Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the attendees grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGiversGrid()
            // Get all the selected criteria values
            var dateRange = SlidingDateRangePicker.CalculateDateRangeFromDelimitedValues( drpSlidingDateRange.DelimitedValues );
            var start = dateRange.Start;
            var end = dateRange.End;

            var minAmount = nreAmount.LowerValue;
            var maxAmount = nreAmount.UpperValue;

            var currencyTypeIds = new List<int>();
            cblCurrencyTypes.SelectedValues.ForEach( i => currencyTypeIds.Add( i.AsInteger() ) );

            var sourceTypeIds = new List<int>();
            cblTransactionSource.SelectedValues.ForEach( i => sourceTypeIds.Add( i.AsInteger() ) );

            var accountIds = new List<int>();
            foreach ( var cblAccounts in phAccounts.Controls.OfType<RockCheckBoxList>() )
                accountIds.AddRange( cblAccounts.SelectedValuesAsInt );

            var dataViewId = dvpDataView.SelectedValueAsInt();

            GiversViewBy viewBy = GiversViewBy.Giver;
            if ( !HideViewByOption )
                viewBy = hfViewBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<GiversViewBy>() ?? GiversViewBy.Giver;

            // Clear all the existing grid columns
            var selectField = new SelectField();
            var oldSelectField = gGiversGifts.ColumnsOfType<SelectField>().FirstOrDefault();
            if (oldSelectField != null )
                selectField.SelectedKeys.AddRange( oldSelectField.SelectedKeys );


            // Add a column for selecting rows
            gGiversGifts.Columns.Add( selectField );

            // Add a column for the person's name
                new RockBoundField
                    DataField = "PersonName",
                    HeaderText = "Person",
                    SortExpression = "LastName,NickName"
                } );

            // add a column for email (but is only included on excel export)
                new RockBoundField
                    DataField = "Email",
                    HeaderText = "Email",
                    SortExpression = "Email",
                    Visible = false,
                    ExcelExportBehavior = ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude
                } );

            // Add a column for total amount
                new CurrencyField
                    DataField = "TotalAmount",
                    HeaderText = "Total",
                    SortExpression = "TotalAmount"
                } );

            // Add columns for the selected account totals
            if ( accountIds.Any() )
                var accounts = new FinancialAccountService( _rockContext )
                    .Where( a => accountIds.Contains( a.Id ) )

                foreach ( int accountId in accountIds )
                    var account = accounts.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Id == accountId );
                    if ( account != null )
                            new CurrencyField
                                DataField = account.Id.ToString(),
                                HeaderText = account.Name,
                                SortExpression = account.Id.ToString()
                            } );

            // Add a column for the number of gifts
            var numberGiftsField = new RockBoundField
                    DataField = "NumberGifts",
                    HeaderText = "Number of Gifts",
                    SortExpression = "NumberGifts",
                    DataFormatString = "{0:N0}",
            numberGiftsField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
            gGiversGifts.Columns.Add( numberGiftsField );

            // Add a column to indicate if this is a first time giver
                new BoolField
                    DataField = "IsFirstEverGift",
                    HeaderText = "Is First Gift",
                    SortExpression = "IsFirstEverGift"
                } );

            // Add a column for the first gift date ( that matches criteria )
                new DateField
                    DataField = "FirstGift",
                    HeaderText = "First Gift",
                    SortExpression = "FirstGift"
                } );

            // Add a column for the first-ever gift date ( to any tax-deductible account )
                new DateField
                    DataField = "FirstEverGift",
                    HeaderText = "First Gift Ever",
                    SortExpression = "FirstEverGift"
                } );

            var transactionDetailService = new FinancialTransactionDetailService( _rockContext );
            var personService = new PersonService( _rockContext );

            // If dataview was selected get the person id's returned by the dataview
            var dataViewPersonIds = new List<int>();
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue )
                var dataView = new DataViewService( _rockContext ).Get( dataViewId.Value );
                if ( dataView != null )
                    var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                    ParameterExpression paramExpression = personService.ParameterExpression;
                    Expression whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression( personService, paramExpression, out errorMessages );

                    SortProperty sortProperty = null;
                    var dataViewPersonIdQry = personService
                        .Where( paramExpression, whereExpression, sortProperty )
                        .Select( p => p.Id );
                    dataViewPersonIds = dataViewPersonIdQry.ToList();

