoxRxBw = new GroupBoxEx();
			nudDccFreq = new NumericUpDownEx();
			lblDcc = new Label();
			lblRxBw = new Label();
			suffixDCC = new Label();
			suffixRxBw = new Label();
			nudRxFilterBw = new NumericUpDownEx();
			gBoxLna = new GroupBoxEx();
			panel5 = new Panel();
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn = new RadioButton();
			label13 = new Label();
			label16 = new Label();
			lblAgcReference = new Label();
			label48 = new Label();
			label49 = new Label();
			label50 = new Label();
			label51 = new Label();
			label52 = new Label();
			lblLnaGain1 = new Label();
			label53 = new Label();
			panel6 = new Panel();
			rBtnLnaGain1 = new RadioButton();
			rBtnLnaGain2 = new RadioButton();
			rBtnLnaGain3 = new RadioButton();
			rBtnLnaGain4 = new RadioButton();
			rBtnLnaGain5 = new RadioButton();
			rBtnLnaGain6 = new RadioButton();
			lblLnaGain2 = new Label();
			lblLnaGain3 = new Label();
			lblLnaGain4 = new Label();
			lblLnaGain5 = new Label();
			lblLnaGain6 = new Label();
			lblAgcThresh1 = new Label();
			lblAgcThresh2 = new Label();
			lblAgcThresh3 = new Label();
			lblAgcThresh4 = new Label();
			lblAgcThresh5 = new Label();
			label47 = new Label();
			gBoxDagc = new GroupBoxEx();
			label34 = new Label();
			panel11 = new Panel();
			rBtnDagcOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnDagcOn = new RadioButton();
			errorProvider.ContainerControl = this;
			label4.AutoSize = true;
			label4.Location = new Point(11, 0x56);
			label4.Name = "label4";
			label4.Size = new Size(0x56, 13);
			label4.TabIndex = 6;
			label4.Text = "Mixer low-power:";
			lblAGC.AutoSize = true;
			lblAGC.Location = new Point(11, 30);
			lblAGC.Name = "lblAGC";
			lblAGC.Size = new Size(0x59, 13);
			lblAGC.TabIndex = 0;
			lblAGC.Text = "Input impedance:";
			panel3.AutoSize = true;
			panel3.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
			panel3.Location = new Point(0x6a, 0x13);
			panel3.Name = "panel3";
			panel3.Size = new Size(0x31, 0x22);
			panel3.TabIndex = 1;
			rBtnLnaZin200.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaZin200.Location = new Point(3, 0x11);
			rBtnLnaZin200.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnLnaZin200.Name = "rBtnLnaZin200";
			rBtnLnaZin200.Size = new Size(0x2b, 0x11);
			rBtnLnaZin200.TabIndex = 1;
			rBtnLnaZin200.Text = "200";
			rBtnLnaZin200.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnLnaZin200.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaZin_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnLnaZin50.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaZin50.Checked = true;
			rBtnLnaZin50.Location = new Point(3, 0);
			rBtnLnaZin50.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnLnaZin50.Name = "rBtnLnaZin50";
			rBtnLnaZin50.Size = new Size(0x25, 0x11);
			rBtnLnaZin50.TabIndex = 0;
			rBtnLnaZin50.TabStop = true;
			rBtnLnaZin50.Text = "50";
			rBtnLnaZin50.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnLnaZin50.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaZin_CheckedChanged);
			panel4.AutoSize = true;
			panel4.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
			panel4.Location = new Point(0x6a, 0x54);
			panel4.Name = "panel4";
			panel4.Size = new Size(0x5d, 0x11);
			panel4.TabIndex = 5;
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOff.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOff.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOff.Location = new Point(0x2d, 0);
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOff.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOff.Name = "rBtnLnaLowPowerOff";
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOff.Size = new Size(0x2d, 0x11);
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOff.TabIndex = 1;
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOff.Text = "OFF";
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOff.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false;
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOff.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaLowPower_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.Checked = true;
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.Location = new Point(3, 0);
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.Name = "rBtnLnaLowPowerOn";
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.Size = new Size(0x29, 0x11);
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.TabIndex = 0;
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.TabStop = true;
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.Text = "ON";
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false;
			rBtnLnaLowPowerOn.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaLowPower_CheckedChanged);
