Inheritance: GroupBox, IStringParaNotification
Ejemplo n.º 1
		public void PaintParaBox()
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			BlockBox box0 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			BlockBox box1 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Blue, 36000, 18000);
			BlockBox box2 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 24000, 18000);
			BlockBox box3 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			BlockBox box4 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 36000, 36000);

			TextSource source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			ParaBox para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);

			MockGraphics graphics = new MockGraphics();
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = ParaBuilderTests.MakeLayoutInfo(100, graphics);

			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
			root.Paint(graphics, ptrans);
			Assert.AreEqual(5, graphics.RectanglesDrawn.Count);
			VerifyRect(2, 2, 96, 48, graphics, 0, Color.Red);
			VerifyRect(2, 48+2, 48, 24, graphics, 1, Color.Blue);
			VerifyRect(2+48, 48 + 2, 32, 24, graphics, 2, Color.Red);
			VerifyRect(2, 24 + 48 + 2, 96, 48, graphics, 3, Color.Red);
			VerifyRect(2, 48 + 24 + 48 + 2, 48, 48, graphics, 4, Color.Red);
Ejemplo n.º 2
		private bool m_nextUpstreamSegWsOnly; // toggle for whether to try whitespace-only or no-ws for next upstream seg.

		public ParaBuilder(ParaBox para, LayoutInfo layoutInfo)
			m_para = para;
			m_layoutInfo = layoutInfo;
			m_renderRuns = para.Source.RenderRuns;
			m_gapTop = m_para.GapTop(layoutInfo);
			m_gapLeft = m_para.GapLeading(layoutInfo); // Todo RTL.
			m_gapRight = m_para.GapTrailing(layoutInfo);
			m_surroundWidth = m_para.SurroundWidth(layoutInfo);
			m_surroundHeight = m_para.SurroundHeight(layoutInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Return an insertion point at specified position in THIS RUN within the paragraph.
		/// </summary>
		public InsertionPoint SelectAt(ParaBox para, int ichRun, bool associatePrevious)
			LiteralStringParaHookup hookup = Hookup;
			if (hookup == null)
				hookup = new LiteralStringParaHookup(null, para);
				hookup.ClientRunIndex = para.Source.ClientRuns.IndexOf(this);
			return new InsertionPoint(hookup, ichRun, associatePrevious);

Ejemplo n.º 4
		public void DragStartsOnMoveInSelection()
			string contents = "This is the day.";
			var engine = new FakeRenderEngine() {Ws = 34, SegmentHeight = 13};
			var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();
			factory.SetRenderer(34, engine);
			var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(34);
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			var run = new StringClientRun(contents, styles);
			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			var para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			var extraBox = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 50, 72000); // tall, narrow spacer at top
			var root = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue/2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(96 + 13));
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth(contents)));

			var ip1 = run.SelectAt(para, 5, false);
			var ip2 = run.SelectAt(para, 7, true);
			var range = new RangeSelection(ip1, ip2);
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
			var sbox = para.FirstBox as StringBox;
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			root.Site = site;
			int indent = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("This ");
			root.OnMouseDown(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, indent + 5, 100, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			root.OnMouseMove(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, indent + 5, 100, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			Assert.That(GetStringDropData(site), Is.EqualTo("is"));
			Assert.That(site.LastDoDragDropArgs.AllowedEffects, Is.EqualTo(DragDropEffects.Copy),
				"editing not possible in this paragraph, we can only copy");
			Assert.That(root.Selection, Is.EqualTo(range), "selection should not be changed by drag drop");
			site.LastDoDragDropArgs = null;
			root.OnMouseDown(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, 3, 100, 0), Keys.None, m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			Assert.That(site.LastDoDragDropArgs, Is.Null, "click outside selection should not initiate drag");

