Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void CreateAnesthesiaConcerns(Patient pat)
     foreach (AnesthesiaConcern a in pat.ClinicalFindings.AnesthesiaConcerns)
         a.PatientId = pat.PatientId;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CreateAnestheticPlan(Patient pat)
            if (pat.AnestheticPlan.InhalantPlan.HasValues())

            if (pat.AnestheticPlan.InjectionPlan.HasValues())

            if (pat.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.HasValues())
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void CreateMaintenanceOther(Patient pat)
     pat.Maintenance.MaintenanceOther.PatientId = pat.PatientId;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public ActionResult GetPatient(Patient form)
     Dictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
         dict["Patient"] = service.GetPatient(form.PatientId);
         dict["success"] = true;
     catch (Exception e)
         dict["success"] = false;
         dict["message"] = e.Message;
         dict["source"] = e.StackTrace;
     return Json(dict);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void CreateBloodwork(Patient pat)
     Bloodwork blood = pat.Bloodwork;
     blood.PatientId = pat.PatientId;
     if (blood.Albumin != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "Albumin", blood.Albumin);
     if (blood.ALP != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "ALP", blood.ALP);
     if (blood.ALT != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "ALT", blood.ALT);
     if (blood.BUN != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "BUN", blood.BUN);
     if (blood.Ca != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "Ca", blood.Ca);
     if (blood.Cl != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "Cl", blood.Cl);
     if (blood.CREAT != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "CREAT", blood.CREAT);
     if (blood.Globulin != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "Globulin", blood.Globulin);
     if (blood.Glucose != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "Glucose", blood.Glucose);
     if (blood.iCa != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "iCa", blood.iCa);
     if (blood.K != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "K", blood.K);
     if (blood.NA != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "NA", blood.NA);
     if (blood.PCV != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "PCV", blood.PCV);
     if (blood.TP != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "TP", blood.TP);
     if (blood.USG != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "USG", blood.USG);
     if (blood.WBC != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, "WBC", blood.WBC);
     if (blood.OtherType != null && blood.OtherValue != -1)
         service.CreateBloodwork(blood, blood.OtherType, blood.OtherValue);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void CreateAnestheticInhalantPlans(Patient pat)
     pat.AnestheticPlan.InhalantPlan.PatientId = pat.PatientId;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Export(Patient p)
            //CALL SAVE FORM
            //CALL GET FORM

            Patient gottenP=  GetPatient(p.PatientId);
            string username = gottenP.PatientInfo.Clinician.Username;

            #region PDF OUTPUT

            Document doc = new Document(PageSize.LETTER);
            doc.SetMargins(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);

            MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();

            #region MONITORING LOOP

            string MonitoringFullList = "";
            foreach (Monitoring m in gottenP.Monitoring)
                MonitoringFullList += m.Equipment.Label;


            #region ANESTHESIA CONCERNS LOOP

            //string AnesthesiaConcerns = "";
            //foreach (AnesthesiaConcern a in p.ClinicalFindings)
            //    AnesthesiaConcerns += a.Concern.Label;


                var imgpath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Images/Test.jpg");
                var pdfpath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~/PDFs/"+username+"_SOAP.pdf");

                Font FivePointFont = new Font(Font.NORMAL, 5f);
                Font SevenPointFont = new Font(Font.NORMAL, 7f);
                Font NinePointFont = new Font(Font.NORMAL, 9f);
                Font ElevenPointFont = new Font(Font.NORMAL, 11f);

                //PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream("../PDFs/SOAP.pdf", FileMode.Create));
                PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(pdfpath, FileMode.Create));


                iTextSharp.text.Image img = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(imgpath);

                PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
                ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb);

                Phrase Anesthetist = new Phrase(gottenP.PatientInfo.Student.Username);