			label7.AutoSize = true;
			label7.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			label7.Location = new Point(0xa1, 30);
			label7.Name = "label7";
			label7.Size = new Size(0x20, 13);
			label7.TabIndex = 2;
			label7.Text = "ohms";
			lblSensitivityBoost.AutoSize = true;
			lblSensitivityBoost.Location = new Point(11, 0x3d);
			lblSensitivityBoost.Name = "lblSensitivityBoost";
			lblSensitivityBoost.Size = new Size(0x56, 13);
			lblSensitivityBoost.TabIndex = 3;
			lblSensitivityBoost.Text = "Sensitivity boost:";
			pnlSensitivityBoost.AutoSize = true;
			pnlSensitivityBoost.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
			pnlSensitivityBoost.Location = new Point(0x6a, 0x3b);
			pnlSensitivityBoost.Name = "pnlSensitivityBoost";
			pnlSensitivityBoost.Size = new Size(0x5d, 0x11);
			pnlSensitivityBoost.TabIndex = 4;
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOff.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOff.Location = new Point(0x2d, 0);
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOff.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOff.Name = "rBtnSensitivityBoostOff";
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOff.Size = new Size(0x2d, 0x11);
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOff.TabIndex = 1;
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOff.Text = "OFF";
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOff.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOff.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnSensitivityBoost_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn.Checked = true;
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn.Location = new Point(3, 0);
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn.Name = "rBtnSensitivityBoostOn";
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn.Size = new Size(0x29, 0x11);
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn.TabIndex = 0;
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn.TabStop = true;
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn.Text = "ON";
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnSensitivityBoostOn.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnSensitivityBoost_CheckedChanged);
			gBoxLnaSensitivity.Location = new Point(0x249, 3);
			gBoxLnaSensitivity.Name = "gBoxLnaSensitivity";
			gBoxLnaSensitivity.Size = new Size(0xd3, 0x70);
			gBoxLnaSensitivity.TabIndex = 5;
			gBoxLnaSensitivity.TabStop = false;
			gBoxLnaSensitivity.Text = "Lna sensitivity";
			gBoxLnaSensitivity.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(control_MouseLeave);
			gBoxLnaSensitivity.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(control_MouseEnter);
			gBoxAgc.Location = new Point(0x249, 0x79);
			gBoxAgc.Name = "gBoxAgc";
			gBoxAgc.Size = new Size(0xd3, 0xfb);
			gBoxAgc.TabIndex = 6;
			gBoxAgc.TabStop = false;
			gBoxAgc.Text = "AGC";
			gBoxAgc.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(control_MouseLeave);
			gBoxAgc.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(control_MouseEnter);
			panel2.AutoSize = true;
			panel2.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
			panel2.Location = new Point(110, 0x17);
			panel2.Name = "panel2";
			panel2.Size = new Size(0x33, 0x22);
			panel2.TabIndex = 1;
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOff.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOff.Location = new Point(3, 0x11);
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOff.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOff.Name = "rBtnAgcAutoRefOff";
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOff.Size = new Size(0x2d, 0x11);
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOff.TabIndex = 1;
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOff.Text = "OFF";
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOff.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOff.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnAgcAutoRef_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOn.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOn.Checked = true;
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOn.Location = new Point(3, 0);
			rBtnAgcAutoRefOn.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
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			int[] numArray32 = new int[4];
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			int[] numArray38 = new int[4];
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			int[] numArray41 = new int[4];
			numArray41[0] = 0xf42;
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			numArray42[0] = 0x28b1;
			nudRxFilterBw.Value = new decimal(numArray42);