			// Tack on an extra check that a read-only view does not handle drop.
			var dataObj = new DataObject(DataFormats.StringFormat, "new ");
			var dragArgs = new DragEventArgs(dataObj, (int)DragDropKeyStates.ControlKey, 10, 8,
				DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Move,
			root.OnDragEnter(dragArgs, new Point(14, 8), m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
			Assert.That(dragArgs.Effect, Is.EqualTo(DragDropEffects.None));
			Assert.That(root.DragState, Is.EqualTo(WindowDragState.DraggingHere));
Ejemplo n.º 5
		private void VerifyRangeSegmentDrawing(ParaBox para, StringBox stringBox, MockSegment seg, RangeSelection range,  int top, int ydTop, int bottom)
			Assert.AreEqual(stringBox.IchMin, seg.LastDrawRangeCall.IchBase);
			Assert.AreEqual(m_gm.VwGraphics, seg.LastDrawRangeCall.Graphics);
			Assert.AreEqual(range.Start.StringPosition, seg.LastDrawRangeCall.IchMin);
			Assert.AreEqual(range.End.StringPosition, seg.LastDrawRangeCall.IchLim);
			ParaTests.VerifySimpleRect(seg.LastDrawRangeCall.RcSrc, -2, top, 96, 100);
			ParaTests.VerifySimpleRect(seg.LastDrawRangeCall.RcDst, 0, -10, 120, 128);
			Assert.AreEqual(ydTop, seg.LastDrawRangeCall.YdTop);
			Assert.AreEqual(bottom, seg.LastDrawRangeCall.YdBottom);
			Assert.AreEqual(seg.LastDrawRangeCall.On, true, "Should currently always pass true to segment drawRange On argument");
			// The old Views code appears to always pass true for this argument, so we should too, until I figure out what it's
			// really supposed to be, if anything.
			Assert.AreEqual(true, seg.LastDrawRangeCall.IsLastLineOfSelection);
Ejemplo n.º 6
		public void OneBlockPara()
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
			List<IClientRun> clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			BlockBox box = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);

