Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the module and its imports
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The main module</param>
        /// <param name="toplevel">The top-level network or null</param>
        /// <returns>The state for the loaded modules</returns>
        public static Validation.ValidationState LoadModuleAndImports(string file, string toplevel, string[] arguments)
            // Basic setup
            var state     = new Validation.ValidationState();
            var rootscope = state.CurrentScope;
            var toResolve = new Stack <AST.Module>();

            state.TopLevel.Module         = LoadModule(file);
            state.TopLevel.ModuleInstance = new Instance.Module(state.TopLevel.Module);

            // Find the entry network
            var networks = state.TopLevel.Module.Entities.OfType <AST.Network>().ToList();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toplevel))
                if (networks.Count == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The main module contains no networks?");
                if (networks.Count != 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"The main module contains {networks.Count} networks, please specify a network name");
                state.TopLevel.SourceNetwork = networks.First();
                var namednetworks = networks.Where(x => string.Equals(x.Name.Name, toplevel, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
                if (networks.Count == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"The main module contains no networks named \"{toplevel}\"");
                if (networks.Count != 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"The main module contains {networks.Count} network named \"{toplevel}\"");
                state.TopLevel.SourceNetwork = namednetworks.First();

            // Wire up the top-level network parameters
            var dummyparsetoken = new ParseToken(0, 0, 0, "__commandline__");
            var name            = new AST.Identifier(new ParseToken(0, 0, 0, "__main__"));

            state.TopLevel.CommandlineArguments = arguments = arguments ?? new string[0];
            state.Modules[file] = state.TopLevel.Module;
            state.LocalScopes[state.TopLevel.Module] = rootscope;

            // Recursively load and resolve imports
            LoadImports(file, state, state.TopLevel.Module);

            // Register the symbols from the main module in the root scope
            state.RegisterSymbols(state.TopLevel.Module, rootscope);

            // Check that all parameters in the top-level network are explicitly typed
            var untypedparam = state.TopLevel.SourceNetwork.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ExplictType == null);

            if (untypedparam != null)
                throw new ParserException("All parameters to the top-level network must have an explict type", untypedparam);

            // Prepare for the parameters to the top-level network
            var pmap = new AST.ParameterMap[state.TopLevel.SourceNetwork.Parameters.Length];
            var externalargumentindex = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < pmap.Length; i++)
                var p        = state.TopLevel.SourceNetwork.Parameters[i];
                var realtype = state.ResolveTypeName(p.ExplictType, rootscope);
                if (realtype == null)
                    throw new ParserException($"Unable to find type: {p.ExplictType.SourceToken.Text}", p);

                if (realtype.IsValue)
                    if (p.Direction == AST.ParameterDirection.Out)
                        throw new ParserException($"A value-type parameter cannot be sent as output: {p.Name}", p);
                    if (externalargumentindex >= state.TopLevel.CommandlineArguments.Length)
                        throw new ParserException($"No value provided for the parameter {p.Name} in the commandline inputs", p);
                    var argtext = state.TopLevel.CommandlineArguments[externalargumentindex++];
                    var literal = ParseAsLiteral(argtext);
                    var littype = new AST.DataType(new ParseToken(0, 0, 0, argtext), literal.Value.Type, -1);
                    if (!state.CanTypeCast(littype, realtype, rootscope))
                        throw new ParserException($"Parsed {argtext} to {littype} but cannot interpret as {realtype} which is required for parameter {p.Name}", p);

                    pmap[i] = new AST.ParameterMap(p.SourceToken, p.Name, literal);
                    rootscope.TryAddSymbol(p.Name.Name, literal, p.Name);
                else if (realtype.IsBus)
                    var typedef = (AST.TypeDefinition)state.FindTypeDefinition(p.ExplictType.Alias, rootscope);

                    // Create a new bus as a stand-in for the input or output
                    var newbus = new Instance.Bus(
                        new AST.BusDeclaration(
                            .Select(x =>
                                    new AST.BusSignalDeclaration(
                                        new AST.Identifier(new ParseToken(0, 0, 0, x.Key)),

