Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create or update the copyright file in the given debian folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="debianFolder">Debian folder.</param>
        /// <param name="assemblyFolder">Assembly folder.</param>
        /// <param name="prefixFolder">Prefix folder.</param>
        public static int CreateOrUpdateCopyrightFile(string debianFolder, string prefixFolder)
            CopyrightFile copyrights;

            if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(debianFolder, "copyright")))
                string programName  = null;
                string contactEmail = null;
                string sourceUrl    = null;
                // First try to read the primary information from a "Source" paragraph in the control file.
                var controlFile = new DebianControl(Path.Combine(debianFolder, "control"));
                ParseControlContentForValues(controlFile, ref programName, ref contactEmail, ref sourceUrl);
                // If necessary, try to read some primary information from the changelog file.
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(programName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(contactEmail))
                    var lines = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(debianFolder, "changelog"), Encoding.UTF8);
                    ParseChangelogContentForValues(lines, ref programName, ref contactEmail);
                // If we can't derive any information, flag it as unknown.
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(programName))
                    programName = "UNKNOWN";
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contactEmail))
                    contactEmail = "UNKNOWN";
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceUrl))
                    sourceUrl = "UNKNOWN";
                copyrights           = CreateNewCopyrightFile(programName, contactEmail, sourceUrl);
                copyrights._filepath = Path.Combine(debianFolder, "copyright");
                Console.WriteLine("ExtractCopyright: creating new file at \"{0}\"", copyrights._filepath);
                // Initialize from an existing copyright file.
                copyrights = new CopyrightFile(Path.Combine(debianFolder, "copyright"));
                Console.WriteLine("ExtractCopyright: updating existing file at \"{0}\"", copyrights._filepath);

            var ackDict = SIL.Acknowledgements.AcknowledgementsProvider.CollectAcknowledgements();

            foreach (var key in ackDict.Keys)
                copyrights.AddOrUpdateParagraphFromAcknowledgement(ackDict[key], prefixFolder);


Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static void ParseControlContentForValues(DebianControl controlFile, ref string programName, ref string contactEmail, ref string sourceUrl)
            DebianParagraph sourcePara = null;

            foreach (var para in controlFile.Paragraphs)
                if (para.Fields.Count > 0 && para.Fields[0].Tag == "Source")
                    sourcePara = para;
            if (sourcePara != null)
                var sourceField = sourcePara.FindField("Source");
                programName = sourceField.Value;
                var maintainerField = sourcePara.FindField("Maintainer");
                if (maintainerField != null)
                    contactEmail = maintainerField.Value;
                // Find the "source URL" from
                // 1) Vcs-Browser (url to see source code repository in the browser), or if that isn't provided
                // 2) HomePage (url to see some sort of project home page in the browser), or if that isn't provided
                // 3) Vcs-Git (url to clone git repository on local machine)
                var urlField = sourcePara.FindField("Vcs-Browser");
                if (urlField == null)
                    urlField = sourcePara.FindField("HomePage");
                if (urlField == null)
                    urlField = sourcePara.FindField("Vcs-Git");
                if (urlField != null)
                    sourceUrl = urlField.Value;