			TextSource source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			ParaBox para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();
			Assert.AreEqual(48, box.Height);
			Assert.AreEqual(96, box.Width);
			Assert.AreEqual(48, root.Height);
			Assert.AreEqual(96, root.Width);
Ejemplo n.º 7
		/// <summary>
		/// Given a function that fetches strings, a run which represents the initial value of that string
		/// already inserted into a particular paragraph box, and that we have identified the fetcher as
		/// a property with the specified name of the specified target object, but we have not been able to find
		/// a ''Name'Changed' event on the target object, this stub provides a possible place for a subclass to
		/// use an alternative strategy for hooking something up to notify the view of changes to the property.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void MakeHookupForString(Func<ITsString> fetcher, TssClientRun run, string name, object target, ParaBox para)
			var cmObj = target as ICmObject;
			if (cmObj != null)
				// Set up for PropChanged notification.
				RootFdo.DataAccess = cmObj.Cache.DomainDataByFlid; // ensures hooked up to receive PropChanged.
				Tuple<int, int> key = GetPropChangedKey(name, cmObj);
				var stringHookup = new TssHookup(target, fetcher,
					hookup => RootFdo.AddHookupToPropChanged(key, hookup),
					hookup => RootFdo.RemoveHookupFromPropChanged(key, hookup),
				stringHookup.Tag = key.Item2;
				AddHookupToRun(run, stringHookup);
				// Enhance JohnT: consider doing this by reflection.
				stringHookup.Writer = newVal => RootFdo.DataAccess.SetString(cmObj.Hvo, key.Item2, newVal);
Ejemplo n.º 8
		/// <summary>
		/// Some common logic for several tests. Returns the old paragraph height (before the change).
		/// </summary>
		private int TestChangeNotAffectingLineBreaks(out ParaBox para, Action<string[]> wordsModifier,
			Func<ParaBox, Rectangle, Rectangle> invalidRectModifier,
			Action<List<MockSegment>> potentialSegsModifier)
			RootBox root = MakeTestParaSimpleString(m_gm.VwGraphics, MockBreakOption.ThreeFullLines, out para);
			int result = para.Height;
			Rectangle expectedInvalidate = para.InvalidateRect;
			var modWords = new string[s_simpleStringWords.Length];
			Array.Copy(s_simpleStringWords, modWords, modWords.Length);
			wordsModifier(modWords); // make whatever change we intend to the text.
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics);
			var engine = root.LastLayoutInfo.RendererFactory.GetRenderer(s_simpleStringWs, m_gm.VwGraphics) as MockRenderEngine;
			var modContents = AssembleStrings(modWords);
			SetupMockEngineForThreeLines(modContents, engine, modWords);
			// The one we want to modify is the fourth to be added; this is the same engine, so it already has
			// the three potential segments from the original layout.
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			root.Site = site;
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 100, 0, 10, 120, 128);
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			var hookup = new StringHookup(null, null, hook => DoNothing(), hook => DoNothing(), para);
			((StringClientRun) para.Source.ClientRuns[0]).Hookup = hookup;
			para.StringChanged(0, modContents);
			Assert.AreEqual(modContents, para.Source.RenderText);
			Assert.That(((StringClientRun) para.Source.ClientRuns[0]).Hookup, Is.EqualTo(hookup));
			int ichEndFirstLine = SumStringLengths(modWords, 0, 3);
			// We inserted at the start, so only the first line should have been invalidated; but char offsets for other lines should have changed.
			VerifySegment(para, 0, s_widthFirstMockSeg, ichEndFirstLine, 0);
			int ichEndSecondLine = SumStringLengths(modWords, 0, 6);
			VerifySegment(para, 1, s_widthSecondMockSeg, ichEndSecondLine - ichEndFirstLine, ichEndFirstLine);
			VerifySegment(para, 2, s_widthThirdMockSeg, modContents.Length - ichEndSecondLine, ichEndSecondLine);
			expectedInvalidate = invalidRectModifier(para, expectedInvalidate);
			Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Has.Member(expectedInvalidate));
			return result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
		void VerifySegment(ParaBox para, int index, int expectedWidth, int expectedLength, int expectedStart)
			Box target = para.FirstBox;
			for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
				target = target.Next;
			Assert.IsTrue(target is StringBox);
			var sbox = target as StringBox;
			Assert.AreEqual(para, sbox.Container);
			var seg = sbox.Segment;
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedStart, sbox.IchMin);
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedWidth, seg.get_Width(sbox.IchMin, m_gm.VwGraphics));
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedLength, seg.get_Lim(sbox.IchMin));
Ejemplo n.º 10
		void VerifyParaLine(ParaBox para, int lineIndex, Box first, Box last, int top, string label)
			ParaLine line = para.Lines[lineIndex];
			Assert.AreEqual(first, line.FirstBox, label + " - first box");
			Assert.AreEqual(last, line.LastBox, label + " - last box");
			Assert.AreEqual(top, line.Top, label + " - top");
Ejemplo n.º 11
		public void EmptyString()
			int ws = 1;
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs((ws));
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			StringClientRun clientRun = new StringClientRun("", styles);
			TextSource source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			ParaBox para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();
			var engine = layoutArgs.GetRenderer(1) as MockRenderEngine;
			engine.AddMockSeg(0, 0, 0, 0, ws, LgEndSegmentType.kestNoMore);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, para.Lines.Count);
			Assert.IsTrue(root.Height > 0);

Ejemplo n.º 12
		private void VerifySegmentDrawing(ParaBox para, StringBox third, MockSegment seg3, int top)
			VerifySegmentDrawing(para, third, seg3.LastDrawIpCall, top);
Ejemplo n.º 13
		public void InsertCharInEmptyLine()
			string contents = "";
			var engine = new FakeRenderEngine() { Ws = 34, SegmentHeight = 13 };
			var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();
			factory.SetRenderer(34, engine);
			var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(34);
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			var run = new StringClientRun(contents, styles);
			var data1 = new MockData1(34, 35);
			data1.SimpleThree = contents;
			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			var para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			var hookup = new StringHookup(this, () => data1.SimpleThree, hook => data1.SimpleThreeChanged += hook.StringPropChanged,
				hook => data1.SimpleThreeChanged -= hook.StringPropChanged, para);
			hookup.Writer = newVal => data1.SimpleThree = newVal;
			run.Hookup = hookup;
			var root = new RootBox(styles);
			var block = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 20000, 10000);
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(13 + block.Height));
			Assert.That(para.Width, Is.EqualTo(FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth(contents)));
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(block.Width));
			int simulatedWidth = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("x");
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.GreaterThan(para.Width + simulatedWidth));
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 100, 0, 10, 120, 128);
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			root.Site = site;
			var oldRootWidth = root.Width;

