Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            Metric metric;

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            MetricService metricService = new MetricService( rockContext );
            MetricCategoryService metricCategoryService = new MetricCategoryService( rockContext );
            MetricValueService metricValueService = new MetricValueService( rockContext );
            bool deleteValuesOnSave = sender == btnDeleteValuesAndSave;

            int metricId = hfMetricId.Value.AsInteger();

            if ( metricId == 0 )
                metric = new Metric();
                metric = metricService.Get( metricId );

            metric.Title = tbTitle.Text;
            metric.Subtitle = tbSubtitle.Text;
            metric.Description = tbDescription.Text;
            metric.IconCssClass = tbIconCssClass.Text;
            metric.SourceValueTypeId = ddlSourceType.SelectedValueAsId();
            metric.XAxisLabel = tbXAxisLabel.Text;
            metric.YAxisLabel = tbYAxisLabel.Text;
            metric.IsCumulative = cbIsCumulative.Checked;

            var origEntityType = metric.EntityTypeId.HasValue ? EntityTypeCache.Read( metric.EntityTypeId.Value ) : null;
            var newEntityType = etpEntityType.SelectedEntityTypeId.HasValue ? EntityTypeCache.Read( etpEntityType.SelectedEntityTypeId.Value ) : null;
            if ( origEntityType != null && !deleteValuesOnSave )
                if ( newEntityType == null || newEntityType.Id != origEntityType.Id )
                    // if the EntityTypeId of this metric has changed to NULL or to another EntityType, warn about the EntityId values being wrong
                    bool hasEntityValues = metricValueService.Queryable().Any( a => a.MetricId == metric.Id && a.EntityId.HasValue );

                    if ( hasEntityValues )
                        nbEntityTypeChanged.Text = string.Format(
                            "Warning: You can't change the series partition to {0} when there are values associated with {1}. Do you want to delete existing values?",
                            newEntityType != null ? newEntityType.FriendlyName : "<none>",
                            origEntityType.FriendlyName );
                        nbEntityTypeChanged.Visible = true;

            metric.EntityTypeId = etpEntityType.SelectedEntityTypeId;

            int sourceTypeDataView = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.METRIC_SOURCE_VALUE_TYPE_DATAVIEW.AsGuid() ).Id;
            int sourceTypeSQL = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.METRIC_SOURCE_VALUE_TYPE_SQL.AsGuid() ).Id;

            var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
            var metricChampionPerson = personService.Get( ppMetricChampionPerson.SelectedValue ?? 0 );
            metric.MetricChampionPersonAliasId = metricChampionPerson != null ? metricChampionPerson.PrimaryAliasId : null;
            var adminPerson = personService.Get( ppAdminPerson.SelectedValue ?? 0 );
            metric.AdminPersonAliasId = adminPerson != null ? adminPerson.PrimaryAliasId : null;

            if ( metric.SourceValueTypeId == sourceTypeSQL )
                metric.SourceSql = ceSourceSql.Text;
                metric.SourceSql = string.Empty;

            if ( metric.SourceValueTypeId == sourceTypeDataView )
                metric.DataViewId = ddlDataView.SelectedValueAsId();
                metric.DataViewId = null;

            var scheduleSelectionType = rblScheduleSelect.SelectedValueAsEnum<ScheduleSelectionType>();
            if ( scheduleSelectionType == ScheduleSelectionType.NamedSchedule )
                metric.ScheduleId = ddlSchedule.SelectedValueAsId();
                metric.ScheduleId = hfUniqueScheduleId.ValueAsInt();

            if ( !Page.IsValid )

            if ( !metric.IsValid )
                // Controls will render the error messages

            if ( !cpMetricCategories.SelectedValuesAsInt().Any() )
                cpMetricCategories.ShowErrorMessage( "Must select at least one category" );

