Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PersonalLinksData" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="personLinksSectionList">The person links section list.</param>
 /// <param name="currentPerson">The current person.</param>
 public PersonalLinksData(List <PersonLinksSectionData> personLinksSectionList, Person currentPerson) :
     PersonLinksSectionList             = personLinksSectionList.ToArray();
     ModificationHash                   = PersonalLinkService.GetPersonalLinksModificationHash(currentPerson);
     LastNonSharedLinksModifiedDateTime = PersonalLinksHelper.GetPersonalLinksLastModifiedDateTime(currentPerson) ?? RockDateTime.Now;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the personal links data that the specified person is authorized to view
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentPerson">The current person.</param>
        /// <returns>PersonalLinksData.</returns>
        public static PersonalLinksData GetPersonalLinksData(Person currentPerson)
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            // get the sections (with the Links) that the user is authorized to view
            var orderedPersonalLinkSectionsWithLinks = new PersonalLinkService(rockContext)
                                                       .Include(a => a.PersonAlias)
                                                       .Include(a => a.PersonalLinks.Select(x => x.PersonAlias))
                                                       .Where(a => a.IsAuthorized(Rock.Security.Authorization.VIEW, currentPerson))
                                                       .Where(a => a.PersonalLinks.Any()).ToList();

            int sectionOrder = 0;

            var personalLinksDataList = orderedPersonalLinkSectionsWithLinks.Select(a =>
                    PersonLinksSectionData result = new PersonLinksSectionData
                        Id       = a.Id,
                        Name     = a.Name,
                        IsShared = a.IsShared,
                        Order    = sectionOrder++

                    result.PersonalLinks = a.PersonalLinks
                                           .Where(xx => xx.IsAuthorized(Rock.Security.Authorization.VIEW, currentPerson))
                                           .Select(l => new PersonalLinkData
                        Id        = l.Id,
                        Name      = l.Name,
                        Url       = l.Url,
                        SectionId = l.SectionId,
                        Order     = l.Order
                                           .OrderBy(xx => xx.Order)
                                           .ThenBy(xx => xx.Name)


            // The number of links for a section could be empty after remove ones that we aren't authorized to view (like other people's links).
            // If so, don't include those sections
            personalLinksDataList = personalLinksDataList.Where(a => a.PersonalLinks.Any()).ToList();

            var personalLinksStorageData = new PersonalLinksData(personalLinksDataList, currentPerson);

Ejemplo n.º 3
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets current login's LastModifiedDateTime <see cref="Rock.Model.PersonalLink" /> data from  <see cref="System.Web.SessionState">Session</see>.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// We cache PersonalLinksLastUpdateDateTime in session so that we know if the LocalStorage of PersonalLinks needs to be updated.
            /// </remarks>
            public static DateTime?GetPersonalLinksLastModifiedDateTime(Person currentPerson)
                if (currentPerson == null)

                DateTime?lastModifiedDateTime = null;

                if (HttpContext.Current?.Session != null)
                    // If we already got the LastModifiedDateTime, we'll store it in session so that we don't have to keep asking
                    lastModifiedDateTime = HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionKey.PersonalLinksLastUpdateDateTime] as DateTime?;
                    // If we dont' have a Session, see if we are storing it for the current request;
                    lastModifiedDateTime = HttpContext.Current?.Items[SessionKey.PersonalLinksLastUpdateDateTime] as DateTime?;

                if (lastModifiedDateTime.HasValue)

                // NOTE: Session can be null (probably because it is a REST call). Or maybe it hasn't been set in Session yet So, we'll get it from the Database;
                var rockContext = new RockContext();

                var personAliasQuery = new PersonAliasService(rockContext).Queryable().Where(a => a.PersonId == currentPerson.Id);

                var sectionLastModifiedDateTimeQuery = new PersonalLinkSectionService(rockContext)
                                                       .Where(a => !a.IsShared && a.ModifiedDateTime.HasValue && a.PersonAliasId.HasValue && personAliasQuery.Any(x => x.Id == a.PersonAliasId))
                                                       .Select(a => a.ModifiedDateTime);

                var linkLastModifiedDateTimeQuery = new PersonalLinkService(rockContext)
                                                    .Where(a => a.ModifiedDateTime.HasValue && a.PersonAliasId.HasValue && personAliasQuery.Any(x => x.Id == a.PersonAliasId))
                                                    .Select(a => a.ModifiedDateTime);

                var linkOrderLastModifiedDateTimeQuery = new PersonalLinkSectionOrderService(rockContext)
                                                         .Where(a => a.ModifiedDateTime.HasValue && personAliasQuery.Any(x => x.Id == a.PersonAliasId))
                                                         .Select(a => a.ModifiedDateTime);

                lastModifiedDateTime = sectionLastModifiedDateTimeQuery.Union(linkLastModifiedDateTimeQuery).Union(linkOrderLastModifiedDateTimeQuery).Max(a => a);

                if (HttpContext.Current?.Session != null)
                    if (lastModifiedDateTime == null)
                        // If LastModifiedDateTime is still null, they don't have any personal links,
                        // So we'll set LastModifiedDateTime to Midnight (so it doesn't keep checking the database)
                        lastModifiedDateTime = RockDateTime.Today;

                    // If we already got the LastModifiedDateTime, we'll store it in session so that we don't have to keep asking
                    HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionKey.PersonalLinksLastUpdateDateTime] = lastModifiedDateTime;
                    // if we don't have Session, store it in the current request (just in case this called multiple times in the same request)
                    if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                        HttpContext.Current.Items[SessionKey.PersonalLinksLastUpdateDateTime] = lastModifiedDateTime;