			var ip = root.SelectAtEnd();
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(13 + block.Height));
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(oldRootWidth));
			Assert.That(para.Width, Is.EqualTo(simulatedWidth));
			var expectedInvalidate = new Rectangle(-RootBox.InvalidateMargin,
							- RootBox.InvalidateMargin + block.Height,
							simulatedWidth + RootBox.InvalidateMargin * 2,
							13 + 2 * RootBox.InvalidateMargin);
			Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Has.Member(expectedInvalidate));
Ejemplo n.º 14
		/// <summary>
		/// This setup method for para builder is also useful for testing stuff related to the paragraph itself.
		/// For example, we take advantage of it for testing backspace at start of client run.
		/// </summary>
		internal static RootBox MakeTestParaThreeStrings(IVwGraphics vg, MockBreakOption breakOption, out ParaBox para)
			var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(s_simpleStringWs);
			var styles2 = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(s_secondGroupWs);

			string contents1 = AssembleStrings(s_firstGroupWords);
			string contents2 = AssembleStrings(s_secondGroupWords);
			string contents3 = AssembleStrings(s_thirdGroupWords);

			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			clientRuns.Add(new StringClientRun(contents1, styles));
			clientRuns.Add(new StringClientRun(contents2, styles2));
			clientRuns.Add(new StringClientRun(contents3, styles));
			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			var root = new RootBox(styles);
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, vg);

			int totalLength = contents1.Length + contents2.Length + contents3.Length;

			// Arrange the following line breaks.
			// First the builder will ask to break the whole string, it puts the first three words on a line and indicates it is full.
			SetupMockEngineForThreeStringsPara(s_firstGroupWords, s_secondGroupWords, s_thirdGroupWords, layoutArgs);
			return root;
Ejemplo n.º 15
		private void VerifyRangeSegmentQuery(ParaBox para, StringBox stringBox, FakeSegment seg, int ichMin, int ichLim, int top, int ydTop, int bottom)
			var args = seg.LastPositionOfRangeArgs;
			VerifyRangeDrawingArgs(args, stringBox, ichMin, ichLim, top, ydTop, bottom);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Return an insertion point at the start of the specified paragraph (of which this is the first run)
 /// </summary>
 public InsertionPoint SelectAtStart(ParaBox para)
     // Review JohnT: do we want associatePrevious true or false if the paragraph is empty?
     return(SelectAt(para, 0, false));
Ejemplo n.º 17
		// Add to the root a text paragraph which reflects the SimpleText property.
		private void AddSimpleTextPara(AssembledStyles styles, int ws, RootBox root)
			var items = new List<IClientRun>();
			var run = new StringClientRun("This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it",
			var source = new TextSource(items);
			var para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			var hookup = new StringHookup(this, () => this.SimpleText,
										  hook => SimpleTextChanged += hook.StringPropChanged,
										  hook => SimpleTextChanged -= hook.StringPropChanged, para);
			hookup.Writer = newVal => SimpleText = newVal;
			run.Hookup = hookup;
Ejemplo n.º 18
		ParaBox AddPara(string[] contents, AssembledStyles styles, RootBox root)
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			foreach (string item in contents)
				var run = new StringClientRun(item, styles);
			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			var para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			return para;
Ejemplo n.º 19
		private void VerifyRange(Selection sel, ParaBox paraAnchor, string textBeforeAnchor,
			ParaBox paraEnd, string textBeforeEnd, string label)
			Assert.That(sel, Is.TypeOf(typeof(RangeSelection)), label + " should produce range");
			var range = (RangeSelection) sel;
			VerifyIp(range.Anchor, paraAnchor, textBeforeAnchor, range.EndBeforeAnchor, label + " (anchor)");
			VerifyIp(range.DragEnd, paraEnd, textBeforeEnd, !range.EndBeforeAnchor, label + " (end)");
Ejemplo n.º 20
		private void VerifyIp(Selection sel, ParaBox para, string textBefore, bool assocPrev, string label)
			Assert.That(sel, Is.TypeOf(typeof(InsertionPoint)), label + " should produce IP");
			var ip = (InsertionPoint) sel;
			Assert.That(ip.Para, Is.EqualTo(para), label + " should be in expected para");
			Assert.That(ip.LogicalParaPosition, Is.EqualTo(textBefore.Length), label + " should be at expected position");
			Assert.That(ip.AssociatePrevious, Is.EqualTo(assocPrev), label + " should associate correctly");
Ejemplo n.º 21
		/// <summary>
		///  The setup method for para builder is also useful for testing stuff related to the paragraph itself.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="vg"></param>
		/// <param name="para"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		internal static RootBox MakeTestParaSimpleString(IVwGraphics vg, MockBreakOption breakOption, out ParaBox para)
			var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(s_simpleStringWs);

