Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void scintillaControl_InsertCheck(object sender, InsertCheckEventArgs e)
            if ((e.Text.EndsWith("\r") || e.Text.EndsWith("\n")))
                //var curLine = scintilla1.LineFromPosition(e.Position);
                //var curLineText = scintilla1.Lines[curLine].Text;

                //var indent = Regex.Match(curLineText, @"^\s*");
                //e.Text += indent.Value; // Add indent following "\r\n"

                // Current line end with bracket?
                //if (Regex.IsMatch(curLineText, @"{\s*$"))
                //    e.Text += '\t'; // Add tab

                int indent = _scintillaControl.zGetLineIndent(_scintillaControl.zGetCurrentLineNumber());
                int position = _scintillaControl.CurrentPosition - 1;
                if (position >= 0)
                    char c = (char)_scintillaControl.GetCharAt(position);
                    if (c == '{')
                        indent += _tabWidth;
                e.Text += new string(' ', indent); // Add indent following "\r\n"
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// On insert text event, auto format the text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void HandleInsertCheck(object s, InsertCheckEventArgs e)
            // do not insert text when
            // the Ctrl key is pressed
            if (DisableEditing)
                e.Text = string.Empty;

            // auto indent
            if (e.Text.EndsWith("\n"))
                // get text of line above
                var text = Lines[LineFromPosition(CurrentPosition)].Text;
                // insert indent of line above
                e.Text += Regex.Match(text, @"^[ \t]*").Value;
                // if line above ends with '{' insert indent
                if (Regex.IsMatch(text, @"{\s*$"))
                    e.Text += '\t';
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// On insert text event, auto format the text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void HandleInsertCheck(object s, InsertCheckEventArgs e)
            // do not insert text when
            // the Ctrl key is pressed
            if (DisableEditing)
                e.Text = string.Empty;

            // auto indent
            if (e.Text.EndsWith("\n"))
                // get text of line above
                var text = Lines[LineFromPosition(CurrentPosition)].Text;
                // insert indent of line above
                e.Text += Regex.Match(text, @"^[ \t]*").Value;
                // if line above ends with '{' insert indent
                if (Regex.IsMatch(text, @"{\s*$"))
                    e.Text += '\t';
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void ScnModified(ref NativeMethods.SCNotification scn)
            // The InsertCheck, BeforeInsert, BeforeDelete, Insert, and Delete events can all potentially require
            // the same conversions: byte to char position, char* to string, etc.... To avoid doing the same work
            // multiple times we share that data between events.

            if ((scn.modificationType & NativeMethods.SC_MOD_INSERTCHECK) > 0)
                var eventArgs = new InsertCheckEventArgs(this, scn.position, scn.length, scn.text);

                cachedPosition = eventArgs.CachedPosition;
                cachedText = eventArgs.CachedText;

            const int sourceMask = (NativeMethods.SC_PERFORMED_USER | NativeMethods.SC_PERFORMED_UNDO | NativeMethods.SC_PERFORMED_REDO);

            if ((scn.modificationType & (NativeMethods.SC_MOD_BEFOREDELETE | NativeMethods.SC_MOD_BEFOREINSERT)) > 0)
                var source = (ModificationSource)(scn.modificationType & sourceMask);
                var eventArgs = new BeforeModificationEventArgs(this, source, scn.position, scn.length, scn.text);

                eventArgs.CachedPosition = cachedPosition;
                eventArgs.CachedText = cachedText;

                if ((scn.modificationType & NativeMethods.SC_MOD_BEFOREINSERT) > 0)

                cachedPosition = eventArgs.CachedPosition;
                cachedText = eventArgs.CachedText;

            if ((scn.modificationType & (NativeMethods.SC_MOD_DELETETEXT | NativeMethods.SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT)) > 0)
                var source = (ModificationSource)(scn.modificationType & sourceMask);
                var eventArgs = new ModificationEventArgs(this, source, scn.position, scn.length, scn.text, scn.linesAdded);

                eventArgs.CachedPosition = cachedPosition;
                eventArgs.CachedText = cachedText;

                if ((scn.modificationType & NativeMethods.SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT) > 0)

                // Always clear the cache
                cachedPosition = null;
                cachedText = null;

                // For backward compatibility.... Of course this means that we'll raise two
                // TextChanged events for replace (insert/delete) operations, but that's life.

