Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void EnumeratePhrases_UnnamedCategory()
            QuestionSections qs = new QuestionSections();

            qs.Items = new Section[1];
            int     iS = 0;
            Section s  = new Section();

            qs.Items[iS] = s;

            s.ScriptureReference = "ROM 1.1-17";
            s.Heading            = "Romans 1:1-17 Introduction to the book.";
            s.StartRef           = 45001001;
            s.EndRef             = 45001017;
            s.Categories         = new Category[1];
            s.Categories[0]      = new Category();
            Question q = new Question();

            q.Text    = "Who wrote this book?";
            q.Answers = new[] { "Paul." };

            QuestionProvider qp = new QuestionProvider(qs, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, qp.SectionInfo.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Romans 1:1-17 Introduction to the book.", qp.SectionInfo[s.StartRef].Heading);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, qp.AvailableBookIds.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(45, qp.AvailableBookIds[0]);
            List <TranslatablePhrase> phrases = qp.ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrases.Count);

            TranslatablePhrase phrase = phrases[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("Who wrote this book?", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.Category);
            Assert.AreEqual("ROM 1.1-17", phrase.Reference);
            Assert.AreEqual(45001001, phrase.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(45001017, phrase.EndRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.SequenceNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.QuestionInfo.Answers.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual("Paul.", phrase.QuestionInfo.Answers.First());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void EnumeratePhrases_CategoriesDifferOnlyByCase()
            QuestionSections qs = new QuestionSections();

            qs.Items = new Section[2];
            int iS = 0;

            qs.Items[iS] = MasterQuestionParserTests.CreateSection("ACT 1.1-5", "Acts 1:1-5 Introduction to the book.", 44001001,
                                                                   44001005, 1, 1);
            int      iC = 0;
            Question q  = qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Questions[0];

            q.Text    = "What information did Luke, the writer of this book, give in this introduction?";
            q.Answers = new[] { "Luke reminded his readers that he was about to continue the true story about Jesus" };

            iC        = 1;
            q         = qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Questions[0];
            q.Text    = "To whom did the writer of Acts address this book?";
            q.Answers = new[] { "He addressed this book to Theophilus." };

            iS           = 1;
            qs.Items[iS] = MasterQuestionParserTests.CreateSection("ACT 1.6-10", "Acts 1:6-10 The continuing saga.", 44001006, 44001010, 1, 1);
            iC           = 0;
            qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Type = "overview";
            q         = qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Questions[0];
            q.Text    = "What happened?";
            q.Answers = new[] { "Stuff" };

            iC = 1;
            qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Type = "details";
            q = qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Questions[0];
            q.ScriptureReference = "ACT 1.6";
            q.StartRef           = 44001006;
            q.EndRef             = 44001006;
            q.Text    = "What question did the apostles ask Jesus about his kingdom?";
            q.Answers = new[] { "The apostles asked Jesus whether he was soon going to set up his kingdom in a way that everybody could see and cause the people of Israel to have power in that kingdom." };

            QuestionProvider qp = new QuestionProvider(qs, null);

            List <TranslatablePhrase> phrases = qp.ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(6, phrases.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, qp.AvailableBookIds.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(44, qp.AvailableBookIds[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, qp.SectionInfo.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Acts 1:1-5 Introduction to the book.", qp.SectionInfo[44001001].Heading);
            Assert.AreEqual("Acts 1:6-10 The continuing saga.", qp.SectionInfo[44001006].Heading);

            TranslatablePhrase phrase = phrases[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("Overview", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, phrase.Category);
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, phrase.Reference);
            Assert.AreEqual(001001001, phrase.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(066022021, phrase.EndRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, phrase.SequenceNumber);

            phrase = phrases[1];
            Assert.AreEqual("What information did Luke, the writer of this book, give in this introduction?",
            Assert.AreEqual(0, phrase.Category);
            Assert.AreEqual("ACT 1.1-5", phrase.Reference);
            Assert.AreEqual(44001001, phrase.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(44001005, phrase.EndRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.SequenceNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.QuestionInfo.Answers.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("Luke reminded his readers that he was about to continue the true story about Jesus",

            phrase = phrases[2];
            Assert.AreEqual("Details", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, phrase.Category);
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, phrase.Reference);
            Assert.AreEqual(001001001, phrase.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(066022021, phrase.EndRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.SequenceNumber);

            phrase = phrases[3];
            Assert.AreEqual("To whom did the writer of Acts address this book?",
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.Category);
            Assert.AreEqual("ACT 1.1-5", phrase.Reference);
            Assert.AreEqual(44001001, phrase.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(44001005, phrase.EndRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.SequenceNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.QuestionInfo.Answers.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("He addressed this book to Theophilus.",

