Ejemplo n.º 1
 // The custom constructor
 public Foot(IKSolver solver, Transform transform)
     this.solver    = solver;
     this.transform = transform;
     this.leg       = null;
     rotation       = transform.rotation;
Ejemplo n.º 2
         * Initiating the chain.
         * */
        public void Initiate(IKSolver solver, FBIKChain[] chain)
            initiated = false;

            foreach (IKSolver.Node node in nodes)
                node.solverPosition = node.transform.position;

            // Calculating bone lengths
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length - 1; i++)
                nodes[i].length = Vector3.Distance(nodes[i].transform.position, nodes[i + 1].transform.position);
                if (nodes[i].length == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                chain[children[i]].rootLength = (chain[children[i]].nodes[0].transform.position - nodes[nodes.Length - 1].transform.position).magnitude;
                if (chain[children[i]].rootLength == 0f)

            // Initiating child constraints

            initiated = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Start()
            this.animator             = base.GetComponent <Animator>();
            this.allIKComponents      = base.GetComponentsInChildren <IK>();
            this.disabledIKComponents = new bool[this.allIKComponents.Length];
            this.fixTransforms        = new bool[this.allIKComponents.Length];
            if (this.ik != null)
                IKSolver iksolver = this.ik.GetIKSolver();
                iksolver.OnPostUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Combine(iksolver.OnPostUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.AfterLastIK));
            Rigidbody[] componentsInChildren = base.GetComponentsInChildren <Rigidbody>();
            int         num = (componentsInChildren[0].gameObject == base.gameObject) ? 1 : 0;

            this.rigidbones = new RagdollUtility.Rigidbone[(num == 0) ? componentsInChildren.Length : (componentsInChildren.Length - 1)];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.rigidbones.Length; i++)
                this.rigidbones[i] = new RagdollUtility.Rigidbone(componentsInChildren[i + num]);
            Transform[] componentsInChildren2 = base.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();
            this.children = new RagdollUtility.Child[componentsInChildren2.Length - 1];
            for (int j = 0; j < this.children.Length; j++)
                this.children[j] = new RagdollUtility.Child(componentsInChildren2[j + 1]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private void Initiate()
     this.feet          = new Transform[this.legs.Length];
     this.footRotations = new Quaternion[this.legs.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < this.feet.Length; i++)
         this.footRotations[i] = Quaternion.identity;
     for (int j = 0; j < this.legs.Length; j++)
         IKSolver.Point[] points = this.legs[j].GetIKSolver().GetPoints();
         this.feet[j] = points[points.Length - 1].transform;
         IKSolver iksolver = this.legs[j].GetIKSolver();
         iksolver.OnPreUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Combine(iksolver.OnPreUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnSolverUpdate));
         IKSolver iksolver2 = this.legs[j].GetIKSolver();
         iksolver2.OnPostUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Combine(iksolver2.OnPostUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnPostSolverUpdate));
     this.animatedPelvisLocalPosition = this.pelvis.localPosition;
     this.solver.Initiate(base.transform, this.feet);
     for (int k = 0; k < this.legs.Length; k++)
         if (this.legs[k] is LegIK)
             this.solver.legs[k].invertFootCenter = true;
     this.initiated = true;
            public Grounding.Leg leg;           // 0x20

            // Constructors
            public Foot(IKSolver solver, Transform transform)
                this.solver    = default;
                this.transform = default;
                rotation       = default;
                leg            = default;
            }             // 0x0000000180044650-0x00000001800446E0
Ejemplo n.º 6
         * Initiating the chain.
         * */
        public void Initiate(IKSolver solver, FBIKChain[] chain)
            initiated = false;

            foreach (IKSolver.Node node in nodes)
                node.solverPosition = node.transform.position;

            // Calculating bone lengths

            // Initiating child constraints
            foreach (ChildConstraint c in childConstraints)
                c.Initiate(solver as IKSolverFullBody);

