/// <summary>This method adds to the SQL statement any path that appears in a formula</summary>
        /// <param name="onSql">This parameter has the current SQL statement</param>
        /// <param name="joinType">This parameter has the type of join</param>
        /// <param name="facet">First class, the beginning of the path</param>
        /// <param name="onPath">Path to add to SQL statement</param>
        /// <param name="processedOnPath">Path pocessed until the call of this method</param>
        /// <param name="initialClass">Domain of the object valued argument, object valued filter variables or AGENT when it should be necessary</param>
        /// <param name="forceLastAlias">Create almost the last alias in the sql</param>
        public static string AddPath(ONSqlSelect onSql, JoinType joinType, string facet, ONPath onPath, ONPath processedOnPath, string initialClass, bool forceLastAlias)
            // initialClass is used for Object-valued arguments, object-valued filter variables, agent instance, ...
            ONPath lProcessedOnPath = new ONPath(processedOnPath);
            ONPath lOnPath = new ONPath(onPath);

            // Calculate processed path
            string lRole = lOnPath.RemoveHead() as string;
            lProcessedOnPath += lRole;

            // Search Path
            if (lOnPath.Count == 0)
                string lAlias = onSql.GetAlias(facet, lProcessedOnPath);
                if ((lAlias != "") && (!forceLastAlias))
                    return (lAlias);
             			// Create path
            if (initialClass == "") // Simple paths
                if (string.Compare(lRole, "NaveNodriza", true) == 0)
                    return NaveNodrizaData.AddPath(onSql, joinType, facet, lOnPath, lProcessedOnPath, "", forceLastAlias);
                if (string.Compare(lRole, "Aeronave", true) == 0)
                    return AeronaveData.AddPath(onSql, joinType, facet, lOnPath, lProcessedOnPath, "", forceLastAlias);
                if (string.Compare(lRole, "Pasajero", true) == 0)
                    return PasajeroData.AddPath(onSql, joinType, facet, lOnPath, lProcessedOnPath, "", forceLastAlias);
                if (string.Compare(lRole, "PasajeroAeronave", true) == 0)
                    return PasajeroAeronaveData.AddPath(onSql, joinType, facet, lOnPath, lProcessedOnPath, "", forceLastAlias);
                if (string.Compare(lRole, "Revision", true) == 0)
                    return RevisionData.AddPath(onSql, joinType, facet, lOnPath, lProcessedOnPath, "", forceLastAlias);
                if (string.Compare(lRole, "RevisionPasajero", true) == 0)
                    return RevisionPasajeroData.AddPath(onSql, joinType, facet, lOnPath, lProcessedOnPath, "", forceLastAlias);
                if (string.Compare(lRole, "Administrador", true) == 0)
                    return AdministradorData.AddPath(onSql, joinType, facet, lOnPath, lProcessedOnPath, "", forceLastAlias);

            // Solve path with initialPath
            object[] lParameters = new object[6];
            lParameters[0] = onSql;
            lParameters[1] = facet;
            lParameters[2] = lOnPath;
            lParameters[3] = lProcessedOnPath;
            lParameters[4] = "";
            lParameters[5] = forceLastAlias;

            return ONContext.InvoqueMethod(ONContext.GetType_Data(initialClass), "AddPath", lParameters) as string;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static string PasajeroAeronaveRoleAddSql(ONSqlSelect onSql, JoinType joinType, string facet, ONPath onPath, ONPath processedPath, string role, bool force, bool isLinkedTo)
            ONPath lOnPath = new ONPath(processedPath);
            lOnPath += role;

            //Source table
            string lAliasProcessed = onSql.GetAlias("Aeronave", processedPath, isLinkedTo);
            if (lAliasProcessed == "")
                force = false;
                lAliasProcessed = onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, lAliasProcessed, CtesBD.TBL_AERONAVE, processedPath, "Aeronave", force, isLinkedTo);

