public static void GetAuditPolicy()
            IntPtr handle;

            // Null name gets local machine
            string name = null;

            // Get handle to local policies, returns zero on success
            if (WinAPI.LsaOpenPolicy(ref name, ref objAttrib, 2, out handle) != 0)

            IntPtr buffer;

            // Query for event audit policy details
            if (WinAPI.LsaQueryInformationPolicy(handle, POLICY_INFORMATION_CLASS.PolicyAuditEventsInformation, out buffer) != 0)
                // Query failed, close policy handle


            // Get event info from pointer to structure
            POLICY_AUDIT_EVENTS_INFO auditPolicyInfo = Marshal.PtrToStructure <POLICY_AUDIT_EVENTS_INFO>(buffer);

            // Create array with length of returned length of audit events
            POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT[] auditEventInfo = new POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT[auditPolicyInfo.MaximumAuditEventCount];

            // Store modifiable pointer to array
            IntPtr elementPtr = auditPolicyInfo.EventAuditingOptions;

            // For every event in array
            for (int i = 0; i < auditEventInfo.Length; i++)
                // Get integer from pointer, and convert to type enum
                auditEventInfo[i] = (POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT)Marshal.PtrToStructure <int>(elementPtr);

                // Add size of integer to pointer to get next integer in array
                elementPtr += sizeof(int);

                // Get header of current audit type
                string header = AuditHeaders[(POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE)i];

                // Store audit info with header
                Settings.LocalPolicies.AuditPolicy.HeaderSettingPairs[header] = auditEventInfo[i];

            // Close handle and free memory
        public static void GetUserRightsAssignment()
            IntPtr handle;

            // Null name gets local machine
            string name = null;

            // Permissions necessary to enumerate accounts
            const uint POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES           = 0x00000800;
            const uint POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION = 0x00000001;

            // Get handle to local policies, returns zero on success
            if (WinAPI.LsaOpenPolicy(ref name, ref objAttrib, POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, out handle) != 0)
                return;                                                                                                                      //987135
            // For each scored definition, retrieve details for them
            foreach (UserRightsDefinition definition in SectionUserRights.UserRightsDefinitions)
                // Get unicode string from constant name
                LSA_UNICODE_STRING privileges = new LSA_UNICODE_STRING(definition.ConstantName);

                // Create managed "pointer" to string as function takes pointer to unicode string
                LSA_UNICODE_STRING[] pointer = new LSA_UNICODE_STRING[1];
                pointer[0] = privileges;

                const uint STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES = 0x8000001a;

                IntPtr buffer;
                int    count;
                uint   ret = WinAPI.LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight(handle, pointer, out buffer, out count);

                List <SecurityIdentifier> identifiers = new List <SecurityIdentifier>();

                // Returns 0 on success
                if (ret == 0)
                    IntPtr current = buffer;
                    // For every index of identifiers
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        // Get information from pointer
                        LSA_ENUMERATION_INFORMATION identifierInfo = Marshal.PtrToStructure <LSA_ENUMERATION_INFORMATION>(current);

                        // Get SID from information
                        SecurityIdentifier identifier = new SecurityIdentifier(identifierInfo.PSid);

                        // Add identifier to list

                        // Add size of object to pointer to get next element of unmanaged array
                        current += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LSA_ENUMERATION_INFORMATION));

                    // Free memory
                // If this value is returned, there are no users with the specified privilege.
                // If this is not the value returned, it's some other issue. Just skip
                else if (ret != STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES)

                if (Settings.LocalPolicies.UserRightsAssignment.UserRightsSetting.ContainsKey(definition.ConstantName))
                    Settings.LocalPolicies.UserRightsAssignment.UserRightsSetting[definition.ConstantName] = identifiers;
                    Settings.LocalPolicies.UserRightsAssignment.UserRightsSetting.Add(definition.ConstantName, identifiers);

            // Close handle