            // Initiating the bend constraint
            if (nodes.Length == 3)
                bendConstraint.SetBones(nodes[0].transform, nodes[1].transform, nodes[2].transform);
                bendConstraint.Initiate(solver as IKSolverFullBody);

            crossFades = new float[children.Length];

            initiated = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Initiating child constraints
  * */
 public void InitiateConstraints(IKSolver solver)
     foreach (ChildConstraint c in childConstraints)
         c.Initiate(solver as IKSolverFullBody);
Ejemplo n.º 8
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether this IKMappingSpine is valid
		/// </summary>
		public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger) {
			if (!base.IsValid(solver, logger)) return false;
			foreach (Transform spineBone in spineBones) if (spineBone == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("Spine bones contains a null reference.");
				return false;
			int nodes = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < spineBones.Length; i++) {
				if (solver.GetPoint(spineBones[i]) != null) nodes ++;
			if (nodes == 0) {
				if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingSpine does not contain any nodes.");
				return false;
			if (leftUpperArmBone == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingSpine is missing the left upper arm bone.");
				return false;
			if (rightUpperArmBone == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingSpine is missing the right upper arm bone.");
				return false;
			if (leftThighBone == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingSpine is missing the left thigh bone.");
				return false;
			if (rightThighBone == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingSpine is missing the right thigh bone.");
				return false;
			if (solver.GetPoint(leftUpperArmBone) == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("Full Body IK is missing the left upper arm node.");
				return false;
			if (solver.GetPoint(rightUpperArmBone) == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("Full Body IK is missing the right upper arm node.");
				return false;
			if (solver.GetPoint(leftThighBone) == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("Full Body IK is missing the left thigh node.");
				return false;
			if (solver.GetPoint(rightThighBone) == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("Full Body IK is missing the right thigh node.");
				return false;
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private void OnDestroy()
     if (this.ik != null)
         IKSolver iksolver = this.ik.GetIKSolver();
         iksolver.OnPostUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Remove(iksolver.OnPostUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.AfterLastIK));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void Initiate(Transform transform, IKSolver solver)
     this.transform = transform;
     IKSolver.Point point = solver.GetPoint(transform);
     if (point != null)
         this.node = (point as IKSolver.Node);
Ejemplo n.º 11
		public float weight = 1f; // Added in 0.2
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether this IKMappingLimb is valid
		/// </summary>
		public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger = null) {
			if (!base.IsValid(solver, logger)) return false;
			if (!BoneIsValid(bone1, solver, logger)) return false;
			if (!BoneIsValid(bone2, solver, logger)) return false;
			if (!BoneIsValid(bone3, solver, logger)) return false;
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public float weight = 1f; // Added in 0.2
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether this IKMappingLimb is valid
		/// </summary>
		public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, ref string message) {
			if (!base.IsValid(solver, ref message)) return false;
			if (!BoneIsValid(bone1, solver, ref message)) return false;
			if (!BoneIsValid(bone2, solver, ref message)) return false;
			if (!BoneIsValid(bone3, solver, ref message)) return false;
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override bool IsValid(bool log)
            if (!this.spineIsValid)
                if (log)
                    base.LogWarning("IKSolverLookAt spine setup is invalid. Can't initiate solver.");
            if (!this.headIsValid)
                if (log)
                    base.LogWarning("IKSolverLookAt head transform is null. Can't initiate solver.");
            if (!this.eyesIsValid)
                if (log)
                    base.LogWarning("IKSolverLookAt eyes setup is invalid. Can't initiate solver.");
            if (this.spineIsEmpty && this.headIsEmpty && this.eyesIsEmpty)
                if (log)
                    base.LogWarning("IKSolverLookAt spine, head and eyes are empty. There is nothing for the solver to solve.");
            Transform transform = IKSolver.ContainsDuplicateBone(this.spine);

            if (transform != null)
                if (log)
                    base.LogWarning(transform.name + " is represented multiple times in a single IK chain. Can't initiate solver.");
            Transform transform2 = IKSolver.ContainsDuplicateBone(this.eyes);

            if (transform2 != null)
                if (log)
                    base.LogWarning(transform2.name + " is represented multiple times in a single IK chain. Can't initiate solver.");
Ejemplo n.º 14
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether this IKMappingBone is valid.
		/// </summary>
		public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger) {
			if (!base.IsValid(solver, logger)) return false;
			if (bone == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingBone's bone is null.");
				return false;

