public void SaveToOBJ(string directory, string objPath)
            var objFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(objPath);
            var objDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(objPath);

            if (!Directory.Exists(objDirectory))

            // Because we need to form triangles, we go back to the depth image
            var quadOffsets = new System.Drawing.Point[]
                new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0),
                new System.Drawing.Point(1, 0),
                new System.Drawing.Point(0, 1),
                new System.Drawing.Point(1, 0),
                new System.Drawing.Point(1, 1),
                new System.Drawing.Point(0, 1),

            var streamWriter = new CultureInvariantStreamWriter(objDirectory + "/" + objFilename + ".obj");
            var mtlFileWriter = new CultureInvariantStreamWriter(objDirectory + "/" + objFilename + ".mtl");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("mtllib " + objFilename + ".mtl");
            uint nextVertexIndex = 1;
            var depthImage = new FloatImage(Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight);

            foreach (var camera in cameras)
                mtlFileWriter.WriteLine("newmtl camera" +;
                mtlFileWriter.WriteLine("Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000");
                mtlFileWriter.WriteLine("Kd 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000");
                mtlFileWriter.WriteLine("Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000");
                mtlFileWriter.WriteLine("Tr 1.000000");
                mtlFileWriter.WriteLine("illum 1");
                mtlFileWriter.WriteLine("Ns 0.000000");
                mtlFileWriter.WriteLine("map_Kd " + objFilename + "_" + + ".jpg");

                File.Copy(directory + "/camera" + + "/color.jpg", objDirectory + "/" + objFilename + "_" + + ".jpg", true);

                streamWriter.WriteLine("usemtl camera" +;

                // load depth image
                string cameraDirectory = directory + "/camera" +;
                depthImage.LoadFromFile(cameraDirectory + "/mean.bin");

                var calibration = camera.calibration;
                var depthFrameToCameraSpaceTable = calibration.ComputeDepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable();
                var vertices = new Vertex[Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth * Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight];
                var colorCamera = new Matrix(4, 1);
                var depthCamera = new Matrix(4, 1);
                var world = new Matrix(4, 1);

                for (int y = 0; y < Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth; x++)
                        // depth camera coords
                        var depth = depthImage[x, y] / 1000f; // m
                        // convert to depth camera space
                        var point = depthFrameToCameraSpaceTable[Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth * y + x];
                        depthCamera[0] = point.X * depth;
                        depthCamera[1] = point.Y * depth;
                        depthCamera[2] = depth;
                        depthCamera[3] = 1;

                        // world coordinates
                        world.Mult(camera.pose, depthCamera);
                        //world.Scale(1.0 / world[3]); not necessary for this transform

                        // convert to color camera space
                        colorCamera.Mult(calibration.depthToColorTransform, depthCamera);
                        colorCamera.Scale(1.0 / colorCamera[3]);

                        // project to color image
                        double colorU, colorV;
                        CameraMath.Project(calibration.colorCameraMatrix, calibration.colorLensDistortion, colorCamera[0], colorCamera[1], colorCamera[2], out colorU, out colorV);
                        colorU /= (double)Kinect2Calibration.colorImageWidth;
                        colorV /= (double)Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight;

                        var vertex = new Vertex();
                        vertex.x = (float)world[0];
                        vertex.y = (float)world[1];
                        vertex.z = (float)world[2];
                        vertex.u = (float)colorU;
                        vertex.v = (float)colorV;
                        vertices[Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth * y + x] = vertex;


                streamWriter.WriteLine("g camera" +;
                streamWriter.WriteLine("usemtl camera" +;

                // examine each triangle
                for (int y = 0; y < Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight - 1; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth - 1; x++)
                        int offseti = 0;
                        for (int tri = 0; tri < 2; tri++)
                            // the indexes of the vertices of this triangle
                            var i0 = Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth * (y + quadOffsets[offseti].Y) + (x + quadOffsets[offseti].X);
                            var i1 = Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth * (y + quadOffsets[offseti + 1].Y) + (x + quadOffsets[offseti + 1].X);
                            var i2 = Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth * (y + quadOffsets[offseti + 2].Y) + (x + quadOffsets[offseti + 2].X);

                            // is triangle valid?
                            bool nonZero = (vertices[i0].z != 0) && (vertices[i1].z != 0) && (vertices[i2].z != 0);