			nudRxFilterBw.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(nudRxFilterBw_ValueChanged);
			gBoxLna.Location = new Point(3, 0x17a);
			gBoxLna.Name = "gBoxLna";
			gBoxLna.Size = new Size(0x319, 0x70);
			gBoxLna.TabIndex = 7;
			gBoxLna.TabStop = false;
			gBoxLna.Text = "Lna gain";
			gBoxLna.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(control_MouseLeave);
			gBoxLna.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(control_MouseEnter);
			panel5.AutoSize = true;
			panel5.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
			panel5.Location = new Point(0x36, 0x51);
			panel5.Name = "panel5";
			panel5.Size = new Size(0x77, 0x11);
			panel5.TabIndex = 0x15;
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOff.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOff.Location = new Point(0x38, 0);
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOff.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOff.Name = "rBtnLnaGainAutoOff";
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOff.Size = new Size(60, 0x11);
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOff.TabIndex = 1;
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOff.Text = "Manual";
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOff.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOff.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaGain_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn.Checked = true;
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn.Location = new Point(3, 0);
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn.Name = "rBtnLnaGainAutoOn";
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn.Size = new Size(0x2f, 0x11);
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn.TabIndex = 0;
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn.TabStop = true;
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn.Text = "Auto";
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnLnaGainAutoOn.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaGain_CheckedChanged);
			label13.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
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			label13.Size = new Size(0x2a, 13);
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			label13.Text = "AGC";
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			label16.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			label16.Location = new Point(0x13, 0x51);
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			label16.Name = "label16";
			label16.Size = new Size(0x20, 0x11);
			label16.TabIndex = 20;
			label16.Text = "Gain:";
			label16.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
			lblAgcReference.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			lblAgcReference.Location = new Point(110, 40);
			lblAgcReference.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
			lblAgcReference.Name = "lblAgcReference";
			lblAgcReference.Size = new Size(100, 13);
			lblAgcReference.TabIndex = 7;
			lblAgcReference.Text = "-80";
			lblAgcReference.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			label48.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			label48.Location = new Point(110, 0x18);
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			label48.TabIndex = 0;
			label48.Text = "Reference";
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			label49.Location = new Point(210, 0x18);
			label49.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
			label49.Name = "label49";
			label49.Size = new Size(100, 13);
			label49.TabIndex = 1;
			label49.Text = "Threshold 1";
			label49.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			label50.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			label50.Location = new Point(310, 0x18);
			label50.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
			label50.Name = "label50";
			label50.Size = new Size(100, 13);
			label50.TabIndex = 2;
			label50.Text = "Threshold 2";
			label50.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			label51.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			label51.Location = new Point(410, 0x18);
			label51.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
			label51.Name = "label51";
			label51.Size = new Size(100, 13);
			label51.TabIndex = 3;
			label51.Text = "Threshold 3";
			label51.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			label52.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			label52.Location = new Point(510, 0x18);
			label52.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
			label52.Name = "label52";
			label52.Size = new Size(100, 13);
			label52.TabIndex = 4;
			label52.Text = "Threshold 4";
			label52.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			lblLnaGain1.BackColor = Color.LightSteelBlue;
