Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void Register()
            this.AddEventHandlers(eventLogicVar = new EventLogic(this));

            this.AddCommand("343spawn", new SpawnSCP343(this, eventLogicVar));
            this.AddCommand("343_version", new SCP343_Version(this));
            this.AddCommand("343_disable", new SCP343_Disable(this));

            /* Old way of doing things (Still valid)
             * this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_spawnchance", 10f, true, "Percent chance for SPC-343 to spawn at the start of the round."));
             * this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_itemconverttoggle", false, true, "Should SPC-343 convert items?"));
             * this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_opendoortime", 300, true, "How long in seconds till SPC-343 can open any door."));
             * this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_hp", -1, true, "How much health should SCP-343 have. Set to -1 for GodMode and if set to anything but -1 then he is counted as a normal SCP and MTF must kill him like a normal SCP."));
             * this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_nuke_interact", false, true, "Should SPC-343 beable to interact with the nuke."));
             * this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_disable", false, true, "Should SPC-343 beable to interact with the nuke."));
             * this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_debug", false, true, "Internal testing config so I stop pushing commits that are broken >:("));
             * this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_broadcast", true, true, "When 343 spawns should that person be given information about 343"));
             * this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_broadcastinfo", "", true, "What 343 is shown if scp343_broadcast is true."));
             * this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_heck", true, true, "Should players be allowed to use the .heck343 client command to respawn themselves as d-class within scp343_hecktime seconds of round start."));
             * this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_hecktime", 30, true, "How long people should beable to respawn themselves as d-class."));

            this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_itemdroplist", new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 19, 22, 27, 28, 29 }, true, "What items SCP-343 drops instead of picking up."));
            this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_itemstoconvert", new int[] { 13, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30 }, true, "What items SCP-343 converts."));
            this.AddConfig(new Smod2.Config.ConfigSetting("343_converteditems", new int[] { 15 }, true, "What a item should be converted to."));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public SpawnSCP343(Plugin plugin, EventLogic EventLogicMain)
     this.plugin = plugin;
     eventLogic  = EventLogicMain;