            //Target table
            string lAlias = onSql.GetAlias("PasajeroAeronave", lOnPath, isLinkedTo);
            if (lAlias == "")
                force = false;
                lAlias = onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, lAliasProcessed, CtesBD.TBL_PASAJEROAERONAVE, lOnPath, "PasajeroAeronave", force, isLinkedTo);
                onSql.AddAliasWhere(lAlias, lAliasProcessed + "." + CtesBD.FLD_AERONAVE_ID_AERONAVE + "=" + lAlias + "." + CtesBD.FLD_PASAJEROAERONAVE_FK_AERONAVE_1);
            //Target path
            if ((((object) onPath == null) || (onPath.Count == 0)) && (string.Compare("PasajeroAeronave", facet, true) == 0) && (!force))
                return lAlias;

            return PasajeroAeronaveData.AddPath(onSql, joinType, facet, onPath, lOnPath, "", force, isLinkedTo);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static string AeronaveFacetAddSql(JoinType joinType, ONSqlSelect onSql, ONPath onPath, bool force, bool isLinkedTo)
            //Target table
            string lAliasFacet = "";
            string lAlias = onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, "", CtesBD.TBL_AERONAVE, onPath, "Aeronave", false, isLinkedTo);

            // Load facet from 'Aeronave' to 'Aeronave'
            lAliasFacet = onSql.GetAlias("Aeronave", onPath, isLinkedTo);
            if ((lAliasFacet == "") || force)
                if (force)
                    lAliasFacet = onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, "", CtesBD.TBL_AERONAVE, onPath, "Aeronave", force, isLinkedTo);
                    lAliasFacet = onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, lAlias, CtesBD.TBL_AERONAVE, onPath, "Aeronave", force, isLinkedTo);
                onSql.AddAliasWhere(lAliasFacet, lAlias + "." + CtesBD.FLD_AERONAVE_ID_AERONAVE + " = " + lAliasFacet + "." + CtesBD.FLD_AERONAVE_ID_AERONAVE);
            return lAliasFacet;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        ///<summary> This method adds the order criteria to the SQL statement </summary>
        ///<param name = "onSql"> This parameter represents the SQL component </param>
        ///<param name = "comparer"> This parameter has all the information refering to the order criteria to add to SQL statement</param>
        /// <param name="startRowOid">This parameter has the OID necessary to start the search</param>
        /// <param name="blockSize">This parameter represents the number of instances to be returned</param>
        protected override void AddOrderCriteria(ONSqlSelect onSql, ONOrderCriteria comparer, ONOid startRowOid, int blockSize, ONPath initialPath)
            //Initilizate StartRow
            AeronaveInstance lInstance = null;
            if (startRowOid != null)
                lInstance = new AeronaveInstance(OnContext);
                lInstance.Oid = startRowOid as AeronaveOid;

            //Default OrderCriteria
            if (comparer == null)
                string lAlias = onSql.GetAlias("Aeronave", initialPath);
                if (lInstance != null)
                    onSql.AddOrderBy(lAlias, CtesBD.FLD_AERONAVE_ID_AERONAVE, OrderByTypeEnumerator.Asc, lInstance.Oid.Id_AeronaveAttr);
                    onSql.AddOrderBy(lAlias, CtesBD.FLD_AERONAVE_ID_AERONAVE, OrderByTypeEnumerator.Asc, null);

            //Add OrderCriteria
            bool lUseStartRow = (!comparer.InMemory);
            foreach (ONOrderCriteriaItem lOrderCriteriaItem in comparer.OrderCriteriaSqlItem)
                ONPath lPath = new ONPath(lOrderCriteriaItem.OnPath);
                if((lInstance != null) && (lUseStartRow))
                    ONSimpleType lAttrStartRow = null;