            // do a WrapTransaction since we are doing multiple SaveChanges()
            rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                var scheduleService = new ScheduleService( rockContext );
                var schedule = scheduleService.Get( metric.ScheduleId ?? 0 );
                int metricScheduleCategoryId = new CategoryService( rockContext ).Get( Rock.SystemGuid.Category.SCHEDULE_METRICS.AsGuid() ).Id;
                if ( schedule == null )
                    schedule = new Schedule();

                    // make it an "Unnamed" metrics schedule
                    schedule.Name = string.Empty;
                    schedule.CategoryId = metricScheduleCategoryId;

                // if the schedule was a unique schedule (configured in the Metric UI, set the schedule's ical content to the schedule builder UI's value
                if ( scheduleSelectionType == ScheduleSelectionType.Unique )
                    schedule.iCalendarContent = sbSchedule.iCalendarContent;

                if ( !schedule.HasSchedule() && scheduleSelectionType == ScheduleSelectionType.Unique )
                    // don't save as a unique schedule if the schedule doesn't do anything
                    schedule = null;
                    if ( schedule.Id == 0 )
                        scheduleService.Add( schedule );

                        // save to make sure we have a scheduleId

                if ( schedule != null )
                    metric.ScheduleId = schedule.Id;
                    metric.ScheduleId = null;

                if ( metric.Id == 0 )
                    metricService.Add( metric );

                    // save to make sure we have a metricId

                // update MetricCategories for Metric
                metric.MetricCategories = metric.MetricCategories ?? new List<MetricCategory>();
                var selectedCategoryIds = cpMetricCategories.SelectedValuesAsInt();

                // delete any categories that were removed
                foreach ( var metricCategory in metric.MetricCategories.ToList() )
                    if ( !selectedCategoryIds.Contains( metricCategory.CategoryId ) )
                        metricCategoryService.Delete( metricCategory );

                // add any categories that were added
                foreach ( int categoryId in selectedCategoryIds )
                    if ( !metric.MetricCategories.Any( a => a.CategoryId == categoryId ) )
                        metricCategoryService.Add( new MetricCategory { CategoryId = categoryId, MetricId = metric.Id } );


                // delete MetricValues associated with the old entityType if they confirmed the EntityType change
                if ( deleteValuesOnSave )
                    metricValueService.DeleteRange( metricValueService.Queryable().Where( a => a.MetricId == metric.Id && a.EntityId.HasValue ) );

                    // since there could be 1000s of values that got deleted, do a SaveChanges that skips PrePostProcessing
                    rockContext.SaveChanges( true );

                // delete any orphaned Unnamed metric schedules
                var metricIdSchedulesQry = metricService.Queryable().Select( a => a.ScheduleId );
                int? metricScheduleId = schedule != null ? schedule.Id : (int?)null;
                var orphanedSchedules = scheduleService.Queryable()
                    .Where( a => a.CategoryId == metricScheduleCategoryId && a.Name == string.Empty && a.Id != ( metricScheduleId ?? 0 ) )
                    .Where( s => !metricIdSchedulesQry.Any( m => m == s.Id ) );
                foreach ( var item in orphanedSchedules )
                    scheduleService.Delete( item );

                if ( orphanedSchedules.Any() )
            } );

            var qryParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            qryParams["MetricId"] = metric.Id.ToString();
            if ( hfMetricCategoryId.ValueAsInt() == 0 )
                int? parentCategoryId = PageParameter( "ParentCategoryId" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
                int? metricCategoryId = new MetricCategoryService( new RockContext() ).Queryable().Where( a => a.MetricId == metric.Id && a.CategoryId == parentCategoryId ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                hfMetricCategoryId.Value = metricCategoryId.ToString();

            qryParams["MetricCategoryId"] = hfMetricCategoryId.Value;
            qryParams["ExpandedIds"] = PageParameter( "ExpandedIds" );

            NavigateToPage( RockPage.Guid, qryParams );
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            Metric metric;