                            bool jump01 = Vertex.DistanceSquared(vertices[i0], vertices[i1]) < 0.2 * 0.2;
                            bool jump02 = Vertex.DistanceSquared(vertices[i0], vertices[i2]) < 0.2 * 0.2;
                            bool jump12 = Vertex.DistanceSquared(vertices[i1], vertices[i2]) < 0.2 * 0.2;

                            bool valid = nonZero && jump01 && jump02 && jump12;
                            if (valid)
                                // only add the vertex if we haven't already
                                if (vertices[i0].index == 0)
                                    vertices[i0].index = nextVertexIndex++;
                                if (vertices[i1].index == 0)
                                    vertices[i1].index = nextVertexIndex++;
                                if (vertices[i2].index == 0)
                                    vertices[i2].index = nextVertexIndex++;
                                streamWriter.WriteLine("f {0}/{0} {1}/{1} {2}/{2}", vertices[i0].index, vertices[i1].index, vertices[i2].index);
                            offseti += 3;
        public void CalibrateProjectorGroups(string directory)
            // for all cameras, take depth image points to color image points
            var depthImage = new FloatImage(Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight);
            var varianceImage = new FloatImage(Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight);
            var validMask = new ByteImage(Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight);

            foreach (var camera in cameras)
                Console.WriteLine("projecting depth points to color camera " +;

                // load depth image
                string cameraDirectory = directory + "/camera" +;
                depthImage.LoadFromFile(cameraDirectory + "/mean.bin");
                varianceImage.LoadFromFile(cameraDirectory + "/variance.bin");

                var calibration = camera.calibration;
                var depthFrameToCameraSpaceTable = calibration.ComputeDepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable();

                // TODO: consider using just one 4x4 in calibration class
                var colorCamera = new Matrix(4, 1);
                camera.colorImagePoints = new List<Matrix>();
                camera.depthCameraPoints = new List<Matrix>();
                var depthCamera4 = new Matrix(4, 1);

                // for each valid point in depth image
                int numRejected = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight; y += 1)
                    for (int x = 0; x < Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth; x += 1)
                        float depth = depthImage[x, y] / 1000f; // m
                        float variance = varianceImage[x, y];

                        if (depth == 0)
                        if (variance > 6 * 6)
                        validMask[x, y] = (byte)255;

                        // convert to depth camera space
                        var point = depthFrameToCameraSpaceTable[y * Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth + x];
                        depthCamera4[0] = point.X * depth;
                        depthCamera4[1] = point.Y * depth;
                        depthCamera4[2] = depth;
                        depthCamera4[3] = 1;

                        // convert to color camera space
                        colorCamera.Mult(calibration.depthToColorTransform, depthCamera4);
                        //colorCamera.Scale(1.0 / colorCamera[3]);

                        // project to color image
                        double colorU, colorV;
                        CameraMath.Project(calibration.colorCameraMatrix, calibration.colorLensDistortion, colorCamera[0], colorCamera[1], colorCamera[2], out colorU, out colorV);

                        if ((colorU >= 0) && (colorU < (Kinect2Calibration.colorImageWidth - 1)) && (colorV >= 0) && (colorV < (Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight - 1))) // BEWARE: later do we round or truncate??
                            var colorImagePoint = new Matrix(2, 1);
                            colorImagePoint[0] = colorU;
                            colorImagePoint[1] = colorV;

                            // expect a 3-vector?
                            var depthCamera = new Matrix(3, 1);
                            depthCamera[0] = depthCamera4[0];
                            depthCamera[1] = depthCamera4[1];
                            depthCamera[2] = depthCamera4[2];


                            //Console.WriteLine(depthCamera[0] + "\t" + depthCamera[1] + "\t -> " + colorImagePoint[0] + "\t" + colorImagePoint[1]);

                SaveToTiff(imagingFactory, validMask, cameraDirectory + "/validMask.tiff");

                Console.WriteLine("rejected " + 100 * (float)numRejected / (float)(Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth * Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight) + "% pixels for high variance");


            // we never save colorImagePoints, depthCameraPoints, so we must remember to run previous