			string contents = AssembleStrings(s_simpleStringWords);

			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			clientRuns.Add(new StringClientRun(contents, styles));
			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			var root = new RootBox(styles);
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, vg);
			var engine = layoutArgs.GetRenderer(1) as MockRenderEngine;
			switch (breakOption)
				case MockBreakOption.ThreeOkayBreaks:
					// This option generates three lines as long as the width is sufficient because
					// Asked to break the whole string we answer a segment that has the first three words.
					engine.AddMockSeg(0, contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 3), s_widthFirstMockSeg, s_simpleStringWs,
					// Asked to break the rest of the line we answer a segment with the next three.
					engine.AddMockSeg(SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 3), contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 3, 6),
							s_widthSecondMockSeg, s_simpleStringWs, LgEndSegmentType.kestOkayBreak);
					// Asked to break the rest of the line we answer a segment with the last three.
					engine.AddMockSeg(SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 6), contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 6, 9),
						s_widthThirdMockSeg, s_simpleStringWs, LgEndSegmentType.kestNoMore);
				case MockBreakOption.FourSegsThreeLines:
					// Asked to break the whole string we answer a segment that has the first two words but allows more.
					engine.AddMockSeg(0, contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 2), 50, s_simpleStringWs,
					// Asked to break the rest of the line we give one more word and say it fills the line.
					engine.AddMockSeg(SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 2), contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 3), 20, s_simpleStringWs,
					// Asked to break the rest of the line we answer a segment with the next three and say it fills the line.
					engine.AddMockSeg(SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 3), contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 3, 6),
						s_widthSecondMockSeg, s_simpleStringWs, LgEndSegmentType.kestMoreLines);
					// Asked to break the rest of the line we answer a segment with the last three.
					engine.AddMockSeg(SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 6), contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 6, 9),
						s_widthThirdMockSeg, s_simpleStringWs, LgEndSegmentType.kestNoMore);
					// Asked to do anything else
					engine.OtherSegPolicy = UnexpectedSegments.MakeOneCharSeg;
				case MockBreakOption.ThreeFullLines:
					// Asked to break the whole string we answer a segment that has the first three words.
					SetupMockEngineForThreeLines(contents, engine, s_simpleStringWords);
			return root;
Ejemplo n.º 22
		public void ContentChangeWrapping()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(s_simpleStringWs);

			string contents1 = "This is a simple string. It has two sentences.";

			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			clientRuns.Add(new StringClientRun(contents1, styles));
			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			var para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			var root = new RootBox(styles);
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(30, m_gm.VwGraphics);