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            MetricService metricService = new MetricService( rockContext );
            MetricCategoryService metricCategoryService = new MetricCategoryService( rockContext );
            MetricValueService metricValueService = new MetricValueService( rockContext );
            MetricPartitionService metricPartitionService = new MetricPartitionService( rockContext );

            int metricId = hfMetricId.Value.AsInteger();

            if ( metricId == 0 )
                metric = new Metric();
                metric = metricService.Get( metricId );

                // remove any metricPartitions that were removed in the UI
                var selectedMetricPartitionGuids = MetricPartitionsState.Select( r => r.Guid );
                foreach ( var item in metric.MetricPartitions.Where( r => !selectedMetricPartitionGuids.Contains( r.Guid ) ).ToList() )
                    metric.MetricPartitions.Remove( item );
                    metricPartitionService.Delete( item );

            metric.MetricPartitions = metric.MetricPartitions ?? new List<MetricPartition>();

            if ( MetricPartitionsState.Count() > 1 && MetricPartitionsState.Any(a => !a.EntityTypeId.HasValue ))
                mdMetricPartitionsEntityTypeWarning.Text = "If multiple partitions are defined for a metric, all the partitions must have an EntityType assigned";
                mdMetricPartitionsEntityTypeWarning.Visible = true;
                pwMetricPartitions.Expanded = true;

            mdMetricPartitionsEntityTypeWarning.Visible = false;

            foreach ( var metricPartitionState in MetricPartitionsState )
                MetricPartition metricPartition = metric.MetricPartitions.Where( r => r.Guid == metricPartitionState.Guid ).FirstOrDefault();
                if ( metricPartition == null )
                    metricPartition = new MetricPartition();
                    metric.MetricPartitions.Add( metricPartition );
                    metricPartitionState.Id = metricPartition.Id;
                    metricPartitionState.Guid = metricPartition.Guid;

                metricPartition.CopyPropertiesFrom( metricPartitionState );

            // ensure there is at least one partition
            if ( !metric.MetricPartitions.Any() )
                var metricPartition = new MetricPartition();
                metricPartition.EntityTypeId = null;
                metricPartition.IsRequired = true;
                metricPartition.Order = 0;
                metric.MetricPartitions.Add( metricPartition );

            metric.Title = tbTitle.Text;
            metric.Subtitle = tbSubtitle.Text;
            metric.Description = tbDescription.Text;
            metric.IconCssClass = tbIconCssClass.Text;
            metric.SourceValueTypeId = ddlSourceType.SelectedValueAsId();
            metric.YAxisLabel = tbYAxisLabel.Text;
            metric.IsCumulative = cbIsCumulative.Checked;

            int sourceTypeDataView = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.METRIC_SOURCE_VALUE_TYPE_DATAVIEW.AsGuid() ).Id;
            int sourceTypeSQL = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.METRIC_SOURCE_VALUE_TYPE_SQL.AsGuid() ).Id;

            var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
            var metricChampionPerson = personService.Get( ppMetricChampionPerson.SelectedValue ?? 0 );
            metric.MetricChampionPersonAliasId = metricChampionPerson != null ? metricChampionPerson.PrimaryAliasId : null;
            var adminPerson = personService.Get( ppAdminPerson.SelectedValue ?? 0 );
            metric.AdminPersonAliasId = adminPerson != null ? adminPerson.PrimaryAliasId : null;

            if ( metric.SourceValueTypeId == sourceTypeSQL )
                metric.SourceSql = ceSourceSql.Text;
                metric.SourceSql = string.Empty;

            if ( metric.SourceValueTypeId == sourceTypeDataView )
                metric.DataViewId = ddlDataView.SelectedValueAsId();
                metric.DataViewId = null;

            var scheduleSelectionType = rblScheduleSelect.SelectedValueAsEnum<ScheduleSelectionType>();
            if ( scheduleSelectionType == ScheduleSelectionType.NamedSchedule )
                metric.ScheduleId = ddlSchedule.SelectedValueAsId();
                metric.ScheduleId = hfUniqueScheduleId.ValueAsInt();

            if ( !Page.IsValid )

            if ( !metric.IsValid )
                // Controls will render the error messages

            if ( !cpMetricCategories.SelectedValuesAsInt().Any() )
                cpMetricCategories.ShowErrorMessage( "Must select at least one category" );

