Ejemplo n.º 1
        private const string e_WITH_GRAVE = "\u00E8";                          // composition of e + COMBINING_GRAVE_ACCENT

        private TsString CreateStackedDiacriticsInput(bool singleRun)
            string stackedDiacriticsInput = "Stacked diacritics: W" +
                                            "lc" + COMBINING_LEFT_TACK_BELOW + COMBINING_MINUS_SIGN_BELOW +
                                            "o" + COMBINING_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT +
                                            "e" + COMBINING_GRAVE_ACCENT +
                                            " to" + COMBINING_DIAERESIS + COMBINING_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT +
                                            " Wo" + COMBINING_DOT_ABOVE + COMBINING_INVERTED_BREVE +
                                            "r" + COMBINING_SQUARE_BELOW +
                                            "l" + COMBINING_TILDE +
                                            "d" + COMBINING_DOWN_TACK_BELOW + COMBINING_TILDE_BELOW +
                                            "Pa" + COMBINING_DOT_ABOVE + COMBINING_OVERLINE + COMBINING_DOUBLE_ACUTE_ACCENT +
                                            "d" + COMBINING_ACUTE_ACCENT_BELOW +

            var temp    = new TsString(stackedDiacriticsInput, EnWS);
            var builder = new TsStrBldr();

            builder.ReplaceTsString(0, 0, temp);
            builder.SetIntPropValues(0, stackedDiacriticsInput.Length, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptFontSize, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvMilliPoint, 20000);
            builder.SetIntPropValues(0, stackedDiacriticsInput.Length, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrGreen);
            if (singleRun)

            // green from 0-22
            builder.SetIntPropValues(22, 23, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrRed);
            builder.SetIntPropValues(23, 24, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, 0x00ff602f);
            // green from 24-30
            builder.SetIntPropValues(30, 31, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlue);
            // green from 31-33
            builder.SetIntPropValues(33, 34, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrRed);
            // green from 34-42
            builder.SetIntPropValues(42, 43, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlack);
            // green from 43-47
            builder.SetIntPropValues(47, 48, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlack);
            // green from 48-51
            builder.SetIntPropValues(51, 52, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlue);
            // green from 52-53
            builder.SetIntPropValues(53, 54, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrRed);
            // green from 54-58
            builder.SetIntPropValues(58, 59, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrRed);
            builder.SetIntPropValues(59, 60, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlack);
            // green from 60-61
            builder.SetIntPropValues(61, 62, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlack);
            // green from 62-63

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private TsString CreateStackedDiacriticsInput(bool singleRun)
            var temp    = new TsString(stackedDiacriticsInput, EnglishWS);
            var builder = new TsStrBldr();

            builder.ReplaceTsString(0, 0, temp);
            builder.SetIntPropValues(0, stackedDiacriticsInput.Length, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptFontSize, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvMilliPoint, 20000);
            builder.SetIntPropValues(0, stackedDiacriticsInput.Length, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrGreen);
            if (singleRun)

            // green from 0-22
            builder.SetIntPropValues(22, 23, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrRed);
            builder.SetIntPropValues(23, 24, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, 0x00ff602f);
            // green from 24-30
            builder.SetIntPropValues(30, 31, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlue);
            // green from 31-33
            builder.SetIntPropValues(33, 34, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrRed);
            // green from 34-42
            builder.SetIntPropValues(42, 43, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlack);
            // green from 43-47
            builder.SetIntPropValues(47, 48, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlack);
            // green from 48-51
            builder.SetIntPropValues(51, 52, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlue);
            // green from 52-53
            builder.SetIntPropValues(53, 54, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrRed);
            // green from 54-58
            builder.SetIntPropValues(58, 59, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrRed);
            builder.SetIntPropValues(59, 60, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlack);
            // green from 60-61
            builder.SetIntPropValues(61, 62, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptForeColor, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, (int)FwTextColor.kclrBlack);
            // green from 62-63

Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Implementation of both get_NormalizedForm and NfdAndFixOffsets
        private ITsString get_NormalizedFormAndFixOffsets(FwNormalizationMode nm, ArrayPtr oldOffsetsToFix, int numOffsetsToFix)
            // Can we skip unnecessary work?
            if (IsAlreadyNormalized(nm))
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))

            if (nm == FwNormalizationMode.knmLim)
                throw new ArgumentException("Normalization mode may not be knmLim", "nm");

            // NFSC needs to be decomposed first, then recomposed as NFC.
            if (nm == FwNormalizationMode.knmNFSC && !get_IsNormalizedForm(FwNormalizationMode.knmNFD))
                var nfd = (TsString)get_NormalizedForm(FwNormalizationMode.knmNFD);
                // Line below is *not* a typo; this call will not recurse infinitely.
                return(nfd.get_NormalizedFormAndFixOffsets(FwNormalizationMode.knmNFSC, oldOffsetsToFix, numOffsetsToFix));

            bool willFixOffsets = numOffsetsToFix > 0 && oldOffsetsToFix != null && oldOffsetsToFix.IntPtr != IntPtr.Zero;
            // Keys = offsets into original string, values = offsets into normalized string
            var stringOffsetMapping = willFixOffsets ? new Dictionary <int, int>() : null;            // Don't allocate an object if we'll never use it

            Icu.UNormalizationMode icuMode = (nm == FwNormalizationMode.knmNFSC) ? Icu.UNormalizationMode.UNORM_NFC : (Icu.UNormalizationMode)nm;
            IntPtr icuNormalizer           = Icu.GetIcuNormalizer(icuMode);

            TsStrBldr resultBuilder = new TsStrBldr();
            int       segmentMin    = 0;

            foreach (int segmentLim in EnumerateSegmentLimits(icuNormalizer))
                string       segment           = GetChars(segmentMin, segmentLim);
                string       normalizedSegment = Icu.Normalize(segment, icuNormalizer);
                int          curRun            = get_RunAt(segmentMin);
                int          curRunLim         = get_LimOfRun(curRun);
                ITsTextProps curTextProps      = get_Properties(curRun);
                if (curRunLim >= segmentLim)
                    // The segment is contained entirely in the current run, so our job is simple
                    int outputLenSoFar = resultBuilder.Length;
                    resultBuilder.Replace(outputLenSoFar, outputLenSoFar, normalizedSegment, curTextProps);
                    // Calculate the orig -> norm index mappings if (and only if) they're needed, since this calculation is expensive
                    if (willFixOffsets)
                        foreach (RearrangedIndexMapping mapping in MatchUpIndexesAfterNormalization(segment, normalizedSegment, icuNormalizer))
                            // Note that our local mapping is from the start of this segment, but we want to keep track of indexes from the start
                            // of the *string*. (Both the original string and the output, normalized string). So we adjust the indexes here.
                            if (mapping.isFirstCharOfDecomposition)
                                stringOffsetMapping[segmentMin + mapping.origIdx] = outputLenSoFar + mapping.normIdx;
                    // The segment straddles two runs, so our job is harder. We have to either deal with decomposition
                    // rearranging things (and make sure the right characters maintain the right text properties), or
                    // else we have to deal with composition possibly trying to "compress" some diacritics that straddle
                    // a run border (which can happen, for example, if they have different text properties).

                    if (nm == FwNormalizationMode.knmNFD || nm == FwNormalizationMode.knmNFKD)
                        // Decomposition: we have to deal with rearranging. Some characters from after the first run's
                        // endpoint may have ended up "inside" the first run after rearranging, so their text properties
                        // will be incorrect at first. We'll fix them up after calculating the orig -> norm index mappings.