                        .Select(x =>
                                new Instance.Signal(newbus, x)
                        ResolvedType = state.ResolveTypeName(x.Type, rootscope)

                    newbus.ResolvedSignalTypes =
                        .OfType <Instance.Signal>()
                        .ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.ResolvedType);

                    if (p.Direction == AST.ParameterDirection.Out)
                    else if (p.Direction == AST.ParameterDirection.In)
                        throw new ParserException($"Cannot use a top-level bus with direction {p.Direction}", p);

                    pmap[i] = new AST.ParameterMap(p.SourceToken, p.Name, AST.EnumerationExtensions.AsExpression(p.Name));
                    rootscope.TryAddSymbol(p.Name.Name, newbus, p.Name);

                    // Register signals
                    using (var sc = state.StartScope(newbus))
                        foreach (var s in newbus.Instances.OfType <Instance.Signal>())
                            sc.TryAddSymbol(s.Name, s, s.Source);

                    throw new ParserException($"Unexpected type: {realtype}", p);

            // Check that we have at least one output bus
            if (state.TopLevel.OutputBusses.Count == 0)
                throw new ParserException("The top-level network must have at least one output bus", state.TopLevel.SourceNetwork);
            if (state.TopLevel.CommandlineArguments.Length > externalargumentindex)
                throw new ParserException($"Too many arguments on commandline, expected {externalargumentindex} but got {state.TopLevel.CommandlineArguments.Length}", state.TopLevel.SourceNetwork);

            state.TopLevel.NetworkDeclaration = new AST.InstanceDeclaration(
                new AST.InstanceName(dummyparsetoken, name, null),

            state.TopLevel.NetworkInstance = new Instance.Network(

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the type assignment to a process instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The validation state to use</param>
        /// <param name="instance">The process instance to use</param>
        private static void AssignProcessTypes(ValidationState state, Instance.IInstance parent, AST.Statement[] statements, Dictionary <Expression, DataType> assignedTypes)
            // Get the scope for the intance
            var defaultScope = state.LocalScopes[parent];

            // Extra expression that needs examining
            var extras = new AST.Expression[0].AsEnumerable();

            if (parent is Instance.IDeclarationContainer pdecl1)
                extras = extras.Concat(
                    // Functions are handled elsewhere and have their own scopes
                    .Where(x => !(x is AST.FunctionDefinition))
                        x => x.All().OfType <AST.Expression>().Select(y => y.Current)

            if (parent is Instance.IParameterizedInstance pp)
                extras = extras.Concat(
                    .Select(x => x.MappedItem)
                    .OfType <Instance.Bus>()
                    .SelectMany(x => x.Instances
                                .OfType <Instance.Signal>()
                                .Select(y => y.Source.Initializer)
                                .Where(y => y != null)

            if (parent is Instance.IChildContainer ck)
                extras = extras.Concat(
                    .OfType <Instance.Bus>()
                    .SelectMany(x => x.Instances
                                .OfType <Instance.Signal>()
                                .Select(y => y.Source.Initializer)
                                .Where(y => y != null)

            // List of statement expressions to examine for literal/constant type items
            var allExpressions = statements
                                 .OfType <AST.Expression>()
                                 .Select(x => new { Item = x.Current, Scope = state.TryFindScopeForItem(x) ?? defaultScope })
                                 .Concat(extras.Select(x => new { Item = x, Scope = defaultScope }))
                .SelectMany(x => x.All().OfType <AST.Expression>().Select(y => y.Current))
                .Select(x => new { Item = x, Scope = defaultScope })

            // We use multiple iterations to assign types
            // The first iteration assigns types to all literal, bus, signal and variable expressions
            foreach (var nn in allExpressions)
                var item  = nn.Item;
                var scope = nn.Scope;

