Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static Node ReconstructNodes(SubroutineGraph newGraph, SubroutineGraph oldGraph, Node startNode, Decompiler.SubroutineContext decompileContext, Dictionary <Node, Node> mapping, List <Tuple <Node, Node, Jump.JumpType> > futureJumps)
            List <Node> children = new List <Node>();
            Node        result; // new TextNode(startNode.ToString());

            //Stack<Expression> stackAfterThisNode = decompileContext.Stack;
            //Expression conditional = null; // Pop the condition of an if / while before decompiling the following chunks
            if (startNode is TextNode textStart)
                result = new TextNode(textStart.Text);
            else if (startNode is SAGESharp.OSI.ControlFlow.OSINode osiStart)
                //result = new OSINode(osiStart.Instructions);
                List <InstructionStatement> statements = Decompiler.DecompileSubroutineChunk(decompileContext, osiStart.Instructions);
                result = new LSSNode(statements, startNode.OutAlwaysJump == null ? decompileContext.Stack.Pop() : null);

                /*if (startNode.OutAlwaysJump == null)
                 * {
                 *  conditional = decompileContext.Stack.Pop();
                 * }*/
            else if (startNode is LSSNode lssStart)
                result = new LSSNode(lssStart.Statements /*, lssStart.StackLeftOver*/, lssStart.EndConditional);
                throw new Exception("o no");

            foreach (Jump outJump in startNode.OutJumps.Values)
                if (outJump.Destination == oldGraph.EndNode)
                    result.CreateJumpTo(newGraph.EndNode, outJump.Type);
                    if (!mapping.ContainsKey(outJump.Destination))
                        // Reconstruct the destination
                        mapping.Add(outJump.Destination, null); // Placeholder to avoid stack overflow
                        Node newOutJumpTarget = ReconstructNodes(newGraph, oldGraph, outJump.Destination, decompileContext.CloneStack(), mapping, futureJumps);
                        mapping[outJump.Destination] = newOutJumpTarget;
                        result.CreateJumpTo(mapping[outJump.Destination], outJump.Type);
                    else if (mapping[outJump.Destination] == null)
                        // We are in the process of reconstructing the destination, so add to later jumps.
                        futureJumps.Add(new Tuple <Node, Node, Jump.JumpType>(startNode, outJump.Destination, outJump.Type));
                        // The destination is reconstructed and ready to go
                        result.CreateJumpTo(mapping[outJump.Destination], outJump.Type);

            for (int i = futureJumps.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Tuple <Node, Node, Jump.JumpType> futureJump = futureJumps[i];
                if (mapping.ContainsKey(futureJump.Item1) && mapping.ContainsKey(futureJump.Item2) &&
                    mapping[futureJump.Item1] != null && mapping[futureJump.Item2] != null)
                    mapping[futureJump.Item1].CreateJumpTo(mapping[futureJump.Item2], futureJump.Item3);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void AnalyzeIfElse(SubroutineGraph graph, LSSNode node, Stack <Node> wipNodes)
            foreach (Jump outJump in node.OutJumps.Values)
                if (outJump.Destination is LSSNode lssDestination)
                    if (!wipNodes.Contains(outJump.Destination))
                        AnalyzeIfElse(graph, lssDestination, wipNodes);
                else if (outJump.Destination == graph.EndNode)
                    throw new Exception("o no!");

            if (node.OutTrueJump != null && node.OutFalseJump != null && node.OutJumps.Count == 2)
                if (node.OutTrueJump.Destination.OutAlwaysJump != null &&
                    node.OutTrueJump.Destination.OutAlwaysJump.Destination == node.OutFalseJump.Destination &&
                    node.OutTrueJump.Destination.OutJumps.Count == 1)
                    // If branch
                    // Remove outTrueJump's node and add the text to node, and then switch over all the jumps that came from out of outTrueJump's node
                    LSSNode trueNode = node.OutTrueJump.Destination as LSSNode;
                    node.Statements.Add(new IfStatement(new SourceSpan(), node.EndConditional, new BlockStatement(new SourceSpan(), trueNode.Statements), null));;

                    Node alwaysNode = node.OutFalseJump.Destination;
                    node.CreateJumpTo(alwaysNode, Jump.JumpType.Always);
                else if (node.OutTrueJump.Destination.OutAlwaysJump != null &&
                         node.OutFalseJump.Destination.OutAlwaysJump != null &&
                         node.OutTrueJump.Destination.OutAlwaysJump.Destination == node.OutFalseJump.Destination.OutAlwaysJump.Destination)
                    // If & Else branches
                    LSSNode     trueNode   = node.OutTrueJump.Destination as LSSNode;
                    LSSNode     falseNode  = node.OutFalseJump.Destination as LSSNode;
                    Node        alwaysNode = trueNode.OutAlwaysJump.Destination;
                    IfStatement elseIf     = null;
                    if (falseNode?.Statements.Count == 1 && falseNode.Statements[0] is IfStatement innerIf)
                        elseIf = innerIf;
                        elseIf = new IfStatement(new SourceSpan(), null, new BlockStatement(new SourceSpan(), falseNode.Statements), null);
                    IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(new SourceSpan(), node.EndConditional, new BlockStatement(new SourceSpan(), trueNode.Statements), elseIf);

                    // HACK: If we are coming from a switch statement (where the conditions use Dup, ???, EqualTo), shave off the Pop-ed expressiont that was switched
                    if (node.EndConditional is BinaryExpression binExpr && binExpr.Operation.Type == TokenType.EqualsEquals && binExpr.Left is Expression dupedExpr)
                        bool        same = true;
                        IfStatement stmt = ifStatement;
                        while (stmt != null && same)
                            if (stmt.Condition is BinaryExpression condBinExpr && condBinExpr.Operation.Type == TokenType.EqualsEquals && condBinExpr.Left == dupedExpr)
                                same = true;
                                same = false;
                            stmt = stmt.ElseStatement;
                        if (same && alwaysNode is LSSNode always && always.Statements.Count >= 1 && always.Statements[0] is ExpressionStatement extraStmt && !(extraStmt.Expression is CallExpression))