                        int outputLenSoFar = resultBuilder.Length;                         // This will be the start index from which
                        resultBuilder.Replace(outputLenSoFar, outputLenSoFar, normalizedSegment, curTextProps);

                        // Now correct the text properties, one index at a time.
                        IEnumerable <RearrangedIndexMapping> indexMappings = MatchUpIndexesAfterNormalization(segment, normalizedSegment, icuNormalizer);
                        foreach (RearrangedIndexMapping mapping in indexMappings)
                            ITsTextProps origProperties = get_PropertiesAt(segmentMin + mapping.origIdx);
                            int          outputIdx      = outputLenSoFar + mapping.normIdx;
                            int          size           = Char.IsSurrogate(normalizedSegment, mapping.normIdx) ? 2 : 1;
                            resultBuilder.SetProperties(outputIdx, outputIdx + size, origProperties);
                            // And if we also need to fix up offsets at the end, we keep track of the ones we'll need
                            if (willFixOffsets && mapping.isFirstCharOfDecomposition)
                                stringOffsetMapping[segmentMin + mapping.origIdx] = outputLenSoFar + mapping.normIdx;

                    else if (nm == FwNormalizationMode.knmNFSC)
                        // Composition that preserves styles. By this point, our input is NFD so we at least know there will be no rearranging.

                        // If there is more than one character remaining in the current run, then we might be able to compose those, at least.
                        if (curRunLim - segmentMin > 1)
                            // Unicode canonical ordering is such that any subsequence of a composed character can itself be composed, so this is safe.
                            string remainderOfFirstRun = GetChars(segmentMin, curRunLim);
                            string normalizedRemainder = Icu.Normalize(remainderOfFirstRun, icuNormalizer);
                            resultBuilder.Replace(resultBuilder.Length, resultBuilder.Length, normalizedRemainder, curTextProps);
                            // Now the start of the un-composable part is just the limit of the first run (which is the start of the second run).
                            segmentMin = curRunLim;
                        // Now there could be any NUMBER of runs between currentInputIdx and segmentLim. Maybe there are TEN composing
                        // characters, each with different text properties (and thus different runs). However, since the base character
                        // was in the first run, none of the characters from the second or subsequent runs are composable any longer. So we
                        // can copy them to the output as-is as one big TsString, which will carry text, runs and all.
                        ITsString uncomposablePartOfSegment = GetSubstring(segmentMin, segmentLim);
                        resultBuilder.ReplaceTsString(resultBuilder.Length, resultBuilder.Length, uncomposablePartOfSegment);

                        // For NFC and NFKC, we do not try to preserve styles or offset mappings, so this branch is quite simple
                        int outputLenSoFar = resultBuilder.Length;
                        resultBuilder.Replace(outputLenSoFar, outputLenSoFar, normalizedSegment, curTextProps);
                segmentMin = segmentLim;                 // Next segment will start where the current segment ended
            if (willFixOffsets)
                stringOffsetMapping[segmentMin] = resultBuilder.Length;
                int ptrSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr));
                for (int i = 0; i < numOffsetsToFix; i++)
                    IntPtr offsetPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(oldOffsetsToFix.IntPtr, i * ptrSize);
                    int    oldOffset = Marshal.ReadInt32(offsetPtr);
                    int    newOffset;
                    if (stringOffsetMapping.TryGetValue(oldOffset, out newOffset))
                        Marshal.WriteInt32(offsetPtr, newOffset);
                        // The only likely way for one of the offsets we've been asked to fix up to NOT
                        // be found in the offset mapping dictionary is if it happened to be an offset
                        // to the second half of a surrogate pair. In which case we want to fix it up to
                        // point to wherever the first half of that pair ended up, so searching downwards
                        // through the offset mapping dictionary will find the best match.
                        bool found = false;
                        while (!found && oldOffset > 0)
                            found = stringOffsetMapping.TryGetValue(oldOffset, out newOffset);
                        // Any offset that could not be matched at all will be pointed at the beginning
                        // of the TsString, since that's safe with strings of all sizes (including empty).
                        Marshal.WriteInt32(offsetPtr, found ? newOffset : 0);
            var result = (TsString)resultBuilder.GetString();

            result.NoteAlreadyNormalized(nm);             // So we won't have to do all this work a second time