            // do a WrapTransaction since we are doing multiple SaveChanges()
            rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                var scheduleService = new ScheduleService( rockContext );
                var schedule = scheduleService.Get( metric.ScheduleId ?? 0 );
                int metricScheduleCategoryId = new CategoryService( rockContext ).Get( Rock.SystemGuid.Category.SCHEDULE_METRICS.AsGuid() ).Id;
                if ( schedule == null )
                    schedule = new Schedule();

                    // make it an "Unnamed" metrics schedule
                    schedule.Name = string.Empty;
                    schedule.CategoryId = metricScheduleCategoryId;

                // if the schedule was a unique schedule (configured in the Metric UI, set the schedule's ical content to the schedule builder UI's value
                if ( scheduleSelectionType == ScheduleSelectionType.Unique )
                    schedule.iCalendarContent = sbSchedule.iCalendarContent;

                if ( !schedule.HasSchedule() && scheduleSelectionType == ScheduleSelectionType.Unique )
                    // don't save as a unique schedule if the schedule doesn't do anything
                    schedule = null;
                    if ( schedule.Id == 0 )
                        scheduleService.Add( schedule );

                        // save to make sure we have a scheduleId

                if ( schedule != null )
                    metric.ScheduleId = schedule.Id;
                    metric.ScheduleId = null;

                if ( metric.Id == 0 )
                    metricService.Add( metric );

                    // save to make sure we have a metricId

                // update MetricCategories for Metric
                metric.MetricCategories = metric.MetricCategories ?? new List<MetricCategory>();
                var selectedCategoryIds = cpMetricCategories.SelectedValuesAsInt();

                // delete any categories that were removed
                foreach ( var metricCategory in metric.MetricCategories.ToList() )
                    if ( !selectedCategoryIds.Contains( metricCategory.CategoryId ) )
                        metricCategoryService.Delete( metricCategory );

                // add any categories that were added
                foreach ( int categoryId in selectedCategoryIds )
                    if ( !metric.MetricCategories.Any( a => a.CategoryId == categoryId ) )
                        metricCategoryService.Add( new MetricCategory { CategoryId = categoryId, MetricId = metric.Id } );


                // delete any orphaned Unnamed metric schedules
                var metricIdSchedulesQry = metricService.Queryable().Select( a => a.ScheduleId );
                int? metricScheduleId = schedule != null ? schedule.Id : (int?)null;
                var orphanedSchedules = scheduleService.Queryable()
                    .Where( a => a.CategoryId == metricScheduleCategoryId && a.Name == string.Empty && a.Id != ( metricScheduleId ?? 0 ) )
                    .Where( s => !metricIdSchedulesQry.Any( m => m == s.Id ) );
                foreach ( var item in orphanedSchedules )
                    scheduleService.Delete( item );

                if ( orphanedSchedules.Any() )
            } );

            var qryParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            qryParams["MetricId"] = metric.Id.ToString();
            if ( hfMetricCategoryId.ValueAsInt() == 0 )
                int? parentCategoryId = PageParameter( "ParentCategoryId" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
                int? metricCategoryId = new MetricCategoryService( new RockContext() ).Queryable().Where( a => a.MetricId == metric.Id && a.CategoryId == parentCategoryId ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                hfMetricCategoryId.Value = metricCategoryId.ToString();

            qryParams["MetricCategoryId"] = hfMetricCategoryId.Value;
            qryParams["ExpandedIds"] = PageParameter( "ExpandedIds" );