            Console.WriteLine("elapsed time " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // use decoded Gray code images to create calibration point sets
            foreach (var projector in projectors)
                string projectorDirectory = directory + "/projector" +;

                projector.calibrationPointSets = new Dictionary<Camera, CalibrationPointSet>();

                foreach (var camera in cameras)
                    string cameraDirectory = projectorDirectory + "/camera" +;

                    var decodedColumns = new ShortImage(Kinect2Calibration.colorImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight);
                    var decodedRows = new ShortImage(Kinect2Calibration.colorImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight);
                    var mask = new ByteImage(Kinect2Calibration.colorImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight);

                    LoadFromTiff(imagingFactory, decodedColumns, cameraDirectory + "/decodedColumns.tiff");
                    LoadFromTiff(imagingFactory, decodedRows, cameraDirectory + "/decodedRows.tiff");
                    LoadFromTiff(imagingFactory, mask, cameraDirectory + "/mask.tiff");

                    // we have a bunch of color camera / depth camera point corrspondences
                    // use the Gray code to find the position of the color camera point in the projector frame

                    // find 2D projector coordinates from decoded Gray code images
                    var imagePoints = new List<System.Drawing.PointF>();
                    var worldPoints = new List<Matrix>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < camera.colorImagePoints.Count; i++)
                        var colorImagePoint = camera.colorImagePoints[i];

                        // We would like to relate projected color points to color images stored in memory.
                        // The Kinect SDK and our camera calibration assumes X left, Y up (from the POV of the camera).
                        // We index images in memory with X right and Y down.
                        // Our Gray code images are flipped in the horizontal direction.
                        // Therefore to map an image space coordinate to a memory location we flip Y (and not X):
                        int x = (int)(colorImagePoint[0] + 0.5f);
                        int y = Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight - (int)(colorImagePoint[1] + 0.5f);

                        if ((x < 0) || (x >= Kinect2Calibration.colorImageWidth) || (y < 0) || (y >= Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight))
                            //Console.WriteLine("out of bounds");

                        if (mask[x, y] > 0) // Gray code is valid
                            // We would like to relate decoded row/column values to projector coordinates.
                            // To match the camera, we want projector's coordinate system X left, Y up (from the POV of the projector).
                            // We assume that the projector is configured in front projection mode (i.e., projected text looks correct in the real world).
                            // In that case decoded columns run X right (in the real world), decoded rows run Y down (in the real world).
                            // So we need to flip both X and Y decoded values.

                            var projectorImagePoint = new System.Drawing.PointF(projector.width - decodedColumns[x, y], projector.height - decodedRows[x, y]);
                            var depthCameraPoint = camera.depthCameraPoints[i];


                            //Console.WriteLine(depthCameraPoint[0] + "\t" + depthCameraPoint[1] + "\t" + depthCameraPoint[2] + "-> \t" + x + "\t" + y + "-> \t" + projectorImagePoint.X + "\t" + projectorImagePoint.Y);

                    if (worldPoints.Count > 1000)
                        var pointSet = new CalibrationPointSet();
                        pointSet.worldPoints = worldPoints;
                        pointSet.imagePoints = imagePoints;
                        projector.calibrationPointSets[camera] = pointSet;
                        Console.WriteLine("projector " + + " is seen by camera " + + " (" + worldPoints.Count + " points)");

            Console.WriteLine("elapsed time " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // calibration
            foreach (var projector in projectors)
                Console.WriteLine("calibrating projector " +;

                string projectorDirectory = directory + "/projector" +;

                // RANSAC
                double minError = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                var random = new Random(0); // provide seed to ease debugging

                int numCompletedFits = 0;

                for (int i = 0; (numCompletedFits < 4) && (i < 10); i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("RANSAC iteration " + i);

                    // randomly select small number of points from each calibration set
                    var worldPointSubsets = new List<List<Matrix>>();
                    var imagePointSubsets = new List<List<System.Drawing.PointF>>();

                    bool foundNonplanarSubset = false;
                    foreach (var pointSet in projector.calibrationPointSets.Values)
                        var worldPointSubset = new List<Matrix>();
                        var imagePointSubset = new List<System.Drawing.PointF>();

                        // try to find a nonplanar subset
                        bool planar = true;
                        int nTries = 0;
                        while (planar && (nTries++ < 1000))

                            for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                                int k = random.Next(pointSet.worldPoints.Count);

