Ejemplo n.º 1
            private void Export(DirectoryInfo dir, xxFrame meshFrame)
                    xaMorphSection  morphSection = xaParser.MorphSection;
                    xaMorphIndexSet indexSet     = xa.FindMorphIndexSet(clip.Name, morphSection);
                    ushort[]        meshIndices  = indexSet.MeshIndices;
                    ushort[]        morphIndices = indexSet.MorphIndices;

                    xxMesh meshList   = meshFrame.Mesh;
                    int    meshObjIdx = xa.MorphMeshObjIdx(meshIndices, meshList);
                    if (meshObjIdx < 0)
                        throw new Exception("no valid mesh object was found for the morph");

                    xxSubmesh meshObjBase = meshList.SubmeshList[meshObjIdx];
                    colorVertex = new bool[meshObjBase.VertexList.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < meshIndices.Length; i++)
                        colorVertex[meshIndices[i]] = true;

                    string dest = Utility.GetDestFile(dir, meshFrame.Name + "-" + clip.Name + "-", ".morph.mqo");

                    List <xaMorphKeyframeRef> refList = clip.KeyframeRefList;
                    morphNames = new List <string>(refList.Count);
                    vertLists  = new List <List <ImportedVertex> >(refList.Count);
                    for (int i = 0; i < refList.Count; i++)
                        if (!morphNames.Contains(refList[i].Name))
                            List <ImportedVertex> vertList = xx.ImportedVertexList(meshObjBase.VertexList, xx.IsSkinned(meshList));

                            xaMorphKeyframe keyframe = xa.FindMorphKeyFrame(refList[i].Name, morphSection);
                            for (int j = 0; j < meshIndices.Length; j++)
                                ImportedVertex vert = vertList[meshIndices[j]];
                                vert.Position = keyframe.PositionList[morphIndices[j]];

                    faceList = xx.ImportedFaceList(meshObjBase.FaceList);
                    Export(dest, meshObjBase.MaterialIndex);
                    foreach (xxTexture tex in usedTextures)
                        xx.ExportTexture(tex, dir.FullName + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(tex.Name));
                    Report.ReportLog("Finished exporting morph to " + dest);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Report.ReportLog("Error exporting morph: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 2
            public static void WriteMeshObject(StreamWriter writer, List <ImportedVertex> vertexList, List <ImportedFace> faceList, int mqoMatIdx, bool[] colorVertex)
                writer.WriteLine("\tvertex " + vertexList.Count + " {");
                for (int i = 0; i < vertexList.Count; i++)
                    ImportedVertex vertex = vertexList[i];
                    Vector3        pos    = vertex.Position * 10f;
                    writer.WriteLine("\t\t" + pos.X.ToFloatString() + " " + pos.Y.ToFloatString() + " " + pos.Z.ToFloatString());

                writer.WriteLine("\tface " + faceList.Count + " {");
                for (int i = 0; i < faceList.Count; i++)
                    ImportedFace face        = faceList[i];
                    int[]        vertIndices = new int[] { face.VertexIndices[0], face.VertexIndices[2], face.VertexIndices[1] };
                    float[]      uv1         = vertexList[vertIndices[0]].UV;
                    float[]      uv2         = vertexList[vertIndices[1]].UV;
                    float[]      uv3         = vertexList[vertIndices[2]].UV;

                    writer.Write("\t\t3 V(" + vertIndices[0] + " " + vertIndices[1] + " " + vertIndices[2] + ")");
                    if (mqoMatIdx >= 0)
                        writer.Write(" M(" + mqoMatIdx + ")");
                    writer.Write(" UV("
                                 + uv1[0].ToFloatString() + " " + uv1[1].ToFloatString() + " "
                                 + uv2[0].ToFloatString() + " " + uv2[1].ToFloatString() + " "
                                 + uv3[0].ToFloatString() + " " + uv3[1].ToFloatString() + ")");
                    if ((colorVertex != null) && (colorVertex[vertIndices[0]] || colorVertex[vertIndices[1]] || colorVertex[vertIndices[2]]))
                        string s = " COL(";
                        for (int j = 0; j < vertIndices.Length; j++)
                            if (colorVertex[vertIndices[j]])
                                s += 0xFFFF0000 + " ";
                                s += 0xFF000000 + " ";
                        s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1) + ")";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static List <ImportedVertex> ImportedVertexList(List <xxVertex> vertList, bool skinned)
            List <ImportedVertex> importedList = new List <ImportedVertex>(vertList.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertList.Count; i++)
                ImportedVertex importedVert = new ImportedVertex();
                importedVert.Position    = vertList[i].Position;
                importedVert.Normal      = vertList[i].Normal;
                importedVert.UV          = vertList[i].UV;
                importedVert.BoneIndices = vertList[i].BoneIndices;
                importedVert.Weights     = vertList[i].Weights4(skinned);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static xxMesh CreateMesh(WorkspaceMesh mesh, int xxFormat, out string[] materialNames, out int[] indices, out bool[] worldCoords, out bool[] replaceSubmeshesOption)
            int numUncheckedSubmeshes = 0;