            NavigateToPage( RockPage.Guid, qryParams );
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override bool Execute( RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List<string> errorMessages )
            errorMessages = new List<string>();

            //Get the Attribute Values
            var metricId = GetAttributeValue(action, "MetricId");
            var metricValue = GetAttributeValue(action, "MetricValue");
            var metricDate = GetAttributeValue(action, "MetricDate");
            var metricEntityId = GetAttributeValue(action, "EntityId");
            var metricNotes = GetAttributeValue(action, "Notes");
            var metricType = GetAttributeValue(action, "MetricType");

            //Get Metric Id
            string metricIdContent = metricId;
            Guid metricIdGuid = metricId.AsGuid();
            if (metricIdGuid.IsEmpty())
                metricIdContent = metricIdContent.ResolveMergeFields(GetMergeFields(action));
                var attributeValue = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue(metricIdGuid);

                if (attributeValue != null)
                    metricIdContent = attributeValue;

            //Get Metric Value
            string metricValueContent = metricValue;
            Guid metricValueGuid = metricValue.AsGuid();
            if (metricValueGuid.IsEmpty())
                metricValueContent = metricValueContent.ResolveMergeFields(GetMergeFields(action));
                var attributeValue = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue(metricValueGuid);

                if (attributeValue != null)
                    metricValueContent = attributeValue;

            //Get Metric Date
            string metricDateContent = metricDate;
            Guid metricDateGuid = metricDate.AsGuid();
            if (metricDateGuid.IsEmpty())
                metricDateContent = metricDateContent.ResolveMergeFields(GetMergeFields(action));
                var attributeValue = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue(metricDateGuid);

                if (attributeValue != null)
                    metricDateContent = attributeValue;

            //Get Metric Notes
            string metricNotesContent = metricNotes;
            Guid metricNotesGuid = metricNotes.AsGuid();
            if (metricNotesGuid.IsEmpty())
                metricNotesContent = metricNotesContent.ResolveMergeFields(GetMergeFields(action));
                var attributeValue = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue(metricNotesGuid);

                if (attributeValue != null)
                    metricNotesContent = attributeValue;

            //Get Metric EntityId
            string metricEntityIdContent = metricEntityId;
            Guid metricEntityIdGuid = metricEntityId.AsGuid();
            if (metricEntityIdGuid.IsEmpty())
                metricEntityIdContent = metricEntityIdContent.ResolveMergeFields(GetMergeFields(action));
                var attributeValue = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue(metricEntityIdGuid);

                if (attributeValue != null)
                    metricEntityIdContent = attributeValue;

            //Get Metric Type
            string metricTypeContent = metricType;
            Guid metricTypeGuid = metricType.AsGuid();
            if (metricTypeGuid.IsEmpty())
                metricTypeContent = metricTypeContent.ResolveMergeFields(GetMergeFields(action));
                var attributeValue = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue(metricTypeGuid);

                if (attributeValue != null)
                    metricTypeContent = attributeValue;

            //Convert the Attribute values to approprate types
            DateTime metricDateAsDate = Convert.ToDateTime(metricDateContent);
            Decimal metricValueAsDecimal = Decimal.Parse(metricValueContent);
            int metricEntityIdAsInt = Int32.Parse(metricEntityIdContent);
            int metricTypeAsInt = Int32.Parse(metricTypeContent);

            //Convert Metric Attribute to Id
            var metricIdAsGuidAsValues = metricIdContent.Split('|');
            var metricIdAsGuid = Guid.Parse(metricIdAsGuidAsValues[0]);
            MetricService metricService = new MetricService(rockContext);
            var selectedMetric = metricService.Queryable().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Guid == metricIdAsGuid);
            if (selectedMetric != null)
                int metricIdAsInt = selectedMetric.Id;

                //Save the Metric
                SaveMetric(metricDateAsDate, metricIdAsInt, metricValueAsDecimal, metricEntityIdAsInt, metricNotesContent, metricTypeAsInt);