                            // planar?
                            Matrix Rplane, tplane, d;
                            CameraMath.PlaneFit(worldPointSubset, out Rplane, out tplane, out d);
                            //Console.WriteLine("planar : " + d[2] / d[1]);
                            planar = (d[2] / d[1]) < 0.001f;


                        // we can't initialize extrinsics yet, because we don't know which intrinsics we'll be using

                        if (!planar)
                            foundNonplanarSubset = true;

                    // we do not optimize intrinsics if all the point sets are planar, or if the projector intrinsics are marked as locked
                    bool fixIntrinsics = (!foundNonplanarSubset) || (projector.lockIntrinsics); // TODO: add option to lock intrinsics

                    var rotations = new List<Matrix>();
                    var translations = new List<Matrix>();
                    var cameraMatrix = new Matrix(3, 3);
                    var distCoeffs = new Matrix(2, 1);

                    if (fixIntrinsics)
                    else // nonplanar, so we can optimize intrinsics
                        cameraMatrix[0, 0] = 1000; //fx TODO: can we instead init this from FOV?
                        cameraMatrix[1, 1] = 1000; //fy
                        cameraMatrix[0, 2] = projector.width / 2; //cx
                        cameraMatrix[1, 2] = 0; // projector lens shift; note this assumes desktop projection mode
                        cameraMatrix[2, 2] = 1;

                    // init extrinsics
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < worldPointSubsets.Count; ii++)
                        Matrix R, t;
                        CameraMath.ExtrinsicsInit(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, worldPointSubsets[ii], imagePointSubsets[ii], out R, out t);

                    // initial RANSAC fit on subset of points
                    double error;
                    if (fixIntrinsics)
                        error = CameraMath.CalibrateCameraExtrinsicsOnly(worldPointSubsets, imagePointSubsets, cameraMatrix, ref rotations, ref translations);
                        error = CameraMath.CalibrateCamera(worldPointSubsets, imagePointSubsets, cameraMatrix, ref rotations, ref translations);

                    Console.WriteLine("error on subset = " + error);

                    // RANSAC: find inliers from overall dataset
                    var worldPointInlierSets = new List<List<Matrix>>();
                    var imagePointInlierSets = new List<List<System.Drawing.PointF>>();
                    int setIndex = 0;

                    bool enoughInliers = true;
                    double sumError = 0;
                    int pointsInSum = 0;
                    int totalInliers = 0;
                    int totalPoints = 0;
                    foreach (var pointSet in projector.calibrationPointSets.Values)
                        var worldPointInlierSet = new List<Matrix>();
                        var imagePointInlierSet = new List<System.Drawing.PointF>();

                        var R = CameraMath.RotationMatrixFromRotationVector(rotations[setIndex]);
                        var t = translations[setIndex];
                        var p = new Matrix(3, 1);

                        for (int k = 0; k < pointSet.worldPoints.Count; k++)
                            p.Mult(R, pointSet.worldPoints[k]);

                            double u, v;
                            CameraMath.Project(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, p[0], p[1], p[2], out u, out v);

                            double dx = pointSet.imagePoints[k].X - u;
                            double dy = pointSet.imagePoints[k].Y - v;
                            double thisError = Math.Sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));

                            if (thisError < 2.0f) // TODO: how to set this?
                            sumError += thisError * thisError;

                        // require that each view has a minimum number of inliers
                        enoughInliers = enoughInliers && (worldPointInlierSet.Count > 500); // should be related to min number of points in set (above)

                        totalPoints += pointSet.worldPoints.Count;
                        totalInliers += worldPointInlierSet.Count;


                    Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1} inliers", totalInliers, totalPoints);

                    // if number of inliers > some threshold (should be for each subset)
                    if (enoughInliers) // should this threshold be a function of the number of cameras, a percentage?
                        double error2;
                        if (fixIntrinsics)
                            error2 = CameraMath.CalibrateCameraExtrinsicsOnly(worldPointInlierSets, imagePointInlierSets, cameraMatrix, ref rotations, ref translations);
                            error2 = CameraMath.CalibrateCamera(worldPointInlierSets, imagePointInlierSets, cameraMatrix, ref rotations, ref translations);

                        Console.WriteLine("error with inliers = " + error2);
                        Console.Write("camera matrix = \n" + cameraMatrix);