            // Check to see if grid should display only people who gave a certain number of times and if so
            // set the min value
            int minCount = 0;
            var previousPersonIds = new List<int>();
            if ( radByPattern.Checked )
                minCount = tbPatternXTimes.Text.AsInteger();
                var missedStart = drpPatternDateRange.LowerValue;
                var missedEnd = drpPatternDateRange.UpperValue;
                if ( missedStart.HasValue && missedEnd.HasValue )
                    // Get the givingids that gave any amount during the pattern's date range. These
                    // are needed so that we know who to exclude from the result set
                    var previousGivingIds = transactionDetailService
                        .Where( d =>
                            d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.HasValue &&
                            d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.Value >= missedStart.Value &&
                            d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.Value < missedEnd.Value &&
                            accountIds.Contains( d.AccountId ) &&
                            d.Amount != 0.0M )
                        .Select( d => d.Transaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.GivingId );

                    // Now get the person ids from the givingids
                    previousPersonIds = personService
                        .Where( p => previousGivingIds.Contains( p.GivingId ) )
                        .Select( p => p.Id )

            // Call the stored procedure to get all the giving data that matches the selected criteria.
            // The stored procedure returns two tables. First is a list of all matching transaction summary
            // information and the second table is each giving leader's first-ever gift date to a tax-deductible account
            DataSet ds = FinancialTransactionDetailService.GetGivingAnalytics( start, end, minAmount, maxAmount,
                accountIds, currencyTypeIds, sourceTypeIds,  dataViewId, viewBy );

            // Get the results table
            DataTable dtResults = ds.Tables[0];

            // Get the first-ever gift dates and load them into a dictionary for faster matching
            DataTable dtFirstEver = ds.Tables[1];
            var firstEverVals = new Dictionary<int, DateTime>();
            foreach( DataRow row in ds.Tables[1].Rows )
                if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["FirstEverGift"] ) )
                    firstEverVals.Add( (int)row["PersonId"], (DateTime)row["FirstEverGift"] );

            // Add columns to the result set for the first-ever data
            dtResults.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "IsFirstEverGift", typeof( bool ) ) );
            dtResults.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "FirstEverGift", typeof( DateTime ) ) );

            foreach( DataRow row in dtResults.Rows )
                bool rowValid = true;

                // Get the person id
                int personId = (int)row["Id"];

                if ( radByPattern.Checked )
                    // If pattern was specified check minimum gifts and other date range
                    int numberGifts = (int)row["NumberGifts"];
                    if ( numberGifts < minCount )
                        rowValid = false;
                        // If this giving leader gave during the pattern date, remove the row since we
                        // only want those who did not
                        if ( previousPersonIds.Contains( personId ) )
                            rowValid = false;

                if ( dataViewId.HasValue )
                    // If a dataview filter was specified, and this row is not part of dataview,
                    // remove it
                    if ( !dataViewPersonIds.Contains(personId))
                        rowValid = false;

                        // Remove person id from list so that list can be used later to optionally
                        // add rows for remaining people who were in the dataview, but not in the
                        // result set
                        dataViewPersonIds.Remove( personId );

                if ( rowValid )
                    // Set the first ever information for each row
                    bool isFirstEverGift = false;
                    DateTime firstGift = (DateTime)row["FirstGift"];
                    if ( firstEverVals.ContainsKey( personId ) )
                        DateTime firstEverGift = firstEverVals[personId];
                        isFirstEverGift = firstEverGift.Equals( firstGift );

                        row["FirstEverGift"] = firstEverGift;

                    // If only first time givers should be included, remove any that are not
                    if ( radFirstTime.Checked && !isFirstEverGift )
                        rowValid = false;
                        row["IsFirstEverGift"] = isFirstEverGift;

                if ( !rowValid )

            // if dataview was selected and it includes people not in the result set,
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue && rblDataViewAction.SelectedValue == "All" && dataViewPersonIds.Any() )
                // Query for the names of each of these people
                foreach( var person in personService
                    .Select( p => new {
                    // Check for a first ever gift date
                    var firstEverGiftDate = firstEverVals
                        .Where( f => f.Key == person.Id )
                        .Select( f => f.Value )

