Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void UpdateFile()
            // to read original file
            StreamFeeder origFFeeder = new StreamFeeder(_origFilePath);
            TagParser    origFParser = new TagParser(origFFeeder);

            // to create merged file writer
            FileHelper.CheckPath(tempUpdFilePath, true);
            _writer = new StreamWriter(tempUpdFilePath);


            bool isCmtFound = false;
            bool isTagFound = false;
            bool isFmtFound = false;

            while (origFParser.Next())
                // add comments in header
                // add fmt-defs in header
                // add tags in header
                if (origFParser.TagID == Tags.HeaderEnd)
                    if (!isFmtFound && _headerNewFmts.Count > 0)
                        WriteToFile(string.Format("{0}>", TagDirectory.FmtDefsStart));
                    if (!isTagFound && _headerNewTags.Count > 0)
                        WriteToFile(string.Format("{0}>", TagDirectory.TagDefsStart));
                    if (_isFileCommentNew)
                        WriteToFile(string.Format("{0} {1}=\"{2}\" />", TagDirectory.FileCmtStart,
                                                  TagDirectory.AttrID, _origFileCommentID));

                // add comments in doc-info
                if (origFParser.TagID == Tags.DocInfoEnd && _headerComments.Count > 0 && !isCmtFound)
                    WriteToFile(string.Format("{0}>", TagDirectory.CmtsStart));
                    isCmtFound = true;
                if (origFParser.TagID == Tags.FileStart && _headerComments.Count > 0 && !isCmtFound)
                    WriteToFile(string.Format("{0}  {1}=\"{2}\">", TagDirectory.DocInfoStart, TagDirectory.AttrXmlNs, TagDirectory.AttrXmlNsValue));
                    WriteToFile(string.Format("{0}>", TagDirectory.CmtsStart));

                // add fmts in header
                if (origFParser.TagID == Tags.FmtDefsEnd && _headerNewFmts.Count > 0)
                    isFmtFound = true;

                // --- always write to file everything ---

                // add comments in doc-info
                if (origFParser.TagID == Tags.CmtsStart && _headerComments.Count > 0)
                    isCmtFound = true;
                // add tags in header
                if (origFParser.TagID == Tags.TagDefsStart && _headerNewTags.Count > 0)
                    isTagFound = true;


Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void DoMerge()
            string fileName      = "";
            bool   isTUFound     = false;
            bool   isNewTagFound = false;
            bool   anyVal        = false; // << to encrease performance
            int    tuNumber      = 0;
            int    tuCount       = 0;
            int    wordCount     = 0;

            _mergedFName       = new List <string>();
            _origFileCommentID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            // create perser for split info file
            _infoFFeeder = new StreamFeeder(_infoFilePath);
            _infoFParser = new TagParser(_infoFFeeder);

            // to create merged file writer
            FileHelper.CheckPath(tempWriteFilePath, true);
            _writer = new StreamWriter(tempWriteFilePath);

            // to read original file
            StreamFeeder origFFeeder = new StreamFeeder(_origFilePath);
            TagParser    origFParser = new TagParser(origFFeeder);

            // to read split files
            string       splitFName   = Path.GetFileName(_inFiles[0]);
            StreamFeeder splitFFeeder = new StreamFeeder(string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", _inFilesPath, splitFName));
            TagParser    splitFParser = new TagParser(splitFFeeder);

            _splitFFmts = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while (origFParser.Next())
                if (!origFParser.IsInTransUnit && !origFParser.IsInCmtDef)
                    // always write to file everything but trans-units and comments as exception

                    // read comment id in header (file level comments)
                    if (origFParser.IsInFileCmtClosed && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(origFParser.FileCmtIDAttr))
                        _origFileCommentID = origFParser.FileCmtIDAttr;

                    // read tag id in header
                    if (origFParser.TagID == Tags.TagStart && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(origFParser.TagIDAttr))

                    // read fmt-def id in header
                    if (origFParser.TagID == Tags.FmtDefStart && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(origFParser.FmtDefIDAttr))
                        int.TryParse(origFParser.FmtDefIDAttr, out _origFileFmtID);

