Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void SignIn_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                connLogin = new OleDbConnection(connLoginString); //Make a connection to the database using the connection string
                connLogin.Open();                                 //Open the new connection
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not open database connection: ", ex);
            txtPass.MaxLength    = 12;                   //Set the maximum input for the password box
            txtPass.PasswordChar = '*';                  //Hide the user's password with *
            currentUser          = Environment.UserName; //Pull the user's windows login ID

                OleDbCommand check_User_Name = new OleDbCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Accounts WHERE (UserID ='" + @currentUser + "')", connLogin); //Check to see if the user's ID is in the database by pulling the count
                int          UserExist       = (int)check_User_Name.ExecuteScalar();                                                                //Run the sql and convert the query results into an int
                if (UserExist == 1)                                                                                                                 //If the query we ran is = 1, user exists, enter their name into the user text box
                    txtUser.Text = Environment.UserName;
                    MessageBox.Show("Your user does not exist within the database.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("There was an issue checking your username in the database: ", ex);
                OleDbCommand checkReset = new OleDbCommand("SELECT Reset FROM Login WHERE UserID = '" + currentUser + "'", connLogin); //Query to check and see if the user needs a password reset
                bool         userReset  = (bool)checkReset.ExecuteScalar();
                if (userReset)                                                                                                         //if the user does need a reset, this will load the reset form
                    PasswordReset pwForm = new PasswordReset(connLogin, currentUser);
                    pwForm.Owner = this;

                PasswordVerifier pwResetCheck = new PasswordVerifier();                                                 //make a new password verifier object
                bool             verifiedPW   = pwResetCheck.ExpirationReset(connLogin, currentUser, out errorMessage); //Pass the connection, current user and take back any error message
                if (verifiedPW && errorMessage != null)                                                                 //if the error message does not come back as null, shows the warning.
                    MessageBox.Show(errorMessage, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                else if (!verifiedPW)                //if verified password comes back false, show the error and make user reset password
                    DialogResult resultOK = MessageBox.Show(errorMessage, "Password has expired", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    if (resultOK == DialogResult.OK)
                        PasswordReset pwForm = new PasswordReset(connLogin, currentUser); //pass login and user variables to the password form
                        pwForm.Owner = this;                                              //bring the password form up front by making it the owner.
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("Application encountered an error while attempting to extract the password reset information from database: ", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txtNewPW.Text == txtRetypePW.Text)             //Checks to make sure that the user entered two identical passwords
                    string errorMessage;

                    PasswordVerifier pwVerifier = new PasswordVerifier();                                       //New password verifier object
                    bool             verifiedPW = pwVerifier.ValidatePassword(connlogin, currentuser, txtNewPW.Text,
                                                                              txtOldPW.Text, out errorMessage); //Send the connection, user, and new/old password inputs to the validate password method and return an errorMessage
                    if (verifiedPW)                                                                             //If the password is verified without error
                        string         newPWHashed;
                        PasswordHasher newPWHasher = new PasswordHasher();
                        newPWHasher.passwordHasher(txtNewPW.Text, out newPWHashed);                         //Send the newly entered password to be salted and hashed

                        OleDbCommand updatePW = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE Login SET [Password] = '" + @newPWHashed + "' WHERE [UserID] = '" +
                                                                 @currentuser + "'", connlogin); //Query to update the password

                        OleDbCommand updateReset = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE Login SET [Reset] = False WHERE [UserID] = '"
                                                                    + @currentuser + "'", connlogin); //Query to update the Needs a Reset flag

                        var          addToday          = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                        OleDbCommand updateLastPWReset = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE Accounts SET [LastReset] = '" +
                                                                          @addToday + "' WHERE [UserID] = '" + @currentuser + "'", connlogin); //Query to update the Last Reset date/time

                        OleDbCommand historyQuery = new OleDbCommand("SELECT Password FROM PasswordHistory WHERE UserID = '" +
                                                                     @currentuser + "'", connlogin); // Query to update the password history
                        OleDbDataAdapter historyAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(historyQuery);        //The adapter to translate the information from the query
                        DataTable        historyTable   = new DataTable();

                        historyAdapter.Fill(historyTable);           //Add the information from the adapter to the table
                        int totalRows = historyTable.Rows.Count;     //Count the total rows in the returned table
                        if (totalRows >= 5)                          //Only saving 5 passwords in the history per person
                            OleDbCommand updateQuery = new OleDbCommand("SELECT MIN(UpdateDate) FROM PasswordHistory WHERE UserID = '" +
                                                                        @currentuser + "'", connlogin); //Query to select the oldest update reset date
                            var oldestPW = updateQuery.ExecuteScalar();

                            OleDbCommand deleteOldest = new OleDbCommand("DELETE FROM PasswordHistory WHERE UpdateDate = '" +
                                                                         @oldestPW + "'", connlogin); //Query to delete the oldest date that we just pulled

                            var updateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");    //This is the current time down to seconds for when the
                                                                                              //new Password History entry was made

                            string       pwIDGen     = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss"); //Using this date time string as the password ID.
                            OleDbCommand insertNewPW = new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO PasswordHistory VALUES (@pwIDGen, @currentuser, @hashedPass, @updateTime)",
                                                                        connlogin);           //Query to add a new Password History entry

                            //The following commands update the @ values in the query with the variables being attached
                            insertNewPW.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pwIDGen", pwIDGen);
                            insertNewPW.Parameters.AddWithValue("@currentuser", currentuser);
                            insertNewPW.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hashedPass", newPWHashed);
                            insertNewPW.Parameters.AddWithValue("@updateTime", updateTime);

                            //If the password history doesnt have 5 entries, just add the new entry without deleting anything
                            var          updateTime  = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                            string       pwIDGen     = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss");
                            OleDbCommand insertNewPW = new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO PasswordHistory VALUES (@pwIDGen, @currentuser, @hashedPass, @updateTime)", connlogin);

                            insertNewPW.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pwIDGen", pwIDGen);
                            insertNewPW.Parameters.AddWithValue("@currentuser", currentuser);
                            insertNewPW.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hashedPass", newPWHashed);
                            insertNewPW.Parameters.AddWithValue("@updateTime", updateTime);


                        MessageBox.Show(errorMessage, "Password Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ApplicationException("There was an error while updating your password: "******"Passwords Do Not Match.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);