Inheritance: SadConsole.Consoles.CellsRenderer, IConsole
Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the engine for use. This must be the first method you call on the engine when you provide your own <see cref="GraphicsDeviceManager"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceManager">The graphics device manager from MonoGame.</param>
        /// <param name="font">The font to load as the <see cref="DefaultFont"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="consoleWidth">The width of the default root console (and game window).</param>
        /// <param name="consoleHeight">The height of the default root console (and game window).</param>
        /// <returns>The default active console.</returns>
        public static Consoles.Console Initialize(GraphicsDeviceManager deviceManager, string font, int consoleWidth, int consoleHeight)
            if (Device == null)
                Device = deviceManager.GraphicsDevice;


            DeviceManager = deviceManager;

            DefaultFont.ResizeGraphicsDeviceManager(deviceManager, consoleWidth, consoleHeight, 0, 0);

            // Create the default console.
            ActiveConsole = new Consoles.Console(consoleWidth, consoleHeight);
            ActiveConsole.TextSurface.DefaultBackground = Color.Black;
            ActiveConsole.TextSurface.DefaultForeground = ColorAnsi.White;


            renderBatch = new SpriteBatch(Device);


Ejemplo n.º 2
        public TextTool()
            settingsPanel = new RecolorToolPanel();

            ControlPanels = new CustomPanel[] { settingsPanel, CharacterPickPanel.SharedInstance };
            tempConsole = new Console(1, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public SubConsoleCursor()
            mainView = new Console(80, 25);
            subView  = new Console(25, 10);

            IsVisible = false;

            // Setup main view
            mainView.MouseMove += (s, e) => { if (e.LeftButtonDown)
                                                  e.Cell.Background = Color.Blue;

            // Setup sub view
            subView.Position    = new Point(4, 4);
            subView.TextSurface = new TextSurfaceView(mainView.TextSurface, new Rectangle(4, 4, 25, 10));
            subView.MouseMove  += (s, e) => { if (e.LeftButtonDown)
                                                  e.Cell.Background = Color.Red;

            // Ad the consoles to the list.
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ViewsAndSubViews()
            titleAndLine = new Console(80, 25);
            mainView = new Console(59, 24);
            subView = new Console(19, 24);

            IsVisible = false;

            // Draw border and line stuff
            titleAndLine.Print(0, 0, " View and Sub View".Align(System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left, 80), ColorHelper.GreenYellow, ColorHelper.DarkGreen);
            SadConsole.Shapes.Line line = new SadConsole.Shapes.Line();
            line.UseStartingCell = false;
            line.UseEndingCell = false;
            line.CellAppearance.GlyphIndex = 179;
            line.StartingLocation = new Point(59, 1);
            line.EndingLocation = new Point(59, 24);

            // Setup main view
            mainView.Position = new Point(0, 1);
            mainView.Print(1, 1, "Click on a cell to draw");
            mainView.MouseMove += (s, e) => { if (e.LeftButtonDown) e.Cell.Background = Color.Blue; };

            // Setup sub view
            subView.Position = new Point(60, 1);
            subView.TextSurface = new TextSurfaceView(mainView.TextSurface, new Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 24));
            subView.MouseMove += (s, e) => { if (e.LeftButtonDown) e.Cell.Background = Color.Red; };

            // Ad the consoles to the list.
Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected override void Initialize()
            // Let the XNA framework show the mouse.
            IsMouseVisible  = true;
            IsFixedTimeStep = true;

            // Uncomment these two lines to run as fast as possible
            //_graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = false;
            //IsFixedTimeStep = false;

            // Initialize the SadConsole engine and the first effects library (provided by the SadConsole.Effects.dll binary)

            // Tell SadConsole to track the mouse.
            SadConsole.Engine.UseMouse = true;

            // Load the default font.
            using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead("Fonts/IBM.font"))
                SadConsole.Engine.DefaultFont = SadConsole.Serializer.Deserialize <Font>(stream);

            // Using the default font, resize the window to a Width,Height of cells. This example uses the MS-DOS default of 80 columns by 25 rows.
            SadConsole.Engine.DefaultFont.ResizeGraphicsDeviceManager(_graphics, 80, 25, 0, 0);

            // Create the default console, show the cursor, and let the console accept keyboard input.
            _defaultConsole = new Console(80, 25);
            _defaultConsole.VirtualCursor.IsVisible = true;
            _defaultConsole.CanUseKeyboard          = true;

            // Add the default console to the list of consoles.