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Make sure the bones are in valid Hierarchy
  * */
 public static bool HierarchyIsValid(IKSolver.Bone[] bones)
     for (int i = 1; i < bones.Length; i++) {
         // If parent bone is not an ancestor of bone, the hierarchy is invalid
         if (!Hierarchy.IsAncestor(bones[i].transform, bones[i - 1].transform)) {
             return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether this IKMappingBone is valid.
		/// </summary>
		public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, ref string message) {
			if (!base.IsValid(solver, ref message)) return false;
			if (bone == null) {
				message = "IKMappingBone's bone is null.";
				return false;

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
         * Add points to array
         * */
        public static IKSolver.Point[] AddPoints(ref IKSolver.Point[] array, IKSolver.Point[] addPoints)
            Array.Resize(ref array, array.Length + addPoints.Length);

            int added = 0;
            for (int i = array.Length - addPoints.Length; i < array.Length; i++) {
                array[i] = addPoints[added];
                added ++;

            return array;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 protected bool BoneIsValid(Transform bone, IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger = null)
     if (bone == null) {
         if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingLimb contains a null reference.");
         return false;
     if (solver.GetPoint(bone) == null) {
         if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingLimb is referencing to a bone '" + bone.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.");
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
         * Determines whether this IKEffector is valid or not.
         * */
        public bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, ref string message)
            if (bone == null)
                message = "IK Effector bone is null.";

            if (solver.GetPoint(bone) == null)
                message = "IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + bone.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.";

            foreach (Transform b in childBones)
                if (b == null)
                    message = "IK Effector contains a null reference.";

            foreach (Transform b in childBones)
                if (solver.GetPoint(b) == null)
                    message = "IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + b.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.";

            if (planeBone1 != null && solver.GetPoint(planeBone1) == null)
                message = "IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + planeBone1.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.";

            if (planeBone2 != null && solver.GetPoint(planeBone2) == null)
                message = "IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + planeBone2.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.";

            if (planeBone3 != null && solver.GetPoint(planeBone3) == null)
                message = "IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + planeBone3.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.";

Ejemplo n.º 20
 private void DestroyLegs(IK[] ikComponents)
     foreach (IK ik in ikComponents)
         if (ik != null)
             IKSolver iksolver = ik.GetIKSolver();
             iksolver.OnPreUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Remove(iksolver.OnPreUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnSolverUpdate));
             IKSolver iksolver2 = ik.GetIKSolver();
             iksolver2.OnPostUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Remove(iksolver2.OnPostUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnPostSolverUpdate));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, ref string message)
     if (!base.IsValid(solver, ref message))
     if (this.bone == null)
         message = "IKMappingBone's bone is null.";
Ejemplo n.º 22
         * Initiate the effector, set default values
         * */
        public void Initiate(IKSolver solver)
            this.solver           = solver;
            position              = bone.position;
            rotation              = bone.rotation;
            animatedPlaneRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // Getting the node
            node = solver.GetPoint(bone) as IKSolver.Node;

            // Child nodes
            if (childNodes == null || childNodes.Length != childBones.Length)
                childNodes = new IKSolver.Node[childBones.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < childBones.Length; i++)
                childNodes[i] = solver.GetPoint(childBones[i]) as IKSolver.Node;

            if (localPositions == null || localPositions.Length != childBones.Length)
                localPositions = new Vector3[childBones.Length];

            // Plane nodes
            usePlaneNodes = false;

            if (planeBone1 != null)
                planeNode1 = solver.GetPoint(planeBone1) as IKSolver.Node;

                if (planeBone2 != null)
                    planeNode2 = solver.GetPoint(planeBone2) as IKSolver.Node;

                    if (planeBone3 != null)
                        planeNode3    = solver.GetPoint(planeBone3) as IKSolver.Node;
                        usePlaneNodes = true;

