Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// ctor and init
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">A DXInput device</param>
        /// <param name="hwnd">The WinHandle of the main window</param>
        /// <param name="panel">The respective JS panel to show the properties</param>
        public JoystickCls(Joystick device, Control hwnd, int joystickNum, UC_JoyPanel panel, int tabIndex)
            log.DebugFormat("JoystickCls ctor - Entry with {0}", device.Information.ProductName);

            m_device         = device;
            m_hwnd           = hwnd;
            m_joystickNumber = joystickNum;
            m_jPanel         = panel;
            MyTabPageIndex   = tabIndex;
            Activated        = false;

            m_senseLimit = AppConfiguration.AppConfig.jsSenseLimit; // can be changed in the app.config file if it is still too little

            // Set BufferSize in order to use buffered data.
            m_device.Properties.BufferSize = 128;

            m_jPanel.Caption      = DevName;
            m_jPanel.nAxis        = AxisCount.ToString( );
            m_jPanel.nButtons     = ButtonCount.ToString( );
            m_jPanel.nPOVs        = POVCount.ToString( );
            m_jPanel.JsAssignment = 0; // default is no assignment

            m_ignoreButtons = new bool[m_state.Buttons.Length];
            ResetIgnoreButtons( );

            log.Debug("Get JS Objects");
            try {
                // Set the data format to the c_dfDIJoystick pre-defined format.
                //m_device.SetDataFormat( DeviceDataFormat.Joystick );
                // Set the cooperative level for the device.
                m_device.SetCooperativeLevel(m_hwnd, CooperativeLevel.NonExclusive | CooperativeLevel.Background);
                // Enumerate all the objects on the device.
                foreach (DeviceObjectInstance d in m_device.GetObjects( ))
                    // For axes that are returned, set the DIPROP_RANGE property for the
                    // enumerated axis in order to scale min/max values.
                    if ((0 != (d.ObjectId.Flags & DeviceObjectTypeFlags.Axis)))
                        // Set the range for the axis.
                        m_device.Properties.Range = new InputRange(-1000, +1000);
                    // Update the controls to reflect what objects the device supports.
            catch (Exception ex) {
                log.Error("Get JS Objects failed", ex);

            ApplySettings( ); // get whatever is needed here from Settings
            Activated = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// ctor and init
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">A DXInput device</param>
        /// <param name="hwnd">The WinHandle of the main window</param>
        /// <param name="panel">The respective JS panel to show the properties</param>
        public JoystickCls( Joystick device, Control hwnd, int joystickNum, UC_JoyPanel panel, int tabIndex )
            log.DebugFormat( "JoystickCls ctor - Entry with {0}", device.Information.ProductName );

              m_device = device;
              m_hwnd = hwnd;
              m_joystickNumber = joystickNum;
              m_jPanel = panel;
              MyTabPageIndex = tabIndex;
              Activated = false;

              m_senseLimit = AppConfiguration.AppConfig.jsSenseLimit; // can be changed in the app.config file if it is still too little

              // Set BufferSize in order to use buffered data.
              m_device.Properties.BufferSize = 128;

              m_jPanel.Caption = DevName;
              m_jPanel.nAxis = AxisCount.ToString( );
              m_jPanel.nButtons = ButtonCount.ToString( );
              m_jPanel.nPOVs = POVCount.ToString( );
              m_jPanel.JsAssignment = 0; // default is no assignment

              m_ignoreButtons = new bool[m_state.Buttons.Length];
              ResetIgnoreButtons( );

              log.Debug( "Get JS Objects" );
              try {
            // Set the data format to the c_dfDIJoystick pre-defined format.
            //m_device.SetDataFormat( DeviceDataFormat.Joystick );
            // Set the cooperative level for the device.
            m_device.SetCooperativeLevel( m_hwnd, CooperativeLevel.NonExclusive | CooperativeLevel.Background );
            // Enumerate all the objects on the device.
            foreach ( DeviceObjectInstance d in m_device.GetObjects( ) ) {
              // For axes that are returned, set the DIPROP_RANGE property for the
              // enumerated axis in order to scale min/max values.
              if ( ( 0 != ( d.ObjectId.Flags & DeviceObjectTypeFlags.Axis ) ) ) {
            // Set the range for the axis.
            m_device.Properties.Range = new InputRange( -1000, +1000 );
              // Update the controls to reflect what objects the device supports.
              UpdateControls( d );
              catch ( Exception ex ) {
            log.Error( "Get JS Objects failed", ex );

              ApplySettings( ); // get whatever is needed here from Settings
              Activated = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Aquire the DInput joystick devices
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool InitDirectInput( )
            log.Debug( "Entry" );

              // Enumerate joysticks in the system.
              int tabs = 0;
              SharpDX.XInput.UserIndex gpDeviceIndex = SharpDX.XInput.UserIndex.Any;

              try {
            // Initialize DirectInput
            log.Debug( "Instantiate DirectInput" );
            var directInput = new DirectInput( );

            log.Debug( "Get Keyboard device" );
            m_Keyboard = new KeyboardCls( new Keyboard( directInput ), this );