            // If you want to use the custom console demo provided by this starter project, uncomment out the line below.
            SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack = new ConsoleList()
                new CustomConsoles.CursorConsole(),
                new CustomConsoles.WorldGenerationConsole(),
                new CustomConsoles.StaticConsole(),
                new CustomConsoles.StretchedConsole(),
                new CustomConsoles.BorderedConsole(80, 25),
                new CustomConsoles.DOSConsole(),
                new CustomConsoles.WindowTestConsole(),
                new CustomConsoles.EntityAndConsole(),
                new CustomConsoles.RandomScrollingConsole(),
                new CustomConsoles.SplashScreen(),

            SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0].IsVisible = true;

            // Set the first console in the console list as the "active" console. This allows the keyboard to be processed on the console.
            SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0];

            // Initialize the windows
            _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer();

            //Components.Add(new FPSCounterComponent(this));

            // Call the default initialize of the base class.
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Scene from an existing <see cref="LayeredTextSurface"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="surface">The surface for the scene.</param>
 public Scene(LayeredTextSurface surface)
     baseConsole       = new Console(surface);
     backgroundSurface = surface;
     Objects           = new GameObjectCollection();
     Zones             = new List <Zone>();
     Hotspots          = new List <Hotspot>();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Scene from an existing <see cref="LayeredTextSurface"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="surface">The surface for the scene.</param>
 public Scene(LayeredTextSurface surface)
     baseConsole = new Console(surface);
     backgroundSurface = surface;
     Objects = new GameObjectCollection();
     Zones = new List<Zone>();
     Hotspots = new List<Hotspot>();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void Initialize()
            // Let the XNA framework show the mouse.
            IsMouseVisible = true;
            IsFixedTimeStep = true;

            // Initialize the SadConsole engine and the first effects library (provided by the SadConsole.Effects.dll binary)

            // Tell SadConsole to track the mouse.
            SadConsole.Engine.UseMouse = true;

            // Load the default font.
            using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead("Fonts/IBM.font"))
                SadConsole.Engine.DefaultFont = SadConsole.Serializer.Deserialize<Font>(stream);

            // Using the default font, resize the window to a Width,Height of cells. This example uses the MS-DOS default of 80 columns by 25 rows.
            SadConsole.Engine.DefaultFont.ResizeGraphicsDeviceManager(_graphics, 80, 25, 0, 0);

            // Create the default console, show the cursor, and let the console accept keyboard input.
            _defaultConsole = new Console(80, 25);
            _defaultConsole.VirtualCursor.IsVisible = true;
            _defaultConsole.CanUseKeyboard = true;

            // Add the default console to the list of consoles.

            var randomStuffConsole = new SadConsole.Consoles.Console(80, 25);
            randomStuffConsole.IsVisible = false;

            string text = _defaultConsole.CellData.GetString(2, 0, 27);
            // If you want to use the custom console demo provided by this starter project, uncomment out the line below.
            SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack = new ConsoleList() { new CustomConsoles.CursorConsole(),
                                                                       new CustomConsoles.StaticConsole(),
                                                                       new CustomConsoles.StretchedConsole(),
                                                                       new CustomConsoles.BorderedConsole(80, 25),
                                                                       new CustomConsoles.DOSConsole(),
                                                                       new CustomConsoles.WindowTestConsole(),
                                                                       new CustomConsoles.EntityAndConsole(),
                                                                       new CustomConsoles.SplashScreen(),
            SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0].IsVisible = true;

            // Set the first console in the console list as the "active" console. This allows the keyboard to be processed on the console.
            SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0];

            // Initialize the windows
            _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer();

            // Call the default initialize of the base class.
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private static Consoles.Console SetupStartingConsole(int consoleWidth, int consoleHeight)
            ActiveConsole = new Consoles.Console(consoleWidth, consoleHeight);
            ActiveConsole.TextSurface.DefaultBackground = Color.Black;
            ActiveConsole.TextSurface.DefaultForeground = ColorAnsi.White;


Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static Scene Load(string file, Console baseConsole = null, params Type[] types)
            var scene = SadConsole.Serializer.Load <Scene>(file, types);

            if (baseConsole == null)
                scene.baseConsole = new Console(scene.backgroundSurface);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public object Load(string file)
            string[] text = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file);
            int maxLineWidth = text.Max(s => s.Length);