                isEndEffector = true;
                isEndEffector = false;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private void DestroyLegs(IK[] ikComponents)
     for (int i = 0; i < ikComponents.Length; i++)
         IK iK = ikComponents[i];
         if (iK != null)
             IKSolver expr_1F = iK.GetIKSolver();
             expr_1F.OnPreUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Remove(expr_1F.OnPreUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnSolverUpdate));
             IKSolver expr_46 = iK.GetIKSolver();
             expr_46.OnPostUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Remove(expr_46.OnPostUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnPostSolverUpdate));
Ejemplo n.º 24
		protected virtual void AddWarningBox(IKSolver solver) {
			EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Invalid/incomplete setup, can't initiate solver.");
			if (GUILayout.Button("What's wrong?")) {
				Warning.logged = false;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private Transform[] InitiateFeet(IK[] ikComponents, ref GrounderQuadruped.Foot[] f, int indexOffset)
     Transform[] array = new Transform[ikComponents.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < ikComponents.Length; i++)
         IKSolver.Point[] points = ikComponents[i].GetIKSolver().GetPoints();
         f[i + indexOffset] = new GrounderQuadruped.Foot(ikComponents[i].GetIKSolver(), points[points.Length - 1].transform);
         array[i]           = f[i + indexOffset].transform;
         IKSolver solver = f[i + indexOffset].solver;
         solver.OnPreUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Combine(solver.OnPreUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnSolverUpdate));
         IKSolver solver2 = f[i + indexOffset].solver;
         solver2.OnPostUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Combine(solver2.OnPostUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnPostSolverUpdate));
Ejemplo n.º 26
         * Initiating the chain.
         * */
        public void Initiate(IKSolver solver, FBIKChain[] chain)
            initiated = false;

            foreach (IKSolver.Node node in nodes)
                node.solverPosition = node.transform.position;

            // Calculating bone lengths
            length = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length - 1; i++)
                nodes[i].length = Vector3.Distance(nodes[i].transform.position, nodes[i + 1].transform.position);
                length         += nodes[i].length;
                if (nodes[i].length == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                chain[children[i]].rootLength = (chain[children[i]].nodes[0].transform.position - nodes[nodes.Length - 1].transform.position).magnitude;
                if (chain[children[i]].rootLength == 0f)

            // Initiating child constraints
            foreach (ChildConstraint c in childConstraints)
                c.Initiate(solver as IKSolverFullBody);

            // Initiating the bend constraint
            if (nodes.Length == 3)
                bendConstraint.SetBones(nodes[0].transform, nodes[1].transform, nodes[2].transform);
                bendConstraint.Initiate(solver as IKSolverFullBody);

            crossFades = new float[children.Length];

            initiated = true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 private void OnDestroy()
     if (this.initiated)
         foreach (IK ik in this.legs)
             if (ik != null)
                 IKSolver iksolver = ik.GetIKSolver();
                 iksolver.OnPreUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Remove(iksolver.OnPreUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnSolverUpdate));
                 IKSolver iksolver2 = ik.GetIKSolver();
                 iksolver2.OnPostUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Remove(iksolver2.OnPostUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnPostSolverUpdate));
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger = null)
     if (!base.IsValid(solver, logger))
     if (this.bone == null)
         if (logger != null)
             logger("IKMappingBone's bone is null.");
Ejemplo n.º 29
        // Override the default warning box
        protected override void AddWarningBox(IKSolver solver)

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Invalid/incomplete setup, can't initiate solver.");

            if (GUILayout.Button("What's wrong?"))
                Warning.logged = false;

Ejemplo n.º 30
 public bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, ref string message)
     if (this.bone == null)
         message = "IK Effector bone is null.";
     if (solver.GetPoint(this.bone) == null)
         message = "IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + this.bone.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.";
     Transform[] array = this.childBones;
     for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
         if (array[i] == null)
             message = "IK Effector contains a null reference.";
     foreach (Transform transform in this.childBones)
         if (solver.GetPoint(transform) == null)
             message = "IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + transform.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.";
     if (this.planeBone1 != null && solver.GetPoint(this.planeBone1) == null)
         message = "IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + this.planeBone1.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.";
     if (this.planeBone2 != null && solver.GetPoint(this.planeBone2) == null)
         message = "IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + this.planeBone2.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.";
     if (this.planeBone3 != null && solver.GetPoint(this.planeBone3) == null)
         message = "IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + this.planeBone3.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.";
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public override bool IsValid(ref string message)
            if (this.bones.Length == 0)
                message = "IK chain has no Bones.";
            if (this.bones.Length < this.minBones)
                message = "IK chain has less than " + this.minBones + " Bones.";
            IKSolver.Bone[] array = this.bones;
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                if (array[i].transform == null)
                    message = "One of the Bones is null.";
            Transform transform = IKSolver.ContainsDuplicateBone(this.bones);

