Ejemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Handle payments and object inventory swapping.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="purchasedItems"></param>
            public void HandlePurchases(List <object> purchasedItems)
                    Boolean okToShop = true;

                    if (purchasedItems.Count > 0 && okToShop)
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        sb.Append(CommonMethods.LocalizeString("ItemsPurchasedBySim", new object[] { base.Actor.Name }));

                        //Get the lot owner
                        Household ownerHousehold = CommonMethods.ReturnLotOwner(base.Target.LotCurrent);

                        int purchaseTotal  = 0;
                        int lotOwnerIncome = 0;

                        //Get Shop inventory
                        List <StorageInventory> storeInventory = CommonMethods.ReturnStorageInventory(base.Actor, base.Target.LotCurrent);

                        //Loop through the items that were purchased
                        foreach (GameObject item in purchasedItems)
                            StorageInventory si = storeInventory.Find(delegate(StorageInventory o) { return(o.ItemGuid == item.ObjectId); });

                            List <TreasureChest> tList = CommonMethods.ReturnTreasureChests(base.Actor, base.Target.LotCurrent);

                            int price       = 0;
                            int objectValue = (int)ReturnItemPrice(item);

                            if (si != null)
                                //Find the chest the object is in
                                TreasureChest tc = tList.Find(delegate(TreasureChest t) { return(t.ObjectId == si.StorageGuid); });

                                GameObject storageObject = null;

                                if (tc != null)
                                    storageObject = tc;

                                if (storageObject != null)
                                    //Did removing of the item succeed
                                    if (storageObject.Inventory.TryToRemove(item))
                                        //If the product was made by a sim who is not a member of the lot owner household
                                        //Give the maker, 50% of the value

                                        SimDescription productMaker = CommonMethods.ReturnCreaotrSimDescription(item);

                                        if (productMaker != null && !productMaker.IsDead)
                                            //Devide the earnings
                                            if (ownerHousehold != null)
                                                price           = objectValue / 2;
                                                lotOwnerIncome += price;
                                                price = objectValue;


                                            //If the owner of the pruduct is in a skill based career, and the item they sold is related to their job
                                            //Count it towards their job performance
                                            if (productMaker != null && productMaker.Occupation != null && productMaker.Occupation.IsSkillBased)
                                                //First check that the buyer and the product maker are not in the same household
                                                if (base.Actor.Household != productMaker.Household)
                                                    UpdateSkillBasedCareerEarning(productMaker, item, price);

                                            purchaseTotal += objectValue;
                                            //The item doesn't have an owner
                                            //Add 30% to the price, if not the active Household
                                            price = (int)objectValue; //(int)(objectValue * 1.3);

                                            purchaseTotal += price;

                                            //If the lot is owned by a sim
                                            if (ownerHousehold != null)
                                                lotOwnerIncome += price;

                                                //If the item was harvested, we assume it was planted by the owner or somebody in his household
                                                // lotOwner.ModifyFamilyFunds(price);

                                                //Collect all sims from the lot, and if their occupation is gardener,
                                                //devide the money earned from the purchase between them

                                                if (item.GetType() == typeof(Ingredient))
                                                    if (((Ingredient)item).CraftType == CraftType.Fruit)
                                                        List <Sim> gardnerSims = new List <Sim>();
                                                        foreach (Sim sim in ownerHousehold.Sims)
                                                            if (sim.SimDescription.YoungAdultOrAbove && sim.SimDescription.OccupationAsSkillBasedCareer != null)
                                                                if (sim.SimDescription.OccupationAsSkillBasedCareer.CareerName.Equals(OccupationNames.Gardener.ToString()))

                                                        if (gardnerSims != null && gardnerSims.Count > 0)
                                                            foreach (Sim sim in gardnerSims)
                                                                int simoleansEarned = (price / gardnerSims.Count) > 1 ? (price / gardnerSims.Count) : 1;
                                                                UpdateSkillBasedCareerEarning(sim.SimDescription, item, simoleansEarned);
                                        base.Actor.Inventory.TryToAdd(item, false);
                                        sb.Append(CommonMethods.LocalizeString("PurchasedItem", new object[] { item.CatalogName, price }));
                                        StyledNotification.Show(new StyledNotification.Format("Failed to remove " + item.CatalogName, StyledNotification.NotificationStyle.kGameMessagePositive));

                        if (purchaseTotal > 0)

                            sb.Append(CommonMethods.LocalizeString("PurchaseTotal", new object[] { purchaseTotal }));

                            //Give the money earned from the purchase to the owner of the lot
                            if (lotOwnerIncome > 0 && ownerHousehold != null)
                                sb.Append(CommonMethods.LocalizeString("LotOwnerEarned", new object[] { ownerHousehold.Name, lotOwnerIncome }));

                            //Show only if wanted
                            if (AddMenuItem.ReturnShowNotifications())
                                StyledNotification.Show(new StyledNotification.Format(sb.ToString(), StyledNotification.NotificationStyle.kGameMessagePositive));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    StyledNotification.Show(new StyledNotification.Format(ex.ToString(), StyledNotification.NotificationStyle.kGameMessagePositive));
Ejemplo n.º 2
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="obj"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static float ReturnItemPrice(GameObject obj)
                bool           isFood       = false;
                float          objectValue  = (float)obj.Value;
                SimDescription productMaker = CommonMethods.ReturnCreaotrSimDescription(obj);

                //Food has no value by default
                if (objectValue == 0)
                    ServingContainer pf = obj as ServingContainer;
                    if (pf != null)
                        //Set price depending on quality
                        //   StyledNotification.Show(new StyledNotification.Format(pf.Cost + " " + pf.FoodQuality, StyledNotification.NotificationStyle.kGameMessagePositive));
                        isFood = true;
                        switch (pf.FoodQuality)
                        case Quality.Foul:
                        case Quality.Horrifying:
                        case Quality.Bad:
                        case Quality.Putrid:
                            objectValue = AddMenuItem.ReturnFoodPriceBad();

                        case Quality.Nice:
                        case Quality.VeryNice:
                            objectValue = AddMenuItem.ReturnFoodPriceNice();

                        case Quality.Great:
                        case Quality.Outstanding:
                        case Quality.Excellent:
                            objectValue = AddMenuItem.ReturnFoodPriceGreat();

                        case Quality.Perfect:
                            objectValue = AddMenuItem.ReturnFoodPricePerfect();

                            objectValue = AddMenuItem.ReturnFoodPriceDefault();

                //If the product has no maker, multiply by 1.3
                float priceIncrease = objectValue * (1 + (float)AddMenuItem.ReturnProfitForNoneGrownGoods() / 100);

                if (productMaker == null && !isFood)
                    if (priceIncrease < (objectValue + 1))
                        objectValue += 1;
                        objectValue = priceIncrease;
                else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Ingredient))
                    objectValue *= (1 + (float)AddMenuItem.ReturnProfitForIngredients() / 100);