                    DataRow row = dtResults.NewRow();
                    row["Id"] = person.Id;
                    row["Guid"] = person.Guid;
                    row["NickName"] = person.NickName;
                    row["LastName"] = person.LastName;
                    row["PersonName"] = person.NickName + " " + person.LastName;
                    row["Email"] = person.Email;
                    row["IsFirstEverGift"] = false;
                    row["FirstEverGift"] = firstEverGiftDate;
                    dtResults.Rows.Add( row );

            // Update the changes (deletes) in the datatable

            // Calculate Total
            if ( viewBy == GiversViewBy.Giver )
                pnlTotal.Visible = true;
                object amountTotalObj = dtResults.Compute( "Sum(TotalAmount)", null );
                if ( amountTotalObj != null )
                    decimal amountTotal = amountTotalObj.ToString().AsDecimal();
                    lTotal.Text = amountTotal.FormatAsCurrency();
                    lTotal.Text = string.Empty;
                pnlTotal.Visible = false;

            // Sort the results
            System.Data.DataView dv = dtResults.DefaultView;
            if ( gGiversGifts.SortProperty != null )
                    var sortProperties = new List<string>();
                    foreach( string prop in gGiversGifts.SortProperty.Property.SplitDelimitedValues(false))
                        sortProperties.Add( string.Format( "[{0}] {1}", prop, gGiversGifts.SortProperty.DirectionString ) );
                    dv.Sort = sortProperties.AsDelimited( ", " );
                    dv.Sort = "[LastName] ASC, [NickName] ASC";
                dv.Sort = "[LastName] ASC, [NickName] ASC";

            gGiversGifts.DataSource = dv;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the preview columns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelType">Type of the model.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<DataControlField> GetPreviewColumns( Type modelType )
            var displayColumns = new List<DataControlField>();
            var allColumns = new List<DataControlField>();

            // If displaying people, add select field (for merging & communication)
            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( PersonIdField ) )
                var selectField = new SelectField();
                displayColumns.Add( selectField );
                allColumns.Add( selectField );

            foreach ( var property in modelType.GetProperties() )
                // limit to non-virtual methods to prevent lazy loading issues
                var getMethod = property.GetGetMethod();
                if ( !getMethod.IsVirtual )
                    if ( property.Name != "Id" )
                        BoundField boundField = GetGridField( property.PropertyType );
                        boundField.DataField = property.Name;
                        boundField.SortExpression = property.Name;
                        boundField.HeaderText = property.Name.SplitCase();

                        if ( property.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( Rock.Data.PreviewableAttribute ) ).Count() > 0 )
                            displayColumns.Add( boundField );
                        else if ( displayColumns.Count == 0
                            && property.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute ) ).Count() > 0
                            && !property.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( HideFromReportingAttribute ), true ).Any() )
                            allColumns.Add( boundField );

            var columns = new List<DataControlField>();

            // Always add hidden id column
            var idCol = new BoundField();
            idCol.DataField = "Id";
            idCol.Visible = false;
            columns.Add( idCol );

            columns.AddRange( displayColumns.Count > 0 ? displayColumns : allColumns );

            return columns;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the attendees grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGiversGrid()
            // Get all the selected criteria values
            var dateRange = SlidingDateRangePicker.CalculateDateRangeFromDelimitedValues( drpSlidingDateRange.DelimitedValues );
            var start = dateRange.Start;
            var end = dateRange.End;

            var minAmount = nreAmount.LowerValue;
            var maxAmount = nreAmount.UpperValue;

            var currencyTypeIds = new List<int>();
            cblCurrencyTypes.SelectedValues.ForEach( i => currencyTypeIds.Add( i.AsInteger() ) );

            var sourceIds = new List<int>();
            cblTransactionSource.SelectedValues.ForEach( i => sourceIds.Add( i.AsInteger() ) );

            var accountIds = new List<int>();
            foreach ( var cblAccounts in phAccounts.Controls.OfType<RockCheckBoxList>() )
                accountIds.AddRange( cblAccounts.SelectedValuesAsInt );

            var groupBy = hfGroupBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ChartGroupBy>() ?? ChartGroupBy.Week;
            var graphBy = hfGraphBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<TransactionGraphBy>() ?? TransactionGraphBy.Total;

