// -------------------- ¬¬MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM¬¬ -------------------- //

        // ----- MIN\MAX ----- //
        public static void FindMinMax(string[] data, string[][] allData, int contentSelection)
            //String min and max both are assigned the first value in data
            string minStringValue = data[0];
            string maxStringValue = data[0];

            //Int variables store the element number of min and max
            int minStringElement = 0;
            int maxStringElement = 0;

            //For statement runs through data - does a check - then assigns if check is true
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                if (data[i].CompareTo(minStringValue) < 0)
                    minStringElement = i;
                if (data[i].CompareTo(maxStringValue) > 0)
                    maxStringElement = i;

            //If statement checks whether 'month' option was selected
            if (contentSelection == 2)
                //If 'month' is selected The sorted numbers are changed back into their respective months using method in the 'SeismicData' class
                SeismicData.NumbersToMonths(data, allData[1]);

            //Once the min and max values are found a for loop prints out the entries

            //For loop for min value
            Console.Write("Minimum Value: ");
            for (int i = 0; i < allData.Length; i++)
                Console.Write("{0}, ", allData[i][minStringElement]);

            //For loop for max value
            Console.Write("Maximum Value: ");
            for (int i = 0; i < allData.Length; i++)
                Console.Write("{0}, ", allData[i][maxStringElement]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Menu method
        public static void Menu()
            //Variables for selection (need to be outside while loops)
            int    contentSelection = 0, analysisSelection = 0, sortingSelection = 0, searchingSelection = 0;
            string orderSelection = "";

            //Key variable used in searching
            string key = "";

            //Bools for while loop menus
            bool menuFlag1 = true;
            bool menuFlag2 = true;
            bool menuFlag3 = true;
            bool menuFlag4 = true;

            //Count variable for number of operations (space-time complexity)
            int count = 0;

            //While menu loop
            while (menuFlag1)
                    //Array analysis selection menu
                    Console.WriteLine("\nPlease select the content to be analysed:");
                    Console.WriteLine("1. Year");
                    Console.WriteLine("2. Month");
                    Console.WriteLine("3. Day");
                    Console.WriteLine("4. Time");
                    Console.WriteLine("5. Magnitude");
                    Console.WriteLine("6. Latitude");
                    Console.WriteLine("7. Longitude");
                    Console.WriteLine("8. Depth");
                    Console.WriteLine("9. Region");
                    Console.WriteLine("10. IRIS_ID");
                    Console.WriteLine("11. Timestamp");
                    Console.Write("Selection: ");
                    contentSelection = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                    //input validation to make sure selection is between 1 and 11
                    if (contentSelection < 1 || contentSelection > 11)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nYou have entered an incorrect choice, please try again...");
                        menuFlag1 = true;

                    //Analysis selection - How the user wants to analyse the content
                    Console.WriteLine("\nHow would you like to analyse the content?");
                    Console.WriteLine("1. Sort");
                    Console.WriteLine("2. Search");
                    Console.WriteLine("3. Minimum and Maximum Values");
                    Console.Write("Selection: ");
                    analysisSelection = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                    //input validation to make sure selection is between 1 and 3
                    if (analysisSelection < 1 || analysisSelection > 3)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nYou have entered an incorrect choice, please try again...");
                        menuFlag1 = true;

                    //stopping the loop
                    menuFlag1 = false;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nERROR: an exception was caught\nException: {0}", ex.Message);
                    menuFlag1 = true;

            //selectedContentArray is used so that original variables are not altered - This array stores the content the user wants to analyse
            string[] selectedContentArray = new string[1200];

            //This switch calls a method that selects the content the user wants to analyse from the 2D array in 'SeismicData' class
            //The content is then assigned to the temporary array 'selectedContentArray'
            switch (contentSelection)
            case 1:
                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected \"year\"");
                selectedContentArray = SeismicData.allYears;

            case 2:
                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected \"month\"");
                //Chosen content is cloned to another array so that it can be altered - the modified array is then cloned back into the appropriate column in the 2D array
                selectedContentArray = SeismicData.allMonths;
                SeismicData.MonthsToNumbers(selectedContentArray);              /* This method coverts the months to their respective/associated numbers */
                selectedContentArray          = SeismicData.allMonthsInNumbers; /* Chosen content is cloned to another array so that the original content is not altered */
                SeismicData.allSeismicData[1] = selectedContentArray;