            foreach (ImportedSubmesh submesh in mesh.SubmeshList)
                if (!mesh.isSubmeshEnabled(submesh))
            int numSubmeshes = mesh.SubmeshList.Count - numUncheckedSubmeshes;

            materialNames          = new string[numSubmeshes];
            indices                = new int[numSubmeshes];
            worldCoords            = new bool[numSubmeshes];
            replaceSubmeshesOption = new bool[numSubmeshes];

            xxMesh xxMesh = new xxMesh();

            xxMesh.BoneList = CreateBoneList(mesh.BoneList);

            xxMesh.SubmeshList = new List <xxSubmesh>(mesh.SubmeshList.Count);
            for (int i = 0, submeshIdx = 0; i < numSubmeshes; i++, submeshIdx++)
                while (!mesh.isSubmeshEnabled(mesh.SubmeshList[submeshIdx]))

                xxSubmesh xxSubmesh = new xxSubmesh();

                xxSubmesh.MaterialIndex = -1;
                materialNames[i]        = mesh.SubmeshList[submeshIdx].Material;
                indices[i]                = mesh.SubmeshList[submeshIdx].Index;
                worldCoords[i]            = mesh.SubmeshList[submeshIdx].WorldCoords;
                replaceSubmeshesOption[i] = mesh.isSubmeshReplacingOriginal(mesh.SubmeshList[submeshIdx]);

                List <ImportedVertex> vertexList   = mesh.SubmeshList[submeshIdx].VertexList;
                List <xxVertex>       xxVertexList = new List <xxVertex>(vertexList.Count);
                for (int j = 0; j < vertexList.Count; j++)
                    ImportedVertex vert = vertexList[j];
                    xxVertex       xxVertex;
                    if (xxFormat >= 4)
                        xxVertex = new xxVertexUShort();
                        xxVertex = new xxVertexInt();

                    xxVertex.Index    = j;
                    xxVertex.Normal   = vert.Normal;
                    xxVertex.UV       = (float[])vert.UV.Clone();
                    xxVertex.Weights3 = new float[3] {
                        vert.Weights[0], vert.Weights[1], vert.Weights[2]
                    xxVertex.BoneIndices = (byte[])vert.BoneIndices.Clone();
                    xxVertex.Position    = vert.Position;
                xxSubmesh.VertexList = xxVertexList;

                List <ImportedFace> faceList   = mesh.SubmeshList[submeshIdx].FaceList;
                List <xxFace>       xxFaceList = new List <xxFace>(faceList.Count);
                for (int j = 0; j < faceList.Count; j++)
                    int[]  vertexIndices = faceList[j].VertexIndices;
                    xxFace xxFace        = new xxFace();
                    xxFace.VertexIndices = new ushort[3] {
                        (ushort)vertexIndices[0], (ushort)vertexIndices[1], (ushort)vertexIndices[2]
                xxSubmesh.FaceList = xxFaceList;

            xxMesh.VertexListDuplicate = CreateVertexListDup(xxMesh.SubmeshList);
Ejemplo n.º 5
            private static ImportedMesh ImportMeshList(List <MqoObject> mqoObjects, List <string> mqoMaterials)
                ImportedMesh meshList = new ImportedMesh();

                meshList.Name = mqoObjects[0].name;
                float scale = 1f;

