Inheritance: ISerializable
Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected override void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs drgevent)
     int            hvoDstOwner;  // dummies, we just want to set the Effect property of drgevent.
     int            flidDst;
     int            ihvoDstStart;
     ObjectDragInfo odi = TestDropEffects(drgevent, out hvoDstOwner, out flidDst, out ihvoDstStart);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs drgevent)
            int            hvoDstOwner;
            int            flidDst;
            int            ihvoDstStart;
            ObjectDragInfo odi = TestDropEffects(drgevent, out hvoDstOwner, out flidDst, out ihvoDstStart);

            if (drgevent.Effect == DragDropEffects.None)
            // Todo JohnT: verify that m_slice is the last slice in the representation of flid.
            Slice.ContainingDataTree.Cache.MoveOwningSequence(odi.HvoSrcOwner, odi.FlidSrc, odi.IhvoSrcStart,
                                                              odi.IhvoSrcEnd, hvoDstOwner, flidDst, ihvoDstStart);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Preliminary version of mouse down handles expansion and contraction.
        /// Todo:
        ///		- Scroll appropriately to show as much as possible of what was expanded.
        ///		- drag and drop effects.
        ///		- double-click on label also toggles expansion.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs meArgs)
            //in light of what JT says below, we need to explicitly tell the slice that
            //we were clicked on, because we cannot count on a normal Click event
            //which we would normally just subscribe to, as we do with the slice editor controls.
            Slice.OnTreeNodeClick(this, meArgs);

            // The documentation says we should call the base class. Not doing so means that
            // mouse down handlers can't be attached to this class by delegation.
            // However, the base class implementation has a catastrophic side effect: it causes
            // this control to be selected, in a sense that causes it to be scrolled into
            // view every time a lazy slice is expanded into a real one. This is the first
            // successful way I (JT) found to defeat this behavior, and I tried many.
            if (meArgs.Button.Equals(MouseButtons.Right) || (ShowingContextIcon && meArgs.X < 20))
                //begin test (JDH)
                Point p = new Point(meArgs.X, meArgs.Y);
                if (Slice.HandleMouseDown(p))
                //end test

            // Enhance JohnT: Could we find a better label that shows more clearly what is being moved?
            int hvoSrcOwner;
            int flidSrc;
            int ihvoSrcStart;

            if (!Slice.GetSeqContext(out hvoSrcOwner, out flidSrc, out ihvoSrcStart))
                return;                 // If we can't identify an object to move, don't do a drag.
            ObjectDragInfo objinfo = new ObjectDragInfo(hvoSrcOwner, flidSrc, ihvoSrcStart, ihvoSrcStart, Slice.Label);
            DataObject     dataobj = new DataObject(objinfo);

            // Initiate a drag/drop operation. Currently we only support move.
            // Enhance JohnT: Also support Copy.
            DoDragDrop(dataobj, DragDropEffects.Move);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override void OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs drgevent)
            int            hvoDstOwner;
            int            flidDst;
            int            ihvoDstStart;
            ObjectDragInfo odi = TestDropEffects(drgevent, out hvoDstOwner, out flidDst, out ihvoDstStart);

            if (drgevent.Effect == DragDropEffects.None)
            // Todo JohnT: verify that m_slice is the last slice in the representation of flid.
            FdoCache cache = Slice.ContainingDataTree.Cache;

            UndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do("Undo Move Item", "Redo Move Item",
                                        cache.ActionHandlerAccessor, () =>
                cache.DomainDataByFlid.MoveOwnSeq(odi.HvoSrcOwner, odi.FlidSrc, odi.IhvoSrcStart,
                                                  odi.IhvoSrcEnd, hvoDstOwner, flidDst, ihvoDstStart);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Test whether we can drop the information indicated by the drgevent onto this.
        /// Currently this is possible if
        ///		1. The drag event's data is an ObjectDragInfo
        ///		2. It is valid for those objects to be moved to a position just after the object of which
        ///		the destination slice is a part, in the lowest level sequence of which it is a part.
        ///	drgevent.Effect is set to Move or None to indicate the result. If successful, returns an ObjectDragInfo
        ///	and the place to put the new objects.
        ///	(Note: the ihvoDstStart returned is meaningless if the property is a collection.)
        ///	Move is valid under the following conditions:
        ///		1. Must not violate signature. Signature is checked if destination property is different from source.
        ///		2. Must not create circularity of ownership. This is checked if destination object is different from source.
        ///		3. Must result in actual movement. This is checked if destination and source object and flid are the same.
        ///		This case always fails if the property is a collection, also if it is a sequence and nothing would change.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drgevent">Passed so Effect can be set.</param>
        /// <param name="hvoDstOwner">Object to move things to</param>
        /// <param name="flidDst">Property to move to.</param>
        /// <param name="ihvoDstStart">Place to put them (if sequence).</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ObjectDragInfo TestDropEffects(DragEventArgs drgevent, out int hvoDstOwner, out int flidDst, out int ihvoDstStart)
            ObjectDragInfo odi = (ObjectDragInfo)drgevent.Data.GetData(typeof(ObjectDragInfo));