            GiversViewBy viewBy = GiversViewBy.Giver;
            if ( !HideViewByOption )
                viewBy = hfViewBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<GiversViewBy>() ?? GiversViewBy.Giver;

            // Collection of async queries to run before assembling data
            var qryTasks = new List<Task>();

            // Get all person summary data
            var personInfoList = new List<PersonInfo>();
            qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                var dt = FinancialTransactionDetailService.GetGivingAnalyticsPersonSummary(
                    start, end, minAmount, maxAmount, accountIds, currencyTypeIds, sourceIds )

                foreach ( DataRow row in dt.Rows )
                    var personInfo = new PersonInfo();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["Id"] ) )
                        personInfo.Id = (int)row["Id"];

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["Guid"] ) )
                        personInfo.Guid = row["Guid"].ToString().AsGuid();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["NickName"] ) )
                        personInfo.NickName = row["NickName"].ToString();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["LastName"] ) )
                        personInfo.LastName = row["LastName"].ToString();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["Email"] ) )
                        personInfo.Email = row["Email"].ToString();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["GivingId"] ) )
                        personInfo.GivingId = row["GivingId"].ToString();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["FirstGift"] ) )
                        personInfo.FirstGift = row["FirstGift"].ToString().AsDateTime();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["LastGift"] ) )
                        personInfo.LastGift = row["LastGift"].ToString().AsDateTime();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["NumberGifts"] ) )
                        personInfo.NumberGifts = (int)row["NumberGifts"];

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["TotalAmount"] ) )
                        personInfo.TotalAmount = (decimal)row["TotalAmount"];

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["IsGivingLeader"] ) )
                        personInfo.IsGivingLeader = (bool)row["IsGivingLeader"];

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["IsAdult"] ) )
                        personInfo.IsAdult = (bool)row["IsAdult"];

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["IsChild"] ) )
                        personInfo.IsChild = (bool)row["IsChild"];

                    personInfo.AccountAmounts = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();

                    personInfoList.Add( personInfo );

            } ) );

            // Get the account summary values
            DataTable dtAccountSummary = null;
            qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                dtAccountSummary = FinancialTransactionDetailService.GetGivingAnalyticsAccountTotals(
                    start, end, accountIds, currencyTypeIds, sourceIds )
            } ) );

            // Get the first/last ever dates
            var firstEverVals = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
            var lastEverVals = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
            qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                var dt = FinancialTransactionDetailService.GetGivingAnalyticsFirstLastEverDates()
                foreach ( DataRow row in dt.Rows )
                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["GivingId"] ) )
                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["FirstEverGift"] ) )
                            firstEverVals.Add( row["GivingId"].ToString(), row["FirstEverGift"].ToString().AsDateTime().Value );
                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["LastEverGift"] ) )
                            lastEverVals.Add( row["GivingId"].ToString(), row["LastEverGift"].ToString().AsDateTime().Value );

            } ) );

            // If a dataview filter was included, find the people who match that criteria
            List<int> dataViewPersonIds = null;
            var dataViewId = dvpDataView.SelectedValueAsInt();
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue )
                qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                    dataViewPersonIds = new List<int>();
                    var dataView = new DataViewService( _rockContext ).Get( dataViewId.Value );
                    if ( dataView != null )
                        var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                        var dvPersonService = new PersonService( _rockContext );
                        ParameterExpression paramExpression = dvPersonService.ParameterExpression;
                        Expression whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression( dvPersonService, paramExpression, out errorMessages );

                        SortProperty sort = null;
                        var dataViewPersonIdQry = dvPersonService
                            .Where( paramExpression, whereExpression, sort )
                            .Select( p => p.Id );
                        dataViewPersonIds = dataViewPersonIdQry.ToList();
                } ) );

            qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                // Clear all the existing grid columns
                var selectField = new SelectField();
                var oldSelectField = gGiversGifts.ColumnsOfType<SelectField>().FirstOrDefault();
                if ( oldSelectField != null )
                    selectField.SelectedKeys.AddRange( oldSelectField.SelectedKeys );


                // Add a column for selecting rows
                gGiversGifts.Columns.Add( selectField );

                // Add a hidden column for person id
                    new RockBoundField
                        DataField = "Id",
                        HeaderText = "Person Id",
                        SortExpression = "Id",
                        Visible = false,
                        ExcelExportBehavior = ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude
                    } );

