Ejemplo n.º 1
        // TODO: just a testing function with discs
        private void DrawCurveBrushSamplePoints(BrushSettings brushSettings, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, Color innerColor, Color outerColor, AnimationCurve curveX, AnimationCurve curveZ)
            // number of sample points in 1 direction, i. e. there will be n * n sample points
            int samplePointsPerRow = brushSettings.curveSamplePoints;

            // the sample point distance on a [0,1] range, i. e. for 10 the distance will be 0.1
            float samplePointDistanceNormalized = 1f / samplePointsPerRow;

            for (var x = 0f; x <= 1f; x += samplePointDistanceNormalized)
                for (var z = 0f; z <= 1f; z += samplePointDistanceNormalized)
                    float curvePointX = curveX.Evaluate(x);
                    float curvePointZ = curveZ.Evaluate(z);

                    // ensure value is [0,1]
                    curvePointX = Mathf.Clamp01(curvePointX);
                    curvePointZ = Mathf.Clamp01(curvePointZ);

                    float discSize = brushSettings.brushSize * x; // is same as y

                    Handles.color = new Color(innerColor.r, innerColor.g, innerColor.b, curvePointX * curvePointZ);

                    float radius = brushSettings.brushSize * samplePointDistanceNormalized * 0.5f;

                    // TODO: align depending on brush size
                    float xPosition = position.x - brushSettings.brushSize * (x - 0.5f) - radius;
                    float zPosition = position.z - brushSettings.brushSize * (z - 0.5f) - radius;

                    // high enough offset for y, in case the terrain below the brush aligned in it's normal direction isn't flat
                    // otherwise parts might be above terrain while others might be below it; another way would be to do an additional up raycast
                    float yRaystOffset = 3000f;
                    float yPosition    = position.y + yRaystOffset;

                    // individual disc position, but with y offset
                    Vector3 discPosition = new Vector3(xPosition, yPosition, zPosition);

                    // y via raycast down
                    RaycastHit hit;

                    // create layer mask without ignore raycast on which the preview gameobject is
                    LayerMask layerMask = LayerUtils.GetPreviewLayerMask(brushSettings.layerMask);

                    if (Physics.Raycast(discPosition, Vector3.down, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
                        // set y position depending on the terrain
                        discPosition.y = hit.point.y;

                        // set the normal depending on the terrain
                        normal = hit.normal;

                    // y via height sampling
                    // discPosition.y = Terrain.activeTerrain.SampleHeight(discPosition);

                    Handles.DrawSolidDisc(discPosition, normal, radius);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // TODO: just a testing function with rectangles
        private void DrawCurveBrushSamplePointsAsGrid(BrushSettings brushSettings, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, Color innerColor, Color outerColor, AnimationCurve curveX, AnimationCurve curveZ)
            // number of sample points in 1 direction, i. e. there will be n * n sample points
            int samplePointsPerRow = brushSettings.curveSamplePoints;

            // the sample point distance on a [0,1] range, i. e. for 10 the distance will be 0.1
            float samplePointDistanceNormalized = 1f / samplePointsPerRow;

            Vector3[,] v = new Vector3[samplePointsPerRow, samplePointsPerRow];
            Color[,] c   = new Color[samplePointsPerRow, samplePointsPerRow];

            int i;
            int j;

            for (i = 0; i < samplePointsPerRow; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < samplePointsPerRow; j++)
                    float x = i * samplePointDistanceNormalized;
                    float z = j * samplePointDistanceNormalized;

                    float curvePointX = curveX.Evaluate(x);
                    float curvePointZ = curveZ.Evaluate(z);

                    // ensure value is [0,1]
                    curvePointX = Mathf.Clamp01(curvePointX);
                    curvePointZ = Mathf.Clamp01(curvePointZ);

                    float discSize = brushSettings.brushSize * x; // is same as y

                    Handles.color = new Color(innerColor.r, innerColor.g, innerColor.b, curvePointX * curvePointZ);

                    float radius = brushSettings.brushSize * samplePointDistanceNormalized * 0.5f;

                    // TODO: align depending on brush size
                    float xPosition = position.x - brushSettings.brushSize * (x - 0.5f) - radius;
                    float zPosition = position.z - brushSettings.brushSize * (z - 0.5f) - radius;

                    // high enough offset for y, in case the terrain below the brush aligned in it's normal direction isn't flat
                    // otherwise parts might be above terrain while others might be below it; another way would be to do an additional up raycast
                    float yRaystOffset = 3000f;
                    float yPosition    = position.y + yRaystOffset;

                    // individual disc position, but with y offset
                    Vector3 discPosition = new Vector3(xPosition, yPosition, zPosition);