                    // read fmt-defs written to merged file
                    if (origFParser.IsInFmtDef)
                        AddFmtDefOrigToDict(origFParser.FmtDefIDAttr, origFParser.ParsedText);
                else if (origFParser.TagID == Tags.TransUnitStart)
                    // check if current TU number >= number of all TUs in split file
                    if (tuCount == 0 || tuNumber >= tuCount)
                        // find next split file name
                        fileName  = getFileNameFromSplitInfo();
                        tuCount   = getTUCountFromSplitInfo();
                        wordCount = getWordCountFromSplitInfo();
                        tuNumber  = 0;

                        if (wordCount > 0)
                            splitFName = "";

                            // validate
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || !File.Exists(getInFilePath(fileName)))
                                throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format(Properties.StringResource.errSplitFileNotFound, fileName));
                            else if (getInFileHash(fileName) != _fileOrigHash)
                                throw new InvalidDataException(Properties.StringResource.errCanNotMerge);
                                // open new split file
                                splitFName = fileName;
                                splitFFeeder = new StreamFeeder(string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", _inFilesPath, splitFName));
                                splitFParser = new TagParser(splitFFeeder);
                                _splitFFmts  = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                                if (!_mergedFName.Contains(splitFName))

                    isTUFound     = false;
                    isNewTagFound = false;
                    if (splitFName.Length > 0)
                        while (splitFParser.Next())
                            // read trans-units
                            if (splitFParser.IsInTransUnit)
                                // write to file trans-units from split file

                                // read comment ids in body (segment level comments)
                                if (splitFParser.IsInMrkComm && splitFParser.TagID == Tags.MrkStart && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(splitFParser.MrkCommCIDAttr))

                                if (splitFParser.TagID == Tags.TransUnitEnd)
                                    isTUFound = true; break;
                            // read comments in doc-info
                            else if (splitFParser.IsInCmtDef && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(splitFParser.CmtDefIDAttr))
                                AddCommentToDict(splitFParser.CmtDefIDAttr, splitFParser.ParsedText, (splitFParser.TagID == Tags.CmtDefStart));

                            // read comment ids in header (file level comments)
                            else if (splitFParser.IsInFileCmtClosed && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(splitFParser.FileCmtIDAttr))

                            // read tags in header -- optimized
                            else if (splitFParser.IsInTag)
                                if (splitFParser.TagID == Tags.TagStart)
                                    if (_fileTagIDs.TryGetValue(splitFParser.TagIDAttr, out anyVal))
                                        isNewTagFound = false;
                                        isNewTagFound = true;
                                //else if (splitFParser.IsInTag && !_fileTagIDs.Contains(splitFParser.TagIDAttr))
                                if (isNewTagFound)
                                    string pText = splitFParser.ParsedText;
                                    if (splitFParser.IsInFmtClosed)
                                        // change format tag id
                                        pText = string.Format("{0} {1}=\"{2}\"/>", TagDirectory.FmtStart, TagDirectory.AttrID, FindFmtDef(splitFParser.FmtIDAttr));
                                    AddTagToDict(splitFParser.TagIDAttr, pText, (splitFParser.TagID == Tags.TagStart));
                                if (splitFParser.TagID == Tags.TagEnd)
                                    isNewTagFound = false;

                            // read fmt-defs in header
                            else if (splitFParser.IsInFmtDef && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(splitFParser.FmtDefIDAttr))
                                AddFmtDefToDict(splitFParser.FmtDefIDAttr, splitFParser.ParsedText);

                    if (!isTUFound)
                        throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format(Properties.StringResource.errTUNotFound,
                                                                     splitFName, tuNumber));


                    #region older version
                    //// get trans-unit id
                    //tuID = origFParser.TransUnitIDAttr;

                    //// find split file name for current trans-unit
                    //tuFileName = getFileNameFromSplitInfo(tuID);
                    //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuFileName) || !File.Exists(getInFilePath(tuFileName)))
                    //    throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Split file '{0}' not found.", tuFileName));
                    //else if (getInFileHash(tuFileName) != _fileOrigHash)
                    //    throw new InvalidDataException("Cannot merge files. Possible reasons: " +
                    //          "1 - Original file was modified after the split. 2 - Split files do not correspond the indicated original file.");
                    //    // create reader for new split file
                    //    if (!string.Equals(tuFileName, splitFName))
                    //    {
                    //        splitFName = tuFileName;
                    //        splitFParser.Dispose();
                    //        splitFFeeder = new StreamFeeder(string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", _inFilesPath, splitFName));
                    //        splitFParser = new TagParser(splitFName);