                // Add a column for the person's name
                    new RockBoundField
                        DataField = "PersonName",
                        HeaderText = "Person",
                        SortExpression = "LastName,NickName"
                    } );

                // add a column for email (but is only included on excel export)
                    new RockBoundField
                        DataField = "Email",
                        HeaderText = "Email",
                        SortExpression = "Email",
                        Visible = false,
                        ExcelExportBehavior = ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude
                    } );

                // Add a column for total amount
                    new CurrencyField
                        DataField = "TotalAmount",
                        HeaderText = "Total",
                        SortExpression = "TotalAmount"
                    } );

                // Add columns for the selected account totals
                if ( accountIds.Any() )
                    var accounts = new FinancialAccountService( _rockContext )
                        .Where( a => accountIds.Contains( a.Id ) )

                    foreach ( int accountId in accountIds )
                        var account = accounts.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Id == accountId );
                        if ( account != null )
                                new GivingAnalyticsAccountField
                                    DataField = string.Format( "Account_{0}", account.Id ),
                                    HeaderText = account.Name,
                                    SortExpression = string.Format( "Account:{0}", account.Id ),
                                } );

                // Add a column for the number of gifts
                var numberGiftsField = new RockBoundField
                    DataField = "NumberGifts",
                    HeaderText = "Number of Gifts",
                    SortExpression = "NumberGifts",
                    DataFormatString = "{0:N0}",
                numberGiftsField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                gGiversGifts.Columns.Add( numberGiftsField );

                if ( !radFirstTime.Checked )
                    // Add a column to indicate if this is a first time giver
                        new BoolField
                            DataField = "IsFirstEverGift",
                            HeaderText = "Is First Gift",
                            SortExpression = "IsFirstEverGift"
                        } );

                    // Add a column for the first gift date ( that matches criteria )
                        new DateField
                            DataField = "FirstGift",
                            HeaderText = "First Gift in Period",
                            SortExpression = "FirstGift"
                        } );

                // Add a column for the first-ever gift date ( to any tax-deductible account )
                    new DateField
                        DataField = "FirstEverGift",
                        HeaderText = "First Gift Ever",
                        SortExpression = "FirstEverGift"
                    } );

                // Add a column for the first gift date ( that matches criteria )
                    new DateField
                        DataField = "LastGift",
                        HeaderText = "Last Gift in Period",
                        SortExpression = "LastGift"
                    } );

                // Add a column for the last-ever gift date ( to any tax-deductible account )
                    new DateField
                        DataField = "LastEverGift",
                        HeaderText = "Last Gift Ever",
                        SortExpression = "LastEverGift"
                    } );

            } ) );

            // Wait for all the queries to finish
            Task.WaitAll( qryTasks.ToArray() );

            // If dataview was selected and it's being used to filter results people, not in dataview
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue && rblDataViewAction.SelectedValue != "All" && dataViewPersonIds.Any() )
                personInfoList = personInfoList.Where( c => dataViewPersonIds.Contains( c.Id ) ).ToList();

            // if dataview was selected and it includes people not in the result set,
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue && rblDataViewAction.SelectedValue == "All" && dataViewPersonIds.Any() )
                // Query for the names of each of these people
                foreach ( var person in new PersonService( _rockContext )
                    .Where( p => dataViewPersonIds.Contains( p.Id ) )
                    .Select( p => new
                    } ) )
                    // Check for a first ever gift date
                    var firstEverGiftDate = firstEverVals
                        .Where( f => f.Key == person.GivingId )
                        .Select( f => f.Value )

                    // Check for a last ever gift date
                    var lastEverGiftDate = lastEverVals
                        .Where( f => f.Key == person.GivingId )
                        .Select( f => f.Value )

                    var personInfo = new PersonInfo();
                    personInfo.Id = person.Id;
                    personInfo.Guid = person.Guid;
                    personInfo.NickName = person.NickName;
                    personInfo.LastName = person.LastName;
                    personInfo.Email = person.Email;
                    personInfo.GivingId = person.GivingId;
                    personInfo.IsGivingLeader = person.Id == person.GivingLeaderId;
                    personInfo.FirstEverGift = firstEverGiftDate;
                    personInfo.LastEverGift = lastEverGiftDate;

                    personInfoList.Add( personInfo );