            drgevent.Effect = DragDropEffects.None; // default
            hvoDstOwner     = 0;                    // not used unless we get to GetSeqContext call, but compiler demands we set them.
            flidDst         = 0;
            ihvoDstStart    = 0;
            if (odi != null)
                // Enhance JohnT: options to allow dragging onto this object, putting the dragged object into
                // one of its owning properties.
                // Try to drag the object after 'this' in the relevant property.
                if (Slice.GetSeqContext(out hvoDstOwner, out flidDst, out ihvoDstStart))
                    ihvoDstStart++;                     // Insert after the present object (if a sequence).
                    if (OkToMove(hvoDstOwner, flidDst, ihvoDstStart, odi))
                        drgevent.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;
                // See if the first child is a sequence we could insert at the start of.
                XmlNode firstChild = Slice.ConfigurationNode.FirstChild;
                if (firstChild != null && firstChild.Name == "seq")
                    hvoDstOwner  = Slice.Object.Hvo;
                    flidDst      = (int)Slice.ContainingDataTree.Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetFieldId2((uint)Slice.Object.ClassID, firstChild.Attributes["field"].Value, true);
                    ihvoDstStart = 0;
                    if (OkToMove(hvoDstOwner, flidDst, ihvoDstStart, odi))
                        drgevent.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		/// <summary>
		/// Preliminary version of mouse down handles expansion and contraction.
		/// Todo:
		///		- Scroll appropriately to show as much as possible of what was expanded.
		///		- drag and drop effects.
		///		- double-click on label also toggles expansion.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs meArgs)
			//in light of what JT says below, we need to explicitly tell the slice that
			//we were clicked on, because we cannot count on a normal Click event
			//which we would normally just subscribe to, as we do with the slice editor controls.
			Slice.OnTreeNodeClick(this, meArgs);

			// The documentation says we should call the base class. Not doing so means that
			// mouse down handlers can't be attached to this class by delegation.
			// However, the base class implementation has a catastrophic side effect: it causes
			// this control to be selected, in a sense that causes it to be scrolled into
			// view every time a lazy slice is expanded into a real one. This is the first
			// successful way I (JT) found to defeat this behavior, and I tried many.
			if (meArgs.Button.Equals(MouseButtons.Right) || (ShowingContextIcon && meArgs.X < 20))
				//begin test (JDH)
				Point p = new Point(meArgs.X,meArgs.Y);
				if (Slice.HandleMouseDown(p))
				//end test

			// Enhance JohnT: Could we find a better label that shows more clearly what is being moved?
			int hvoSrcOwner;
			int flidSrc;
			int ihvoSrcStart;
			if (!Slice.GetSeqContext(out hvoSrcOwner, out flidSrc, out ihvoSrcStart))
				return; // If we can't identify an object to move, don't do a drag.
			ObjectDragInfo objinfo = new ObjectDragInfo(hvoSrcOwner, flidSrc, ihvoSrcStart, ihvoSrcStart, Slice.Label);
			DataObject dataobj = new DataObject(objinfo);
			// Initiate a drag/drop operation. Currently we only support move.
			// Enhance JohnT: Also support Copy.
			DoDragDrop(dataobj, DragDropEffects.Move);
Ejemplo n.º 7
		public bool OkToMove(int hvoDstOwner, int flidDst, int ihvoDstStart, ObjectDragInfo odi)

