Ejemplo n.º 1
        /*      public void updateheadingdirection(double _angle)
         *    {
         *        contentlayer.Children.Clear();
         *      // var axis = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);
         *     //   var angle = m_Heading;
         *      //  var matrix = device3D.Transform.Value;
         *      //  matrix.Rotate(new Quaternion(axis, angle));
         *      //  device3D.Transform = new MatrixTransform3D(matrix);
         *        contentlayer.Children.Add(device3D);
         *    }*/

        public Robot3D(String robotname, ModelVisual3D _contentlayer)
            robot3DInfo         = new Robot3DInfo();
            contentlayer        = _contentlayer;
            device3D            = new ModelVisual3D();
            robot3DInfo.version = GlobalVariables.getPathRobot3DModel();
            device3D.Content = Display3d(robot3DInfo.version);
            //device3D.Content =Display3d(robot3DInfo.modelPath);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void loadinform(String path)
                BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(new Uri(TEXT_PATHMAP, UriKind.Absolute));
                GlobalVariables.MAP_WIDTHPIXEL  = bi.PixelWidth;
                GlobalVariables.MAP_HEIGHTPIXEL = bi.PixelHeight;
                double largesize = bi.PixelWidth <= bi.PixelHeight ? bi.PixelWidth : bi.PixelHeight;     // select the small length of image
                //double largesize = 832;
                txt_gridwidth.Text         = "" + largesize;
                txt_gridlength.Text        = "" + largesize;
                txt_gridmajordistance.Text = "" + (largesize / 40.00).ToString("0.000");
                txt_gridminordistance.Text = "" + (largesize / 40.00).ToString("0.000");
                txt_borderX.Text           = "" + GlobalVariables.MAP_WIDTHPIXEL;
                txt_borderY.Text           = "" + GlobalVariables.MAP_HEIGHTPIXEL;

                GlobalVariables.GRIDLINE_WIDTH  = Convert.ToDouble(txt_borderX.Text);
                GlobalVariables.GRIDLINE_LENGTH = Convert.ToDouble(txt_borderY.Text);
                GlobalVariables.MEASUREMENT_UNITASQUARE_LENGTH = largesize / 40;
                GlobalVariables.MEASUREMENT_UNITASQUARE_METER  = Convert.ToDouble(txt_unitMeterPixel.Text) * GlobalVariables.MEASUREMENT_UNITASQUARE_LENGTH;

                txt_mappointX.Text = "" + GlobalVariables.MAP_WIDTHPIXEL;
                txt_mappointY.Text = "" + GlobalVariables.MAP_HEIGHTPIXEL;
                //     txt_asquared.Text = "" + GlobalVariables.MEASUREMENT_UNITASQUARE+" (m)";

                ModelImporter import = new ModelImporter();
                Model3D       device = import.Load(GlobalVariables.getPathRobot3DModel());

                double Sx = device.Bounds.SizeX / 100;   // size in cm  to m
                //MessageBox.Show("size X:" +Sx);
                double Sy = device.Bounds.SizeY / 100;
                double Sz = device.Bounds.SizeZ / 100;
                GlobalVariables.ROBOT_SCALED = GlobalVariables.ConvertMetertoUnitLength(Sx / 100) / Sx;

                String inform = "Detail information: \n";
                inform += "+Length of a square: " + GlobalVariables.MEASUREMENT_UNITASQUARE_LENGTH + "\n";
                inform += "+Length meter of a squared: " + GlobalVariables.MEASUREMENT_UNITASQUARE_METER + "\n";     /// số ô là 40 ,
                inform += "+ Robot size (m): " + Sx.ToString("0.00") + " // " + Sy.ToString("0.00") + " // " + Sz.ToString("0.00") + "\n";
                inform += "+ Scaled Robot: " + GlobalVariables.ROBOT_SCALED.ToString("0.00");
                TEXT_ROBOT_INFOMATION = inform;
                MessageBox.Show("Path is wrong");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public String findRobobt3Dmodel(String version)
     // add more list model 3d Robot