            // Filter out recs that don't match the view by
            switch ( viewBy )
                case GiversViewBy.Giver:
                        personInfoList = personInfoList.Where( p => p.IsGivingLeader ).ToList();
                case GiversViewBy.Adults:
                        personInfoList = personInfoList.Where( p => p.IsAdult ).ToList();
                case GiversViewBy.Children:
                        personInfoList = personInfoList.Where( p => p.IsChild ).ToList();

            // Add the first/last gift dates
            foreach ( var personInfo in personInfoList )
                if ( firstEverVals.ContainsKey( personInfo.GivingId ) )
                    personInfo.FirstEverGift = firstEverVals[personInfo.GivingId];
                if ( lastEverVals.ContainsKey( personInfo.GivingId ) )
                    personInfo.LastEverGift = lastEverVals[personInfo.GivingId];

            // Check to see if we're only showing first time givers
            if ( radFirstTime.Checked )
                personInfoList = personInfoList
                    .Where( p => p.IsFirstEverGift )

            // Check to see if grid should display only people who gave a certain number of times and if so
            // set the min value
            if ( radByPattern.Checked )
                int minCount = tbPatternXTimes.Text.AsInteger();
                var previousGivingIds = new List<string>();

                if ( cbPatternAndMissed.Checked )
                    var missedStart = drpPatternDateRange.LowerValue;
                    var missedEnd = drpPatternDateRange.UpperValue;
                    if ( missedStart.HasValue && missedEnd.HasValue )
                        // Get the givingleaderids that gave any amount during the pattern's date range. These
                        // are needed so that we know who to exclude from the result set
                        previousGivingIds = new FinancialTransactionDetailService( _rockContext )
                            .Where( d =>
                                d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.HasValue &&
                                d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.Value >= missedStart.Value &&
                                d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.Value < missedEnd.Value &&
                                ( accountIds.Any() && accountIds.Contains( d.AccountId ) || d.Account.IsTaxDeductible ) &&
                                d.Amount != 0.0M )
                            .Select( d => d.Transaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.GivingId )

                personInfoList = personInfoList
                    .Where( p =>
                        !previousGivingIds.Contains( p.GivingId ) &&
                        p.NumberGifts >= minCount )

            // Add account summary info
            foreach ( DataRow row in dtAccountSummary.Rows )
                if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["GivingId"] ) &&
                    !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["AccountId"] ) &&
                    !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["Amount"] ) )
                    string givingId = row["GivingId"].ToString();
                    int accountId = (int)row["AccountId"];
                    decimal amount = (decimal)row["Amount"];

                    foreach ( var personInfo in personInfoList.Where( p => p.GivingId == givingId ) )
                        personInfo.AccountAmounts.AddOrIgnore( accountId, amount );

            // Calculate Total
            if ( viewBy == GiversViewBy.Giver )
                pnlTotal.Visible = true;
                decimal amountTotal = personInfoList.Sum( p => p.TotalAmount );
                lTotal.Text = amountTotal.FormatAsCurrency();
                pnlTotal.Visible = false;

            var qry = personInfoList.AsQueryable();

            if ( gGiversGifts.SortProperty != null )
                if ( gGiversGifts.SortProperty.Property.StartsWith( "Account" ) )
                    int? accountId = gGiversGifts.SortProperty.Property.Substring( 8 ).AsIntegerOrNull();
                    if ( accountId.HasValue )
                        foreach ( var personInfo in personInfoList )
                            personInfo.SortAmount = personInfo.AccountAmounts.ContainsKey( accountId.Value ) ?
                                personInfo.AccountAmounts[accountId.Value] : 0.0M;
                            if ( gGiversGifts.SortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending )
                                gGiversGifts.DataSource = personInfoList.OrderBy( p => p.SortAmount ).ToList();
                                gGiversGifts.DataSource = personInfoList.OrderByDescending( p => p.SortAmount ).ToList();
                        gGiversGifts.DataSource = qry.OrderBy( p => p.LastName ).ThenBy( p => p.NickName ).ToList();
                    gGiversGifts.DataSource = qry.Sort( gGiversGifts.SortProperty ).ToList();
                gGiversGifts.DataSource = qry.OrderBy( p => p.LastName ).ThenBy( p => p.NickName ).ToList();