Ejemplo n.º 23
		private void InitSeveralBoxes()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			RootBox root = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
			var items = new List<IClientRun>();
			items.Add(new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000));
			items.Add(new BlockBox(styles, Color.Blue, 36000, 18000));
			items.Add(new BlockBox(styles, Color.Orange, 18000, 36000));
			items.Add(new BlockBox(styles, Color.Green, 72000, 18000));
			items.Add(new ImageBox(styles.WithBackColor(Color.Pink).WithBorderColor(Color.Blue)
				.WithBorders(new Thickness(2.0)).WithPads(new Thickness(4.0)), new Icon(SystemIcons.Shield, 40, 40).ToBitmap()));
			items.Add(new BlockBox(styles, Color.Yellow, 72000, 36000));
			var source = new TextSource(items);
			var para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			theSharpView.Root = root;
Ejemplo n.º 24
		private void VerifyRangeSegmentDrawing(ParaBox para, StringBox stringBox, FakeSegment seg, int ichMin, int ichLim, int top, int ydTop, int bottom)
			var args = seg.LastDrawRangeCall;
			VerifyRangeDrawingArgs(args, stringBox, ichMin, ichLim, top, ydTop, bottom);
Ejemplo n.º 25
		public void FiveBlockPara()
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			BlockBox box0 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			BlockBox box1 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Blue, 36000, 18000);
			BlockBox box2 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 24000, 18000);
			BlockBox box3 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			BlockBox box4 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 36000, 36000);

			TextSource source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			ParaBox para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();
			VerifyBox(box0, 96, 48, box1, para, "box0");
			VerifyBox(box1, 48, 24, box2, para, "box1");
			VerifyBox(box2, 32, 24, box3, para, "box2");
			VerifyBox(box3, 96, 48, box4, para, "box3");
			VerifyBox(box4, 48, 48, null, para, "box4");
			VerifyGroup(para, 96 + 48 + 32 + 96 + 48, 48, null, root, box0, box4, "para");
			VerifyGroup(root, 96 + 48 + 32 + 96 + 48, 48, null, null, para, para, "root");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 0, box0, box4, 0, "para unlimited one line");

			// Check multi-line layout (one line has room for two boxes).
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs2 = MakeLayoutInfo(100, m_gm.VwGraphics);
			Assert.AreEqual(4, para.Lines.Count, "para1 at 100 has four lines");
			VerifyBox(box0, 96, 48, box1, para, "box0/100");
			VerifyBox(box1, 48, 24, box2, para, "box1/100");
			VerifyBox(box2, 32, 24, box3, para, "box2/100");
			VerifyBox(box3, 96, 48, box4, para, "box3/100");
			VerifyBox(box4, 48, 48, null, para, "box4/100");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 0, box0, box0, 0, "para/100 first");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 1, box1, box2, 48, "para/100 second");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 2, box3, box3, 48 + 24, "para/100 third");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 3, box4, box4, 48 + 24 + 48, "para/100 fourth");
			// At 100 pixels wide, box0 goes on the first line, boxes 1 and 2 on the third, box 3 and box4 take the fourth and fifth.
			// Multiple lines means the paragraph occupies its full width.
			int height100 = 48 + 24 + 48 + 48;
			VerifyGroup(para, 100, height100, null, root, box0, box4, "para/100");
			VerifyGroup(root, 100, height100, null, null, para, para, "root/100");

			// Check layout when some boxes won't fit on a whole line.
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs3 = MakeLayoutInfo(50, m_gm.VwGraphics);
			Assert.AreEqual(5, para.Lines.Count, "para1 at 50 has five lines");
			VerifyBox(box0, 96, 48, box1, para, "box0/50");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 0, box0, box0, 0, "para/50 first");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 1, box1, box1, 48, "para/50 second");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 2, box2, box2, 48 + 24, "para/50 third");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 3, box3, box3, 48 + 24 + 24, "para/50 fourth");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 4, box4, box4, 48 + 24 + 24 +48, "para/50 fifth");
			// At 100 pixels wide, box0 goes on the first line, boxes 1 and 2 on the third, box 3 and box4 take the fourth and fifth.
			// Multiple lines means the paragraph occupies its full width.
			int height50 = 48 + 24 + 24 + 48 + 48;
			VerifyGroup(para, 96, height50, null, root, box0, box4, "para/50");
			VerifyGroup(root, 96, height50, null, null, para, para, "root/50");
Ejemplo n.º 26
 internal InsertionPoint SelectAt(ParaBox para, int ich, bool asscociatePrevious)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 27
		public void BidiLayout()
			string content1 = "This is the ";
			string contentRtl = "day ";
			string content3 = "that ";