            if (transform != null)
                message = transform.name + " is represented multiple times in the Bones.";
            if (!this.allowCommonParent && !IKSolver.HierarchyIsValid(this.bones))
                message = "Invalid bone hierarchy detected. IK requires for it's bones to be parented to each other in descending order.";
            if (!this.boneLengthCanBeZero)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.bones.Length - 1; j++)
                    if ((this.bones[j].transform.position - this.bones[j + 1].transform.position).magnitude == 0f)
                        message = "Bone " + j + " length is zero.";
Ejemplo n.º 32
 private void OnDestroy()
     if (this.initiated)
         IK[] array = this.legs;
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             IK iK = array[i];
             if (iK != null)
                 IKSolver expr_2F = iK.GetIKSolver();
                 expr_2F.OnPreUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Remove(expr_2F.OnPreUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnSolverUpdate));
                 IKSolver expr_56 = iK.GetIKSolver();
                 expr_56.OnPostUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Remove(expr_56.OnPostUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(this.OnPostSolverUpdate));
Ejemplo n.º 33
 protected bool BoneIsValid(Transform bone, IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger = null)
     if (bone == null)
         if (logger != null)
             logger("IKMappingLimb contains a null reference.");
     if (solver.GetPoint(bone) == null)
         if (logger != null)
             logger("IKMappingLimb is referencing to a bone '" + bone.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.");
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public override bool IsValid(ref string message)
            if (!this.spineIsValid)
                message = "IKSolverLookAt spine setup is invalid. Can't initiate solver.";
            if (!this.headIsValid)
                message = "IKSolverLookAt head transform is null. Can't initiate solver.";
            if (!this.eyesIsValid)
                message = "IKSolverLookAt eyes setup is invalid. Can't initiate solver.";
            if (this.spineIsEmpty && this.headIsEmpty && this.eyesIsEmpty)
                message = "IKSolverLookAt eyes setup is invalid. Can't initiate solver.";
            IKSolver.Bone[] bones     = this.spine;
            Transform       transform = IKSolver.ContainsDuplicateBone(bones);

            if (transform != null)
                message = transform.name + " is represented multiple times in a single IK chain. Can't initiate solver.";
            bones = this.eyes;
            Transform transform2 = IKSolver.ContainsDuplicateBone(bones);

            if (transform2 != null)
                message = transform2.name + " is represented multiple times in a single IK chain. Can't initiate solver.";
Ejemplo n.º 35
        public float weight = 1f;         // Added in 0.2

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether this IKMappingLimb is valid
        /// </summary>
        public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger = null)
            if (!base.IsValid(solver, logger))

            if (!BoneIsValid(bone1, solver, logger))
            if (!BoneIsValid(bone2, solver, logger))
            if (!BoneIsValid(bone3, solver, logger))

Ejemplo n.º 36
 public void Initiate(IKSolver solver)
     this.solver   = solver;
     this.position = this.bone.position;
     this.rotation = this.bone.rotation;
     this.animatedPlaneRotation = Quaternion.identity;
     this.node = (solver.GetPoint(this.bone) as IKSolver.Node);
     if (this.childNodes == null || this.childNodes.Length != this.childBones.Length)
         this.childNodes = new IKSolver.Node[this.childBones.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < this.childBones.Length; i++)
         this.childNodes[i] = (solver.GetPoint(this.childBones[i]) as IKSolver.Node);
     if (this.localPositions == null || this.localPositions.Length != this.childBones.Length)
         this.localPositions = new Vector3[this.childBones.Length];
     this.usePlaneNodes = false;
     if (this.planeBone1 != null)
         this.planeNode1 = (solver.GetPoint(this.planeBone1) as IKSolver.Node);
         if (this.planeBone2 != null)
             this.planeNode2 = (solver.GetPoint(this.planeBone2) as IKSolver.Node);
             if (this.planeBone3 != null)
                 this.planeNode3    = (solver.GetPoint(this.planeBone3) as IKSolver.Node);
                 this.usePlaneNodes = true;
         this.isEndEffector = true;
         this.isEndEffector = false;
Ejemplo n.º 37
        // Solves a 3D CCD iteration virtually using solverPosition/solverRotation without considering rotation limits.
        public static void SolveVirtual(IKSolver.Bone[] bones, Vector3 targetPosition, float weight)
            for (int i = bones.Length - 2; i > -1; i--)
                float w = bones[i].weight * weight;

                if (w > 0f)
                    Vector3 toLastBone = bones[bones.Length - 1].solverPosition - bones[i].solverPosition;
                    Vector3 toTarget   = targetPosition - bones[i].solverPosition;