                    //        if (!_mergedFName.Contains(splitFName))
                    //            _mergedFName.Add(splitFName);
                    //    }

                    //    // find trans-unit with current id
                    //    // write the whole trans-unit to merged file
                    //    isTUFound = false;
                    //    fileReads = 0;
                    //    while (!isTUFound && fileReads < 2)
                    //    {
                    //        while (splitFParser.Next())
                    //        {
                    //            // read trans-units
                    //            if (splitFParser.IsInTransUnit && splitFParser.TransUnitIDAttr == tuID)
                    //            {
                    //                // write to file trans-units from split file
                    //                WriteToFile(splitFParser.ParsedText);

                    //                // read comment ids in body (segment level comments)
                    //                if (splitFParser.IsInMrkComm && splitFParser.TagID == Tags.MrkStart && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(splitFParser.MrkCommCIDAttr))
                    //                    AddCommentIDToList(splitFParser.MrkCommCIDAttr);

                    //                if (splitFParser.TagID == Tags.TransUnitEnd)
                    //                { isTUFound = true; break; }
                    //            }
                    //            // read comments in doc-info
                    //            else if (splitFParser.IsInCmtDef && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(splitFParser.CmtDefIDAttr))
                    //                AddCommentToDict(splitFParser.CmtDefIDAttr, splitFParser.ParsedText, (splitFParser.TagID == Tags.CmtDefStart));

                    //            // read comment ids in header (file level comments)
                    //            else if (splitFParser.IsInFileCmtClosed && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(splitFParser.FileCmtIDAttr))
                    //                AddHdrCommentIDToList(splitFParser.FileCmtIDAttr);
                    //        }

                    //        if (!isTUFound)
                    //        {
                    //            // start reading this file again
                    //            fileReads++;
                    //            splitFParser = new TagParser(splitFFeeder);
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    //    // if trans-unit not found - throw ex
                    //    if (!isTUFound)
                    //        throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Trans-unit '{0}' not found in file '{1}'.", tuID, splitFName));

                // report current operation progress



Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void SetWordsCount(int partsNumber)
            int wordsInFile = 0;
            //int segIDNum = 0;
            string mrkID = "";
            string segID = "";

            // Words Count dictionary for every segment
            Dictionary <string, int> segmentCountWords = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            StreamFeeder feeder     = new StreamFeeder(_fPath);
            TagParser    tagParser  = new TagParser(feeder);
            bool         isMrkFound = false;

            while (tagParser.Next())
                // look for text in body only
                if (tagParser.IsInBody)
                    // if TEXT found -- count segment words and save in dictionary
                    if (!tagParser.IsTag)
                        if (tagParser.IsInMrkText && tagParser.IsInSegSource && tagParser.isUnitTranslatable)
                            mrkID = tagParser.MrkMIDAttr;
                            if (mrkID.Length > 0)
                                AddCountToDict(mrkID, TextHelper.GetWordsCount(tagParser.ParsedText, tagParser.SourceLangAttr), ref segmentCountWords);

                            isMrkFound = true;
                        // get info about segments, count words in group
                        // that satisfy the conditions
                        if (tagParser.TagID == Tags.SegStart)
                            segID = tagParser.ParsedText.AttributeValue(TagDirectory.AttrID) ?? "";
                            if (segID.Length > 0)
                                if (isGroupWordsCountable(tagParser.ParsedText.AttributeValue(TagDirectory.AttrSegConf),
                                    if (segmentCountWords.ContainsKey(segID))
                                        wordsInFile += segmentCountWords[segID];

                        // clear the Words Count dictionary for every segment
                        else if (tagParser.TagID == Tags.SegDefsEnd)
                            segmentCountWords = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                // report current operation progress
                ProgressSplit(tagParser.Progress(), 1);