            case 3:
                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected \"day\"");
                // Chosen content is cloned to another array so that it can be altered - the modified array is then cloned back into the appropriate column in the 2D array
                selectedContentArray = SeismicData.allDays;
                SeismicData.MakeStringSameLength(selectedContentArray, 2);     /* '2' is used because the max length of elements in 'alldays' is 2 */
                selectedContentArray          = SeismicData.modified;
                SeismicData.allSeismicData[2] = selectedContentArray;

            case 4:
                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected \"time\"");
                selectedContentArray = SeismicData.allTimes;

            case 5:
                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected \"magnitude\"");
                selectedContentArray = SeismicData.allMagnitudes;

            case 6:
                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected \"latitude\"");
                selectedContentArray = SeismicData.allLatitudes;

            case 7:
                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected \"longitude\"");
                selectedContentArray = SeismicData.allLongitudes;

            case 8:
                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected \"depth\"");
                // Chosen content is cloned to another array so that it can be altered - the modified array is then cloned back into the appropriate column in the 2D array
                selectedContentArray = SeismicData.allDepths;
                SeismicData.MakeStringSameLength(selectedContentArray, 7); /* '7' is used because the max length of elements in 'alldepths' is 7 */
                selectedContentArray          = SeismicData.modified;      /* 'SeismicData.modified' holds the modified array used in 'MakeStringSameLength' */
                SeismicData.allSeismicData[7] = selectedContentArray;

            case 9:
                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected \"region\"");
                selectedContentArray = SeismicData.allRegions;

            case 10:
                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected \"iris_id\"");
                selectedContentArray = SeismicData.allIRIS;

            case 11:
                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected \"timestamp\"");
                selectedContentArray = SeismicData.allTimestamps;

                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have entered an incorrect choice, please try again...");

            //SORTING - Individual Array
            //The sorting menu first allows the user to select the algorithm they want to sort with, then they individual array they want to sort
            if (analysisSelection == 1)
                //While menu loop
                while (menuFlag2)
                        //Sorting Slection
                        Console.WriteLine("\nPlease select your chosen sorting algorithm: ");
                        Console.WriteLine("1. Insertion Sort");
                        Console.WriteLine("2. Bubble Sort");
                        Console.WriteLine("3. Heap Sort");
                        Console.Write("Selection: ");
                        sortingSelection = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                        //input validation to make sure selection is between 1 and 3
                        if (sortingSelection < 1 || sortingSelection > 3)
                            Console.WriteLine("\nYou have entered an incorrect choice, please try again...");
                            menuFlag2 = true;

                        //stopping the loop
                        menuFlag2 = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nERROR: an exception was caught\nException: {0}", ex.Message);
                        menuFlag2 = true;

                //This switch statement calls the method containing the algorithm the user selected in the menu above
                switch (sortingSelection)
                case 1:
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected Insertion Sort");
                    DataAnalysis.InsertionSort(selectedContentArray, SeismicData.allSeismicData, ref count);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nWorst Case Time Complexity: O(N^2)\tSpace Complexity O(1)\tOperation Counter: {0}", count);

                case 2:
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected Bubble Sort");
                    DataAnalysis.BubbleSort(SeismicData.allSeismicData, selectedContentArray.Length, contentSelection - 1, ref count);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nWorst Case Time Complexity: O(N^2)\tSpace Complexity O(1)\tOperation Counter: {0}", count);

                case 3:
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected Heap Sort");
                    DataAnalysis.HeapSort(selectedContentArray, SeismicData.allSeismicData, contentSelection - 1, ref count);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nWorst Case Time Complexity: O(Nlogn)\tSpace Complexity O(1)\tOperation Counter: {0}", count);

                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou have entered an incorrect choice, please try again...\n");
                //If statement checks whether 'month' option was selected
                if (contentSelection == 2)
                    //If 'month' is selected The sorted numbers are changed back into their respective months using method in the 'SeismicData' class
                    SeismicData.NumbersToMonths(selectedContentArray, SeismicData.allSeismicData[1]);