                    if (lPath.Path == "")
                        lAttrStartRow = lInstance[lOrderCriteriaItem.Attribute] as ONSimpleType;
                        ONCollection lCollection = (lInstance[lPath.Path] as ONCollection);
                        if((lCollection != null) && (lCollection.Count > 0))
                            lAttrStartRow = lCollection[0][lOrderCriteriaItem.Attribute] as ONSimpleType;
                    onSql.AddOrderBy(AeronaveData.AddPath(onSql, JoinType.LeftJoin, lOrderCriteriaItem.Facet, lPath, null, lOrderCriteriaItem.DomainArgument, false), lOrderCriteriaItem.Attribute, lOrderCriteriaItem.Type, lAttrStartRow);
                    lUseStartRow = (lAttrStartRow != null);
                    onSql.AddOrderBy(AeronaveData.AddPath(onSql, JoinType.LeftJoin, lOrderCriteriaItem.Facet, lPath, null, lOrderCriteriaItem.DomainArgument, false), lOrderCriteriaItem.Attribute, lOrderCriteriaItem.Type, null);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>This method adds to the SQL statement any path that appears in a formula</summary>
        /// <param name="onSql">This parameter has the current SQL statement</param>
        /// <param name="joinType">This parameter has the type of join</param>
        /// <param name="facet">First class, the beginning of the path</param>
        /// <param name="onPath">Path to add to SQL statement</param>
        /// <param name="processedOnPath">Path pocessed until the call of this method</param>
        /// <param name="initialClass">Domain of the object valued argument, object valued filter variables or AGENT when it should be necessary</param>
        /// <param name="forceLastAlias">Create almost the last alias in the sql</param>
        /// <param name="isLinkedTo">The alias belongs to a role in a linked To element</param>
        public static string AddPath(ONSqlSelect onSql, JoinType joinType, string facet, ONPath onPath, ONPath processedOnPath, string initialClass, bool forceLastAlias, bool isLinkedTo)
            // initialClass is used for Object-valued arguments, object-valued filter variables, agent instance, ...
            ONPath lProcessedOnPath = new ONPath(processedOnPath);
            ONPath lOnPath = new ONPath(onPath);
            bool lOnPathExist = true;
            object[] lParameters = new object[8];

            if (initialClass != "")
                string lRol = lOnPath.RemoveHead();
                lProcessedOnPath += lRol;
                // Solve path with initialPath
                lParameters[0] = onSql;
                lParameters[1] = joinType;
                lParameters[2] = facet;
                lParameters[3] = lOnPath;
                lParameters[4] = lProcessedOnPath;
                lParameters[5] = "";
                lParameters[6] = forceLastAlias;
                lParameters[7] = isLinkedTo;

                return ONContext.InvoqueMethod(ONContext.GetType_Data(initialClass), "AddPath", lParameters) as string;


            // Search max solved path
            ONPath lMaxSolvedPath = new ONPath(onPath);
            string lMaxSolvedPathDomain = facet;
            while ((lMaxSolvedPath.Count > 0) && (onSql.GetAlias(lMaxSolvedPathDomain, lProcessedOnPath + lMaxSolvedPath, isLinkedTo) == ""))
                lMaxSolvedPathDomain = GetTargetClassName(lMaxSolvedPath);
            if (lMaxSolvedPath.Count > 0)
                lProcessedOnPath += lMaxSolvedPath;
                for (int i = 0; i < lMaxSolvedPath.Count; i++)

                lParameters[0] = onSql;
                lParameters[1] = joinType;
                lParameters[2] = facet;
                lParameters[3] = lOnPath;
                lParameters[4] = lProcessedOnPath;
                lParameters[5] = "";
                lParameters[6] = forceLastAlias;
                lParameters[7] = isLinkedTo;

                return ONContext.InvoqueMethod(ONContext.GetType_Data(lMaxSolvedPathDomain), "AddPath", lParameters) as string;

            // Create inheritance path
            if ((onPath == null) || (onPath.Count == 0))
                if (forceLastAlias)
                    return AeronaveFacetAddSql(joinType, onSql, processedOnPath, forceLastAlias, isLinkedTo);

                if ((processedOnPath == null) || (processedOnPath.Count == 0))
                    return (onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, "", CtesBD.TBL_AERONAVE, null, "Aeronave", false, isLinkedTo));
                    return (onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, "", CtesBD.TBL_AERONAVE, processedOnPath, "Aeronave", false, isLinkedTo));

            // Calculate processed path
            string lRole = lOnPath.RemoveHead() as string;
            lProcessedOnPath += lRole;

            // Search Path
            if (lOnPath.Count == 0)
                string lAlias = onSql.GetAlias(facet, lProcessedOnPath, isLinkedTo);
                if ((lAlias != "") && (!forceLastAlias))
                    return (lAlias);
                    lOnPathExist = false;
                string lTargetClass = GetTargetClassName(new ONPath(lRole));