                // Skip duplicate assignments
                if (assignedTypes.ContainsKey(item))

                if (item is AST.LiteralExpression literal)
                    if (literal.Value is AST.BooleanConstant)
                        assignedTypes[literal] = new AST.DataType(literal.SourceToken, ILType.Bool, 1);
                    else if (literal.Value is AST.IntegerConstant)
                        assignedTypes[literal] = new AST.DataType(literal.SourceToken, ILType.SignedInteger, -1);
                    else if (literal.Value is AST.FloatingConstant)
                        assignedTypes[literal] = new AST.DataType(literal.SourceToken, ILType.Float, -1);
                else if (item is AST.NameExpression name)
                    var symbol = state.FindSymbol(name.Name, scope);
                    var dt     = FindDataType(state, name, scope);
                    if (dt != null)
                        if (name.Name.Index.LastOrDefault() != null && dt.IsArray)
                            assignedTypes[name] = dt.ElementType;
                            assignedTypes[name] = dt;

                        if (parent is Instance.IParameterizedInstance ip)
                            state.RegisterItemUsageDirection(ip, symbol, ItemUsageDirection.Read, item);

            // Handle variables not used in normal expressions
            foreach (var item in statements.All().Select(x => x.Current))
                var scope = defaultScope;
                if (item is AST.AssignmentStatement assignmentStatement)
                    var symbol = state.FindSymbol(assignmentStatement.Name, scope);
                    if (symbol is Instance.Variable var)
                        if (var.ResolvedType == null)
                            var.ResolvedType = state.ResolveTypeName(var.Source.Type, scope);
                    else if (symbol is Instance.Signal sig)
                        if (sig.ResolvedType == null)
                            sig.ResolvedType = state.ResolveTypeName(sig.Source.Type, scope);
                    else if (symbol == null)
                        throw new ParserException($"Symbol not found: \"{assignmentStatement.Name.AsString}\"", assignmentStatement.Name.SourceToken);
                        throw new ParserException($"Can only assign to signal or variable, {assignmentStatement.Name.AsString} is {symbol.GetType().Name}", assignmentStatement.Name.SourceToken);
                else if (item is AST.ForStatement forStatement)
                    var forScope = state.LocalScopes[forStatement];
                    var symbol   = state.FindSymbol(forStatement.Variable.Name, forScope);
                    if (symbol is Instance.Variable var)
                        if (var.ResolvedType == null)
                            var.ResolvedType = state.ResolveTypeName(var.Source.Type, scope);
                    else if (symbol == null)
                        throw new ParserException($"Symbol not found: \"{forStatement.Variable.Name}\"", forStatement.Variable.SourceToken);
                        throw new ParserException($"Can only use variable as the counter in a for loop, {forStatement.Variable.Name} is {symbol.GetType().Name}", forStatement.Variable.SourceToken);

            allExpressions = statements
                             .OfType <AST.Expression>()
                             .Select(x => new { Item = x.Current, Scope = state.TryFindScopeForItem(x) ?? defaultScope })
                .SelectMany(x => x.All(AST.TraverseOrder.DepthFirstPostOrder).OfType <AST.Expression>().Select(y => y.Current))
                .Select(x => new { Item = x, Scope = defaultScope })
                             .Concat(extras.Select(x => new { Item = x, Scope = defaultScope }));

            // We are only concerned with expressions, working from leafs and up
            // At this point all literals, variables, signals, etc. should have a resolved type
            foreach (var nn in allExpressions)
                var item  = nn.Item;
                var scope = nn.Scope;

                // Skip duplicate assignments
                if (assignedTypes.ContainsKey(item))

                if (item is AST.UnaryExpression unaryExpression)
                    var sourceType = assignedTypes[unaryExpression.Expression];

                    switch (unaryExpression.Operation.Operation)
                    case AST.UnaryOperation.UnOp.LogicalNegation:
                        if (!sourceType.IsBoolean)
                            throw new ParserException($"Cannot perform {unaryExpression.Operation.Operation} on {sourceType}", unaryExpression);

                    case AST.UnaryOperation.UnOp.Identity:
                    case AST.UnaryOperation.UnOp.Negation:
                        if (!sourceType.IsNumeric)
                            throw new ParserException($"Cannot perform {unaryExpression.Operation.Operation} on {sourceType}", unaryExpression);

                    case AST.UnaryOperation.UnOp.BitwiseInvert:
                        if (!sourceType.IsInteger)
                            throw new ParserException($"Cannot perform {unaryExpression.Operation.Operation} on {sourceType}", unaryExpression);