            if ((scn.modificationType & NativeMethods.SC_MOD_CHANGEANNOTATION) > 0)
                var eventArgs = new ChangeAnnotationEventArgs(scn.line);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises the <see cref="InsertCheck" /> event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">An <see cref="InsertCheckEventArgs" /> that contains the event data.</param>
 protected virtual void OnInsertCheck(InsertCheckEventArgs e)
     var handler = Events[insertCheckEventKey] as EventHandler<InsertCheckEventArgs>;
     if (handler != null)
         handler(this, e);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void textBox_InsertCheck(object sender, InsertCheckEventArgs e)
            var text = e.Text;

            // Replace tabs with 3 whitespaces
            text = text.Replace("\t", "   ");
            var x = this.textBox.Lines.Select(l => l.Indentation).ToList();

            // TODO: Handle newlines and indention here somehow? Or can Indentation do that?

            // Return the modified text.
            e.Text = text;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void codeBox_InsertCheck(object sender, InsertCheckEventArgs e)
            if (e.Text.EndsWith("\r") || e.Text.EndsWith("\n"))
                int startPos = _codeBox.Lines[_codeBox.LineFromPosition(_codeBox.CurrentPosition)].Position;
                int endPos = e.Position;
                string curLineText = _codeBox.GetTextRange(startPos, (endPos - startPos));

                Match indent = Regex.Match(curLineText, "^[ \\t]*");
                e.Text = (e.Text + indent.Value);
                if (Regex.IsMatch(curLineText, "{\\s*$"))
                    e.Text = (e.Text + "\t");
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void scintilla1_InsertCheck(object sender, InsertCheckEventArgs e)
     bool removed = false;
     string text = e.Text;
     // remove ctrl-B code 0x02
     if (e.Text == "\u0002")
         e.Text = null;
         removed = true;
     WriteMessage("insert \"{0}\" code {1}{2}", text, (int)text[0], removed ? " removed" : "");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Triggered when some text (like line ending) is added to current document
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 protected override void OnInsertCheck(InsertCheckEventArgs e) {
     if (AutoIndent) AutoIndentInsertCheck(e);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs automatic indentation of line inserted based on current line indentation
 /// Increases indentation if the trimmed line ends with opening brace or colon
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void AutoIndentInsertCheck(InsertCheckEventArgs e) {
     var inserted = e.Text;
     if (inserted[0] != '\r' && inserted[0] != '\n') return;
     var line = Lines[CurrentLine].Text;
     var lineIndent = "";
     var lineTrimmed = line.TrimEnd();
     var lineTrimmedLength = lineTrimmed.Length;
     var lineEnd = lineTrimmedLength > 0 ? lineTrimmed[lineTrimmedLength - 1] : '*';
     char c;
     for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++) {
         c = line[i];
         if (c == ' ') lineIndent += c;
         else if (c == '\t') lineIndent += IndentationUnit;
         else break;
     if (Lexer == Lexer.Cpp || CurrentLine > 0) { // switch case
         lineTrimmed = lineTrimmed.Trim().TrimEnd(';');
         var unitLength = IndentationUnit.Length;
         if (lineTrimmed == "break" && lineIndent.Length > unitLength) {
             lineIndent = lineIndent.Substring(unitLength);
     e.Text += lineIndent;
     if (lineEnd == '{' || lineEnd == '[' || lineEnd == '(' || lineEnd == ':') e.Text += IndentationUnit;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private void scintilla_InsertCheck(object sender, InsertCheckEventArgs e)
     switch (e.Text)
         // remove ctrl-A code 0x01 (SaveAs)
         case "\u0001":
         // remove ctrl-B code 0x02 (CompileCode)
         case "\u0002":
         // remove ctrl-C code 0x03 (AbortThreadExecution)
         case "\u0003":
         // remove ctrl-N code 0x03 (New)
         case "\u000E":
         // remove ctrl-O code 0x0F (Open)
         case "\u000F":
         // remove shift-ctrl-R code 0x12 (_RestartRunSource)
         case "\u0012":
         // remove ctrl-S code 0x12 (Save)
         case "\u0013":
         // remove ctrl-U code 0x14 (_UpdateRunSource)
         case "\u0014":
             e.Text = null;