Ejemplo n.º 1
 public FileResult Export_DeliveryPackage([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request)
     ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/ExportTemplate/GoiCuocVanChuyen.xlsx")));
     ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets["Data"];
     if (userAsset["Export"])
         string whereCondition = "";
         if (request.Filters.Count > 0)
             whereCondition = " AND " +new KendoApplyFilter().ApplyFilter(request.Filters[0]);
         IDbConnection db = new OrmliteConnection().openConn();
         var lstResult = new DC_LG_DeliveryFee().GetListDeliveryFee(request, whereCondition);
         int rowNum = 2;
         foreach (var item in lstResult)
             ws.Cells["A" + rowNum].Value = item.DeliveryFeeID;
             ws.Cells["B" + rowNum].Value = item.Name;
             ws.Cells["C" + rowNum].Value = item.TransporterID;
             ws.Cells["D" + rowNum].Value = item.DeliveryName;
             ws.Cells["E" + rowNum].Value = item.Descr;
             ws.Cells["F" + rowNum].Value = item.MinDay;
             ws.Cells["G" + rowNum].Value = item.MaxDay;
             ws.Cells["H" + rowNum].Value = item.MinTime;
             ws.Cells["I" + rowNum].Value = item.MaxTime;
             ws.Cells["J" + rowNum].Value = item.MinWeight    ;
             ws.Cells["K" + rowNum].Value = item.MaxWeight;
             ws.Cells["L" + rowNum].Value = item.Price;
             ws.Cells["M" + rowNum].Value = item.Note;
             ws.Cells["N" + rowNum].Value = item.Status ? "Đang hoạt động" : "Ngưng hoạt động";
         ws.Cells["A2:E2"].Merge = true;
         ws.Cells["A2"].Value = "You don't have permission to export data.";
     MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
     return File(output.ToArray(), //The binary data of the XLS file
                 "application/vnd.ms-excel", //MIME type of Excel files
                 "GoiCuocVanChuyen" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".xlsx");     //Suggested file name in the "Save as" dialog which will be displayed to the end user
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public DataSourceResult GetPage(int page, int pageSize, string whereCondition)
            List <SqlParameter> param = new List <SqlParameter>();

            param.Add(new SqlParameter("@Page", page));
            param.Add(new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pageSize));
            param.Add(new SqlParameter("@WhereCondition", whereCondition));
            DataTable dt  = new SqlHelper().ExecuteQuery("p_DC_DeliveryFee", param);
            var       lst = new List <DC_LG_DeliveryFee>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                var item = new DC_LG_DeliveryFee();
                item.DeliveryFeeID = !row.IsNull("DeliveryFeeID") ? int.Parse(row["DeliveryFeeID"].ToString()): 0;
                item.Name          = !row.IsNull("Name") ? row["Name"].ToString() : "";
                item.TransporterID = !row.IsNull("TransporterID") ? row["TransporterID"].ToString() : "";
                item.Descr         = !row.IsNull("Descr") ? row["Descr"].ToString() : "";
                item.MinDay        = !row.IsNull("MinDay") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MinDay"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.MaxDay        = !row.IsNull("MaxDay") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MaxDay"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.MinTime       = !row.IsNull("MinTime") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MinTime"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.MaxTime       = !row.IsNull("MaxTime") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MaxTime"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.MinWeight     = !row.IsNull("MinWeight") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MinWeight"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.MaxWeight     = !row.IsNull("MaxWeight") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MaxWeight"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.Price         = !row.IsNull("Price") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["Price"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.Status        = !row.IsNull("Status") ? Convert.ToBoolean(row["Status"]) : false;;
                item.Note          = !row.IsNull("Note") ? row["Note"].ToString() : "";
                item.DeliveryName  = !row.IsNull("DeliveryName") ? row["DeliveryName"].ToString() : "";
                item.CreatedBy     = !row.IsNull("CreatedBy") ? row["CreatedBy"].ToString() : "";
                item.UpdatedBy     = !row.IsNull("UpdatedBy") ? row["UpdatedBy"].ToString() : "";
                item.CreatedAt     = !row.IsNull("CreatedAt") ? DateTime.Parse(row["CreatedAt"].ToString()) : DateTime.Parse("01/01/1900");
                item.UpdatedAt     = !row.IsNull("UpdatedAt") ? DateTime.Parse(row["UpdatedAt"].ToString()) : DateTime.Parse("01/01/1900");

            DataSourceResult result = new DataSourceResult();

            result.Data  = lst;
            result.Total = dt.Rows.Count > 0 ? Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows.Count) : 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public DataSourceResult GetPage(int page, int pageSize, string whereCondition)
            List<SqlParameter> param = new List<SqlParameter>();
            param.Add(new SqlParameter("@Page", page));
            param.Add(new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pageSize));
            param.Add(new SqlParameter("@WhereCondition", whereCondition));
            DataTable dt = new SqlHelper().ExecuteQuery("p_DC_DeliveryFee", param);
            var lst = new List<DC_LG_DeliveryFee>();
            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                var item = new DC_LG_DeliveryFee();
                item.DeliveryFeeID = !row.IsNull("DeliveryFeeID") ? int.Parse(row["DeliveryFeeID"].ToString()): 0;
                item.Name = !row.IsNull("Name") ? row["Name"].ToString() : "";
                item.TransporterID = !row.IsNull("TransporterID") ? row["TransporterID"].ToString() : "";
                item.Descr = !row.IsNull("Descr") ? row["Descr"].ToString() : "";
                item.MinDay = !row.IsNull("MinDay") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MinDay"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.MaxDay = !row.IsNull("MaxDay") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MaxDay"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.MinTime = !row.IsNull("MinTime") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MinTime"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.MaxTime = !row.IsNull("MaxTime") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MaxTime"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.MinWeight = !row.IsNull("MinWeight") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MinWeight"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.MaxWeight = !row.IsNull("MaxWeight") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["MaxWeight"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.Price = !row.IsNull("Price") ? Convert.ToDouble(row["Price"].ToString()) : 0;
                item.Status = !row.IsNull("Status") ? Convert.ToBoolean(row["Status"]) : false; ;
                item.Note = !row.IsNull("Note") ? row["Note"].ToString() : "";
                item.DeliveryName = !row.IsNull("DeliveryName") ? row["DeliveryName"].ToString() : "";
                item.CreatedBy = !row.IsNull("CreatedBy") ? row["CreatedBy"].ToString() : "";
                item.UpdatedBy = !row.IsNull("UpdatedBy") ? row["UpdatedBy"].ToString() : "";
                item.CreatedAt = !row.IsNull("CreatedAt") ? DateTime.Parse(row["CreatedAt"].ToString()) : DateTime.Parse("01/01/1900");
                item.UpdatedAt = !row.IsNull("UpdatedAt") ? DateTime.Parse(row["UpdatedAt"].ToString()) : DateTime.Parse("01/01/1900");

            DataSourceResult result = new DataSourceResult();
            result.Data = lst;
            result.Total = dt.Rows.Count > 0 ? Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows.Count) : 0;
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public ActionResult Read_DeliveryPackage([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request)
     string whereCondition = "";
     if (request.Filters.Count > 0)
         whereCondition = " AND " + new KendoApplyFilter().ApplyFilter(request.Filters[0]);
     var data = new DC_LG_DeliveryFee().GetPage(request.Page, request.PageSize, whereCondition);
     return Json(data);