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the category filter.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindCategoryFilter()
            ddlCategoryFilter.Items.Add( Rock.Constants.All.Text );

            var metricService = new MetricService();
            var items = metricService.Queryable().
                Where( a => a.Category != "" && a.Category != null ).
                OrderBy( a => a.Category ).
                Select( a => a.Category ).

            foreach ( var item in items )
                var li = new ListItem( item );
                li.Selected = ( !Page.IsPostBack && gfFilter.GetUserPreference( "Category" ) == item );
                ddlCategoryFilter.Items.Add( li );
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            Metric metric;

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            MetricService metricService = new MetricService( rockContext );
            MetricCategoryService metricCategoryService = new MetricCategoryService( rockContext );

            int metricId = hfMetricId.Value.AsInteger( false ) ?? 0;

            if ( metricId == 0 )
                metric = new Metric();
                metric = metricService.Get( metricId );

            metric.Title = tbTitle.Text;
            metric.Subtitle = tbSubtitle.Text;
            metric.Description = tbDescription.Text;
            metric.IconCssClass = tbIconCssClass.Text;
            metric.SourceValueTypeId = ddlSourceType.SelectedValueAsId();
            metric.XAxisLabel = tbXAxisLabel.Text;
            metric.YAxisLabel = tbYAxisLabel.Text;
            metric.IsCumulative = cbIsCumulative.Checked;
            metric.EntityTypeId = etpEntityType.SelectedEntityTypeId;

            var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
            var metricChampionPerson = personService.Get( ppMetricChampionPerson.SelectedValue ?? 0 );
            metric.MetricChampionPersonAliasId = metricChampionPerson != null ? metricChampionPerson.PrimaryAliasId : null;
            var adminPerson = personService.Get( ppAdminPerson.SelectedValue ?? 0 );
            metric.AdminPersonAliasId = adminPerson != null ? adminPerson.PrimaryAliasId : null;
            metric.SourceSql = ceSourceSql.Text;
            metric.DataViewId = ddlDataView.SelectedValueAsId();

            if ( rblScheduleSelect.SelectedValueAsEnum<ScheduleSelectionType>() == ScheduleSelectionType.NamedSchedule )
                metric.ScheduleId = ddlSchedule.SelectedValueAsId();
                metric.ScheduleId = hfUniqueScheduleId.ValueAsInt();

            if ( !Page.IsValid )

            if ( !metric.IsValid )
                // Controls will render the error messages

            if ( !cpMetricCategories.SelectedValuesAsInt().Any() )
                cpMetricCategories.ShowErrorMessage( "Must select at least one category" );

            // do a WrapTransaction since we are doing multiple SaveChanges()
            RockTransactionScope.WrapTransaction( () =>
                var scheduleService = new ScheduleService( rockContext );
                var schedule = scheduleService.Get( metric.ScheduleId ?? 0 );
                int metricScheduleCategoryId = new CategoryService( rockContext ).Get( Rock.SystemGuid.Category.SCHEDULE_METRICS.AsGuid() ).Id;
                if ( schedule == null )
                    schedule = new Schedule();

                    // make it an "Unnamed" metrics schedule
                    schedule.Name = string.Empty;
                    schedule.CategoryId = metricScheduleCategoryId;

                schedule.iCalendarContent = sbSchedule.iCalendarContent;
                if ( schedule.Id == 0 )
                    scheduleService.Add( schedule );

                    // save to make sure we have a scheduleId

                metric.ScheduleId = schedule.Id;

                if ( metric.Id == 0 )
                    metricService.Add( metric );

                    // save to make sure we have a metricId

                // update MetricCategories for Metric
                metric.MetricCategories = metric.MetricCategories ?? new List<MetricCategory>();
                var selectedCategoryIds = cpMetricCategories.SelectedValuesAsInt();