            // scan the Input for attached devices
            log.Debug( "Scan GameControl devices" );
            int nJs = 1; // number the Joystick Tabs
            foreach ( DeviceInstance instance in directInput.GetDevices( DeviceClass.GameControl, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly ) ) {

              log.InfoFormat( "GameControl: #{0} Type:{1} Device:{2}", tabs, instance.Type.ToString( ), instance.ProductName );
              // Create the device interface
              log.Debug( "Create the device interface" );
              SharpDX.DirectInput.Joystick jsDevice = null;
              SharpDX.XInput.Controller gpDevice = null;
              JoystickCls js = null; GamepadCls gs = null;
              if ( m_AppSettings.DetectGamepad && ( instance.Usage == SharpDX.Multimedia.UsageId.GenericGamepad ) ) {
            // detect Gamepad only if the user wishes to do so
            for ( SharpDX.XInput.UserIndex i =  SharpDX.XInput.UserIndex.One; i < SharpDX.XInput.UserIndex.Four; i++ ) {
              gpDevice = new SharpDX.XInput.Controller( i );
              if ( gpDevice.IsConnected ) {
                log.InfoFormat( "Scan Input {0} for gamepad - {1}", i, gpDevice.GetCapabilities( SharpDX.XInput.DeviceQueryType.Gamepad ).ToString( ) );
                gpDeviceIndex = i;
              else {
            jsDevice = new Joystick( directInput, instance.InstanceGuid );
            log.DebugFormat( "Create the device interface for: {0}", jsDevice.Information.ProductName );

              // we have the first tab made as reference so TabPage[0] already exists
              if ( tabs == 0 ) {
            // first panel - The Tab content exists already
            if ( gpDevice != null ) {
              log.Debug( "Add first Gamepad panel" );
              tc1.TabPages[tabs].Text = "Gamepad ";
              UC_GpadPanel uUC_GpadPanelNew = new UC_GpadPanel( ); tc1.TabPages[tabs].Controls.Add( uUC_GpadPanelNew );
              uUC_GpadPanelNew.Size = UC_JoyPanel.Size; uUC_GpadPanelNew.Location = UC_JoyPanel.Location;
              UC_JoyPanel.Enabled = false; UC_JoyPanel.Visible = false; // don't use this one
              log.Debug( "Create Gamepad instance" );
              gs = new GamepadCls( gpDevice, uUC_GpadPanelNew, tabs ); // does all device related activities for that particular item
              gs.SetDeviceName( instance.ProductName );
              tc1.TabPages[tabs].ToolTipText = String.Format( "{0}\n{1}", gs.DevName, " " );
              toolTip1.SetToolTip( tc1.TabPages[tabs], tc1.TabPages[tabs].ToolTipText );
            else {
              log.Debug( "Add first Joystick panel" );
              log.Debug( "Create Joystick instance" );
              tc1.TabPages[tabs].Text = String.Format( "Joystick {0}", nJs++ );
              js = new JoystickCls( jsDevice, this, tabs + 1, UC_JoyPanel, tabs ); // does all device related activities for that particular item
              tc1.TabPages[tabs].ToolTipText = String.Format( "{0}\n{1}", js.DevName, js.DevInstanceGUID );
              toolTip1.SetToolTip( tc1.TabPages[tabs], tc1.TabPages[tabs].ToolTipText );
              else {
            if ( gpDevice != null ) {
              log.Debug( "Add next Gamepad panel" );
              tc1.TabPages.Add( "Gamepad " );
              UC_GpadPanel uUC_GpadPanelNew = new UC_GpadPanel( ); tc1.TabPages[tabs].Controls.Add( uUC_GpadPanelNew );
              uUC_GpadPanelNew.Size = UC_JoyPanel.Size; uUC_GpadPanelNew.Location = UC_JoyPanel.Location;
              log.Debug( "Create Gamepad instance" );
              gs = new GamepadCls( gpDevice, uUC_GpadPanelNew, tabs ); // does all device related activities for that particular item
              gs.SetDeviceName( instance.ProductName );
              tc1.TabPages[tabs].ToolTipText = String.Format( "{0}\n{1}", gs.DevName, " " );
              toolTip1.SetToolTip( tc1.TabPages[tabs], tc1.TabPages[tabs].ToolTipText );
            else {
              log.Debug( "Add next Joystick panel" );
              // setup the further tab contents along the reference one in TabPage[0] (the control named UC_JoyPanel)
              tc1.TabPages.Add( String.Format( "Joystick {0}", nJs++ ) );
              UC_JoyPanel uUC_JoyPanelNew = new UC_JoyPanel( ); tc1.TabPages[tabs].Controls.Add( uUC_JoyPanelNew );
              uUC_JoyPanelNew.Size = UC_JoyPanel.Size; uUC_JoyPanelNew.Location = UC_JoyPanel.Location;
              log.Debug( "Create Joystick instance" );
              js = new JoystickCls( jsDevice, this, tabs + 1, uUC_JoyPanelNew, tabs ); // does all device related activities for that particular item
              tc1.TabPages[tabs].ToolTipText = String.Format( "{0}\n{1}", js.DevName, js.DevInstanceGUID );
              toolTip1.SetToolTip( tc1.TabPages[tabs], tc1.TabPages[tabs].ToolTipText );

              if ( gpDevice != null ) {
            m_Gamepad = gs;
            SetGamepadTab( tc1.TabPages[tabs] );  // indicates the gamepad tab (murks..)
            MyColors.GamepadColor = MyColors.TabColor[tabs]; // save it for future use
              else if ( js != null ) {
            m_Joystick.Add( js ); // add to joystick list
            tc1.TabPages[tabs].Tag = ( m_Joystick.Count - 1 );  // used to find the tab for polling
              tc1.TabPages[tabs].BackColor = MyColors.TabColor[tabs]; // each tab has its own color

              // next tab
              if ( tabs >= JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX ) break; // cannot load more JSticks than predefined Tabs
            log.DebugFormat( "Added {0} GameControl devices", tabs );

            if ( tabs == 0 ) {
              log.Warn( "Unable to find and/or create any joystick devices." );
              MessageBox.Show( "Unable to create a joystick device. Program will exit.", "No joystick found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information );
              return false;

            // load the profile items from the XML
            log.Debug( "Init ActionTree" );
            InitActionTree( true );

              catch ( Exception ex ) {
            log.Debug( "InitDirectInput failed unexpectedly", ex );
            return false;

              return true;