            SadConsole.Consoles.Console importConsole = new SadConsole.Consoles.Console(maxLineWidth, text.Length);
            importConsole.VirtualCursor.AutomaticallyShiftRowsUp = false;

            foreach (var line in text)

            return importConsole.TextSurface;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public SceneEditor()
            consoleWrapper = new Console(1, 1);
            consoleWrapper.Renderer = new LayeredTextRenderer();
            consoleWrapper.MouseHandler = ProcessMouse;
            consoleWrapper.CanUseKeyboard = false;

            consoleWrapper.MouseMove += (o, e) => { toolsPanel.SelectedTool?.MouseMoveSurface(e.OriginalMouseInfo, textSurface); };
            consoleWrapper.MouseEnter += (o, e) => { toolsPanel.SelectedTool?.MouseEnterSurface(e.OriginalMouseInfo, textSurface); };
            consoleWrapper.MouseExit += (o, e) => { toolsPanel.SelectedTool?.MouseExitSurface(e.OriginalMouseInfo, textSurface); };

            layerManagementPanel = new LayersPanel() { IsCollapsed = true };
            toolsPanel = new ToolsPanel();

            // Fill tools
            tools = new Dictionary<string, Tools.ITool>();
            tools.Add(Tools.PaintTool.ID, new Tools.PaintTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.LineTool.ID, new Tools.LineTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.CircleTool.ID, new Tools.CircleTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.RecolorTool.ID, new Tools.RecolorTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.FillTool.ID, new Tools.FillTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.BoxTool.ID, new Tools.BoxTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.SelectionTool.ID, new Tools.SelectionTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.SceneObjectMoveResizeTool.ID, new Tools.SceneObjectMoveResizeTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.HotspotTool.ID, new Tools.HotspotTool());


            toolsPanel.ToolsListBox.SelectedItemChanged += ToolsListBox_SelectedItemChanged;

            GameObjectPanel = new Panels.GameObjectManagementPanel();
            ZonesPanel = new RegionManagementPanel() { IsCollapsed = true };
            HotspotPanel = new HotspotToolPanel() { IsCollapsed = true };

            LinkedGameObjects = new Dictionary<GameObject, GameObject>();
            Objects = new List<ResizableObject>();
            Zones = new List<ResizableObject<Zone>>();
            Hotspots = new List<Hotspot>();

            panels = new CustomPanel[] { layerManagementPanel, GameObjectPanel, ZonesPanel, HotspotPanel, toolsPanel };
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public AnsiWriter(Document ansiDocument, Console console)
            _ansiDoc = ansiDocument;
            _console = console;
            _cursor = new Console.Cursor(console);
            CharactersPerSecond = 800;

            _bytes = ansiDocument.AnsiBytes;
            _ansiState = new State();

            _ansiCodeBuilder = new StringBuilder(5);
            _ansiStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(40);

            BlinkEffect = new Blink() { BlinkSpeed = 0.35f };
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public object Load(string file)
            string[] text         = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file);
            int      maxLineWidth = text.Max(s => s.Length);

            SadConsole.Consoles.Console importConsole = new SadConsole.Consoles.Console(maxLineWidth, text.Length);
            importConsole.VirtualCursor.AutomaticallyShiftRowsUp = false;

            foreach (var line in text)

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public FadingExample()
            // Simulate two consoles
            backgroundConsole = new Console(80, 25);
            foregroundConsole = new Console(80, 25);

            // To work with our sample project, all consoles default to not visible. If you're using this
            // on your own, outside of the starter project, delete this line.
            IsVisible = false;

            // Setup main view

            // Setup sub view
            // Normally the text surface uses a transparent background so you can easily layer. We don't want that.
            foregroundConsole.TextSurface.DefaultBackground = Color.Black;

            // Some visuals on the surface so we can see something fade.
            var border = SadConsole.Shapes.Box.GetDefaultBox();

            border.Location = new Point(0, 0);
            border.Width    = 80;
            border.Height   = 25;

            for (int y = 2; y < 23; y += 2)
                foregroundConsole.Print(9, y, "This is a console that will fade, showing whatever is beind it", Color.Black.GetRandomColor(SadConsole.Engine.Random));

            foregroundConsole.Print(2, 0, "[c:r f:Black][c:r b:White]  PRESS SPACE TO START FADE  ");

            // Console has been drawn on and is ready to be cached for the fade.
            foregroundConsole.Renderer = new SadConsole.Consoles.CachedTextSurfaceRenderer(foregroundConsole.TextSurface);

            // Because of the way the cached renderer handles tinting, we need to set tinting to white
            // This means "render the cahced surface exactly how it was originally drawn."
            foregroundConsole.TextSurface.Tint = Color.White;

            // Ad the consoles to the list.