                // delete any categories that were removed
                foreach ( var metricCategory in metric.MetricCategories )
                    if ( !selectedCategoryIds.Contains( metricCategory.CategoryId ) )
                        metricCategoryService.Delete( metricCategory );

                // add any categories that were added
                foreach ( int categoryId in selectedCategoryIds )
                    if ( !metric.MetricCategories.Any( a => a.CategoryId == categoryId ) )
                        metricCategoryService.Add( new MetricCategory { CategoryId = categoryId, MetricId = metric.Id } );


                // delete any orphaned Unnamed metric schedules
                var metricIdSchedulesQry = metricService.Queryable().Select( a => a.ScheduleId );
                var orphanedSchedules = scheduleService.Queryable()
                    .Where( a => a.CategoryId == metricScheduleCategoryId && a.Name == string.Empty && a.Id != schedule.Id )
                    .Where( s => !metricIdSchedulesQry.Any( m => m == s.Id ) );
                foreach ( var item in orphanedSchedules )
                    scheduleService.Delete( item );

                if ( orphanedSchedules.Any() )
            } );

            var qryParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            qryParams["MetricId"] = metric.Id.ToString();
            if ( hfMetricCategoryId.ValueAsInt() == 0 )
                int? parentCategoryId = PageParameter( "ParentCategoryId" ).AsInteger();
                int? metricCategoryId = new MetricCategoryService( new RockContext() ).Queryable().Where( a => a.MetricId == metric.Id && a.CategoryId == parentCategoryId ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                hfMetricCategoryId.Value = metricCategoryId.ToString();

            qryParams["MetricCategoryId"] = hfMetricCategoryId.Value;

            NavigateToPage( RockPage.Guid, qryParams );
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the family data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="csvData">The CSV data.</param>
        private int LoadMetrics( CSVInstance csvData )
            // Required variables
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();
            var metricService = new MetricService( lookupContext );
            var categoryService = new CategoryService( lookupContext );
            var metricSourceTypes = DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.METRIC_SOURCE_TYPE ) ).DefinedValues;
            var metricManualSource = metricSourceTypes.FirstOrDefault( m => m.Guid == new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.METRIC_SOURCE_VALUE_TYPE_MANUAL ) );

            var metricEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read<Rock.Model.MetricCategory>( false, lookupContext ).Id;
            var campusEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read<Rock.Model.Campus>( false, lookupContext ).Id;

            var campuses = CampusCache.All();
            var allMetrics = metricService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().ToList();
            var metricCategories = categoryService.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                .Where( c => c.EntityType.Guid == new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.EntityType.METRICCATEGORY ) ).ToList();

            var defaultMetricCategory = metricCategories.FirstOrDefault( c => c.Name == "Metrics" );

            if ( defaultMetricCategory == null )
                defaultMetricCategory = new Category();
                defaultMetricCategory.Name = "Metrics";
                defaultMetricCategory.IsSystem = false;
                defaultMetricCategory.EntityTypeId = metricEntityTypeId;
                defaultMetricCategory.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = string.Empty;
                defaultMetricCategory.EntityTypeQualifierValue = string.Empty;

                lookupContext.Categories.Add( defaultMetricCategory );

                metricCategories.Add( defaultMetricCategory );

            var metricValues = new List<MetricValue>();

            Metric currentMetric = null;
            int completed = 0;

            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Starting metrics import ({0:N0} already exist).", 0 ) );

            string[] row;
            // Uses a look-ahead enumerator: this call will move to the next record immediately
            while ( (row = csvData.Database.FirstOrDefault()) != null )
                string metricCampus = row[MetricCampus];
                string metricName = row[MetricName];
                string metricCategory = row[MetricCategory];

                if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( metricName ) )
                    decimal? value = row[MetricValue].AsDecimalOrNull();
                    DateTime? valueDate = row[MetricService].AsDateTime();
                    var metricCategoryId = defaultMetricCategory.Id;