            phrase = phrases[4];
            Assert.AreEqual("What happened?", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, phrase.Category);
            Assert.AreEqual("ACT 1.6-10", phrase.Reference);
            Assert.AreEqual(44001006, phrase.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(44001010, phrase.EndRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.SequenceNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.QuestionInfo.Answers.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("Stuff", phrase.QuestionInfo.Answers.First());

            phrase = phrases[5];
            Assert.AreEqual("What question did the apostles ask Jesus about his kingdom?",
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.Category);
            Assert.AreEqual("ACT 1.6", phrase.Reference);
            Assert.AreEqual(44001006, phrase.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(44001006, phrase.EndRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.SequenceNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phrase.QuestionInfo.Answers.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("The apostles asked Jesus whether he was soon going to set up his kingdom in a way that everybody could see and cause the people of Israel to have power in that kingdom.",
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void EnumeratePhrases_EnsureSharedPartsAreHookedUpCorrectly()
            ParsedQuestions pq = new ParsedQuestions();

            pq.KeyTerms = new [] {
                new KeyTermMatchSurrogate("luke", "lucas"),
                new KeyTermMatchSurrogate("jesus", "jesu"),
                new KeyTermMatchSurrogate("disciple", "dicipulo")
            QuestionSections qs = pq.Sections = new QuestionSections();

            qs.Items = new Section[2];
            int iS = 0;

            qs.Items[iS] = MasterQuestionParserTests.CreateSection("ACT 1.1-5", "Acts 1:1-5 Introduction to the book.", 44001001,
                                                                   44001005, 2, 1);
            int      iC = 0;
            Question q  = qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Questions[0];

            q.Text = "What information did Luke give?";
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("what information did")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(pq.KeyTerms[0]));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("give")));
            q      = qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Questions[1];
            q.Text = "What is a disciple of Jesus?";
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("what is a")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(pq.KeyTerms[2]));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("of")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(pq.KeyTerms[1]));

            iC     = 1;
            q      = qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Questions[0];
            q.Text = "What is a book?";
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("what is a")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("book")));

            iS           = 1;
            qs.Items[iS] = MasterQuestionParserTests.CreateSection("ACT 1.6-10", "Acts 1:6-10 The continuing saga.", 44001006, 44001010, 1, 2);
            iC           = 0;
            q            = qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Questions[0];
            q.Text       = "Which of the disciples wanted to give away land?";
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("which")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("of")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("the")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(pq.KeyTerms[2]));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("wanted to")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("give")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("away land")));

            iC = 1;
            q  = qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Questions[0];
            q.ScriptureReference = "ACT 1.6";
            q.StartRef           = 44001006;
            q.EndRef             = 44001006;
            q.Text = "What information did jesus want to give the disciples?";
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("what information did")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(pq.KeyTerms[1]));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("want to")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("give")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("the")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(pq.KeyTerms[2]));

            q = qs.Items[iS].Categories[iC].Questions[1];
            q.ScriptureReference = "ACT 1.7";
            q.StartRef           = 44001007;
            q.EndRef             = 44001007;
            q.Text = "Do you want to read this book again?";
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("do you")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("want to")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("read this")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("book")));
            q.ParsedParts.Add(new ParsedPart(PhraseParser.GetWordsInString("again")));

            pq.TranslatableParts = new []
                "what information did",
                "what is a",
                "wanted to",
                "away land",
                "do you",
                "want to",
                "read this",
            QuestionProvider          qp      = new QuestionProvider(pq);
            List <TranslatablePhrase> phrases = qp.ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(8, phrases.Count);

            TranslatablePhrase phrase = phrases[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("Overview", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            VerifyTranslatablePhrase(phrase, "overview", 1);

            phrase = phrases[1];
            Assert.AreEqual("What information did Luke give?", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            VerifyTranslatablePhrase(phrase, "what information did", 2, "give", 3);

            phrase = phrases[2];
            Assert.AreEqual("What is a disciple of Jesus?", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            VerifyTranslatablePhrase(phrase, "what is a", 2, "of", 2);

            phrase = phrases[3];
            Assert.AreEqual("Details", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            VerifyTranslatablePhrase(phrase, "details", 1);

            phrase = phrases[4];
            Assert.AreEqual("What is a book?", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            VerifyTranslatablePhrase(phrase, "what is a", 2, "book", 2);

            phrase = phrases[5];
            Assert.AreEqual("Which of the disciples wanted to give away land?", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            VerifyTranslatablePhrase(phrase, "which", 1, "of", 2, "the", 2, "wanted to", 1, "give", 3, "away land", 1);

            phrase = phrases[6];
            Assert.AreEqual("What information did jesus want to give the disciples?", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            VerifyTranslatablePhrase(phrase, "what information did", 2, "want to", 2, "give", 3, "the", 2);

            phrase = phrases[7];
            Assert.AreEqual("Do you want to read this book again?", phrase.PhraseInUse);
            VerifyTranslatablePhrase(phrase, "do you", 1, "want to", 2, "read this", 1, "book", 2, "again", 1);