            // Setup the fade animation to go from white to transparent in 2 seconds.
            tintFade = new SadConsole.Instructions.FadeTextSurfaceTint(foregroundConsole.TextSurface, new ColorGradient(Color.White, Color.Transparent), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public AnsiWriter(Document ansiDocument, Console console)
            _ansiDoc            = ansiDocument;
            _console            = console;
            _cursor             = new Console.Cursor(console);
            CharactersPerSecond = 800;

            _bytes     = ansiDocument.AnsiBytes;
            _ansiState = new State();

            _ansiCodeBuilder   = new StringBuilder(5);
            _ansiStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(40);

            BlinkEffect = new Blink()
                BlinkSpeed = 0.35f
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public DungeonMapConsole(DungeonScreen screen, int viewWidth, int viewHeight, int mapWidth, int mapHeight) : base(mapWidth, mapHeight)
            TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight);
            ActorLayer             = new Console(mapWidth, mapHeight);
            GuiLayer       = new Console(mapWidth, mapHeight);
            this.mapWidth  = mapWidth;
            this.mapHeight = mapHeight;

            this.screen = screen;


Ejemplo n.º 18
        private static void Engine_EngineStart(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var defaultConsole = (Console)SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole;

            defaultConsole.TextSurface = new TextSurface(80, 12);
            defaultConsole.Fill(Color.Blue, Color.Yellow, 0);
            defaultConsole.Print(1, 1, "Hello from console 1");

            var console2 = new Console(80, 13);

            console2.Position = new Point(0, 12);
            console2.Fill(Color.Yellow, Color.Blue, 0);
            console2.Print(1, 1, "Hello from console 2");


Ejemplo n.º 19
        public FadingExample()
            // Simulate two consoles
            backgroundConsole = new Console(80, 25);
            foregroundConsole = new Console(80, 25);

            // To work with our sample project, all consoles default to not visible. If you're using this
            // on your own, outside of the starter project, delete this line.
            IsVisible = false;

            // Setup main view

            // Setup sub view
            // Normally the text surface uses a transparent background so you can easily layer. We don't want that.
            foregroundConsole.TextSurface.DefaultBackground = Color.Black;

            // Some visuals on the surface so we can see something fade.
            var border = SadConsole.Shapes.Box.GetDefaultBox();
            border.Location = new Point(0, 0);
            border.Width = 80;
            border.Height = 25;

            for (int y = 2; y < 23; y += 2)
                foregroundConsole.Print(9, y, "This is a console that will fade, showing whatever is beind it", Color.Black.GetRandomColor(SadConsole.Engine.Random));

            foregroundConsole.Print(2, 0, "[c:r f:Black][c:r b:White]  PRESS SPACE TO START FADE  ");

            // Console has been drawn on and is ready to be cached for the fade.
            foregroundConsole.Renderer = new SadConsole.Consoles.CachedTextSurfaceRenderer(foregroundConsole.TextSurface);

            // Because of the way the cached renderer handles tinting, we need to set tinting to white
            // This means "render the cahced surface exactly how it was originally drawn."
            foregroundConsole.TextSurface.Tint = Color.White;

            // Ad the consoles to the list.

            // Setup the fade animation to go from white to transparent in 2 seconds.
            tintFade = new SadConsole.Instructions.FadeTextSurfaceTint(foregroundConsole.TextSurface, new ColorGradient(Color.White, Color.Transparent), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>   Default constructor. </summary>
        /// <remarks>   Darrellp, 8/26/2016. </remarks>

        public DungeonScreen()
            StatsConsole = new CharacterConsole(24, 17);
            // ReSharper disable once RedundantArgumentDefaultValue
            DungeonConsole = new DungeonMapConsole(56, 16, 100, 100, Font.FontSizes.One);
            MessageConsole = new MessagesConsole(80, 6);

            // Setup the message header to be as wide as the screen but only 1 character high
            messageHeaderConsole = new Console(80, 1)
                DoUpdate       = false,
                CanUseKeyboard = false,
                CanUseMouse    = false

            // Draw the line for the header
            messageHeaderConsole.Fill(Color.White, Color.Black, 196, null);
            messageHeaderConsole.SetGlyph(56, 0, 193); // This makes the border match the character console's left-edge border

            // Print the header text
            messageHeaderConsole.Print(2, 0, " Messages ");

            // Move the rest of the consoles into position (DungeonConsole is already in position at 0,0)
            StatsConsole.Position         = new Point(56, 0);
            MessageConsole.Position       = new Point(0, 18);
            messageHeaderConsole.Position = new Point(0, 17);

            // Add all consoles to this console list.