                    // Get the rotation to direct the last bone to the target
                    Quaternion r = Quaternion.FromToRotation(toLastBone, toTarget);
                    if (w < 1f)
                        r = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, r, w);

                    IKSolver.SolverRotateBonesAroundPoint(bones, i, bones[i].solverPosition, r);
Ejemplo n.º 38
        public float weight = 1f;         // Added in 0.2

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether this IKMappingLimb is valid
        /// </summary>
        public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, ref string message)
            if (!base.IsValid(solver, ref message))

            if (!BoneIsValid(bone1, solver, ref message))
            if (!BoneIsValid(bone2, solver, ref message))
            if (!BoneIsValid(bone3, solver, ref message))

Ejemplo n.º 39
 public void Initiate(IKSolver solver, FBIKChain[] chain)
     this.initiated = false;
     IKSolver.Node[] array = this.nodes;
     for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
         IKSolver.Node node = array[i];
         node.solverPosition = node.transform.position;
     FBIKChain.ChildConstraint[] array2 = this.childConstraints;
     for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++)
         FBIKChain.ChildConstraint childConstraint = array2[j];
         childConstraint.Initiate(solver as IKSolverFullBody);
     if (this.nodes.Length == 3)
         this.bendConstraint.SetBones(this.nodes[0].transform, this.nodes[1].transform, this.nodes[2].transform);
         this.bendConstraint.Initiate(solver as IKSolverFullBody);
     this.crossFades = new float[this.children.Length];
     this.initiated  = true;
Ejemplo n.º 40
		 * Initiate the effector, set default values
		 * */
		public void Initiate(IKSolver solver) {
			this.solver = solver;
			position = bone.position;
			rotation = bone.rotation;
			animatedPlaneRotation = Quaternion.identity;

			// Getting the node
			node = solver.GetPoint(bone) as IKSolver.Node;

			// Child nodes
			if (childNodes == null || childNodes.Length != childBones.Length) childNodes = new IKSolver.Node[childBones.Length];

			for (int i = 0; i < childBones.Length; i++) {
				childNodes[i] = solver.GetPoint(childBones[i]) as IKSolver.Node;

			if (localPositions == null || localPositions.Length != childBones.Length) localPositions = new Vector3[childBones.Length];

			// Plane nodes
			usePlaneNodes = false;

			if (planeBone1 != null) {
				planeNode1 = solver.GetPoint(planeBone1) as IKSolver.Node;

				if (planeBone2 != null) {
					planeNode2 = solver.GetPoint(planeBone2) as IKSolver.Node;

					if (planeBone3 != null) {
						planeNode3 = solver.GetPoint(planeBone3) as IKSolver.Node;
						usePlaneNodes = true;

				isEndEffector = true;
			} else isEndEffector = false;
Ejemplo n.º 41
		 * Solve simple linear constraint
		 * */
		private void SolveLinearConstraint(IKSolver.Node node1, IKSolver.Node node2, float crossFade, float distance) {
			Vector3 dir = node2.solverPosition - node1.solverPosition;

			float mag = dir.magnitude;

			if (distance == mag) return;
			if (mag == 0f) return;

			Vector3 offset = dir * (1f - distance / mag);
			node1.solverPosition += offset * crossFade;
			node2.solverPosition -= offset * (1f - crossFade);
Ejemplo n.º 42
			public void Initiate(Transform transform, IKSolver solver) {
				this.transform = transform;

				IKSolver.Point point = solver.GetPoint(transform);
				if (point != null) this.node = point as IKSolver.Node;
Ejemplo n.º 43
		 * Determines whether this IKEffector is valid or not.
		 * */
		public bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger) {
			if (bone == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector bone is null.");
				return false;
			if (solver.GetPoint(bone) == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + bone.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.");
				return false;

			foreach (Transform b in childBones) {
				if (b == null) {
					if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector contains a null reference.");
					return false;
			foreach (Transform b in childBones) {
				if (solver.GetPoint(b) == null) {
					if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + b.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.");
					return false;

			if (planeBone1 != null && solver.GetPoint(planeBone1) == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + planeBone1.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.");
				return false;

			if (planeBone2 != null && solver.GetPoint(planeBone2) == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + planeBone2.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.");
				return false;

			if (planeBone3 != null && solver.GetPoint(planeBone3) == null) {
				if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + planeBone3.name + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain.");
				return false;

