Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the login function for SmManager service
        /// The reparator has to be in the category of AL_ST
        /// in order to be accepted
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name=Login parameters></param>
        /// <returns>Login parameters with reparator name and ident added</returns>
        public LoginAdm loginAdmin(LoginAdm login)
            // Create parameter collection
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            // Add anvandID and pwd as parameters
            pc.Add("pAnvID", login.AnvID);
            pc.Add("pPwd", login.pwd);

            // Create SQL clause
            string sSql = " select reparator, rep_kat_id, coalesce(canResetPyramid,false) canResetPyramid from reparator "
                          + " where anvID = :pAnvID "
                          + " and pwd = :pPwd "
                          + " and visas = true ";

            string    errSt = "";
            DataTable dt    = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errSt, pc);

            LoginAdm la = new LoginAdm();

            if (errSt != "")
                la.ErrCode    = -1;
                la.ErrMessage = errSt;

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                la.ErrCode    = 1001;
                la.ErrMessage = "Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord";

            DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];

            if (dr["rep_kat_id"].ToString() != "AL_ST")
                la.ErrCode    = 1002;
                la.ErrMessage = "Rättigheter saknas till denna app";

            la.AnvID           = login.AnvID;
            la.ident           = UpdateAuthenticate(login.AnvID);
            la.pwd             = "";
            la.reparator       = dr["reparator"].ToString();
            la.canResetPyramid = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["canResetPyramid"]);
            la.ErrCode         = 0;
            la.ErrMessage      = "";

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Login for the GaskMan application
        /// Will check tha gasketLevel (will be 5 for a user or 10 for an administrator)
        /// If the user is MaSa (Mattias Samuelsson) then the gasketLevel will be 10 without
        /// checking.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="login"></param>
        /// <returns>LoginAdm class. Check for errors</returns>
        /// 2018-08-14 kjbo
        public LoginAdm GLogin(LoginAdm login)
            // Create parameter collection
            NxParameterCollection pc = new NxParameterCollection();

            // Add anvandID and pwd as parameters
            pc.Add("pAnvID", login.AnvID);
            pc.Add("pPwd", login.pwd);

            // Create SQL clause
            string sSql = " select reparator, rep_kat_id, coalesce(gasketLevel,0) gasketLevel "
                          + " from reparator "
                          + " where anvID = :pAnvID "
                          + " and pwd = :pPwd "
                          + " and visas = true ";

            string    errSt = "";
            DataTable dt    = cdb.getData(sSql, ref errSt, pc);

            LoginAdm la = new LoginAdm();

            if (errSt != "")
                la.ErrCode    = -1;
                la.ErrMessage = errSt;

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                la.ErrCode    = 1001;
                la.ErrMessage = "Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord";

            if (login.AnvID != "MaSa")
                if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["gasketLevel"]) == 0)
                    la.ErrCode    = 1001;
                    la.ErrMessage = "Behörighet saknas";

            DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];

            la.AnvID     = login.AnvID;
            la.ident     = UpdateAuthenticate(login.AnvID);
            la.pwd       = "";
            la.reparator = dr["reparator"].ToString();
            if (login.AnvID == "MaSa")
                la.gasketLevel = 10;
                la.gasketLevel = Convert.ToInt32(dr["gasketLevel"]);
            la.ErrCode    = 0;
            la.ErrMessage = "";

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Login for the GaskMan application
        /// Will check tha gasketLevel (will be 5 for a user or 10 for an administrator)
        /// If the user is MaSa (Mattias Samuelsson) then the gasketLevel will be 10 without
        /// checking.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="login"></param>
        /// <returns>LoginAdm class. Check for errors</returns>
        /// 2018-08-14 kjbo
        public LoginAdm GLogin(LoginAdm login)
            CReparator cr = new CReparator();