            // Placeholder stuff for the stats screen
            StatsConsole.CharacterName = "Hydorn";
            StatsConsole.MaxHealth     = 200;
            StatsConsole.Health        = 100;

            Engine.ActiveConsole               = this;
            Engine.Keyboard.RepeatDelay        = 0.1f;
            Engine.Keyboard.InitialRepeatDelay = 0.1f;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public ViewsAndSubViews()
            titleAndLine = new Console(80, 25);
            mainView     = new Console(59, 24);
            subView      = new Console(19, 24);

            IsVisible = false;

            // Draw border and line stuff
            titleAndLine.Print(0, 0, " View and Sub View".Align(System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left, 80), ColorHelper.GreenYellow, ColorHelper.DarkGreen);
            SadConsole.Shapes.Line line = new SadConsole.Shapes.Line();
            line.UseStartingCell           = false;
            line.UseEndingCell             = false;
            line.CellAppearance.GlyphIndex = 179;
            line.StartingLocation          = new Point(59, 1);
            line.EndingLocation            = new Point(59, 24);

            // Setup main view
            mainView.Position = new Point(0, 1);
            mainView.Print(1, 1, "Click on a cell to draw");
            mainView.MouseMove += (s, e) => { if (e.LeftButtonDown)
                                                  e.Cell.Background = Color.Blue;

            // Setup sub view
            subView.Position    = new Point(60, 1);
            subView.TextSurface = new TextSurfaceView(mainView.TextSurface, new Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 24));
            subView.MouseMove  += (s, e) => { if (e.LeftButtonDown)
                                                  e.Cell.Background = Color.Red;

            // Ad the consoles to the list.
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public SubConsoleCursor()
            mainView = new Console(80, 25);
            subView = new Console(25, 10);

            IsVisible = false;

            // Setup main view
            mainView.MouseMove += (s, e) => { if (e.LeftButtonDown) e.Cell.Background = Color.Blue; };

            // Setup sub view
            subView.Position = new Point(4, 4);
            subView.TextSurface = new TextSurfaceView(mainView.TextSurface, new Rectangle(4, 4, 25, 10));
            subView.MouseMove += (s, e) => { if (e.LeftButtonDown) e.Cell.Background = Color.Red; };

            // Ad the consoles to the list.
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public DungeonScreen()
            InventoryConsole = new InventoryConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);
            StatsConsole = new StatConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            MapConsole   = new MapConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);
            //MapConsole.FillWithRandomGarbage(); // Temporary so we can see where the console is on the screen
            MessageConsole = new MessagesConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);

            SadConsole.Engine.Keyboard.RepeatDelay        = 0.07f;
            SadConsole.Engine.Keyboard.InitialRepeatDelay = 0.07f;

            // Setup the message header to be as wide as the screen but only 1 character high
            messageHeaderConsole                = new Console(_messageWidth, 1);
            messageHeaderConsole.DoUpdate       = false;
            messageHeaderConsole.CanUseKeyboard = false;
            messageHeaderConsole.CanUseMouse    = false;

            // Draw the line for the header
            messageHeaderConsole.Fill(Color.White, Color.Black, 196, null);
            messageHeaderConsole.SetGlyph(56, 0, 193); // This makes the border match the character console's left-edge border

            // Print the header text
            messageHeaderConsole.Print(2, 0, " Messages ");

            MapConsole.Position           = new Point(0, 0);
            StatsConsole.Position         = new Point(_messageWidth, 0);
            InventoryConsole.Position     = new Point(_messageWidth, _statHeight);
            MessageConsole.Position       = new Point(0, _mapHeight + 1);
            messageHeaderConsole.Position = new Point(0, _mapHeight);

            // Add all consoles to this console list.

            SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = this;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public GameObjectEditor()
            consoleWrapper = new Console(1, 1);
            consoleWrapper.Renderer = new LayeredTextRenderer();
            consoleWrapper.MouseHandler = ProcessMouse;
            consoleWrapper.CanUseKeyboard = false;

            consoleWrapper.MouseMove += (o, e) => { toolsPanel.SelectedTool?.MouseMoveSurface(e.OriginalMouseInfo, textSurface); };
            consoleWrapper.MouseEnter += (o, e) => { toolsPanel.SelectedTool?.MouseEnterSurface(e.OriginalMouseInfo, textSurface); };
            consoleWrapper.MouseExit += (o, e) => { toolsPanel.SelectedTool?.MouseExitSurface(e.OriginalMouseInfo, textSurface); };

            toolsPanel = new ToolsPanel();
            animationPanel = new AnimationsPanel(SelectedAnimationChanged);
            gameObjectNamePanel = new GameObjectNamePanel();
            framesPanel = new AnimationFramesPanel(SelectedFrameChanged);

