Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override bool Reduce(IVariableMap<Expression> Map, ref Expression Reduced)
            // Beta reduction (substituting an argument in a function definition)
            FunctionDefineExpression fde = this.Function as FunctionDefineExpression;
            if (fde != null)
                Reduced = fde.SubstituteCall(this.Argument);
                return true;

            // Recursive reduction
            Expression fre = this.Function;
            Expression are = this.Argument;
            if (fre.Reduce(Map, ref fre) | are.Reduce(Map, ref are))
                Reduced = new FunctionCallExpression(fre, are);
                return true;

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void TypeCheck(
            IVariableStack<Expression> TypeStack,
            IVariableStack<Expression> Stack,
            out Expression TypeSafeExpression, out Expression Type)
            int li = TypeStack.NextFreeIndex;

            Expression sfunc;
            Expression functype;
            this.Function.TypeCheck(TypeStack, Stack, out sfunc, out functype);

            FunctionDefineExpression fte;
            while ((fte = functype as FunctionDefineExpression) == null && functype.Reduce(Stack, ref functype)) ;
            if (fte == null)
                throw new NotCallableException(this);

            Expression sarg;
            Expression argtype;
            this.Argument.TypeCheck(TypeStack, Stack, out sarg, out argtype);

            FuzzyBool typeokay = Expression.Equivalent(ref argtype, ref fte.ArgumentType, Stack);
            if (typeokay != FuzzyBool.True)
                throw new TypeCheckException(this);

            TypeSafeExpression = new FunctionCallExpression(sfunc, sarg);
            Type = fte.Function.SubstituteOne(Stack.NextFreeIndex, sarg);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses an expression that can not be broken apart with an operator.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool AcceptTightExpression(string Text, int Start, out Expression Expression, out int LastChar)
            // Normal
            if (AcceptAtom(Text, Start, out Expression, out LastChar))
                int nc = 0;
                while (true)
                    // Try to get a function
                    if (AcceptString(Text, LastChar, "(", out nc))
                        List<Expression> exps;
                        AcceptExpressions(Text, nc, out exps, out nc);
                        if (AcceptString(Text, nc, ")", out nc))
                            LastChar = nc;
                            Expression = new FunctionCallExpression(Expression, exps);

                    // Try to get an accessor
                    if (AcceptString(Text, LastChar, ".", out nc))
                        string accessname;
                        if (AcceptWord(Text, nc, out accessname, out nc))
                            LastChar = nc;
                            Expression = new AccessorExpression(Expression, accessname);

                return true;

            // Lambda
            if (AcceptString(Text, Start, "(", out LastChar))
                AcceptWhitespace(Text, LastChar, out LastChar);
                List<KeyValuePair<Expression, string>> arglist;
                AcceptArgumentList(Text, LastChar, out arglist, out LastChar);
                AcceptWhitespace(Text, LastChar, out LastChar);
                if (AcceptString(Text, LastChar, ")", out LastChar))
                    AcceptWhitespace(Text, LastChar, out LastChar);
                    if (AcceptString(Text, LastChar, "=>", out LastChar))
                        AcceptWhitespace(Text, LastChar, out LastChar);
                        Expression def;
                        if (AcceptExpression(Text, LastChar, out def, out LastChar))
                            Expression = new FunctionDefineExpression(arglist, def);
                            return true;

            Expression = null;
            return false;