                        // if reduced error save model (save rotation and translation to calibrationPointSets, cameraMatrix and distortion coeffs to projector)
                        if (error2 < minError)
                            minError = error2;
                            projector.cameraMatrix = cameraMatrix;
                            projector.lensDistortion = distCoeffs;
                            setIndex = 0;

                            foreach (var pointSet in projector.calibrationPointSets.Values)
                                // convert to 4x4 transform
                                var R = CameraMath.RotationMatrixFromRotationVector(rotations[setIndex]);
                                var t = translations[setIndex];

                                var T = new Matrix(4, 4);
                                for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
                                    for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++)
                                        T[ii, jj] = R[ii, jj];
                                    T[ii, 3] = t[ii];
                                pointSet.pose = T;
                                pointSet.worldPointInliers = worldPointInlierSets[setIndex];
                                pointSet.imagePointInliers = imagePointInlierSets[setIndex];



                if (numCompletedFits == 0)
                    throw new CalibrationFailedException("Unable to successfully calibrate projector: " +;

                Console.WriteLine("final calibration:");
                Console.Write("camera matrix = \n" + projector.cameraMatrix);
                Console.Write("distortion = \n" + projector.lensDistortion);
                Console.WriteLine("error = " + minError);

                foreach (var camera in projector.calibrationPointSets.Keys)
                    Console.WriteLine("camera " + + " pose:");

            Console.WriteLine("elapsed time " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            //Console.WriteLine("x = [");
            //for (int ii = 0; ii < imagePointSubsets[0].Count; ii++)
            //    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", imagePointSubsets[0][ii].X, imagePointSubsets[0][ii].Y);
            //Console.WriteLine("X = [");
            //for (int ii = 0; ii < worldPointSubsets[0].Count; ii++)
            //    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", worldPointSubsets[0][ii][0], worldPointSubsets[0][ii][1], worldPointSubsets[0][ii][2]);
            //Console.WriteLine("fc = [{0} {1}];", projector.cameraMatrix[0, 0], projector.cameraMatrix[1, 1]);
            //Console.WriteLine("cc = [{0} {1}];", projector.cameraMatrix[0, 2], projector.cameraMatrix[1, 2]);

            //Matrix thisR, thist;

            //    Matrix Rplane, tplane;
            //    CameraMath.PlaneFit(worldPointSubsets[0], out Rplane, out tplane);

            //    CameraMath.PlanarDLT(projector.cameraMatrix, projector.lensDistortion, worldPointSubsets[0], imagePointSubsets[0], Rplane, tplane, out thisR, out thist);
            //    //Console.WriteLine("DLT---------");
            //    //Console.WriteLine(thisR);
            //    //Console.WriteLine(thist);


            //// if pattern is not planar, we can recover projector intrinsics

            //List<RoomAliveToolkit.Matrix> rotations = null;
            //List<RoomAliveToolkit.Matrix> translations = null;

            //var error = CalibrateCamera(worldPointSubsets, imagePointSubsets, cameraMatrix, ref rotations, ref translations);
            //Console.WriteLine("error = " + error);

            // we check whether each view is planar, so that we can use the correct version of DLT

            // the overall set may not be planar however, so we have to check the union of points

            // if overall set is planar, leave intrinsics alone

        public void CalibrateProjectorGroups(string directory)
            // for all cameras, take depth image points to color image points
            var depthImage = new FloatImage(Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight);
            var varianceImage = new FloatImage(Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight);
            var validMask = new ByteImage(Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight);

            foreach (var camera in cameras)
                Console.WriteLine("projecting depth points to color camera " +;

                // load depth image
                string cameraDirectory = directory + "/camera" +;
                depthImage.LoadFromFile(cameraDirectory + "/mean.bin");
                varianceImage.LoadFromFile(cameraDirectory + "/variance.bin");

                var calibration = camera.calibration;
                var depthFrameToCameraSpaceTable = calibration.ComputeDepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable();

                // TODO: consider using just one 4x4 in calibration class
                var colorCamera = new Matrix(4, 1);
                camera.colorImagePoints = new List<Matrix>();
                camera.depthCameraPoints = new List<Matrix>();
                var depthCamera4 = new Matrix(4, 1);