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 44
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether this IKMapping is valid.
		/// </summary>
		public virtual bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger) {
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 45
		public void Initiate(IKSolver solver) {
			this.solver = solver;
Ejemplo n.º 46
			 * Sets the 3 points defining a plane for this bone
			 * */
			public void SetPlane(IKSolver.Node planeNode1, IKSolver.Node planeNode2, IKSolver.Node planeNode3) {
				this.planeNode1 = planeNode1;
				this.planeNode2 = planeNode2;
				this.planeNode3 = planeNode3;
				UpdatePlane(true, true);
Ejemplo n.º 47
			 * Moves the bone to the solver position of it's node
			 * */
			public void FixToNode(float weight, IKSolver.Node fixNode) {
				if (fixNode == null) fixNode = node;

				if (weight >= 1f) {
					transform.position = fixNode.solverPosition;

				transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, fixNode.solverPosition, weight);
Ejemplo n.º 48
         * Solve simple linear constraint
         * */
        private static void SolveLinearConstraint(IKSolver.Node node1, IKSolver.Node node2, float crossFade, float distance)
            float currentDistance = Vector3.Distance(node1.solverPosition, node2.solverPosition);

            float force = 1f - distance / currentDistance;
            if (force == 0) return;

            Vector3 offset = (node2.solverPosition - node1.solverPosition) * force;

            node1.solverPosition += offset * crossFade;
            node2.solverPosition -= offset * (1f - crossFade);
Ejemplo n.º 49
         * Calculates the bend direction based on the law of cosines (from IKSolverTrigonometric).
         * */
        protected Vector3 GetBendDirection(Vector3 direction, float directionMagnitude, IKSolver.Node node1, IKSolver.Node node2)
            float sqrMag1 = node1.length * node1.length;
            float sqrMag2 = node2.length * node2.length;

            float x = ((directionMagnitude * directionMagnitude) + sqrMag1 - sqrMag2) / 2f / directionMagnitude;
            float y = (float)Math.Sqrt(Mathf.Clamp(sqrMag1 - x * x, 0, Mathf.Infinity));

            return Quaternion.LookRotation(direction) * new Vector3(0f, y, x);
Ejemplo n.º 50
         * Initiating the chain.
         * */
        public void Initiate(IKSolver solver, FBIKChain[] chain)
            initiated = false;

            foreach (IKSolver.Node node in nodes) {
                node.solverPosition = node.transform.position;

            // Calculating bone lengths
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length - 1; i++) {
                nodes[i].length = Vector3.Distance(nodes[i].transform.position, nodes[i + 1].transform.position);
                if (nodes[i].length == 0) return;

            for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++) {
                chain[children[i]].rootLength = (chain[children[i]].nodes[0].transform.position - nodes[nodes.Length - 1].transform.position).magnitude;
                if (chain[children[i]].rootLength == 0f) return;

            // Initiating child constraints

            initiated = true;
Ejemplo n.º 51
         * Rotating bone to get transform aim closer to target
         * */
        private void RotateToTarget(Vector3 targetPosition, IKSolver.Bone bone, float weight)
            Quaternion rotationOffset = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transformAxis, targetPosition - transform.position);
            bone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotationOffset, weight) * bone.transform.rotation;

            if (useRotationLimits && bone.rotationLimit != null) bone.rotationLimit.Apply();
Ejemplo n.º 52
		 * Rotating bone to get transform aim closer to target
		 * */
		private void RotateToTarget(Vector3 targetPosition, IKSolver.Bone bone, float weight) {
			// Swing
			if (XY) {
				if (weight >= 0f) {
					Vector3 dir = transformAxis;
					Vector3 targetDir = targetPosition - transform.position;

					float angleDir = Mathf.Atan2(dir.x, dir.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
					float angleTarget = Mathf.Atan2(targetDir.x, targetDir.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

					bone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis((angleTarget - angleDir) * weight, Vector3.back) * bone.transform.rotation;

