public override sealed void Initialize()
            Logger.Write("Starting " + Name);
            Instance = this;
            GameEvents.OnMapChanged += OnGameEventsOnOnMapChanged;

            TreeHooks.Instance.OnHooksCleared += OnInstanceOnOnHooksCleared;


            // NOTE: Hook these events AFTER the context update.
            OnGameContextChanged += OnOnGameContextChanged;

            if (!RebuildBehaviors(true))

            Logger.WriteDiagnostic(Color.White, "Verified behaviors can be created!");
            Logger.Write("Initialization complete!");
        public static Composite GetComposite(SadisticRoutine whom, BehaviorType behavior, GameContext context, out int behaviourCount, bool silent = false)
            if (context == GameContext.None)
                // None is an invalid context, but rather than stopping bot wait it out with donothing logic
                //Logging.Write(Colors.White, "No Active Context -{0}{1} for{2} set to DoNothingBehavior temporarily", wowClass.ToString().CamelToSpaced(), behavior.ToString().CamelToSpaced(), spec.ToString().CamelToSpaced());
                behaviourCount = 1;
                return(null); //NoContextAvailable.CreateDoNothingBehavior();

            SilentBehaviorCreation = silent;
            behaviourCount         = 0;
            if (_methods.Count <= 0)
                _methods.AddRange(whom.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(
                                      mi => !mi.IsGenericMethod && mi.GetParameters().Length == 0).Where(
                                      mi => mi.ReturnType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Composite))));

                //Logging.Write("Sadistic Behaviors: Added " + _methods.Count + " behaviors");

            var matchedMethods = new Dictionary <BehaviorAttribute, Composite>();

            foreach (MethodInfo mi in _methods)
                // If the behavior is set as ignore. Don't use it? Duh?
                if (mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IgnoreBehaviorCountAttribute), false).Any())

                // If there's no behavior attrib, then move along.
                foreach (var a in mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BehaviorAttribute), false))
                    var attribute = a as BehaviorAttribute;
                    if (attribute == null)

                    // Check if our behavior matches with what we want. If not, don't add it!
                    if (IsMatchingMethod(attribute, behavior, context))
                        //if (!silent)
                        //    Logging.Write(LogLevel.Diagnostic,"{0} {1} {2}", attribute.PriorityLevel.ToString(), behavior.ToString(), mi.Name);

                        CurrentBehaviorType = behavior;

                        // if it blows up here, you defined a method with the exact same attribute and priority as one already found

                        // wrap in trace class
                        var vv   = mi.Invoke(whom, null);
                        var comp = vv as Composite;

                        matchedMethods.Add(attribute, comp);

                        CurrentBehaviorType = 0;
            // If we found no methods, rofls!
            if (matchedMethods.Count <= 0)

            var result = new PrioritySelector();

            foreach (var kvp in matchedMethods.OrderByDescending(mm => mm.Key.PriorityLevel))