                // for each valid point in depth image
                int numRejected = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight; y += 1)
                    for (int x = 0; x < Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth; x += 1)
                        float depth = depthImage[x, y] / 1000f; // m
                        float variance = varianceImage[x, y];

                        if (depth == 0)
                        if (variance > 6 * 6)
                        validMask[x, y] = (byte)255;

                        // convert to depth camera space
                        var point = depthFrameToCameraSpaceTable[y * Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth + x];
                        depthCamera4[0] = point.X * depth;
                        depthCamera4[1] = point.Y * depth;
                        depthCamera4[2] = depth;
                        depthCamera4[3] = 1;

                        // convert to color camera space
                        colorCamera.Mult(calibration.depthToColorTransform, depthCamera4);
                        //colorCamera.Scale(1.0 / colorCamera[3]);

                        // project to color image
                        double colorU, colorV;
                        CameraMath.Project(calibration.colorCameraMatrix, calibration.colorLensDistortion, colorCamera[0], colorCamera[1], colorCamera[2], out colorU, out colorV);

                        if ((colorU >= 0) && (colorU < (Kinect2Calibration.colorImageWidth - 1)) && (colorV >= 0) && (colorV < (Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight - 1))) // BEWARE: later do we round or truncate??
                            var colorImagePoint = new Matrix(2, 1);
                            colorImagePoint[0] = colorU;
                            colorImagePoint[1] = colorV;

                            // expect a 3-vector?
                            var depthCamera = new Matrix(3, 1);
                            depthCamera[0] = depthCamera4[0];
                            depthCamera[1] = depthCamera4[1];
                            depthCamera[2] = depthCamera4[2];


                            //Console.WriteLine(depthCamera[0] + "\t" + depthCamera[1] + "\t -> " + colorImagePoint[0] + "\t" + colorImagePoint[1]);

                SaveToTiff(imagingFactory, validMask, cameraDirectory + "/validMask.tiff");

                Console.WriteLine("rejected " + 100 * (float)numRejected / (float)(Kinect2Calibration.depthImageWidth * Kinect2Calibration.depthImageHeight) + "% pixels for high variance");


            // we never save colorImagePoints, depthCameraPoints, so we must remember to run previous

            Console.WriteLine("elapsed time " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // use decoded Gray code images to create calibration point sets
            foreach (var projector in projectors)
                string projectorDirectory = directory + "/projector" +;

                projector.calibrationPointSets = new Dictionary<Camera, CalibrationPointSet>();

                foreach (var camera in cameras)
                    string cameraDirectory = projectorDirectory + "/camera" +;

                    var decodedColumns = new ShortImage(Kinect2Calibration.colorImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight);
                    var decodedRows = new ShortImage(Kinect2Calibration.colorImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight);
                    var mask = new ByteImage(Kinect2Calibration.colorImageWidth, Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight);

                    LoadFromTiff(imagingFactory, decodedColumns, cameraDirectory + "/decodedColumns.tiff");
                    LoadFromTiff(imagingFactory, decodedRows, cameraDirectory + "/decodedRows.tiff");
                    LoadFromTiff(imagingFactory, mask, cameraDirectory + "/mask.tiff");

                    // we have a bunch of color camera / depth camera point corrspondences
                    // use the Gray code to find the position of the color camera point in the projector frame

                    // find 2D projector coordinates from decoded Gray code images
                    var imagePoints = new List<System.Drawing.PointF>();
                    var worldPoints = new List<Matrix>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < camera.colorImagePoints.Count; i++)
                        var colorImagePoint = camera.colorImagePoints[i];

                        // We would like to relate projected color points to color images stored in memory.
                        // The Kinect SDK and our camera calibration assumes X left, Y up (from the POV of the camera).
                        // We index images in memory with X right and Y down.
                        // Our Gray code images are flipped in the horizontal direction.
                        // Therefore to map an image space coordinate to a memory location we flip Y (and not X):
                        int x = (int)(colorImagePoint[0] + 0.5f);
                        int y = Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight - (int)(colorImagePoint[1] + 0.5f);

                        if ((x < 0) || (x >= Kinect2Calibration.colorImageWidth) || (y < 0) || (y >= Kinect2Calibration.colorImageHeight))
                            //Console.WriteLine("out of bounds");

                        if (mask[x, y] > 0) // Gray code is valid
                            // We would like to relate decoded row/column values to projector coordinates.
                            // To match the camera, we want projector's coordinate system X left, Y up (from the POV of the projector).
                            // We assume that the projector is configured in front projection mode (i.e., projected text looks correct in the real world).
                            // In that case decoded columns run X right (in the real world), decoded rows run Y down (in the real world).
                            // So we need to flip both X and Y decoded values.