                #region top variables

                Phrase Date = new Phrase(gottenP.PatientInfo.ProcedureDate.ToString());
                Phrase Clinician = new Phrase(gottenP.PatientInfo.Clinician.Username);
                Phrase Stall = new Phrase("");
                Phrase Procedure = new Phrase(gottenP.PatientInfo.Procedure.Label);
                Phrase BodyWeight = new Phrase(gottenP.PatientInfo.BodyWeight.ToString());
                Phrase Age = new Phrase(gottenP.PatientInfo.AgeInYears.ToString() + " years "+gottenP.PatientInfo.AgeInMonths.ToString() + " months");
                Phrase Temperament = new Phrase(gottenP.PatientInfo.Temperament.Label, NinePointFont);

                Phrase Temp = new Phrase(gottenP.ClinicalFindings.Temperature.ToString());
                Phrase Pulse = new Phrase(gottenP.ClinicalFindings.PulseRate.ToString());
                Phrase Response = new Phrase(" ");

                Phrase CardiacAuscultation = new Phrase(gottenP.ClinicalFindings.CardiacAuscultation.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase PulseQuality = new Phrase(gottenP.ClinicalFindings.PulseQuality.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase MucousMembraneColor = new Phrase(gottenP.ClinicalFindings.MucousMembraneColor.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase CapillaryRefillTime = new Phrase(gottenP.ClinicalFindings.CapillaryRefillTime.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase RespiratoryAuscultation = new Phrase(gottenP.ClinicalFindings.RespiratoryAuscultation.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase PhysicalStatusClassification = new Phrase(gottenP.ClinicalFindings.PhysicalStatusClassification.Label, NinePointFont);

                Phrase ReasonForClassification = new Phrase(gottenP.ClinicalFindings.ReasonForClassification);
                Phrase CurrentMedications = new Phrase(gottenP.ClinicalFindings.CurrentMedications);
                Phrase AnesthesiaConcerns = new Phrase("");


                Phrase Drug1 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.SedativeDrug.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase Route1 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.Route.Label);
                Phrase Dosage1 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.SedativeDosage.ToString());
                Phrase DoseMg1 = new Phrase(" ");
                Phrase DoseMl1 = new Phrase(" ");

                Phrase Drug2 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.OpioidDrug.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase Route2 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.Route.Label);
                Phrase Dosage2 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.OpioidDosage.ToString());
                Phrase DoseMg2 = new Phrase(" ");
                Phrase DoseMl2 = new Phrase(" ");

                Phrase Drug3 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.AnticholinergicDrug.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase Route3 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.Route.Label);
                Phrase Dosage3 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.AnticholinergicDosage.ToString());
                Phrase DoseMg3 = new Phrase(" ");
                Phrase DoseMl3 = new Phrase(" ");

            #region INDUCTIONS

                Phrase InductionDrug1 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.InhalantPlan.Drug.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase InjectableRoute1 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.InjectionPlan.Route.Label);
                Phrase InjectableDosage1 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.InhalantPlan.Drug.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase InjectableDoseMg1 = new Phrase(" ");
                Phrase InjectableDoseMl1 = new Phrase(" ");

                Phrase InductionDrug2 = new Phrase("");//gottenP.AnestheticPlan.InjectionPlan.Drug.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase InductionRoute2 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.Route.Label);
                Phrase InductionDosage2 = new Phrase(gottenP.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.AnticholinergicDosage.ToString());
                Phrase InductionDoseMg2 = new Phrase(" ");
                Phrase InductionDoseM2 = new Phrase(" ");

            #region MAINTENANCE
                Phrase Injectable1 = new Phrase(gottenP.Maintenance.MaintenanceInjectionDrug.Drug.Label, NinePointFont);

                Phrase MaintenaceInjectable = new Phrase(gottenP.Maintenance.MaintenanceInjectionDrug.Drug.Label, NinePointFont);
                Phrase MaintenanceInhalant = new Phrase(gottenP.Maintenance.MaintenanceInhalantDrug.Drug.Label, NinePointFont);

                Phrase MaintenanceInhalantInductionPercent = new Phrase("");//gottenP.Maintenance.MaintenanceInhalantDrug.InductionPercentage.ToString);
                //Phrase MaintenanceInhalantInductionPercent = new Phrase("");