            // file is not pre-processed
            if (!isMrkFound)
                throw new InvalidDataException(Properties.StringResource.errFileUnexpectedStructure);

            // calculate number of words for a file
            _wordsMax = wordsInFile / partsNumber;
            if (wordsInFile % partsNumber > 0)
                _wordsMax += 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// isLastFileEmpty - if true - we delete last file and update previous,
        /// if false - we update last file as usual
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isLastFileEmpty"></param>
        private void UpdateFile(bool isLastFileEmpty)
            bool anyVal = false; // << to encrease performance
            Dictionary <string, bool> addedTags = new Dictionary <string, bool>();

            if (isLastFileEmpty)

            // to read split file
            StreamFeeder splitFFeeder = new StreamFeeder(currFileOut);
            TagParser    splitFParser = new TagParser(splitFFeeder);

            // to create split file writer
            FileHelper.CheckPath(tempUpdFilePath, true);
            _writer = new StreamWriter(tempUpdFilePath);

            while (splitFParser.Next())
                // read all TUs from last file and write to previous
                if (isLastFileEmpty && splitFParser.TagID == Tags.BodyEnd)

                    StreamFeeder lastFFeeder = new StreamFeeder(currFileOut);
                    TagParser    lastFParser = new TagParser(lastFFeeder);

                    while (lastFParser.Next())
                        if (lastFParser.IsInBody && lastFParser.TagID != Tags.BodyStart && lastFParser.TagID != Tags.BodyEnd)

                    // delete last file
                    if (isLastFileEmpty)

                // always write to file everything

                // add tags in tag_defs
                if (splitFParser.TagID == Tags.TagDefsStart)
                    addedTags = new Dictionary <string, bool>();

                    // find tags that need to be written
                    // write tag text to file
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> tag in _headerTags)
                        bool isTagToWrite = true;
                        if (_headerTagSubs != null && _headerTagSubs.ContainsKey(tag.Key))
                            string[] tagTUs = _headerTagSubs[tag.Key].Split('|');
                            foreach (string tagTU in tagTUs)
                                if (_splitFileTUs.TryGetValue(tagTU, out anyVal))
                                    isTagToWrite = false; break;

                        if (isTagToWrite)
                            if (!isLastFileEmpty)
                                addedTags.Add(tag.Key, false);
                            else if (_prevFileTags != null && _prevFileTags.TryGetValue(tag.Key, out anyVal))
                                addedTags.Add(tag.Key, false);

            // restore the list of tags added to file
            _prevFileTags = addedTags;


Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void DoSplit()
            int    countWords = 0;
            string mrkID      = "";
            bool   isStart    = true;

            string segID;
            // int segIDNum;
            string segToSplit = "";

            // Words Count dictionary for every segment
            Dictionary <string, int> segmentCountWords = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            List <string>            xTagTUs           = new List <string>();

            _splitFileTUs = new Dictionary <string, bool>();

            // generate file hash string
            _fileHash = FileHelper.SHA1HashFile(_fPath);

            // Init writer
            _outFCount = 1;
            FileHelper.CheckPath(currFileOut, true);
            FileHelper.CheckPath(_outPath, true);
            _writer     = new StreamWriter(currFileOut);
            _infoWriter = new SplitInfoWriter(_fPath, _fileHash, _outPath);

            StreamFeeder feeder        = new StreamFeeder(_fPath);
            TagParser    tagParser     = new TagParser(feeder);
            bool         isFileCorrupt = false;
            bool         isFileEmpty   = true;
            bool         isMrkFound    = false;

            while (tagParser.Next() && !isFileCorrupt)
                #region BODY LOGIC
                if (tagParser.IsInBody)
                    // if TEXT found -- count segment words and save in dictionary
                    if (!tagParser.IsTag)
                        if (tagParser.IsInMrkText && tagParser.IsInSegSource && tagParser.isUnitTranslatable)
                            mrkID = tagParser.MrkMIDAttr;
                            if (mrkID.Length > 0)
                                // AddCountToDict(mrkID, TextHelper.GetWordsCountEng(tagParser.ParsedText), ref segmentCountWords);
                                AddCountToDict(mrkID, TextHelper.GetWordsCount(tagParser.ParsedText, tagParser.SourceLangAttr), ref segmentCountWords);