                        throw new ParserException($"Unsupported unary operation: {unaryExpression.Operation.Operation}", unaryExpression);

                    // Unary operations do not change the type
                    assignedTypes[item] = sourceType;
                else if (item is AST.BinaryExpression binaryExpression)
                    var leftType  = assignedTypes[binaryExpression.Left];
                    var rightType = assignedTypes[binaryExpression.Right];

                    // If we have a numerical operation, verify that the operands are numeric
                    if (binaryExpression.Operation.IsNumericOperation)
                        if (!leftType.IsNumeric)
                            throw new ParserException($"The operand {binaryExpression.Left} must be numerical to be used with {binaryExpression.Operation.Operation}", binaryExpression.Left);
                        if (!rightType.IsNumeric)
                            throw new ParserException($"The operand {binaryExpression.Right} must be numerical to be used with {binaryExpression.Operation.Operation}", binaryExpression.Right);

                    // If we have a logical operation, verify that the operands are boolean
                    if (binaryExpression.Operation.IsLogicalOperation)
                        if (!leftType.IsBoolean)
                            throw new ParserException($"The operand {binaryExpression.Left} must be boolean to be used with {binaryExpression.Operation.Operation}", binaryExpression.Left);
                        if (!rightType.IsBoolean)
                            throw new ParserException($"The operand {binaryExpression.Right} must be boolean to be used with {binaryExpression.Operation.Operation}", binaryExpression.Right);

                    // If we are doing a compare operation, verify that the types can be compared
                    if (binaryExpression.Operation.IsEqualityOperation)
                        if (!state.CanEqualityCompare(leftType, rightType, scope))
                            throw new ParserException($"Cannot perform boolean operation {binaryExpression.Operation.Operation} on types {leftType} and {rightType}", binaryExpression);

                    // Special handling of bitshift, where the type of the shift count does not change they type on the input
                    if (binaryExpression.Operation.Operation == BinOp.ShiftLeft || binaryExpression.Operation.Operation == BinOp.ShiftRight)
                        if (!leftType.IsInteger)
                            throw new ParserException($"The value being shifted must be an integer type but has type {leftType}", binaryExpression.Left);
                        if (!rightType.IsInteger)
                            throw new ParserException($"The shift operand must be an integer type but has type {rightType}", binaryExpression.Right);
                        assignedTypes[binaryExpression] = leftType;
                        // Make sure we can unify the types
                        if (!state.CanUnifyTypes(leftType, rightType, scope))
                            throw new ParserException($"The types types {leftType} and {rightType} cannot be unified for use with the operation {binaryExpression.Operation.Operation}", binaryExpression);

                        // Compute the unified type
                        var unified = state.UnifiedType(leftType, rightType, scope);

                        // If the source operands do not have the unified types, inject an implicit type-cast
                        if (!object.Equals(leftType, unified))
                            assignedTypes[binaryExpression.Left = new AST.TypeCast(binaryExpression.Left, unified, false)] = unified;
                        if (!object.Equals(rightType, unified))
                            assignedTypes[binaryExpression.Right = new AST.TypeCast(binaryExpression.Right, unified, false)] = unified;

                        // Assign the type to this operation
                        switch (binaryExpression.Operation.Operation)
                        // These operations just use the unified type
                        case BinOp.Add:
                        case BinOp.Subtract:
                        case BinOp.Multiply:
                        case BinOp.Divide:
                        case BinOp.Modulo:
                        case BinOp.BitwiseAnd:
                        case BinOp.BitwiseOr:
                        case BinOp.BitwiseXor:
                            assignedTypes[binaryExpression] = unified;

