Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult CreateUser(Merchant_info merchant_info)
            merchant_info.status = true;
            using (db = new HotelDBContent())
                if (merchant_info.id > 0)

                    if (ModelState.IsValid)
                        merchant_info.password = new help.HotelInfoHelp().Md5(merchant_info.password); merchant_info.ctime = DateTime.Now; merchant_info.status = true; merchant_info.guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); merchant_info.operator_id = new help.HotelInfoHelp().getUId(); merchant_info.status = true;
                        //using (db=new HotelDBContent())
                        result = db.SaveChanges() > 0 ? 1 : 0;


            return View("MyUser", getData());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Merchant_info getData()
            List<Merchant_info> list_Mer = new List<Merchant_info>(); List<SasMenu> list_Menu = new List<SasMenu>(); List<hotel_info> list_hotel = new List<hotel_info>();

            Merchant_info mermber = new Merchant_info();
            mermber.getMemberInfo(out list_Mer, out list_Menu, out list_hotel);
            mermber.List_hotel = list_hotel; mermber.List_Menu = list_Menu; mermber.List_Mer = list_Mer;
            return mermber;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult LoginSubmit(Merchant_info merchant_info)
            string code = Session["code"]!=null?Session["code"].ToString():"";
            if (code == merchant_info.guid)
                using (db = new HotelDBContent())
                    Merchant_info mer = (from m in db.Merchant_infos where m.mobliephone == merchant_info.tel &&m.status==true select m).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (mer != null)
                      //  new help.HotelInfoHelp().Md5(merchant_info.password);
                        //  if (mer.password == merchant_info.password)
                        if (mer.password == new help.HotelInfoHelp().Md5(merchant_info.password))

                            string limit = string.Empty;
                            Session["menu"] = new help.HotelInfoHelp().GetLimit(mer, out limit); Session["limit"] = limit; Session["limitHotelId"] = mer.limitHotelId;

                            Session["userName"] = mer.name;
                            Session["uid"] = mer.mobliephone;
                            return RedirectToAction("index", "home");
                            ViewBag.LoginInfo = "用户名或者密码错误";
                        ViewBag.LoginInfo = "用户名或者密码错误";
                ViewBag.LoginInfo = "验证码错误,请输入正确的验证码";
            ViewBag.userName = merchant_info.tel; ViewBag.pass = merchant_info.password;
            return View("signLogin");;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改用户
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="room_id"></param>
        /// <param name="hotel_room_info"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int updateUser(Merchant_info mer)
            int result = 0;
                using (DBC.HotelDBContent db = new DBC.HotelDBContent())
                    var merchant = (from m in db.Merchant_infos where m.id == mer.id select m).Single();
                    if (merchant != null)
                        //Merchant_info m = new Merchant_info();

                          // string f = mer.password != "******" ? new help.HotelInfoHelp().Md5(mer.password) : merchant.password; merchant.utime = DateTime.Now;
                            merchant.password = mer.password != "******" ? new help.HotelInfoHelp().Md5(mer.password) : merchant.password; merchant.utime = DateTime.Now;
                            merchant.name = mer.name; merchant.tel = mer.tel; merchant.Sex = mer.Sex; merchant.startTime = mer.startTime; merchant.endTime = mer.endTime; merchant.limit = mer.limit; merchant.limitName = mer.limitName; merchant.limitHotelId = mer.limitHotelId; merchant.limitHotelName = mer.limitHotelName; 
                        result = db.SaveChanges() > 0 ? 1 : 0; ;
            catch (Exception)
                result = 0;
            return result;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得权限
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<SasMenu> GetLimit(Merchant_info mer,out string limit)

            List<SasMenu> list_Menu = new List<SasMenu>(); string _limit = string.Empty, sqlMenu = string.Format("select id,title,controleName,url,parent from sasMenu"), sql = mer.name == "admin" ? sqlMenu+" where id=1": mer.admin == true ? sqlMenu + " where id!=1" : string.Format("{1} where id in({0}) and status=1 and id!=1", mer.limit, sqlMenu);
           // string _limit = string.Empty, sqlMenu = string.Format("select id,title,controleName,url,parent from sasMenu"), sql = mer.admin == true ? sqlMenu : string.Format("{1} where id in({0}) and status=1 and id!=1", mer.limit, sqlMenu);
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString))
               // string temp = string.Format("select id,title,controleName,url,parent from sasMenu where id in({0}) and status=1", mer.limit);
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn))
                    using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        //while (dr.Read()) //读取菜单

                        while (dr.Read()) //读取菜单
                             _limit += dr[2].ToString()+",";
                            list_Menu.Add(new SasMenu() { id = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]), title = dr[1].ToString(),url = dr[3].ToString(), parent = Convert.ToInt32(dr[4]) });
                            //dic.Add(dr[2].ToString(),list_Menu.Add(new SasMenu()));

            limit =mer.admin?"all":_limit;
            return list_Menu;