                // Agent & OV Argument Control
                if ((lTargetClass == "") && (initialClass != ""))
                    lTargetClass = initialClass;

                string lAlias = onSql.GetAlias(lTargetClass, lProcessedOnPath, isLinkedTo);
                if (lAlias == "")
                    lOnPathExist = false;

            // Create path
            if (string.Compare(lRole, "PasajeroAeronave", true) == 0)
                if (lOnPathExist)
                    return PasajeroAeronaveData.AddPath(onSql, joinType, facet, lOnPath, lProcessedOnPath, "", forceLastAlias, isLinkedTo);
                    return PasajeroAeronaveRoleAddSql(onSql, joinType, facet, lOnPath, processedOnPath, lRole, forceLastAlias, isLinkedTo);

            initialClass = "Aeronave";

            // Solve path with initialPath
            lParameters[0] = onSql;
            lParameters[1] = joinType;
            lParameters[2] = facet;
            lParameters[3] = lOnPath;
            lParameters[4] = lProcessedOnPath;
            lParameters[5] = "";
            lParameters[6] = forceLastAlias;
            lParameters[7] = isLinkedTo;

            return ONContext.InvoqueMethod(ONContext.GetType_Data(initialClass), "AddPath", lParameters) as string;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate Select Sql
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Sql string</returns>
        public override string GenerateSQL(out ArrayList sqlParameters)
            StringBuilder lTextBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            sqlParameters = new ArrayList();

            #region Select
            StringBuilder lTextSelect = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (string lSelectAttribute in mSelectAttributes)
                if (lTextSelect.Length > 0)
                    lTextSelect.Append(", ");


            lTextBuilder.Append("SELECT ");
            if (mIsDistinct)
                lTextBuilder.Append("DISTINCT ");

            StringBuilder lTextWhereJoin = new StringBuilder();

            #region From
            bool lGenerateFrom = false;
            if (mFrom.Count > 0)
                foreach (ONSqlAlias lOnSqlAlias in mFrom.Values)
                    if ((lOnSqlAlias.FatherAlias == null) || ((SuperQuery != null) && (SuperQuery.GetAlias(lOnSqlAlias.FatherAlias.Table, lOnSqlAlias.FatherAlias.OnPath) != "")))
                        lGenerateFrom = true;
            if (lGenerateFrom)
                StringBuilder lTextFrom = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (ONSqlAlias lOnSqlAlias in mFrom.Values)
                    if ((lOnSqlAlias.FatherAlias == null) || ((SuperQuery != null) && (SuperQuery.GetOnSqlAlias(lOnSqlAlias.FatherAlias.Alias) != null)))
                        foreach (string lConjunction in lOnSqlAlias.Wheres)

                        if (lTextFrom.Length > 0)
                            lTextFrom.Append(", ");

                        lTextFrom.Append(" ");

                        GenerateSQL_Join(lOnSqlAlias, lTextFrom, lTextWhereJoin);
                lTextBuilder.Append(" FROM ");

            #region Where
            if ((mOrderByDisjuntion.Count > 0) || (mWhereConjuntion.Count > 0) || (mWhereDisjunction.Count > 0) || (lTextWhereJoin.Length > 0))
                StringBuilder lTextWhere = new StringBuilder();

                #region Left Join
                if (lTextWhereJoin.Length > 0)
                    if (lTextWhere.Length > 0)
                        lTextWhere.Append(" AND ");

                    if ((lTextWhereJoin.Length > 1) || (mOrderByDisjuntion.Count > 0) || (mWhereConjuntion.Count > 0))


                    if ((lTextWhereJoin.Length > 1) || (mOrderByDisjuntion.Count > 0) || (mWhereConjuntion.Count > 0))

                #region Order by (where)
                if (mOrderByDisjuntion.Count > 0)
                    if (lTextWhere.Length > 0)
                        lTextWhere.Append(" AND ");

                    if ((lTextWhereJoin.Length > 0) || (mWhereConjuntion.Count > 0) || (mWhereDisjunction.Count > 0))

                    StringBuilder lTextWhereTemp = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < mOrderByDisjuntion.Count; i++)
                        if (lTextWhereTemp.Length != 0)
                            lTextWhereTemp.Append(" OR ");

