Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ZoomingandPanning()
            chart = new SFChart();
            SFCategoryAxis primary = new SFCategoryAxis();

            primary.LabelPlacement         = SFChartLabelPlacement.BetweenTicks;
            chart.PrimaryAxis              = primary;
            chart.PrimaryAxis.Title.Text   = new NSString("Company");
            chart.SecondaryAxis            = new SFNumericalAxis();
            chart.SecondaryAxis.Title.Text = new NSString("Sales");

            ChartZoomPanDataSource dataModel = new ChartZoomPanDataSource();

            chart.DataSource = dataModel as SFChartDataSource;

            label                 = new UILabel();
            label.Text            = "Pinch to zoom or double tap and drag to select a region to zoom in";
            label.Font            = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 12f);
            label.TextAlignment   = UITextAlignment.Center;
            label.LineBreakMode   = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap;
            label.Lines           = 2;
            label.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black.ColorWithAlpha(0.7f);
            label.TextColor       = UIColor.White;

            chart.AddChartBehavior(new SFChartZoomPanBehavior()
                EnableSelectionZooming = true
            this.control = this;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public ZoomingandPanning ()
			chart 					= new SFChart ();
			SFCategoryAxis primary 	= new SFCategoryAxis ();
			primary.LabelPlacement	= SFChartLabelPlacement.BetweenTicks;
			chart.PrimaryAxis 		= primary;
			chart.PrimaryAxis.Title.Text    = new NSString ("Company");
			chart.SecondaryAxis 			= new SFNumericalAxis ();
			chart.SecondaryAxis.Title.Text  = new NSString ("Sales");

			ChartZoomPanDataSource dataModel 	= new ChartZoomPanDataSource ();
			chart.DataSource 					= dataModel as SFChartDataSource;

			label 					= new UILabel ();
			label.Text 				= "Pinch to zoom or double tap and drag to select a region to zoom in";
			label.Font				= UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 12f);
			label.TextAlignment 	= UITextAlignment.Center;
			label.LineBreakMode 	= UILineBreakMode.WordWrap;
			label.Lines 			= 2; 
			label.BackgroundColor   = UIColor.Black.ColorWithAlpha (0.7f);
			label.TextColor 		= UIColor.White;

			chart.AddChartBehavior (new SFChartZoomPanBehavior() {EnableSelectionZooming = true});
			this.AddSubview (chart);
			this.AddSubview (label);
			this.control = this;