                //Ascending or Descending order selection
                while (menuFlag3)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nWould you like to display the sorted content in ascending(a) or descending(d) order?");
                        Console.Write("Selection: ");
                        orderSelection = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

                        //Input validation to make sure only valid input is a or d
                        if (orderSelection != "a" && orderSelection != "d")
                            Console.WriteLine("\nYou have entered an incorrect choice, please try again...");
                            menuFlag3 = true;

                        //stopping the loop
                        menuFlag3 = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nERROR: an exception was caught\nException: {0}", ex.Message);
                        menuFlag3 = true;

                if (orderSelection == "a" || orderSelection == "ascending")
                else if (orderSelection == "d" || orderSelection == "descending")

            else if (analysisSelection == 2)
                while (menuFlag4)
                        //Searching algorithm menu
                        Console.WriteLine("\nWhat searching algorithm would you like to use?");
                        Console.WriteLine("1. Linear Search");
                        Console.WriteLine("2. Binary Search");
                        Console.Write("Selection: ");
                        searchingSelection = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                        //Input validation make sure that the only int able to select is 1
                        if (searchingSelection != 1 && searchingSelection != 2)
                            Console.WriteLine("\nYou have entered an incorrect choice, please try again...");
                            menuFlag4 = true;

                        //Key input
                        Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the key");
                        Console.Write("Selection: ");
                        key = (Console.ReadLine()).ToUpper();

                        //stopping the loop
                        menuFlag4 = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nERROR: an exception was caught\nException: {0}", ex.Message);
                        menuFlag4 = true;

                switch (searchingSelection)
                case 1:
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected Linear Search");
                    DataAnalysis.InsertionSort(selectedContentArray, SeismicData.allSeismicData, ref count);     /* The array needs to be sorted before the Binary Search can be ran */
                    Console.WriteLine("\nWorst Case Time Complexity: O(N)\tOperation Counter: {0}\n", count);
                    DataAnalysis.LinearSearch(selectedContentArray, SeismicData.allSeismicData, key, contentSelection, ref count);

                case 2:
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou have selected Binary Search");
                    DataAnalysis.InsertionSort(selectedContentArray, SeismicData.allSeismicData, ref count);     /* The array needs to be sorted before the Binary Search can be ran */
                    Console.WriteLine("\nWorst Case Time Complexity: O(Log(n))\tOperation Counter: {0}\n", count);
                    DataAnalysis.BinarySearchRecursive(selectedContentArray, SeismicData.allSeismicData, key, 0, selectedContentArray.Length, contentSelection, ref count);

                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou have entered an incorrect choice, please try again...");
            else if (analysisSelection == 3)
                DataAnalysis.FindMinMax(selectedContentArray, SeismicData.allSeismicData, contentSelection);
        // ----- Binary Search Recursive ----- //
        public static void BinarySearchRecursive(string[] data, string[][] allData, string key, int min, int max, int contentSelection, ref int count)
            //If statement checks whether Days has been selected - if so, Key is padded left to 2 so that searching the days array works correctly
            if (contentSelection == 3)
                key = key.PadLeft(2, '0');

            //If statement checks whether depth has been selected - if so, Key is padded left to 7 so that searching the days array works correctly
            if (contentSelection == 8)
                key = key.PadLeft(7, '0');

            //If statement checks whether month has been selection
            //The key is changed to a number and then all numbers are converted towards the end of the method
            if (contentSelection == 2)
                if (key == "JANUARY")
                    key = "01";
                if (key == "FEBRUARY")
                    key = "02";
                if (key == "MARCH")
                    key = "03";
                if (key == "APRIL")
                    key = "04";
                if (key == "MAY")
                    key = "05";
                if (key == "JUNE")
                    key = "06";
                if (key == "JULY")
                    key = "07";
                if (key == "AUGUST")
                    key = "08";
                if (key == "SEPTEMBER")
                    key = "09";
                if (key == "OCTOBER")
                    key = "10";
                if (key == "NOVEMBER")
                    key = "11";
                if (key == "DECEMBER")
                    key = "12";

            //Converting elements to Upper case to avoid error because of case
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                data[i] = data[i].ToUpper();

            if (min > max) /* if min > max the value is not present in the array */
                Console.WriteLine("Error: this value does not exist");
                int mid = (min + max) / 2;