                Phrase OxygenFlowRate = new Phrase("");

                Phrase BreathingSystem = new Phrase("x");

                Phrase IntraoperativeAnalgesia = new Phrase(gottenP.Maintenance.MaintenanceOther.IntraoperativeAnalgesia.Label);
                Phrase OtherAnestheticDrugs = new Phrase(gottenP.Maintenance.MaintenanceOther.OtherAnestheticDrug, NinePointFont);
                Phrase Monitoring = new Phrase(MonitoringFullList, NinePointFont);

                Phrase IVFluidType = new Phrase(gottenP.Maintenance.MaintenanceOther.IVFluidType.Label, FivePointFont);
                Phrase IVDoseMl1 = new Phrase("XX.XX");
                Phrase IVDoseDrops1 = new Phrase("XXX");

                Phrase MiniDrip = new Phrase("");
                Phrase MaxiDrip = new Phrase("");

                Phrase PreOpPainAssessment = new Phrase(gottenP.PatientInfo.PreOperationPainAssessment.Label);
                Phrase PostOpPainAssessment = new Phrase(gottenP.PatientInfo.PostOperationPainAssessment.Label);

                #region Small Drugs

                Phrase PVC = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.PCV.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.PCV == -1) {PVC = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase TP = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.TP.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.TP == -1) { TP = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase Alb = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.Albumin.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.Albumin == -1) { Alb = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase Glob = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.Globulin.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.Globulin == -1) { Glob = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase WBC = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.WBC.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.WBC == -1) { WBC = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase Na = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.NA.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.NA == -1) { Na = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase K = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.K.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.K == -1) { K = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase Cl = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.Cl.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.Cl == -1) { Cl = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase Ca = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.Ca.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.Ca == -1) { Ca = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase iCa = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.iCa.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.iCa == -1) { iCa = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase Glucose = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.Glucose.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.Glucose == -1) { Glucose = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase ALT = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.ALT.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.ALT == -1) { ALT = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase ALP = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.ALP.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.ALP == -1) { ALP = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase BUN = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.BUN.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.BUN == -1) { BUN = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase CREAT = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.CREAT.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.CREAT == -1) { CREAT = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase USG = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.USG.ToString(), NinePointFont);
                if (gottenP.Bloodwork.USG == -1) { USG = new Phrase("0", NinePointFont); };

                Phrase OtherProblems = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.OtherType);

                Phrase OtherAnesthesia = new Phrase(gottenP.Bloodwork.OtherValue.ToString());


                //parameters of SetSimpleColumn: (Phrase, leftmargin coordinate, bottommargin coordinate, box width, box height, line height, alignment)
                //NOTE: all dimensions start at the BOTTOM LEFT of the PDF... why? I dont f*****g know, its retarded.
                //NOTE: bottommargin determines x coordinate

                //                          LEFT     BOT     WIDTH    HEIGHT   LINE HEIGHT          ALIGN

                #region TOP HALF

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Anesthetist, 122, 752, 280, 767, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();   //ANESTHETIST

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Date, 77, 736, 290, 751, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();   //DATE

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Clinician, 108, 723, 280, 738, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();   //Clinician

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Stall, 185, 709, 280, 724, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();   //Stall

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Procedure, 116, 683, 280, 698, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();   //Procedure

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(BodyWeight, 127, 655, 161, 670, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Body Weight

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Age, 235, 655, 525, 670, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Age

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Temperament, 138, 628, 525, 643, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Temperment

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Temp, 63, 598, 107, 613, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Temp

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Pulse, 135, 598, 165, 613, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Pulse

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Response, 207, 598, 250, 613, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Response

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(CardiacAuscultation, 136, 584, 250, 599, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Cardiac Auscultation

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(PulseQuality, 101, 571, 250, 586, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //PulseQuality

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(MucousMembraneColor, 155, 557, 250, 572, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Mucous Membrane Color

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(CapillaryRefillTime, 139, 543, 250, 558, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Capillary Refill Time