			lblLnaGain1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
			lblLnaGain1.Location = new Point(160, 0x38);
			lblLnaGain1.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
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			lblLnaGain1.Size = new Size(100, 20);
			lblLnaGain1.TabIndex = 14;
			lblLnaGain1.Text = "G1";
			lblLnaGain1.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			label53.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			label53.Location = new Point(610, 0x18);
			label53.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
			label53.Name = "label53";
			label53.Size = new Size(100, 13);
			label53.TabIndex = 5;
			label53.Text = "Threshold 5";
			label53.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			panel6.AutoSize = true;
			panel6.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
			panel6.Location = new Point(0xc9, 0x53);
			panel6.Name = "panel6";
			panel6.Size = new Size(0x209, 13);
			panel6.TabIndex = 0x16;
			rBtnLnaGain1.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaGain1.Checked = true;
			rBtnLnaGain1.Location = new Point(3, 0);
			rBtnLnaGain1.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnLnaGain1.Name = "rBtnLnaGain1";
			rBtnLnaGain1.Size = new Size(14, 13);
			rBtnLnaGain1.TabIndex = 0;
			rBtnLnaGain1.TabStop = true;
			rBtnLnaGain1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnLnaGain1.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaGain_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnLnaGain2.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaGain2.Location = new Point(0x66, 0);
			rBtnLnaGain2.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
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			rBtnLnaGain2.Size = new Size(14, 13);
			rBtnLnaGain2.TabIndex = 1;
			rBtnLnaGain2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnLnaGain2.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaGain_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnLnaGain3.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaGain3.Location = new Point(0xcb, 0);
			rBtnLnaGain3.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
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			rBtnLnaGain3.TabIndex = 2;
			rBtnLnaGain3.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnLnaGain3.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaGain_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnLnaGain4.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaGain4.Location = new Point(0x12f, 0);
			rBtnLnaGain4.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
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			rBtnLnaGain4.Size = new Size(14, 13);
			rBtnLnaGain4.TabIndex = 3;
			rBtnLnaGain4.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnLnaGain4.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaGain_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnLnaGain5.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaGain5.Location = new Point(0x194, 0);
			rBtnLnaGain5.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
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			rBtnLnaGain5.TabIndex = 4;
			rBtnLnaGain5.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnLnaGain5.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaGain_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnLnaGain6.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnLnaGain6.Location = new Point(0x1f8, 0);
			rBtnLnaGain6.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
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			rBtnLnaGain6.TabIndex = 5;
			rBtnLnaGain6.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnLnaGain6.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnLnaGain_CheckedChanged);
			lblLnaGain2.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			lblLnaGain2.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
			lblLnaGain2.Location = new Point(260, 0x38);
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			lblLnaGain3.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
			lblLnaGain3.Location = new Point(360, 0x38);
			lblLnaGain3.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
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			lblLnaGain4.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
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			lblLnaGain4.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
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			lblLnaGain5.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			lblLnaGain5.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
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			lblLnaGain6.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			lblLnaGain6.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