                //operation increment

                if (key == data[mid])
                    //mid is assigned to each bound as a starting point
                    int lowerBound = mid, upperBound = mid;

                    //LowerBound for loop
                    //this for loop decrements down data until key is no longer found
                    for (int i = mid - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        //operation increment
                        if (data[i] == key)
                            lowerBound = i; /* once the bound is found it is assigned to a variable */

                    //UpperBound for loop
                    //this for loop increments up data until key is no longer found
                    for (int i = mid + 1; i < data.Length; i++)
                        //operation increment
                        if (data[i] == key)
                            upperBound = i; /* once the bound is found it is assigned to a variable */

                    //If statement checks whether 'month' option was selected
                    if (contentSelection == 2)
                        //If 'month' is selected The sorted numbers are changed back into their respective months using method in the 'SeismicData' class
                        SeismicData.NumbersToMonths(data, allData[1]);

                    //Once the upper and lower bounds are found all the data is printed
                    for (int i = lowerBound; i <= upperBound; i++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < allData.Length; x++)
                            Console.Write("{0}, ", allData[x][i]);
                else if (key.CompareTo(data[mid]) < 0)
                    BinarySearchRecursive(data, allData, key, min, mid - 1, contentSelection, ref count);
                    BinarySearchRecursive(data, allData, key, mid + 1, max, contentSelection, ref count);
        // -------------------- ¬¬SEARCHING ALGORITHMS¬¬ -------------------- //

        // ----- Linear Search ----- //
        public static void LinearSearch(string[] data, string[][] allData, string key, int contentSelection, ref int count)
            //Operation counter
            count = 0;

            //If statement checks whether Days has been selected - if so, Key is padded left to 2 so that searching the days array works correctly
            if (contentSelection == 3)
                key = key.PadLeft(2, '0');

            //If statement checks whether depth has been selected - if so, Key is padded left to 7 so that searching the days array works correctly
            if (contentSelection == 8)
                key = key.PadLeft(7, '0');

            //If statement checks whether month has been selection
            //The key is changed to a number and then all numbers are converted towards the end of the method
            if (contentSelection == 2)
                if (key == "JANUARY")
                    key = "01";
                if (key == "FEBRUARY")
                    key = "02";
                if (key == "MARCH")
                    key = "03";
                if (key == "APRIL")
                    key = "04";
                if (key == "MAY")
                    key = "05";
                if (key == "JUNE")
                    key = "06";
                if (key == "JULY")
                    key = "07";
                if (key == "AUGUST")
                    key = "08";
                if (key == "SEPTEMBER")
                    key = "09";
                if (key == "OCTOBER")
                    key = "10";
                if (key == "NOVEMBER")
                    key = "11";
                if (key == "DECEMBER")
                    key = "12";

            //Converting elements to Upper case to avoid error because of case
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                data[i] = data[i].ToUpper();

            //For loop increments through the length of the array
            for (int elementNum = 0; elementNum <= data.Length; elementNum++)
                //Key was not found
                //Once elementNum reaches the end of the array and hasn't found key it breaks out of for loop
                if (elementNum == data.Length)
                    Console.WriteLine("Key was not found");

                //Operation counter

                if (data[elementNum] == key)
                    //mid is assigned to each bound as a starting point
                    //No lowerBound loop is needed as linear search will always find the lowestbound first
                    int lowerBound = elementNum, upperBound = elementNum;

                    //UpperBound for loop
                    //this for loop increments up data until key is no longer found
                    for (int i = elementNum + 1; i < data.Length; i++)
                        //Operation counter

                        if (data[i] == key)
                            upperBound = i; /* once the bound is found it is assigned to a variable */

                    //If statement checks whether 'month' option was selected
                    if (contentSelection == 2)
                        //If 'month' is selected The sorted numbers are changed back into their respective months using method in the 'SeismicData' class
                        SeismicData.NumbersToMonths(data, allData[1]);

                    //Once the upper and lower bounds are found all the data is printed
                    for (int i = lowerBound; i <= upperBound; i++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < allData.Length; x++)
                            Console.Write("{0}, ", allData[x][i]);

                    //Once printing has finished break out of if statement