            // Fill tools
            tools = new Dictionary<string, Tools.ITool>();
            tools.Add(Tools.PaintTool.ID, new Tools.PaintTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.LineTool.ID, new Tools.LineTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.CircleTool.ID, new Tools.CircleTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.RecolorTool.ID, new Tools.RecolorTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.FillTool.ID, new Tools.FillTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.BoxTool.ID, new Tools.BoxTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.SelectionTool.ID, new Tools.SelectionTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.EntityCenterTool.ID, new Tools.EntityCenterTool());


            toolsPanel.ToolsListBox.SelectedItemChanged += ToolsListBox_SelectedItemChanged;

            panels = new CustomPanel[] { gameObjectNamePanel, animationPanel, framesPanel, toolsPanel };
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public DungeonScreen()
            InventoryConsole = new InventoryPanel("Inventory", _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight + 1);
            StatsConsole     = new StatsConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            MessageConsole   = new MessagePanel(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            ViewConsole      = new MapConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight, _screenWidth, _screenHeight);
            //            InventoryConsole.FillWithRandomGarbage();

            // Setup the message header to be as wide as the screen but only 1 character high
            messageHeaderConsole                = new Console(_messageWidth + 1, 1);
            messageHeaderConsole.DoUpdate       = false;
            messageHeaderConsole.CanUseKeyboard = false;
            messageHeaderConsole.CanUseMouse    = false;

            // Draw the line for the header
            messageHeaderConsole.Fill(Color.White, Color.Black, 196, null);

            // Print the header text
            messageHeaderConsole.Print(2, 0, " Messages ");

            // Move the rest of the consoles  into position (ViewConsole is already in position at 0).
            InventoryConsole.Position     = new Point(112, _statHeight);
            StatsConsole.Position         = new Point(112, 0);
            MessageConsole.Position       = new Point(0, 36);
            messageHeaderConsole.Position = new Point(0, 34);

            // Add all consoles to this console list.

            SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = this;

            // Keyboard stuff
            SadConsole.Engine.Keyboard.RepeatDelay        = 0.07f;
            SadConsole.Engine.Keyboard.InitialRepeatDelay = 0.1f;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public LayeredConsoleEditor()
            consoleWrapper = new Console(1, 1);
            consoleWrapper.Renderer = new LayeredTextRenderer();
            consoleWrapper.MouseHandler = ProcessMouse;
            consoleWrapper.CanUseKeyboard = false;

            consoleWrapper.MouseMove += (o, e) => { toolsPanel.SelectedTool?.MouseMoveSurface(e.OriginalMouseInfo, textSurface); };
            consoleWrapper.MouseEnter += (o, e) => { toolsPanel.SelectedTool?.MouseEnterSurface(e.OriginalMouseInfo, textSurface); };
            consoleWrapper.MouseExit += (o, e) => { toolsPanel.SelectedTool?.MouseExitSurface(e.OriginalMouseInfo, textSurface); };

            layerManagementPanel = new LayersPanel() { IsCollapsed = true };
            toolsPanel = new ToolsPanel();

            // Fill tools
            tools = new Dictionary<string, Tools.ITool>();
            tools.Add(Tools.PaintTool.ID, new Tools.PaintTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.LineTool.ID, new Tools.LineTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.TextTool.ID, new Tools.TextTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.CircleTool.ID, new Tools.CircleTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.RecolorTool.ID, new Tools.RecolorTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.FillTool.ID, new Tools.FillTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.BoxTool.ID, new Tools.BoxTool());
            tools.Add(Tools.SelectionTool.ID, new Tools.SelectionTool());


            toolsPanel.ToolsListBox.SelectedItemChanged += ToolsListBox_SelectedItemChanged;

            panels = new CustomPanel[] { layerManagementPanel, toolsPanel };
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public DungeonScreen()
            StatsConsole   = new CharacterStatusPanel(24, 41);
            ViewConsole    = new DungeonMapConsole(this, 56, 42, 80, 80);
            MessageConsole = MessagesConsole.Instance;             // = new MessagesConsole( ); // defaults to 80,6

            // Setup Input
            CanUseKeyboard = true;
            SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = this;

            SadConsole.Engine.Keyboard.RepeatDelay        = 0.07f;
            SadConsole.Engine.Keyboard.InitialRepeatDelay = 0.1f;

            messageHeaderConsole                = new Console(80, 1);
            messageHeaderConsole.DoUpdate       = false;
            messageHeaderConsole.CanUseKeyboard = false;
            messageHeaderConsole.CanUseMouse    = false;

            // Draw the line for the header
            messageHeaderConsole.Fill(Color.White, Color.Black, 196, null);
            messageHeaderConsole.SetGlyph(56, 0, 193);               // This makes the border match the character console's left-edge border

            // Print the header text
            messageHeaderConsole.Print(2, 0, " Messages ");