                            isMrkFound = true;

                    // if TAG found
                        // get info about segments, count words in group
                        // that satisfy the conditions
                        if (tagParser.TagID == Tags.SegStart)
                            segID = tagParser.ParsedText.AttributeValue(TagDirectory.AttrID) ?? "";
                            if (segID.Length > 0)
                                if (_options.Criterion == SplitOptions.SplitType.SegmentNumbers)
                                    SetSegToSplit(segID, ref segToSplit);
                                if (isGroupWordsCountable(tagParser.ParsedText.AttributeValue(TagDirectory.AttrSegConf),
                                    if (segmentCountWords.ContainsKey(segID))
                                        countWords += segmentCountWords[segID];

                        // clear the Words Count dictionary for every segment
                        else if (tagParser.TagID == Tags.SegDefsEnd)
                            segmentCountWords = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                        // we are at groups edge - check for words count >= max words count
                        // to start new file
                        else if ((tagParser.TagID == Tags.GroupStart || tagParser.TagID == Tags.TransUnitStart) && tagParser.isBodyParent)
                            if (xTagTUs.Count == 0 || xTagTUs.Intersect(_splitFileTUs.Keys).Count() == xTagTUs.Count)
                                if ((_options.Criterion == SplitOptions.SplitType.SegmentNumbers && segToSplit.Length > 0 && !_segmentIDsFound.Contains(segToSplit)) ||
                                    (_options.Criterion != SplitOptions.SplitType.SegmentNumbers && countWords >= _wordsMax))
                                    // write to split info file

                                    countWords = 0;
                                    segToSplit = "";

                                    // clear TUs log lists
                                    _splitFileTUs = new Dictionary <string, bool>();
                                    xTagTUs       = new List <string>();

                        // get trans-unit ids in <x> tag
                        else if (tagParser.TagID == Tags.XStart && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagParser.XTagXIDAttr))
                            string[] xTUs = tagParser.XTagXIDAttr.Split(' ');
                            foreach (string xTU in xTUs)
                                if (!xTagTUs.Contains(xTU))

                        // get any trans-unit id and write it to splitinfo file & list of trans-units of one split file
                        if (tagParser.TagID == Tags.TransUnitStart)
                            if (!_splitFileTUs.ContainsKey(tagParser.TransUnitIDAttr))
                                _splitFileTUs.Add(tagParser.TransUnitIDAttr, false);

                    isFileEmpty = false;

                #region HEADER LOGIC (<tag id=""...> optimization only)
                else if (tagParser.IsInHeader)
                    // we are handling tags separately
                    if (tagParser.IsInTag)
                        AddTagToDict(tagParser.TagIDAttr, tagParser.ParsedText, (tagParser.TagID == Tags.TagStart));
                        if (tagParser.TagID == Tags.TagSubStart && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagParser.TagSubXIDAttr))
                            AddTagSubToDict(tagParser.TagIDAttr, tagParser.TagSubXIDAttr);
                    // just write header to write it to all the split files
                    if (!tagParser.IsInReference)

                #region DOCINFO LOGIC
                else if (tagParser.IsInDocInfo)

                #region OTHER
                    if (tagParser.TagID == Tags.FileStart)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_fileTag))
                            isFileCorrupt = true;
                        _fileTag = tagParser.ParsedText;
                    else if (tagParser.TagID == Tags.XliffStart)
                        _xliffTag = tagParser.ParsedText;

                    // XML Declaration
                    else if (isStart)
                        _xliffDeclar = tagParser.ParsedText;
                        isStart      = false;

                // if not <tag> tag - always write to file
                // if not reference - optimized split files
                if (!tagParser.IsInTag && !tagParser.IsInReference)

                // report current operation progress
                ProgressSplit(tagParser.Progress(), 2);


            // write to split info file
            _infoWriter.CloseWrite(_outFCount.HasValue ? _outFCount.Value : 0);

            // validate file (throws exception)
            this.ValidateFileAfterParsing(isFileCorrupt, isMrkFound, isFileEmpty);

            // last file is empty
            if (countWords == 0)
            // read & write split file again to add tags into <tag_defs>
            else if (_headerTags.Count > 0)