				if (weight >= 0f) {
					Vector3 dir = transformAxis;
					Vector3 targetDir = targetPosition - transform.position;
					float angleDir = Mathf.Atan2(dir.x, dir.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
					float angleTarget = Mathf.Atan2(targetDir.x, targetDir.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

					bone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Mathf.DeltaAngle(angleDir, angleTarget), Vector3.back) * bone.transform.rotation;
			} else {
				if (weight >= 0f) {
					Quaternion rotationOffset = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transformAxis, targetPosition - transform.position);

					if (weight >= 1f) {
						bone.transform.rotation = rotationOffset * bone.transform.rotation;
					} else {
						bone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotationOffset, weight) * bone.transform.rotation;

				// Pole
				if (poleWeight > 0f) {
					Vector3 poleDirection = polePosition - transform.position;

					// Ortho-normalize to transform axis to make this a twisting only operation
					Vector3 poleDirOrtho = poleDirection;
					Vector3 normal = transformAxis;
					Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref normal, ref poleDirOrtho);

					Quaternion toPole = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transformPoleAxis, poleDirOrtho);
					bone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, toPole, weight * poleWeight) * bone.transform.rotation;

			if (useRotationLimits && bone.rotationLimit != null) bone.rotationLimit.Apply();
Ejemplo n.º 53
		 * Initiating the chain.
		 * */
		public void Initiate(IKSolver solver, FBIKChain[] chain) {
			initiated = false;
			foreach (IKSolver.Node node in nodes) {
				node.solverPosition = node.transform.position;
			// Calculating bone lengths
			// Initiating child constraints
			foreach (ChildConstraint c in childConstraints) c.Initiate(solver as IKSolverFullBody);

			// Initiating the bend constraint
			if (nodes.Length == 3) {
				bendConstraint.SetBones(nodes[0].transform, nodes[1].transform, nodes[2].transform);
				bendConstraint.Initiate(solver as IKSolverFullBody);

			crossFades = new float[children.Length];

			initiated = true;
Ejemplo n.º 54
		 * Rotating bone to get transform aim closer to target
		 * */
		private void RotateToTarget(Vector3 targetPosition, IKSolver.Bone bone, float weight) {
			// Swing
			if (weight >= 0f) {
				Quaternion rotationOffset = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transformAxis, targetPosition - transform.position);
				bone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotationOffset, weight) * bone.transform.rotation;

			// Pole
			if (poleWeight > 0f) {
				Vector3 poleDirection = polePosition - transform.position;

				// Ortho-normalize to transform axis to make this a twisting only operation
				Vector3 poleDirOrtho = poleDirection;
				Vector3 normal = transformAxis;
				Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref normal, ref poleDirOrtho);

				Quaternion toPole = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transformPoleAxis, poleDirOrtho);
				bone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, toPole, weight * poleWeight) * bone.transform.rotation;

			if (useRotationLimits && bone.rotationLimit != null) bone.rotationLimit.Apply();
		private static Vector3 GetNodePosition(IKSolver.Node node) {
			if (Application.isPlaying) return node.solverPosition;
			return node.transform.position;
Ejemplo n.º 56
  * Moves the bone to the solver position of it's node
  * */
 public void FixToNode(float weight, IKSolver.Node fixNode = null)
     if (fixNode == null) fixNode = node;
     transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, fixNode.solverPosition, weight);
Ejemplo n.º 57
        private void AddPointsToArray(ref IKSolver.Point[] array, FABRIKChain chain)
            IKSolver.Point[] chainArray = chain.ik.solver.GetPoints();
            Array.Resize(ref array, array.Length + chainArray.Length);

            int a = 0;
            for (int i = array.Length - chainArray.Length; i < array.Length; i++) {
                array[i] = chainArray[a];
Ejemplo n.º 58
  * Initiating child constraints
  * */
 public void InitiateConstraints(IKSolver solver)
     foreach (ChildConstraint c in childConstraints) c.Initiate(solver as IKSolverFullBody);
Ejemplo n.º 59
			// The custom constructor
			public Foot (IKSolver solver, Transform transform) {
				this.solver = solver;
				this.transform = transform;
				this.leg = null;
				rotation = transform.rotation;
Ejemplo n.º 60
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether this IKMapping is valid.
		/// </summary>
		public virtual bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, ref string message) {
			return true;