			lblLnaGain6.Location = new Point(660, 0x38);
			lblLnaGain6.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
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			lblLnaGain6.Size = new Size(100, 20);
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			lblLnaGain6.Text = "G6";
			lblLnaGain6.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			lblAgcThresh1.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			lblAgcThresh1.Location = new Point(210, 40);
			lblAgcThresh1.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
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			lblAgcThresh3.Location = new Point(410, 40);
			lblAgcThresh3.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
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			lblAgcThresh3.Size = new Size(100, 13);
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			lblAgcThresh3.Text = "0";
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			lblAgcThresh4.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			lblAgcThresh4.Location = new Point(510, 40);
			lblAgcThresh4.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
			lblAgcThresh4.Name = "lblAgcThresh4";
			lblAgcThresh4.Size = new Size(100, 13);
			lblAgcThresh4.TabIndex = 11;
			lblAgcThresh4.Text = "0";
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			lblAgcThresh5.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			lblAgcThresh5.Location = new Point(610, 40);
			lblAgcThresh5.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 3);
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			lblAgcThresh5.Size = new Size(100, 13);
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			label47.Text = "-> Pin [dBm]";
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			gBoxDagc.TabIndex = 5;
			gBoxDagc.TabStop = false;
			gBoxDagc.Text = "DAGC";
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			gBoxDagc.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(control_MouseEnter);
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			label34.TabIndex = 3;
			label34.Text = "DAGC:";
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			panel11.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
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			panel11.TabIndex = 4;
			rBtnDagcOff.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnDagcOff.Location = new Point(0x2d, 0);
			rBtnDagcOff.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnDagcOff.Name = "rBtnDagcOff";
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			rBtnDagcOff.TabIndex = 1;
			rBtnDagcOff.Text = "OFF";
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			rBtnDagcOff.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnDagc_CheckedChanged);
			rBtnDagcOn.AutoSize = true;
			rBtnDagcOn.Checked = true;
			rBtnDagcOn.Location = new Point(3, 0);
			rBtnDagcOn.Margin = new Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
			rBtnDagcOn.Name = "rBtnDagcOn";
			rBtnDagcOn.Size = new Size(0x29, 0x11);
			rBtnDagcOn.TabIndex = 0;
			rBtnDagcOn.TabStop = true;
			rBtnDagcOn.Text = "ON";
			rBtnDagcOn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
			rBtnDagcOn.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(rBtnDagc_CheckedChanged);
			base.AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(6f, 13f);
			base.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
			base.Name = "ReceiverViewControl";
			base.Size = new Size(0x31f, 0x1ed);
Ejemplo n.º 3
		private void InitializeComponent()
			components = new Container();
			errorProvider = new ErrorProvider(components);
			tBoxSyncValue = new MaskedTextBox();
			nudPreambleSize = new NumericUpDownEx();
			label12 = new Label();
			label1 = new Label();
			label6 = new Label();
			label8 = new Label();
			label2 = new Label();
			label18 = new Label();
			tBoxAesKey = new MaskedTextBox();
			label11 = new Label();
			label20 = new Label();
			label10 = new Label();
			label21 = new Label();
			label7 = new Label();
			label5 = new Label();
			label25 = new Label();
			label24 = new Label();
			label19 = new Label();
			lblInterPacketRxDelayUnit = new Label();
			cBoxEnterCondition = new ComboBox();
			label14 = new Label();
			cBoxExitCondition = new ComboBox();
			label15 = new Label();
			cBoxIntermediateMode = new ComboBox();
			label28 = new Label();
			label16 = new Label();
			label27 = new Label();
			label26 = new Label();
			pnlAesEncryption = new Panel();
			rBtnAesOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnAesOn = new RadioButton();
			pnlDcFree = new Panel();
			rBtnDcFreeWhitening = new RadioButton();
			rBtnDcFreeManchester = new RadioButton();