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(RespiratoryAuscultation, 154, 529, 250, 544, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Respiratory Auscultation

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(PhysicalStatusClassification, 176, 516, 250, 531, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Physical Status Classification

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(ReasonForClassification, 40, 447, 250, 502, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Physical Status Classification

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(CurrentMedications, 30, 446, 250, 476, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //CurrentMedication


                #region DRUGS
                //       LEFT     BOT     WIDTH    HEIGHT   LINE HEIGHT          ALIGN

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(AnesthesiaConcerns, 40, 400, 550, 425, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Physical Status Classification

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Drug1, 95, 363, 200, 378, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Drug

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Route1, 201, 363, 270, 378, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Route

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Dosage1, 271, 363, 385, 378, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Dosage

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(DoseMg1, 385, 363, 455, 378, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //DoseMG

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(DoseMl1, 456, 363, 550, 378, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //DoseML

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Drug2, 95, 348, 200, 363, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Drug

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Route2, 201, 348, 270, 363, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Route

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Dosage2, 271, 348, 385, 363, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Dosage

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(DoseMg2, 385, 348, 455, 363, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //DoseMG

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(DoseMl2, 456, 348, 550, 363, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //DoseML

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Drug3, 95, 333, 200, 348, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Drug3

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Route3, 201, 333, 270, 348, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Route3

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Dosage3, 271, 333, 385, 348, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Dosage3

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(DoseMg3, 385, 333, 455, 348, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //DoseMG3

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(DoseMl3, 456, 333, 550, 348, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //DoseML3


                #region INDUCTION

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(InductionDrug1, 95, 320, 200, 335, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Drug

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Route1, 201, 320, 270, 335, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Route

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Dosage1, 271, 320, 385, 335, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Dosage

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(DoseMg1, 385, 320, 455, 335, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //DoseMG

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(DoseMl1, 456, 320, 550, 335, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //DoseML

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(InductionDrug2, 95, 305, 200, 320, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Drug2

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Route1, 201, 305, 270, 320, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Route2

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Dosage1, 271, 305, 385, 320, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Dosage2

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(DoseMg1, 385, 305, 455, 320, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //DoseMG

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(DoseMl1, 456, 305, 550, 320, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //DoseML2

                #region MIDDLE HALF

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(MaintenaceInjectable, 180, 295, 550, 310, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //MaintenaceInjectable

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(MaintenanceInhalant, 180, 280, 275, 295, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //InhalantType

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(MaintenanceInhalantInductionPercent, 334, 280, 390, 295, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //InhalantInductionPercent

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(MaintenanceInhalantInductionPercent, 495, 280, 536, 295, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //InhalantMaintenancePercent

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(OxygenFlowRate, 210, 267, 275, 282, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //OxygenFlowRate

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(MaintenanceInhalantInductionPercent, 334, 267, 390, 282, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //InhalantInductionPercent

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(MaintenanceInhalantInductionPercent, 495, 267, 536, 282, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //InhalantMaintenancePercent

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(MaintenanceInhalantInductionPercent, 495, 267, 536, 282, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //InhalantMaintenancePercent


                #region LOWERHALF

                //TODO: Add if statement for either or checkbox option

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(BreathingSystem, 193, 200, 210, 270, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //BreathingSystem

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(BreathingSystem, 237, 200, 275, 270, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //BreathingSystem

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(IntraoperativeAnalgesia, 35, 225, 575, 240, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //IntraoperativeAnalgesia

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(OtherAnestheticDrugs, 145, 212, 575, 227, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //OtherAnestheticDrugs

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Monitoring, 101, 145, 575, 200, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //Monitoring

                //                          LEFT     BOT     WIDTH    HEIGHT   LINE HEIGHT          ALIGN

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(IVFluidType, 105, 130, 232, 145, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //IVFluidType

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(IVDoseMl1, 278, 130, 333, 145, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //IVDoseMl1

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(IVDoseDrops1, 373, 130, 445, 145, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //IVDoseDrops