            // Move the rest of the consoles into position (ViewConsole is already in position at 0,0)
            StatsConsole.Position         = new Point(56, 0);
            MessageConsole.Position       = new Point(0, 42);
            messageHeaderConsole.Position = new Point(0, 41);

            // Add all consoles to this console list.
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static Scene Load(string file, Console baseConsole = null, params Type[] types)
            var scene = SadConsole.Serializer.Load<Scene>(file, types);

            if (baseConsole == null)
                scene.baseConsole = new Console(scene.backgroundSurface) { Renderer = new LayeredTextRenderer() };
                scene.baseConsole = baseConsole;

            return scene;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public static void Initialize()
            Consoles = new CustomConsoleList();

            // Hook the update event that happens each frame so we can trap keys and respond.
            SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack = Consoles;
            SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = Consoles;

            // Create the basic consoles
            QuickSelectPane = new SadConsoleEditor.Consoles.QuickSelectPane();
            QuickSelectPane.IsVisible = false;

            topBarPane = new SadConsole.Consoles.Console(Settings.Config.WindowWidth, 1);
            topBarPane.TextSurface.DefaultBackground = Settings.Color_MenuBack;
            topBarPane.MouseCanFocus = false;
            topBarPane.IsVisible = false;

            borderConsole = new SadConsoleEditor.Consoles.BorderConsole(10, 10);
            borderConsole.IsVisible = false;
            borderConsole.CanUseMouse = false;

            ToolsPane = new Consoles.ToolPane();
            ToolsPane.Position = new Point(Settings.Config.WindowWidth - ToolsPane.Width - 1, 1);
            ToolsPane.IsVisible = false;

            // Scroll bar for toolpane
            // Create scrollbar
            ToolsPaneScroller = SadConsole.Controls.ScrollBar.Create(System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical, Settings.Config.WindowHeight - 1);
            ToolsPaneScroller.Maximum = ToolsPane.TextSurface.Height - Settings.Config.WindowHeight;
            ToolsPaneScroller.ValueChanged += (o, e) =>
                ToolsPane.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(0, ToolsPaneScroller.Value, ToolsPane.Width, Settings.Config.WindowHeight);
            scrollerContainer = new ControlsConsole(1, ToolsPaneScroller.Height);
            scrollerContainer.Position = new Point(Settings.Config.WindowWidth - 1, 1);
            scrollerContainer.IsVisible = false;
            scrollerContainer.MouseCanFocus = false;
            scrollerContainer.ProcessMouseWithoutFocus = true;

            var boundsLocation = new Point(0, topBarPane.TextSurface.Height).TranslateFont(topBarPane.TextSurface.Font, Settings.Config.ScreenFont) + new Point(1);
            InnerEmptyBounds = new Rectangle(boundsLocation, new Point(0, QuickSelectPane.Position.Y).WorldLocationToConsole(QuickSelectPane.TextSurface.Font.Size.X, QuickSelectPane.TextSurface.Font.Size.Y)  - boundsLocation);
            InnerEmptyBounds.Width = new Point(ToolsPane.Position.X, 0).TranslateFont(ToolsPane.TextSurface.Font, Settings.Config.ScreenFont).X - 1;

            // Add the consoles to the main console list

            // Setup the file types for base editors.
            EditorFileTypes = new Dictionary<Type, FileLoaders.IFileLoader[]>(3);
            OpenEditors = new List<SadConsoleEditor.Editors.IEditor>();
            //EditorFileTypes.Add(typeof(Editors.DrawingEditor), new FileLoaders.IFileLoader[] { new FileLoaders.TextSurface() });

            // Add valid editors
            Editors = new Dictionary<string, SadConsoleEditor.Editors.Editors>();
            Editors.Add("Console Draw", SadConsoleEditor.Editors.Editors.Console);
            Editors.Add("Animated Game Object", SadConsoleEditor.Editors.Editors.GameObject);
            Editors.Add("Game Scene", SadConsoleEditor.Editors.Editors.Scene);
            //Editors.Add("User Interface Console", SadConsoleEditor.Editors.Editors.GUI);

            // Show new window
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the engine for use. This must be the first method you call on the engine when you provide your own <see cref="GraphicsDeviceManager"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceManager">The graphics device manager from MonoGame.</param>
        /// <param name="font">The font to load as the <see cref="DefaultFont"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="consoleWidth">The width of the default root console (and game window).</param>
        /// <param name="consoleHeight">The height of the default root console (and game window).</param>
        /// <returns>The default active console.</returns>
        public static Consoles.Console Initialize(GraphicsDeviceManager deviceManager, string font, int consoleWidth, int consoleHeight)
            if (Device == null)
                Device = deviceManager.GraphicsDevice;