                            var projectorImagePoint = new System.Drawing.PointF(projector.width - decodedColumns[x, y], projector.height - decodedRows[x, y]);
                            var depthCameraPoint = camera.depthCameraPoints[i];


                            //Console.WriteLine(depthCameraPoint[0] + "\t" + depthCameraPoint[1] + "\t" + depthCameraPoint[2] + "-> \t" + x + "\t" + y + "-> \t" + projectorImagePoint.X + "\t" + projectorImagePoint.Y);

                    if (worldPoints.Count > 1000)
                        var pointSet = new CalibrationPointSet();
                        pointSet.worldPoints = worldPoints;
                        pointSet.imagePoints = imagePoints;
                        projector.calibrationPointSets[camera] = pointSet;
                        Console.WriteLine("projector " + + " is seen by camera " + + " (" + worldPoints.Count + " points)");

            Console.WriteLine("elapsed time " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // calibration
            foreach (var projector in projectors)
                Console.WriteLine("calibrating projector " +;

                string projectorDirectory = directory + "/projector" +;

                // RANSAC
                double minError = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                var random = new Random(0); // provide seed to ease debugging

                int numCompletedFits = 0;

                for (int i = 0; (numCompletedFits < 4) && (i < 10); i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("RANSAC iteration " + i);

                    // randomly select small number of points from each calibration set
                    var worldPointSubsets = new List<List<Matrix>>();
                    var imagePointSubsets = new List<List<System.Drawing.PointF>>();

                    foreach (var pointSet in projector.calibrationPointSets.Values)
                        var worldPointSubset = new List<Matrix>();
                        var imagePointSubset = new List<System.Drawing.PointF>();

                        bool nonCoplanar = false;
                        int nTries = 0;

                        while (!nonCoplanar)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                                int k = random.Next(pointSet.worldPoints.Count);

                            // check that points are not coplanar
                            Matrix X;
                            double D;
                            double ssdToPlane = PlaneFit(worldPointSubset, out X, out D);
                            int numOutliers = 0;
                            foreach (var point in worldPointSubset)
                                double distanceFromPlane = X.Dot(point) + D;
                                if (Math.Abs(distanceFromPlane) > 0.1f)
                            nonCoplanar = (numOutliers > worldPointSubset.Count * 0.10f);
                            if (!nonCoplanar)
                                Console.WriteLine("points are coplanar (try #{0})", nTries);
                            if (nTries++ > 1000)
                                throw new CalibrationFailedException("Unable to find noncoplanar points.");
                                // consider moving this check up with variance check (when calibration point sets are formed)


                    var cameraMatrix = new Matrix(3, 3);
                    cameraMatrix[0, 0] = 1000; //fx TODO: can we instead init this from FOV?
                    cameraMatrix[1, 1] = 1000; //fy
                    cameraMatrix[0, 2] = projector.width / 2; //cx
                    cameraMatrix[1, 2] = 0; // projector lens shift; note this assumes desktop projection mode
                    cameraMatrix[2, 2] = 1;
                    var distCoeffs = new RoomAliveToolkit.Matrix(2, 1);
                    List<RoomAliveToolkit.Matrix> rotations = null;
                    List<RoomAliveToolkit.Matrix> translations = null;

                    var error = CalibrateCamera(worldPointSubsets, imagePointSubsets, cameraMatrix, ref rotations, ref translations);
                    Console.WriteLine("error = " + error);
                    //Console.WriteLine("intrinsics = \n" + cameraMatrix);

                    //// we differ from opencv's 'error' in that we do not distinguish between x and y.
                    //// i.e. opencv uses the method below; this number would match if we used pointsInSum2*2 in the divisor.
                    //// double check opencv's error
                    //    double sumError2 = 0;
                    //    int pointsInSum2 = 0;
                    //    for (int ii = 0; ii < worldPointSubsets.Count; ii++)
                    //    {
                    //        var R = Orientation.Rodrigues(rotations[ii]);
                    //        var t = translations[ii];
                    //        var p = new Matrix(3, 1);