			// Two writing systems
			int wsLtr = 5;
			int wsRtl = 6;

			// Two corresponding renderers
			var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();
			var engineLtr = new FakeRenderEngine() { Ws = wsLtr, SegmentHeight = 13 };
			factory.SetRenderer(wsLtr, engineLtr);
			var engineRtl = new FakeRenderEngine() {Ws = wsRtl, SegmentHeight = 13 };
			engineRtl.RightToLeft = true;
			factory.SetRenderer(wsRtl, engineRtl);

			// Two corresponding styles (and a vanilla one)
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var stylesLtr = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(wsLtr);
			var stylesRtl = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(wsRtl);

			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			var run1 = new StringClientRun(content1, stylesLtr);
			var runRtl = new StringClientRun(contentRtl, stylesRtl);
			var run3 = new StringClientRun(content3, stylesLtr);

			var root = new RootBoxFdo(styles);

			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			var para = new ParaBox(styles, source);

			var stylesParaRtl = styles.WithRightToLeft(true);
			var sourceRtl = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			var paraRtl = new ParaBox(stylesParaRtl, sourceRtl);

			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);

			// "day " being upstream should make two distinct boxes.
			// We should get something like
			// "This is the yad that ", where the space between "yad" and "that" is the one that
			// follows the 'y' in "day".
			var box1 = para.FirstBox as StringBox;
			var box2 = box1.Next as StringBox;
			var box3 = box2.Next as StringBox;
			var box4 = box3.Next as StringBox;
			Assert.That(box4, Is.Not.Null);
			Assert.That(box1.Segment.get_Lim(box1.IchMin) == content1.Length);
			Assert.That(box2.Segment.get_Lim(box2.IchMin) == contentRtl.Length - 1);
			Assert.That(box3.Segment.get_Lim(box3.IchMin) == 1);
			Assert.That(box4.Segment.get_Lim(box4.IchMin) == content3.Length);
			Assert.That(box1.Left, Is.LessThan(box2.Left));
			Assert.That(box2.Left, Is.LessThan(box3.Left));
			Assert.That(box3.Left, Is.LessThan(box4.Left));