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(IVFluidType, 105, 116, 232, 131, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //IVFluidType

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(IVDoseMl1, 278, 116, 333, 131, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //IVDoseMl1

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(IVDoseDrops1, 373, 116, 445, 131, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //IVDoseDrops

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(MaxiDrip, 127, 103, 135, 118, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //MaxiDrip

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(MiniDrip, 271, 103, 280, 118, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();  //MiniDrip

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(PreOpPainAssessment, 275, 583, 575, 613, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //PreOpPainAssessment

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(PostOpPainAssessment, 275, 550, 575, 573, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //PostOpPainAssessment


                #region OTHER MISC. DRUGS

                //                          LEFT     BOT     WIDTH    HEIGHT   LINE HEIGHT          ALIGN

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(PVC, 340, 530, 377, 545, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //PVC

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(TP, 388, 530, 545, 545, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //TP

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Alb, 443, 530, 550, 545, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //Alb

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Glob, 490, 530, 550, 545, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //Glob

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(WBC, 542, 530, 575, 545, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //WBC

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Na, 340, 515, 500, 530, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //Na

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(K, 388, 515, 550, 530, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //K

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Cl, 443, 515, 550, 530, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //Cl

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Ca, 490, 515, 550, 530, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //Ca

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(iCa, 542, 515, 575, 530, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //iCa

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(Glucose, 355, 503, 440, 518, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //Glucose

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(ALT, 448, 503, 545, 518, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //ALT

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(ALP, 515, 503, 550, 518, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //ALP

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(BUN, 343, 448, 440, 503, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //BUN

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(CREAT, 435, 448, 545, 503, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //CREAT

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(USG, 512, 448, 550, 503, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //USG

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(OtherProblems, 380, 475, 550, 490, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //Other Problems

                ct.SetSimpleColumn(OtherAnesthesia, 477, 462, 580, 477, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                ct.Go();    //OtherAnesthesia (Prior)



            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;

Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void DeletePatient(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void DeleteAnestheticPlanInjections(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void DeleteAnestheticPlanInhalants(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void DeleteAnestheticPlan(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void DeleteAnesthesiaConcerns(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void CreatePriorAnesthesia(Patient pat)
     pat.ClinicalFindings.PriorAnesthesia.PatientId = pat.PatientId;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void CreatePatient(Patient pat)
            pat.PatientId = service.CreatePatient(pat);
            if (pat.ClinicalFindings.ContainsValue())

            if (pat.Bloodwork.HasValues())

            if (pat.AnestheticPlan != null)

            if (pat.Maintenance != null)

            if (pat.Monitoring.Count > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void CreateMonitoring(Patient pat)
     foreach (Monitoring m in pat.Monitoring)
         m.PatientId = pat.PatientId;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void DeleteMaintenanceOther(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void DeleteMonitoring(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void DeleteAnestheticPlanPremedications(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void DeletePriorAnesthesia(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void DeleteBloodworkGroup(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void DeleteClinicalFindings(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public void DeleteCurrentMedications(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void CreateAnestheticInjectionPlans(Patient pat)
     pat.AnestheticPlan.InjectionPlan.PatientId = pat.PatientId;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void DeleteMaintenance(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void CreateAnestheticPremedications(Patient pat)
     pat.AnestheticPlan.PreMedications.PatientId = pat.PatientId;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public void DeleteMaintenanceInhalantDrugs(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public ActionResult ExportToPdf(Patient p)
     Dictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
         dict["success"] = true;
         dict["success"] = false;
     return Json(dict);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public void DeleteMaintenanceInjectionDrugs(Patient pat)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public ActionResult CreateForm(Patient pat)
     Dictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
         dict["patientId"] = pat.PatientId;
         dict["success"] = true;
     catch (Exception e)
         dict["success"] = false;
         dict["message"] = e.Message;
         dict["stacktrace"] = e.StackTrace;
     return Json(dict);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public void CreateMaintenanceInjectionDrugs(Patient pat)
     pat.Maintenance.MaintenanceInjectionDrug.PatientId = pat.PatientId;