                    //        var worldPointSet = worldPointSubsets[ii];
                    //        var imagePointSet = imagePointSubsets[ii];

                    //        for (int k = 0; k < worldPointSet.Count; k++)
                    //        {
                    //            p.Mult(R, worldPointSet[k]);
                    //            p.Add(t);
                    //            double u, v;
                    //            Kinect2.Kinect2Calibration.Project(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, p[0], p[1], p[2], out u, out v);

                    //            double dx = imagePointSet[k].X - u;
                    //            double dy = imagePointSet[k].Y - v;

                    //            double thisError = dx * dx + dy * dy;
                    //            sumError2 += thisError;
                    //            pointsInSum2++;
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    //    // opencv's error is rms but over both x and y combined

                    //    Console.WriteLine("average projection error = " + Math.Sqrt(sumError2 / (float)(pointsInSum2)));

                    // find inliers from overall dataset
                    var worldPointInlierSets = new List<List<Matrix>>();
                    var imagePointInlierSets = new List<List<System.Drawing.PointF>>();
                    int setIndex = 0;

                    bool enoughInliers = true;
                    double sumError = 0;
                    int pointsInSum = 0;
                    foreach (var pointSet in projector.calibrationPointSets.Values)
                        var worldPointInlierSet = new List<Matrix>();
                        var imagePointInlierSet = new List<System.Drawing.PointF>();

                        //var R = Vision.Orientation.Rodrigues(rotations[setIndex]);
                        var R = RotationMatrixFromRotationVector(rotations[setIndex]);
                        var t = translations[setIndex];
                        var p = new Matrix(3, 1);

                        for (int k = 0; k < pointSet.worldPoints.Count; k++)
                            p.Mult(R, pointSet.worldPoints[k]);

                            double u, v;
                            CameraMath.Project(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, p[0], p[1], p[2], out u, out v);

                            double dx = pointSet.imagePoints[k].X - u;
                            double dy = pointSet.imagePoints[k].Y - v;
                            double thisError = Math.Sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));

                            if (thisError < 1.0f)
                            sumError += thisError * thisError;

                        // require that each view has a minimum number of inliers
                        enoughInliers = enoughInliers && (worldPointInlierSet.Count > 1000);



                    // if number of inliers > some threshold (should be for each subset)
                    if (enoughInliers) // should this threshold be a function of the number of cameras, a percentage?
                        var error2 = CalibrateCamera(worldPointInlierSets, imagePointInlierSets, cameraMatrix, ref rotations, ref translations);

                        Console.WriteLine("error with inliers = " + error2);
                        Console.Write("camera matrix = \n" + cameraMatrix);


                        // if err < besterr save model (save rotation and translation to calibrationPointSets, cameraMatrix and distortion coeffs to projector)
                        if (error < minError)
                            minError = error;
                            projector.cameraMatrix = cameraMatrix;
                            projector.lensDistortion = distCoeffs;
                            setIndex = 0;

                            foreach (var pointSet in projector.calibrationPointSets.Values)
                                // convert to 4x4 transform
                                var R = RotationMatrixFromRotationVector(rotations[setIndex]);
                                var t = translations[setIndex];

                                var T = new Matrix(4, 4);
                                for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
                                    for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++)
                                        T[ii, jj] = R[ii, jj];
                                    T[ii, 3] = t[ii];
                                pointSet.pose = T;
                                pointSet.worldPointInliers = worldPointInlierSets[setIndex];
                                pointSet.imagePointInliers = imagePointInlierSets[setIndex];



                if (numCompletedFits == 0)
                    throw new CalibrationFailedException("Unable to successfully calibrate projector: " +;

                Console.WriteLine("final calibration:");
                Console.Write("camera matrix = \n" + projector.cameraMatrix);
                Console.Write("distortion = \n" + projector.lensDistortion);
                Console.WriteLine("error = " + minError);

                foreach (var camera in projector.calibrationPointSets.Keys)
                    Console.WriteLine("camera " + + " pose:");

            Console.WriteLine("elapsed time " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);