Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Intended time of use it that of a "post cache reset" time. If cache has been cleared, all the logic behind this
        ///     method will run.
        /// </summary>
        public static void TryDocRevImporting() =>
        CacheMan.Cache(() =>

                           .Select(dirpath => new DirectoryInfo(dirpath).FullName)
                           .Where(dirpath => !dirs.Contains(dirpath))
                           .OrderByDescending(dirpath =>
                                                  GetRelativeFilePathsInDirectoryTree(dirpath, true)
                                                  .Select(filepath => File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(filepath).Ticks))

            // starting with the newest directory, synchronously process each & abend when its found that nothing is imported
            string dir;
            while (dirs.TryPop(out dir) && ImportContentFolder(dir).Any())

            // process the remaining directories queued asynchronously (as this is a resource intensive) on the chance that the "GetLastWriteTimeUtc" lied to us
            if (!dirs.IsEmpty)
                Tasker.StartNewTask(() =>
                    while (dirs.TryPop(out dir))

            return(new object());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Scans AppDomain for classes implementing the IDocModel & performs all transformations needed to represent them as
        ///     BaseDoc to be served.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DocTypeName">
        ///     Processes only the given DocTypeName the IDocModel represents. If a IDocModel can not be
        ///     located through out the AppDomain nothing will be processed & no IDocRev will be imported. If no DocTypeName is
        ///     specified all IDocModel located will be processed.
        /// </param>
        public static List <ImporterLightDoc> ReadIDocModelCSharpCode()
            List <ImporterLightDoc> List_ImporterLightDoc = new List <ImporterLightDoc>();

            //TODO:Validate POCO utilizes correct title-case underscore separated labeling practices
            //TODO:add a placeholder file describing what goes in the given DocTypeName's form root directory
            var IDocModelItems = AppDomain
                                 .SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes())
                                 .Where(typ => (typ.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i == typeof(IDocModel))))
                                 .Select(type => new
                DirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(FilesystemTemplateController.GetDocDirectoryPath(type.Name)).mkdir(),
                myschemaXsd   = XsdExporter.ExportSchemas(
                    new List <string> {

            foreach (var docTypeDirectoryInfo in IDocModelItems)
                string filepath = string.Format(@"{0}{1}", docTypeDirectoryInfo.DirectoryInfo.FullName, Runtime.MYSCHEMA_XSD_FILE_NAME);

                // always (over)write the xsd as this will always be generated by and for Rudine.Core regardless of the IDocInterpreter that is handling
                // compare the existing xsd on disk with the one generated here (excluding the "rolling" namespace) to see if anything has changed
                if (
                    RuntimeTypeNamer.VALID_CSHARP_NAMESPACE_PART_MATCH.Replace(docTypeDirectoryInfo.myschemaXsd, string.Empty) != RuntimeTypeNamer.VALID_CSHARP_NAMESPACE_PART_MATCH.Replace(File.ReadAllText(filepath), string.Empty)
                    File.WriteAllText(string.Format(@"{0}{1}", docTypeDirectoryInfo.DirectoryInfo.FullName, Runtime.MYSCHEMA_XSD_FILE_NAME), docTypeDirectoryInfo.myschemaXsd);

                // create placeholder App_Code\DocTypeName.c_ files for developer to get started with myschema.xsd generation via cSharp file editing & thus auto translating
                string App_Code_Directory_Fullname = RequestPaths.GetPhysicalApplicationPath(Resources.App_Code_DirectoryPath);
                if (Directory.Exists(App_Code_Directory_Fullname))
                    Tasker.StartNewTask(() =>
                        foreach (string DocTypeName in DocExchange.DocTypeDirectories())
                            if (!IDocModelItems.Any(m => m.DirectoryInfo.Name.Equals(DocTypeName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                                string cSharpCodeFileName = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.c_", App_Code_Directory_Fullname, DocTypeName);
                                string xsdFileName        = RequestPaths.GetPhysicalApplicationPath("doc", DocTypeName, Runtime.MYSCHEMA_XSD_FILE_NAME);
                                string xsd          = File.ReadAllText(xsdFileName);
                                string myclasses_cs = new Xsd().ImportSchemasAsClasses(
                                    new[] { xsd },
                                    CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateOrder | CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateProperties,
                                    new StringCollection());

                                if (!File.Exists(cSharpCodeFileName) || File.ReadAllText(cSharpCodeFileName) != myclasses_cs)
                                    File.WriteAllText(cSharpCodeFileName, myclasses_cs);
                                    File.SetAttributes(cSharpCodeFileName, FileAttributes.Hidden);