Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected static SpawnList <ListPathTraversalNode> GetPossibleExpansions(FloorPlan floorPlan, List <RoomHallIndex> candList)
            // get all probabilities.
            // the probability of an extension is the distance that the target room is from the start room, in rooms
            var expansions = new SpawnList <ListPathTraversalNode>();

            for (int nn = 0; nn < candList.Count; nn++)
                // find the room to connect to
                // go through all sides of all rooms (randomly)
                RoomHallIndex  chosenFrom = candList[nn];
                IFloorRoomPlan planFrom   = floorPlan.GetRoomHall(chosenFrom);

                // exhausting all possible directions (randomly)
                foreach (Dir4 dir in DirExt.VALID_DIR4)
                    bool forbidExtend = false;
                    foreach (RoomHallIndex adjacent in planFrom.Adjacents)
                        Rect adjRect = floorPlan.GetRoomHall(adjacent).RoomGen.Draw;
                        if (planFrom.RoomGen.Draw.GetScalar(dir) == adjRect.GetScalar(dir.Reverse()))
                            forbidExtend = true;

                    if (!forbidExtend)
                        // find a rectangle to connect it with
                        ListPathTraversalNode?expandToResult = GetRoomToConnect(floorPlan, chosenFrom, dir);

                        if (expandToResult is ListPathTraversalNode expandTo)
                            int prb = floorPlan.GetDistance(expandTo.From, expandTo.To);
                            if (prb < 0)
                                expansions.Add(expandTo, 1);
                            else if (prb > 0)
                                expansions.Add(expandTo, prb);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Decides on the bounds for each hall.  Also writes to the adjacent rooms' SideReqs and tile permissions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="vertical"></param>
        /// <param name="rand">todo: describe rand parameter on ChooseHallBounds</param>
        public void ChooseHallBounds(IRandom rand, int x, int y, bool vertical)
            GridRoomPlan startRoom = this.GetRoomPlan(new Loc(x, y));
            GridRoomPlan endRoom   = this.GetRoomPlan(new Loc(x + (vertical ? 0 : 1), y + (vertical ? 1 : 0)));

            GridHallGroup hallGroup = vertical ? this.VHalls[x][y] : this.HHalls[x][y];

            if (hallGroup.MainHall != null)
                // also sets the sidereqs
                int      tier          = vertical ? x : y;
                Dir4     dir           = vertical ? Dir4.Down : Dir4.Right;
                IntRange startRange    = this.GetHallTouchRange(startRoom.RoomGen, dir, tier);
                IntRange endRange      = this.GetHallTouchRange(endRoom.RoomGen, dir.Reverse(), tier);
                IntRange combinedRange = new IntRange(Math.Min(startRange.Min, endRange.Min), Math.Max(startRange.Max, endRange.Max));
                Loc      start         = startRoom.RoomGen.Draw.End;
                Loc      end           = endRoom.RoomGen.Draw.Start;

                Rect startCell = this.GetCellBounds(startRoom.Bounds);
                Rect endCell   = this.GetCellBounds(endRoom.Bounds);

                Rect bounds = vertical ? new Rect(combinedRange.Min, start.Y, combinedRange.Length, end.Y - start.Y)
                    : new Rect(start.X, combinedRange.Min, end.X - start.X, combinedRange.Length);

                // a side constitutes intruding bound when the rectangle moves forward enough to go to the other side
                // and the other side touched is outside of side B's bound (including borders)

                // startRange intrudes if startRange goes outside end's tier (borders included)
                bool startIntrude = !endCell.GetSide(dir.ToAxis()).Contains(startRange);

                // and end is greater than the edge (borders excluded)
                bool endTouch = bounds.GetScalar(dir) == endCell.GetScalar(dir.Reverse());

                bool endIntrude = !startCell.GetSide(dir.ToAxis()).Contains(endRange);

                // and end is greater than the edge (borders excluded)
                bool startTouch = bounds.GetScalar(dir.Reverse()) == startCell.GetScalar(dir);

                // neither side intrudes bound: use the computed rectangle
                if ((!startIntrude && !endIntrude) || (endTouch && startTouch) ||
                    (!(startIntrude && endIntrude) && ((startIntrude && endTouch) || (endIntrude && startTouch))))
                    hallGroup.MainHall.RoomGen.PrepareSize(rand, bounds.Size);
                    int      divPoint      = startCell.GetScalar(dir) + 1;
                    IntRange startDivRange = startRange;
                    IntRange endDivRange   = endRange;
                    if (startIntrude && !endIntrude)
                        // side A intrudes bound, side B does not: divide A and B; doesn't matter who gets border
                        // side A touches border, side B does not: divide A and B; A gets border
                        // side A does not, side B touches border: A gets border; don't need B - this cannot happen
                        // side A touches border, side B touches border: A gets border; don't need B - this cannot happen
                        // in short, divide with start getting the border
                        // startDivRange needs to contain endRange
                        startDivRange = combinedRange;
                    else if (!startIntrude && endIntrude)
                        // side A does not, side B intrudes bound: divide A and B; doesn't matter who gets border
                        // side A does not, side B touches border: divide A and B; B gets border
                        // side A touches border, side B does not: B gets border; don't need A - this cannot happen
                        // side A touches border, side B touches border: B gets border; don't need B - this cannot happen
                        // in short, divide with end getting the border
                        // endDivRange needs to contain startRange
                        divPoint    = startCell.GetScalar(dir);
                        endDivRange = combinedRange;
                        // side A intrudes bound, side B intrudes bound: divide A and B; doesn't matter who gets border
                        if (startTouch)
                            // side A touches border, side B does not: divide A and B; A gets border