			FDO.FdoCache cache = Slice.ContainingDataTree.Cache;
			ICmObjectRepository repo = cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmObjectRepository>();
			if (flidDst == odi.FlidSrc)
				// Verify that it is not a no-operation.
				if (hvoDstOwner == odi.HvoSrcOwner)
					// Same property of same object. If it's a collection, disable.
					CellarPropertyType fieldType = (CellarPropertyType)cache.DomainDataByFlid.MetaDataCache.GetFieldType((int)flidDst);
					// We can't drag it to the position it's already at; that's no change. We also can't drag it
					// to the position one greater: that amounts to trying to place it after itself, which (after
					// removing it from before itself) amounts to a no-operation.
					if (fieldType == CellarPropertyType.OwningSequence &&
						ihvoDstStart != odi.IhvoSrcStart && ihvoDstStart != odi.IhvoSrcStart + 1)
						// It's a sequence and the target and source positions are different, so we can do it.
						return true;
					// Different objects; need to verify no circular ownership involved.
					for (int ihvo = odi.IhvoSrcStart; ihvo <= odi.IhvoSrcEnd; ihvo++)
						int hvo = cache.DomainDataByFlid.get_VecItem(odi.HvoSrcOwner, odi.FlidSrc, ihvo);
						// See if hvoDstOwner is owned by hvo
						ICmObject obj2 = repo.GetObject(hvoDstOwner);
						// loop from hvo2 to root owner of hvo2. If hvo2 or any of its owners is hvo,
						// we have a problem.
						while (obj2 != null)
							if (hvo == obj2.Hvo)
								return false; // circular ownership, can't drop.
							obj2 = obj2.Owner;
					return true;
				// Different property, check signature.
				IFwMetaDataCache mdc = cache.DomainDataByFlid.MetaDataCache;
				int luclid = mdc.GetDstClsId((int) flidDst);
				for (int ihvo = odi.IhvoSrcStart; ihvo <= odi.IhvoSrcEnd; ihvo++)
					int hvo = cache.DomainDataByFlid.get_VecItem(odi.HvoSrcOwner, odi.FlidSrc, ihvo);
					int cls = repo.GetObject(hvo).ClassID;
					while (cls != 0 && cls != luclid)
						cls = mdc.GetBaseClsId(cls);
					if (cls == 0)
						return false; // wrong signature, can't drop.
				// All sigs OK, allow drop.
				return true;
			// If none of those cases is OK, can't do it.
			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Preliminary version of mouse down handles expansion and contraction.
        /// Todo:
        ///		- Scroll appropriately to show as much as possible of what was expanded.
        ///		- drag and drop effects.
        ///		- double-click on label also toggles expansion.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs meArgs)
            //in light of what JT says below, we need to explicitly tell the slice that
            //we were clicked on, because we cannot count on a normal Click event
            //which we would normally just subscribe to, as we do with the slice editor controls.
            Slice.OnTreeNodeClick(this, meArgs);

            // The documentation says we should call the base class. Not doing so means that
            // mouse down handlers can't be attached to this class by delegation.
            // However, the base class implementation has a catastrophic side effect: it causes
            // this control to be selected, in a sense that causes it to be scrolled into
            // view every time a lazy slice is expanded into a real one. This is the first
            // successful way I (JT) found to defeat this behavior, and I tried many.
            if (meArgs.Button.Equals(MouseButtons.Right) || (ShowingContextIcon && meArgs.X < 20))
                //begin test (JDH)
                Point p = new Point(meArgs.X, meArgs.Y);
                if (Slice.HandleMouseDown(p))
                //end test

                //				// Setup the context menu every time, because it contains information about
                //				// item positions that can be invalidated by inserting items, etc.
                //		SetupContextMenu();
                //				return;

            int xp = meArgs.X;
            // xpText is the left side of the tree label.
            int xpText = kdxpLeftMargin + kdxpIndDist + Slice.Indent * kdxpIndDist;
            // If we are over the +/- box...
// But, we never are in the current way all this works (see LT-2643, apparently some slices, such
// as the summary slice for a LexSense, think they are collapsed and can be expanded.
//			if (xp < xpText && xp >= xpText - kdxpIndDist)
//			{
//				// Handle label expansion and contraction.
//				if (Slice.Expansion != DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisFixed)
//				{
//					int iSlice = Slice.Parent.Controls.IndexOf(Slice);
//					ToggleExpansionAndScroll(iSlice);
//				}
//			}
//			else
//			{
            // Enhance JohnT: Could we find a better label that shows more clearly what is being moved?
            int hvoSrcOwner;
            int flidSrc;
            int ihvoSrcStart;

            if (!Slice.GetSeqContext(out hvoSrcOwner, out flidSrc, out ihvoSrcStart))
                return;                         // If we can't identify an object to move, don't do a drag.
            ObjectDragInfo objinfo = new ObjectDragInfo(hvoSrcOwner, flidSrc, ihvoSrcStart, ihvoSrcStart, Slice.Label);
            DataObject     dataobj = new DataObject(objinfo);

            // Initiate a drag/drop operation. Currently we only support move.
            // Enhance JohnT: Also support Copy.
            DoDragDrop(dataobj, DragDropEffects.Move);
//			}
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Return whether it is OK to move the objects indicated by odi to the specified destination.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hvoDstOwner"></param>
        /// <param name="flidDst"></param>
        /// <param name="ihvoDstStart"></param>
        /// <param name="odi"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool OkToMove(int hvoDstOwner, int flidDst, int ihvoDstStart, ObjectDragInfo odi)