                        // These operations return a boolean result
                        case BinOp.Equal:
                        case BinOp.NotEqual:
                        case BinOp.LessThan:
                        case BinOp.LessThanOrEqual:
                        case BinOp.GreaterThan:
                        case BinOp.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                        case BinOp.LogicalAnd:
                        case BinOp.LogicalOr:
                            assignedTypes[binaryExpression] = new AST.DataType(binaryExpression.SourceToken, ILType.Bool, 1);

                            throw new ParserException($"Unable to handle operation: {binaryExpression.Operation.Operation}", binaryExpression);
                else if (item is AST.TypeCast typecastExpression)
                    // Implicit typecasts are made by the parser so we do not validate those
                    if (!typecastExpression.Explicit)

                    var sourceType = assignedTypes[typecastExpression.Expression];
                    var targetType = state.ResolveTypeName(typecastExpression.TargetName, scope);

                    if (!state.CanTypeCast(sourceType, targetType, scope))
                        throw new ParserException($"Cannot cast from {sourceType} to {typecastExpression.TargetName}", typecastExpression);

                    assignedTypes[typecastExpression] = targetType;
                // Carry parenthesis expression types
                else if (item is AST.ParenthesizedExpression parenthesizedExpression)
                    assignedTypes[item] = assignedTypes[parenthesizedExpression.Expression];

            // Then make sure we have assigned all targets
            foreach (var item in statements.All().OfType <AST.Statement>().Select(x => x.Current))
                var scope = defaultScope;
                if (item is AST.AssignmentStatement assignmentStatement)
                    var      symbol   = state.FindSymbol(assignmentStatement.Name, scope);
                    var      exprType = assignedTypes[assignmentStatement.Value];
                    DataType targetType;

                    if (symbol is Instance.Variable variableInstance)
                        targetType = state.ResolveTypeName(variableInstance.Source.Type, scope);
                    else if (symbol is Instance.Signal signalInstance)
                        targetType = state.ResolveTypeName(signalInstance.Source.Type, scope);
                        throw new ParserException($"Assignment must be to a variable or a signal", item);

                    if (targetType.IsArray && assignmentStatement.Name.Index?.LastOrDefault() != null)
                        targetType = targetType.ElementType;

                    if (!state.CanUnifyTypes(targetType, exprType, scope))
                        throw new ParserException($"Cannot assign \"{assignmentStatement.Value.SourceToken.Text}\" (with type {exprType}) to {assignmentStatement.Name.SourceToken} (with type {targetType})", item);
                    //var unified = state.UnifiedType(targetType, exprType, scope);

                    // Force the right-hand side to be the type we are assigning to
                    if (!object.Equals(exprType, targetType))
                        // Make sure we do not loose bits with implicit typecasting
                        if (exprType.BitWidth > targetType.BitWidth && targetType.BitWidth > 0)
                            throw new ParserException($"Assignment would loose precision from {exprType.BitWidth} bits to {targetType.BitWidth}", item);

                        assignedTypes[assignmentStatement.Value = new AST.TypeCast(assignmentStatement.Value, targetType, false)] = targetType;

                    if (parent is Instance.IParameterizedInstance ip)
                        state.RegisterItemUsageDirection(ip, symbol, ItemUsageDirection.Write, item);
                else if (item is AST.ForStatement forStatement)
                    var fromType = assignedTypes[forStatement.FromExpression];
                    var toType   = assignedTypes[forStatement.ToExpression];

                    if (!fromType.IsInteger)
                        throw new ParserException("The from/to arguments in a for loop must be integer types", forStatement.FromExpression);
                    if (!toType.IsInteger)
                        throw new ParserException("The from/to arguments in a for loop must be integer types", forStatement.ToExpression);

                    var inttype = new DataType(forStatement.Variable.Name.SourceToken, ILType.SignedInteger, -1);

                    if (fromType.BitWidth != -1)
                        assignedTypes[forStatement.FromExpression = new AST.TypeCast(forStatement.FromExpression, inttype, false)] = inttype;
                    if (toType.BitWidth != -1)
                        assignedTypes[forStatement.ToExpression = new AST.TypeCast(forStatement.ToExpression, inttype, false)] = inttype;