                        if (endTouch)
                            // side A does not, side B touches border: divide A and B; B gets border
                            divPoint = startCell.GetScalar(dir);

                        // side A touches border, side B touches border: A gets border; don't need B -  this cannot happen
                        // both sides need to cover the intersection of their cells
                        IntRange interCellSide = IntRange.Intersect(startCell.GetSide(dir.ToAxis()), endCell.GetSide(dir.ToAxis()));
                        startDivRange = IntRange.IncludeRange(startDivRange, interCellSide);
                        endDivRange   = IntRange.IncludeRange(endDivRange, interCellSide);

                    Rect startBox = vertical ? new Rect(startDivRange.Min, start.Y, startDivRange.Length, divPoint - start.Y)
                        : new Rect(start.X, startDivRange.Min, divPoint - start.X, startDivRange.Length);
                    Rect endBox = vertical ? new Rect(endDivRange.Min, divPoint, endDivRange.Length, end.Y - divPoint)
                        : new Rect(divPoint, endDivRange.Min, end.X - divPoint, endDivRange.Length);

                    GridHallPlan originalHall = hallGroup.MainHall;
                    hallGroup.HallParts.Add(new GridHallPlan((IPermissiveRoomGen)originalHall.RoomGen.Copy(), originalHall.Components));
                    hallGroup.HallParts[0].RoomGen.PrepareSize(rand, startBox.Size);
                    hallGroup.HallParts[1].RoomGen.PrepareSize(rand, endBox.Size);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected static ListPathTraversalNode?GetRoomToConnect(FloorPlan floorPlan, RoomHallIndex chosenFrom, Dir4 dir)
            // extend a rectangle to the border of the floor in the chosen direction
            bool     vertical   = dir.ToAxis() == Axis4.Vert;
            int      dirSign    = dir.GetLoc().GetScalar(dir.ToAxis());
            IRoomGen genFrom    = floorPlan.GetRoomHall(chosenFrom).RoomGen;
            Rect     sampleRect = genFrom.Draw;

            // expand from the start of that border direction to the borders of the floor
            sampleRect.Start += dir.GetLoc() * sampleRect.Size.GetScalar(dir.ToAxis());

            // it doesn't have to be exactly the borders so just add the total size to be sure
            sampleRect.Expand(dir, vertical ? floorPlan.Size.Y : floorPlan.Size.X);

            // find the closest room.
            var chosenTo = new RoomHallIndex(-1, false);

            foreach (RoomHallIndex collision in floorPlan.CheckCollision(sampleRect))
                Rect collidedRect = floorPlan.GetRoomHall(collision).RoomGen.Draw;

                // limit the expansion by direction
                int  sampleScalar   = sampleRect.GetScalar(dir);
                int  collidedScalar = collidedRect.GetScalar(dir.Reverse());
                bool limit          = dirSign == Math.Sign(sampleScalar - collidedScalar);
                if (limit)
                    // update the boundaries
                    sampleRect.SetScalar(dir, collidedScalar);
                    chosenTo = collision;

            // if it didn't collide with ANYTHING, then quit
            if (chosenTo.Index == -1)

            IRoomGen genTo = floorPlan.GetRoomHall(chosenTo).RoomGen;

            // narrow the rectangle if touching something on the side
            // widen the rectangle by width
            Rect widthRect = sampleRect;

            widthRect.Inflate(vertical ? 1 : 0, vertical ? 0 : 1);
            bool retractLeft  = false;
            bool retractRight = false;
            Dir4 leftDir      = DirExt.AddAngles(dir, Dir4.Left);
            Dir4 rightDir     = DirExt.AddAngles(dir, Dir4.Right);

            foreach (RoomHallIndex collision in floorPlan.CheckCollision(widthRect))
                Rect collidedRect = floorPlan.GetRoomHall(collision).RoomGen.Draw;
                if (!retractLeft)
                    if (collidedRect.GetScalar(leftDir.Reverse()) == sampleRect.GetScalar(leftDir))
                        retractLeft = true;

                if (!retractRight)
                    if (collidedRect.GetScalar(rightDir.Reverse()) == sampleRect.GetScalar(rightDir))
                        retractRight = true;

            // retract the rectangle
            if (retractLeft)
                sampleRect.Expand(leftDir, -1);
            if (retractRight)
                sampleRect.Expand(rightDir, -1);

            // if the rectangle has been retracted too much, we can't go on
            if (sampleRect.Area <= 0)

            // check for border availability between start and end
            bool foundFrom = HasBorderOpening(genFrom, sampleRect, dir);
            bool foundTo   = HasBorderOpening(genTo, sampleRect, dir.Reverse());

            // return the expansion if one is found
            if (foundFrom && foundTo)
                return(new ListPathTraversalNode(chosenFrom, chosenTo, sampleRect));