			// In the second paragraph, the two LRT runs are upstream. We should get boxes
			// "This is the", " ", "day ", "that" and " " (but the final space will have zero width at end of line)
			// The effect should be something like
			// that yad This is the", where the space between "yad" and "This" is the one following "the",
			// and the one between "that" and "yad" is the one following "day", and the space following "that"
			// is invisible at the end of the line to the left of 'that'.
			var boxR1 = paraRtl.FirstBox as StringBox;
			var boxR2 = boxR1.Next as StringBox;
			var boxR3 = boxR2.Next as StringBox;
			var boxR4 = boxR3.Next as StringBox;
			var boxR5 = boxR4.Next as StringBox;
			Assert.That(boxR5, Is.Not.Null);
			Assert.That(boxR1.Segment.get_Lim(boxR1.IchMin) == content1.Length - 1);
			Assert.That(boxR2.Segment.get_Lim(boxR2.IchMin) == 1);
			Assert.That(boxR3.Segment.get_Lim(boxR3.IchMin) == contentRtl.Length);
			Assert.That(boxR4.Segment.get_Lim(boxR4.IchMin) == content3.Length - 1);
			Assert.That(boxR5.Segment.get_Lim(boxR5.IchMin) == 1);
Ejemplo n.º 28
		private MockData1 HookDataToClientRun(ParaBox para, string contents1, int runIndex)
			var data1 = new MockData1(ParaBuilderTests.s_simpleStringWs, ParaBuilderTests.s_simpleStringWs);
			data1.SimpleThree = contents1;
			var hookup = new StringHookup(data1, () => data1.SimpleThree,
										  hook => data1.SimpleThreeChanged += hook.StringPropChanged,
										  hook => data1.SimpleThreeChanged -= hook.StringPropChanged, para);
			hookup.Writer = newVal => data1.SimpleThree = newVal;
			hookup.ClientRunIndex = runIndex;
			(para.Source.ClientRuns[runIndex] as StringClientRun).Hookup = hookup;
			return data1;
Ejemplo n.º 29
		/// <summary>
		/// This overload fulfils the interface contract for some kinds of Box to function as ClientRun.
		/// In general a box can select at start without needing to know its containing paragraph (if any) or index within it.
		/// </summary>
		public InsertionPoint SelectAtStart(ParaBox para)
			return SelectAtStart();
Ejemplo n.º 30
		public void InsertGrowsPara()
			string contents = "This is the day.";
			var engine = new FakeRenderEngine() { Ws = 34, SegmentHeight = 13 };
			var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();
			factory.SetRenderer(34, engine);
			var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(34);
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			var run = new StringClientRun(contents, styles);
			var data1 = new MockData1(34, 35);
			data1.SimpleThree = contents;
			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			var para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			var hookup = new StringHookup(this, () => data1.SimpleThree, hook => data1.SimpleThreeChanged += hook.StringPropChanged,
				hook => data1.SimpleThreeChanged -= hook.StringPropChanged, para);
			hookup.Writer = newVal => data1.SimpleThree = newVal;
			run.Hookup = hookup;
			var extraBox = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 50, 72000);
			var root = new RootBoxFdo(styles);
			root.SizeChanged += root_SizeChanged;
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(13 + 96));
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth(contents)));

			int widthThisIsThe = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("This is the");
			layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(widthThisIsThe + 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(26 + 96), "two line para is twice the height");
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(widthThisIsThe + 2), "two-line para occupies full available width");
			Assert.That(extraBox.Top, Is.EqualTo(26));

			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 100, 0, 10, 120, 128);
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			root.Site = site;
			m_sizeChangedCalled = false;
			var ip = para.SelectAtEnd();

			ip.InsertText(" We will be");
			Assert.That(para.Height, Is.EqualTo(39), "inserted text makes para a line higher");
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(39 + 96), "root grows when para does");
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(widthThisIsThe + 2), "three-line para occupies full available width");
			Assert.That(extraBox.Top, Is.EqualTo(39));
Ejemplo n.º 31
		/// <summary>
		/// This overload fulfils the interface contract for some kinds of Box to function as ClientRun.
		/// In general a box can select at end without needing to know its containing paragraph (if any) or index within it.
		/// </summary>
		public InsertionPoint SelectAtEnd(ParaBox para)
			return SelectAtEnd();
Ejemplo n.º 32
		private void VerifySegmentDrawing(ParaBox para, StringBox third, MockSegment.DrawInsertionPointArgs drawInsertionPointArgs, int top)
			Assert.AreEqual(third.IchMin, drawInsertionPointArgs.IchBase);
			Assert.AreEqual(m_gm.VwGraphics, drawInsertionPointArgs.Graphics);
			Assert.AreEqual(true, drawInsertionPointArgs.AssocPrev, "assoc prev should match IP");
			ParaTests.VerifySimpleRect(drawInsertionPointArgs.RcSrc, -2, top, 96, 100);
			ParaTests.VerifySimpleRect(drawInsertionPointArgs.RcDst, 0, 10, 120, 128);
			Assert.AreEqual(drawInsertionPointArgs.Ich, para.Source.Length);
			Assert.AreEqual(drawInsertionPointArgs.On, true, "Should currently always pass true to segment drawIP routine");
			Assert.AreEqual(drawInsertionPointArgs.DrawMode, LgIPDrawMode.kdmNormal, "all drawing modes normal till we test BIDI with Graphite");