                if (!mqoObjects[0].worldCoords)
                    int startPos = meshList.Name.IndexOf("(Scale=");
                    if (startPos > 0)
                        int endPos = meshList.Name.IndexOf(')');
                        scale = 1f / Single.Parse(meshList.Name.Substring(startPos + 7, endPos - startPos - 7));
                meshList.BoneList    = new List <ImportedBone>(0);
                meshList.SubmeshList = new List <ImportedSubmesh>(mqoObjects.Count);

                int vertIdx = 0;

                foreach (MqoObject mqoObject in mqoObjects)
                    List <VertexMap>[]            vertexMapList = new List <VertexMap> [mqoMaterials.Count + 1];
                    Dictionary <int, VertexMap>[] vertexMapDic  = new Dictionary <int, VertexMap> [mqoMaterials.Count + 1];
                    List <VertexMap[]>[]          faceMap       = new List <VertexMap[]> [mqoMaterials.Count + 1];
                    foreach (MqoFace mqoFace in mqoObject.faces)
                        int mqoFaceMatIdxOffset = mqoFace.materialIndex + 1;
                        if (vertexMapList[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset] == null)
                            vertexMapList[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset] = new List <VertexMap>(mqoObject.vertices.Length);
                            vertexMapDic[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset]  = new Dictionary <int, VertexMap>();
                            faceMap[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset]       = new List <VertexMap[]>(mqoObject.faces.Length);

                        VertexMap[] faceMapArray = new VertexMap[mqoFace.vertexIndices.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < mqoFace.vertexIndices.Length; i++)
                            VertexMap vertMap;
                            if (!vertexMapDic[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset].TryGetValue(mqoFace.vertexIndices[i], out vertMap))
                                ImportedVertex vert;
                                MqoVertex      mqoVert = mqoObject.vertices[mqoFace.vertexIndices[i]];
                                if (mqoVert is MqoVertexWithColour)
                                    vert = new ImportedVertexWithColour();
                                    ((ImportedVertexWithColour)vert).Colour = ((MqoVertexWithColour)mqoVert).colour;
                                    vert = new ImportedVertex();
                                vert.BoneIndices = new byte[4];
                                vert.Weights     = new float[4];
                                vert.Normal      = new Vector3();
                                vert.UV          = mqoFace.UVs[i];
                                vert.Position    = mqoVert.coords * scale;

                                vertMap = new VertexMap {
                                    mqoIdx = mqoFace.vertexIndices[i], vert = vert
                                vertexMapDic[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset].Add(mqoFace.vertexIndices[i], vertMap);
                                vertMap.uvDic.Add(mqoFace.UVs[i], vertMap);

                            VertexMap uvVertMap;
                            if (!vertMap.uvDic.TryGetValue(mqoFace.UVs[i], out uvVertMap))
                                ImportedVertex vert = new ImportedVertex();
                                vert.BoneIndices = new byte[4];
                                vert.Weights     = new float[4];
                                vert.Normal      = new Vector3();
                                vert.UV          = mqoFace.UVs[i];
                                vert.Position    = mqoObject.vertices[mqoFace.vertexIndices[i]].coords;

                                uvVertMap = new VertexMap {
                                    mqoIdx = Int32.MaxValue, vert = vert
                                vertMap.uvDic.Add(mqoFace.UVs[i], uvVertMap);

                            faceMapArray[i] = uvVertMap;

                    for (int i = 0; i < vertexMapList.Length; i++)
                        if (vertexMapList[i] != null)
                            ImportedSubmesh mesh = new ImportedSubmesh();
                            mesh.VertexList  = new List <ImportedVertex>(vertexMapList[i].Count);
                            mesh.FaceList    = new List <ImportedFace>(faceMap[i].Count);
                            mesh.Index       = mqoObject.baseIdx;
                            mesh.WorldCoords = mqoObject.worldCoords;
                            mesh.Visible     = mqoObject.visible;
                            int matIdx = i - 1;
                            if ((matIdx >= 0) && (matIdx < mqoMaterials.Count))
                                mesh.Material = mqoMaterials[matIdx];

                            for (int j = 0; j < vertexMapList[i].Count; j++)
                                vertexMapList[i][j].wsMeshIdx = j;

                            for (int j = 0; j < faceMap[i].Count; j++)
                                ImportedFace face = new ImportedFace();
                                face.VertexIndices = new int[] { faceMap[i][j][0].wsMeshIdx, faceMap[i][j][2].wsMeshIdx, faceMap[i][j][1].wsMeshIdx };