			rBtnDcFreeOff = new RadioButton();
			pnlAddressInPayload = new Panel();
			rBtnNodeAddressInPayloadNo = new RadioButton();
			rBtnNodeAddressInPayloadYes = new RadioButton();
			label17 = new Label();
			pnlFifoFillCondition = new Panel();
			rBtnFifoFillAlways = new RadioButton();
			rBtnFifoFillSyncAddress = new RadioButton();
			label4 = new Label();
			pnlSync = new Panel();
			rBtnSyncOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnSyncOn = new RadioButton();
			label3 = new Label();
			label9 = new Label();
			pnlCrcAutoClear = new Panel();
			rBtnCrcAutoClearOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnCrcAutoClearOn = new RadioButton();
			label23 = new Label();
			pnlCrcCalculation = new Panel();
			rBtnCrcOff = new RadioButton();
			rBtnCrcOn = new RadioButton();
			label22 = new Label();
			pnlTxStart = new Panel();
			rBtnTxStartFifoNotEmpty = new RadioButton();
			rBtnTxStartFifoLevel = new RadioButton();
			pnlAddressFiltering = new Panel();
			rBtnAddressFilteringNodeBroadcast = new RadioButton();
			rBtnAddressFilteringNode = new RadioButton();
			rBtnAddressFilteringOff = new RadioButton();
			lblNodeAddress = new Label();
			lblPayloadLength = new Label();
			lblBroadcastAddress = new Label();
			pnlPacketFormat = new Panel();
			rBtnPacketFormatFixed = new RadioButton();
			rBtnPacketFormatVariable = new RadioButton();
			tableLayoutPanel1 = new TableLayoutPanel();
			pnlPayloadLength = new Panel();
			nudPayloadLength = new NumericUpDownEx();
			nudSyncSize = new NumericUpDownEx();
			nudSyncTol = new NumericUpDownEx();
			pnlNodeAddress = new Panel();
			nudNodeAddress = new NumericUpDownEx();
			pnlBroadcastAddress = new Panel();
			nudBroadcastAddress = new NumericUpDownEx();
			tableLayoutPanel2 = new TableLayoutPanel();
			nudFifoThreshold = new NumericUpDownEx();
			cBoxInterPacketRxDelay = new ComboBox();
			gBoxDeviceStatus = new GroupBoxEx();
			lblOperatingMode = new Label();
			label37 = new Label();
			lblBitSynchroniser = new Label();
			lblDataMode = new Label();
			label38 = new Label();
			label39 = new Label();
			gBoxControl = new GroupBoxEx();
			tBoxPacketsNb = new TextBox();
			cBtnLog = new CheckBox();
			cBtnPacketHandlerStartStop = new CheckBox();
			lblPacketsNb = new Label();
			tBoxPacketsRepeatValue = new TextBox();
			lblPacketsRepeatValue = new Label();
			gBoxPacket = new GroupBoxEx();
			imgPacketMessage = new PayloadImg();
			gBoxMessage = new GroupBoxEx();
			tblPayloadMessage = new TableLayoutPanel();
			hexBoxPayload = new HexBox();
			label36 = new Label();
			label35 = new Label();
			tblPacket = new TableLayoutPanel();
			label29 = new Label();
			label30 = new Label();
			label31 = new Label();
			label32 = new Label();
			label33 = new Label();
			label34 = new Label();
			lblPacketPreamble = new Label();
			lblPayload = new Label();
			pnlPacketCrc = new Panel();
			ledPacketCrc = new Led();
			lblPacketCrc = new Label();
			pnlPacketAddr = new Panel();
			lblPacketAddr = new Label();
			lblPacketLength = new Label();
			lblPacketSyncValue = new Label();
			errorProvider.ContainerControl = this;
			tBoxSyncValue.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left;
			errorProvider.SetIconPadding(tBoxSyncValue, 6);
			tBoxSyncValue.InsertKeyMode = InsertKeyMode.Overwrite;
			tBoxSyncValue.Location = new Point(0xa3, 0x7a);
			tBoxSyncValue.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
			tBoxSyncValue.Mask = "&&-&&-&&-&&-&&-&&-&&-&&";
			tBoxSyncValue.Name = "tBoxSyncValue";
			tBoxSyncValue.Size = new Size(0x8f, 20);
			tBoxSyncValue.TabIndex = 14;
			tBoxSyncValue.Text = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA";
			tBoxSyncValue.MaskInputRejected += new MaskInputRejectedEventHandler(tBoxSyncValue_MaskInputRejected);
			tBoxSyncValue.TypeValidationCompleted += new TypeValidationEventHandler(tBoxSyncValue_TypeValidationCompleted);
			tBoxSyncValue.TextChanged += new EventHandler(tBoxSyncValue_TextChanged);
			tBoxSyncValue.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(tBoxSyncValue_KeyDown);
			tBoxSyncValue.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(control_MouseEnter);
			tBoxSyncValue.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(control_MouseLeave);
			tBoxSyncValue.Validated += new EventHandler(tBox_Validated);
			nudPreambleSize.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left;
			errorProvider.SetIconPadding(nudPreambleSize, 6);
			nudPreambleSize.Location = new Point(0xa3, 2);
			nudPreambleSize.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
			int[] bits = new int[4];
			bits[0] = 0xffff;
			nudPreambleSize.Maximum = new decimal(bits);
			nudPreambleSize.Name = "nudPreambleSize";
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