            DeviceManager = deviceManager;

            DefaultFont.ResizeGraphicsDeviceManager(deviceManager, consoleWidth, consoleHeight, 0, 0);

            // Create the default console.
            ActiveConsole = new Consoles.Console(consoleWidth, consoleHeight);
            ActiveConsole.TextSurface.DefaultBackground = Color.Black;
            ActiveConsole.TextSurface.DefaultForeground = ColorAnsi.White;


            renderBatch = new SpriteBatch(Device);


            return (Consoles.Console)ActiveConsole;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public WorldGenerationConsole() : base(80, 25)
            messageData             = new Console(1, 1);
            messageData.TextSurface = textSurface;
            IsVisible = false;

            KeyboardHandler = (cons, info) =>
                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left - 1, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top, 80 * 2, 25 * 2);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left + 1, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top, 80 * 2, 25 * 2);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top - 1, 80 * 2, 25 * 2);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top + 1, 80 * 2, 25 * 2);

                if (info.IsKeyReleased(Keys.Enter))
                    messageData.Fill(Color.White, Color.Black, 0, null);
                    messageData.Print(0, 0, "Generating map, please wait...");
                    initialized      = true;
                    initializedStep2 = false;
                    initializedStep3 = false;

                if (info.IsKeyReleased(Keys.Space))
                    var oldRenderArea = cons.TextSurface.RenderArea;
                    var oldFont       = cons.TextSurface.Font;

                    if (textSurface == generator.HeightMapRenderer)
                        textSurface = generator.HeatMapRenderer;
                        messageData.Print(0, 0, $"[SPACE] Change Map Info [ENTER] New Map -- Heat    ", Color.White, Color.Black);
                    else if (textSurface == generator.HeatMapRenderer)
                        textSurface = generator.MoistureMapRenderer;
                        messageData.Print(0, 0, $"[SPACE] Change Map Info [ENTER] New Map -- Moisture", Color.White, Color.Black);
                    else if (textSurface == generator.MoistureMapRenderer)
                        textSurface = generator.BiomeMapRenderer;
                        messageData.Print(0, 0, $"[SPACE] Change Map Info [ENTER] New Map -- Biome   ", Color.White, Color.Black);
                        textSurface = generator.HeightMapRenderer;
                        messageData.Print(0, 0, $"[SPACE] Change Map Info [ENTER] New Map -- Height  ", Color.White, Color.Black);

                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = oldRenderArea;
                    cons.TextSurface.Font       = oldFont;

Ejemplo n.º 32
        public WorldGenerationConsole()
            : base(80, 25)
            messageData = new Console(1, 1);
            messageData.TextSurface = textSurface;
            IsVisible = false;

            KeyboardHandler = (cons, info) =>

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left - 1, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top, 80 * 2, 25 * 2);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left + 1, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top, 80 * 2, 25 * 2);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top - 1, 80 * 2, 25 * 2);

                if (info.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = new Rectangle(cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Left, cons.TextSurface.RenderArea.Top + 1, 80 * 2, 25 * 2);

                if (info.IsKeyReleased(Keys.Enter))
                    messageData.Fill(Color.White, Color.Black, 0, null);
                    messageData.Print(0, 0, "Generating map, please wait...");
                    initialized = true;
                    initializedStep2 = false;
                    initializedStep3 = false;

                if (info.IsKeyReleased(Keys.Space))
                    var oldRenderArea = cons.TextSurface.RenderArea;
                    var oldFont = cons.TextSurface.Font;

                    if (textSurface == generator.HeightMapRenderer)
                        textSurface = generator.HeatMapRenderer;
                        messageData.Print(0, 0, $"[SPACE] Change Map Info [ENTER] New Map -- Heat    ", Color.White, Color.Black);
                    else if (textSurface == generator.HeatMapRenderer)
                        textSurface = generator.MoistureMapRenderer;
                        messageData.Print(0, 0, $"[SPACE] Change Map Info [ENTER] New Map -- Moisture", Color.White, Color.Black);
                    else if (textSurface == generator.MoistureMapRenderer)
                        textSurface = generator.BiomeMapRenderer;
                        messageData.Print(0, 0, $"[SPACE] Change Map Info [ENTER] New Map -- Biome   ", Color.White, Color.Black);
                        textSurface = generator.HeightMapRenderer;
                        messageData.Print(0, 0, $"[SPACE] Change Map Info [ENTER] New Map -- Height  ", Color.White, Color.Black);

                    cons.TextSurface.RenderArea = oldRenderArea;
                    cons.TextSurface.Font = oldFont;

                return true;