                        if (mOrderByDisjuntion.Count > 1)


                        if (mOrderByDisjuntion.Count > 1)

                    if ((lTextWhereJoin.Length > 0) || (mWhereConjuntion.Count > 0) || (mWhereDisjunction.Count > 0))
                for (int i = 0; i < OrderByParameters.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)

                #region Where
                if (mWhereConjuntion.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string lItem in mWhereConjuntion)
                        if (lTextWhere.Length > 0)
                            lTextWhere.Append(" AND ");

                        if ((lTextWhereJoin.Length > 0) || (mOrderByDisjuntion.Count > 0) || (mWhereConjuntion.Count > 1))


                        if ((lTextWhereJoin.Length > 0) || (mOrderByDisjuntion.Count > 0) || (mWhereConjuntion.Count > 1))

                #region Where (Disjunctions)
                if (mWhereDisjunction.Count > 0)
                    StringBuilder lTextWhereDisjunctions = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (string lItem in mWhereDisjunction)
                        if (lTextWhereDisjunctions.Length > 0)
                            lTextWhereDisjunctions.Append(" OR ");

                        if (mWhereDisjunction.Count > 1)


                        if (mWhereDisjunction.Count > 1)

                    // Add the disjunctions into the sentence as a conjunction
                    if (lTextWhere.Length > 0)
                        lTextWhere.Append(" AND (").Append(lTextWhereDisjunctions).Append(")");

                lTextBuilder.Append(" WHERE ");

            #region Order by
            if (mOrderBy.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder lTextOrderBy = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (string lItem in mOrderBy)
                    if (lTextOrderBy.Length > 0)
                        lTextOrderBy.Append(", ");


                lTextBuilder.Append(" ORDER BY ");

            // Solve Subqueries
            lTextBuilder = GenerateSQL_SubQueries(lTextBuilder, ref sqlParameters);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static string NaveNodrizaFacetAddSql(JoinType joinType, ONSqlSelect onSql, ONPath onPath, bool force, bool isLinkedTo)
            //Target table
            string lAliasFacet = "";
            string lAlias = onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, "", CtesBD.TBL_NAVENODRIZA, onPath, "NaveNodriza", false, isLinkedTo);

            // Load facet from 'NaveNodriza' to 'NaveNodriza'
            lAliasFacet = onSql.GetAlias("NaveNodriza", onPath, isLinkedTo);
            if ((lAliasFacet == "") || force)
                if (force)
                    lAliasFacet = onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, "", CtesBD.TBL_NAVENODRIZA, onPath, "NaveNodriza", force, isLinkedTo);
                    lAliasFacet = onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, lAlias, CtesBD.TBL_NAVENODRIZA, onPath, "NaveNodriza", force, isLinkedTo);
                onSql.AddAliasWhere(lAliasFacet, lAlias + "." + CtesBD.FLD_NAVENODRIZA_ID_NAVENODRIZA + " = " + lAliasFacet + "." + CtesBD.FLD_NAVENODRIZA_ID_NAVENODRIZA);
            return lAliasFacet;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static string PasajeroFacetAddSql(JoinType joinType, ONSqlSelect onSql, ONPath onPath, bool force, bool isLinkedTo)
            //Target table
            string lAliasFacet = "";
            string lAlias = onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, "", CtesBD.TBL_PASAJERO, onPath, "Pasajero", false, isLinkedTo);

            // Load facet from 'Pasajero' to 'Pasajero'
            lAliasFacet = onSql.GetAlias("Pasajero", onPath, isLinkedTo);
            if ((lAliasFacet == "") || force)
                if (force)
                    lAliasFacet = onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, "", CtesBD.TBL_PASAJERO, onPath, "Pasajero", force, isLinkedTo);
                    lAliasFacet = onSql.CreateAlias(joinType, lAlias, CtesBD.TBL_PASAJERO, onPath, "Pasajero", force, isLinkedTo);
                onSql.AddAliasWhere(lAliasFacet, lAlias + "." + CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ID_PASAJERO + " = " + lAliasFacet + "." + CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ID_PASAJERO);
            return lAliasFacet;