// Raised when the locator search completes
        private void AddressToLocationsCompleted(object sender, AddressToLocationsEventArgs args)
            if (args.Results == null || args.Results.Count < 1) // No results found
                IsSearching = false; // Reset busy state
                OnSearchCompleted(); // Raise completed event

            // check that coordinates returned by extent fields are valid
            AddressCandidate result = args.Results[0];
            double xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
            bool useExtentFields = UseExtentFields;
            if (UseExtentFields && getExtentFields(result, out xMin, out yMin, out xMax, out yMax)) 
                if (xMax <= xMin || yMax <= yMin)
                    // Extent fields are returning invalid coordinates.  Disable use of extent fields.
                    useExtentFields = false;

            // Check whether result extents will need to be reprojected using a geometry service
            SpatialReference locatorSRef = LocatorInfo.SpatialReference;
            bool needsGeometryServiceProjection = (useExtentFields &&
                ((locatorSRef != null && !locatorSRef.IsWebMercator() && !locatorSRef.IsGeographic())
                || (!_map.SpatialReference.IsWebMercator() && !_map.SpatialReference.IsGeographic())))
                || (!useExtentFields && _mapUnits == LengthUnits.UnitsDecimalDegrees);
            List<Graphic> graphicsToProject = new List<Graphic>();
            List<LocatorResultViewModel> geographicResults = new List<LocatorResultViewModel>();

            foreach (AddressCandidate candidate in args.Results)
                // Create the result ViewModel from the result returned from the service
                LocatorResultViewModel resultViewModel = new LocatorResultViewModel(candidate);

                // If extent fields are being used, initialize the extent on the service
                if (useExtentFields && getExtentFields(candidate, out xMin, out yMin, out xMax, out yMax))
                    Envelope extent = new Envelope(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);
                    if (LocatorInfo.SpatialReference != null)
                        extent.SpatialReference = locatorSRef;
                        if (!needsGeometryServiceProjection)
                            // No geometry service needed, so set extent directly

                            if (locatorSRef.IsWebMercator() && _map.SpatialReference.WKID == 4326)
                                extent = (new WebMercator()).ToGeographic(extent) as Envelope;
                            else if (locatorSRef.WKID == 4326 && _map.SpatialReference.IsWebMercator())
                                extent = (new WebMercator()).FromGeographic(extent) as Envelope;

                            resultViewModel.Extent = extent;
                            // Since results need to be reprojected, add them to collection to be projected
                            // once they've all been gone through
                            graphicsToProject.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = extent });
                        resultViewModel.Extent = extent;


                if (resultViewModel.Extent == null && !useExtentFields) 
                    // Initialize the result extent based on the specified extent width

                    if (_gotMapUnits) // check whether map units have been retrieved for the current search
                        if (!needsGeometryServiceProjection)
                        else if (_mapUnits != LengthUnits.UnitsDecimalDegrees)
                            graphicsToProject.Add(new Graphic() { Geometry = resultViewModel.Extent });
                            // results in a geographic coordinate system (units of decimal degrees) require
                            // special handling because an envelope around the result cannot be calculated
                            // in the result's spatial reference.

                        // map units are not yet known, so queue up the result to be added after map units are
                        // determined.
                else if (!needsGeometryServiceProjection)
                    // No projection needed, so the result can be added now

            if (!needsGeometryServiceProjection) // Check whether result extents need to be reprojected
                // No projection needed, so the operation is complete. 

                // Refresh paged collection to update pagination

                IsSearching = false; // Reset busy state
                OnSearchCompleted(); // Raise completed event
            else if (graphicsToProject.Count > 0)
                // result extents need to be reprojected
                if (_geometryService == null)
                    _geometryService = new GeometryService(GeometryServiceUrl);
                    _geometryService.ProjectCompleted += GeometryService_ProjectCompleted;

                _geometryService.ProjectAsync(graphicsToProject, _map.SpatialReference, _queuedResults);
                // result extents need to be created in a spatial reference that uses linear units (i.e.
                // projected coordinate system), then projected back into the current spatial reference.
 // Initializes the extent of a locator result based on the specified result extent width
 private void initializeResultExtent(LocatorResultViewModel result)
     double extentHeight = _extentWidthInMapUnits / 3;
     result.Extent = result.Candidate.Location.ToEnvelope(_extentWidthInMapUnits, extentHeight);