                    // rotate around y world axis
                    float angle = brushSettings.brushRotation;
                    discPosition -= position;                                     // move to origin
                    discPosition  = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0) * discPosition; // rotate around world axis
                    discPosition += position;                                     // move back to position

                    // y via raycast down
                    RaycastHit hit;

                    // create layer mask without ignore raycast on which the preview gameobject is
                    LayerMask layerMask = LayerUtils.GetPreviewLayerMask(brushSettings.layerMask);

                    if (Physics.Raycast(discPosition, Vector3.down, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
                        // set y position depending on the terrain
                        discPosition.y = hit.point.y;

                        // set the normal depending on the terrain
                        normal = hit.normal;

                    // y via height sampling
                    // discPosition.y = Terrain.activeTerrain.SampleHeight(discPosition);

                    v[i, j] = discPosition;
                    c[i, j] = Handles.color;

                    // slope
                    float slopeAngle = Vector3.Angle(normal.normalized, new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                    //Handles.Label(discPosition, new GUIContent("angle: " + slopeAngle));

                    // if brush area isn't inside the slope range, make the color almost transparent
                    if (slopeAngle < brushSettings.slopeMin || slopeAngle > brushSettings.slopeMax)
                        c[i, j].a = 0.05f;

            for (i = 0; i < v.GetLength(0) - 1; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < v.GetLength(1) - 1; j++)
                    Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[]
                        v[i, j],
                        v[i, j + 1],
                        v[i + 1, j + 1],
                        v[i + 1, j],

                    Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(verts, c[i, j], new Color(0, 0, 0, c[i, j].a));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public bool DrawBrush(BrushSettings brushSettings, out BrushMode brushMode, out RaycastHit mouseHit)
            brushMode = BrushMode.None;
            mouseHit  = new RaycastHit();

            float radius = brushSettings.brushSize / 2f;

            Ray ray = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition);

            // create layer mask without ignore raycast on which the preview gameobject is
            LayerMask layerMask = LayerUtils.GetPreviewLayerMask(brushSettings.layerMask);

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, out RaycastHit hit, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
                mouseHit = hit;

                /// process mouse events

                // brush size & rotation: control key pressed
                if (Event.current.control)
                    // mouse wheel up/down changes the radius
                    if (Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel)
                        // ctrl + shift + scroll = brush rotation
                        if (Event.current.shift)
                            int rotationStepSize = 10;
                            int rotationMin      = 0;   // TODO: find out of to get that from Range
                            int rotationMax      = 360; // TODO: find out of to get that from Range

                            // scroll up
                            if (Event.current.delta.y > 0)
                                brushSettings.brushRotation += rotationStepSize;
                                if (brushSettings.brushRotation > rotationMax)
                                    brushSettings.brushRotation = rotationMin + rotationStepSize;
                            // scroll down
                            else if (Event.current.delta.y < 0)
                                brushSettings.brushRotation -= rotationStepSize;
                                if (brushSettings.brushRotation < rotationMin)
                                    brushSettings.brushRotation = rotationMax - rotationStepSize;
                        // ctrl + scroll = brush size
                            // scroll up
                            if (Event.current.delta.y > 0)
                            // scroll down
                            else if (Event.current.delta.y < 0)

                                // TODO: slider
                                if (brushSettings.brushSize < 1)
                                    brushSettings.brushSize = 1;


                // default: nothing pressed
                brushMode = BrushMode.None;

                // mouse pressed state: unity editor acts only on events, so we need to keep track of the click state
                if (Event.current.isMouse && Event.current.button == 0)
                    if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown)
                        mousePressed = true;
                    else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp || Event.current.type == EventType.MouseLeaveWindow)
                        mousePressed = false;

                // keyboard only case
                if (Event.current.shift)
                    brushMode = BrushMode.ShiftKey;

                    if (Event.current.control)
                        brushMode = BrushMode.ShiftCtrlKey;

                // check if mouse button is being pressed without dragging;
                if (mousePressed)
                    if (Event.current.shift)
                        brushMode = BrushMode.ShiftPressed;

                        if (Event.current.control)
                            brushMode = BrushMode.ShiftCtrlPressed;

                // keyboard + mouse case
                if (Event.current.isMouse)
                    // left button = 0; right = 1; middle = 2
                    if (Event.current.button == 0)
                        // drag case
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown || Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag)
                            if (Event.current.shift)
                                brushMode = BrushMode.ShiftDrag;

                                if (Event.current.control)
                                    brushMode = BrushMode.ShiftCtrlDrag;

                // draw brush gizmo
                DrawBrush(brushSettings, hit.point, hit.normal, radius, brushMode);

            return(brushMode != BrushMode.None);