            FDO.FdoCache cache = Slice.ContainingDataTree.Cache;
            if (flidDst == odi.FlidSrc)
                // Verify that it is not a no-operation.
                if (hvoDstOwner == odi.HvoSrcOwner)
                    // Same property of same object. If it's a collection, disable.
                    FieldType fieldType = cache.GetFieldType(flidDst);
                    // We can't drag it to the position it's already at; that's no change. We also can't drag it
                    // to the position one greater: that amounts to trying to place it after itself, which (after
                    // removing it from before itself) amounts to a no-operation.
                    if (fieldType == FieldType.kcptOwningSequence &&
                        ihvoDstStart != odi.IhvoSrcStart && ihvoDstStart != odi.IhvoSrcStart + 1)
                        // It's a sequence and the target and source positions are different, so we can do it.
                    // Different objects; need to verify no circular ownership involved.
                    for (int ihvo = odi.IhvoSrcStart; ihvo <= odi.IhvoSrcEnd; ihvo++)
                        int hvo = cache.GetVectorItem(odi.HvoSrcOwner, odi.FlidSrc, ihvo);
                        // See if hvoDstOwner is owned by hvo
                        int hvo2 = hvoDstOwner;
                        // loop from hvo2 to root owner of hvo2. If hvo2 or any of its owners is hvo,
                        // we have a problem.
                        while (hvo2 != 0)
                            if (hvo == hvo2)
                                return(false);                                // circular ownership, can't drop.
                            hvo2 = cache.GetOwnerOfObject(hvo2);
                // Different property, check signature.
                IFwMetaDataCache mdc    = cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor;
                uint             luclid = mdc.GetDstClsId((uint)flidDst);
                for (int ihvo = odi.IhvoSrcStart; ihvo <= odi.IhvoSrcEnd; ihvo++)
                    int  hvo = cache.GetVectorItem(odi.HvoSrcOwner, odi.FlidSrc, ihvo);
                    uint cls = (uint)cache.GetClassOfObject(hvo);
                    while (cls != 0 && cls != luclid)
                        cls = mdc.GetBaseClsId(cls);
                    if (cls == 0)
                        return(false);                        // wrong signature, can't drop.
                // All sigs OK, allow drop.
            // If none of those cases is OK, can't do it.
Ejemplo n.º 10
		/// <summary>
		/// Preliminary version of mouse down handles expansion and contraction.
		/// Todo:
		///		- Scroll appropriately to show as much as possible of what was expanded.
		///		- drag and drop effects.
		///		- double-click on label also toggles expansion.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs meArgs)
			//in light of what JT says below, we need to explicitly tell the slice that
			//we were clicked on, because we cannot count on a normal Click event
			//which we would normally just subscribe to, as we do with the slice editor controls.
			Slice.OnTreeNodeClick(this, meArgs);

			// The documentation says we should call the base class. Not doing so means that
			// mouse down handlers can't be attached to this class by delegation.
			// However, the base class implementation has a catastrophic side effect: it causes
			// this control to be selected, in a sense that causes it to be scrolled into
			// view every time a lazy slice is expanded into a real one. This is the first
			// successful way I (JT) found to defeat this behavior, and I tried many.
			if (meArgs.Button.Equals(MouseButtons.Right) || (ShowingContextIcon && meArgs.X < 20))
				//begin test (JDH)
				Point p = new Point(meArgs.X,meArgs.Y);
				if (Slice.HandleMouseDown(p))
				//end test

				//				// Setup the context menu every time, because it contains information about
				//				// item positions that can be invalidated by inserting items, etc.
				//		SetupContextMenu();
				//				return;

			int xp = meArgs.X;
			// xpText is the left side of the tree label.
			int xpText = kdxpLeftMargin + kdxpIndDist + Slice.Indent * kdxpIndDist;
			// If we are over the +/- box...
// But, we never are in the current way all this works (see LT-2643, apparently some slices, such
// as the summary slice for a LexSense, think they are collapsed and can be expanded.
//			if (xp < xpText && xp >= xpText - kdxpIndDist)
//			{
//				// Handle label expansion and contraction.
//				if (Slice.Expansion != DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisFixed)
//				{
//					int iSlice = Slice.Parent.Controls.IndexOf(Slice);
//					ToggleExpansionAndScroll(iSlice);
//				}
//			}
//			else
//			{
				// Enhance JohnT: Could we find a better label that shows more clearly what is being moved?
				int hvoSrcOwner;
				int flidSrc;
				int ihvoSrcStart;
				if (!Slice.GetSeqContext(out hvoSrcOwner, out flidSrc, out ihvoSrcStart))
					return; // If we can't identify an object to move, don't do a drag.
				ObjectDragInfo objinfo = new ObjectDragInfo(hvoSrcOwner, flidSrc, ihvoSrcStart, ihvoSrcStart, Slice.Label);
				DataObject dataobj = new DataObject(objinfo);
				// Initiate a drag/drop operation. Currently we only support move.
				// Enhance JohnT: Also support Copy.
				DoDragDrop(dataobj, DragDropEffects.Move);
//			}