                    // create the category if it doesn't exist
                    Category newMetricCategory = null;
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( metricCategory ) )
                        newMetricCategory = metricCategories.FirstOrDefault( c => c.Name == metricCategory );
                        if ( newMetricCategory == null )
                            newMetricCategory = new Category();
                            newMetricCategory.Name = metricCategory;
                            newMetricCategory.IsSystem = false;
                            newMetricCategory.EntityTypeId = metricEntityTypeId;
                            newMetricCategory.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = string.Empty;
                            newMetricCategory.EntityTypeQualifierValue = string.Empty;

                            lookupContext.Categories.Add( newMetricCategory );

                            metricCategories.Add( newMetricCategory );

                        metricCategoryId = newMetricCategory.Id;

                    if ( valueDate.HasValue )
                        var timeFrame = ( DateTime )valueDate;
                        if ( timeFrame.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds > 0 )
                            metricName = string.Format( "{0} {1}", timeFrame.ToString( "HH:mm" ), metricName );

                    // create metric if it doesn't exist
                    currentMetric = allMetrics.FirstOrDefault( m => m.Title == metricName && m.MetricCategories.Any( c => c.CategoryId == metricCategoryId ) );
                    if ( currentMetric == null )
                        currentMetric = new Metric();
                        currentMetric.Title = metricName;
                        currentMetric.IsSystem = false;
                        currentMetric.IsCumulative = false;
                        currentMetric.SourceSql = string.Empty;
                        currentMetric.Subtitle = string.Empty;
                        currentMetric.Description = string.Empty;
                        currentMetric.IconCssClass = string.Empty;
                        currentMetric.EntityTypeId = campusEntityTypeId;
                        currentMetric.SourceValueTypeId = metricManualSource.Id;
                        currentMetric.CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAliasId;
                        currentMetric.CreatedDateTime = ImportDateTime;
                        currentMetric.MetricCategories.Add( new MetricCategory { CategoryId = metricCategoryId } );

                        lookupContext.Metrics.Add( currentMetric );

                        allMetrics.Add( currentMetric );

                    var campusId = campuses.Where( c => c.Name == metricCampus || c.ShortCode == metricCampus )
                        .Select( c => ( int? )c.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                    // create values for this metric
                    var metricValue = new MetricValue();
                    metricValue.MetricValueType = MetricValueType.Measure;
                    metricValue.CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAliasId;
                    metricValue.CreatedDateTime = ImportDateTime;
                    metricValue.MetricValueDateTime = valueDate;
                    metricValue.MetricId = currentMetric.Id;
                    metricValue.EntityId = campusId;
                    metricValue.Note = string.Empty;
                    metricValue.XValue = string.Empty;
                    metricValue.YValue = value;
                    metricValues.Add( metricValue );

                    if ( completed % (ReportingNumber * 10) < 1 )
                        ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "{0:N0} metrics imported.", completed ) );
                    else if ( completed % ReportingNumber < 1 )
                        SaveMetrics( metricValues );

                        // Reset lookup context
                        lookupContext = new RockContext();

            // Check to see if any rows didn't get saved to the database
            if ( metricValues.Any() )
                SaveMetrics( metricValues );

            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Finished metrics import: {0:N0} metrics added or updated.", completed ) );
            return completed;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        public void Execute( IJobExecutionContext context )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var metricService = new MetricService( rockContext );
            var metricValueService = new MetricValueService( rockContext );

            var metricSourceValueTypeDataviewGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.METRIC_SOURCE_VALUE_TYPE_DATAVIEW.AsGuid();
            var metricSourceValueTypeSqlGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.METRIC_SOURCE_VALUE_TYPE_SQL.AsGuid();

            var metricsQry = metricService.Queryable( "Schedule" ).Where(
                a => a.ScheduleId.HasValue
                && a.SourceValueTypeId.HasValue
                && ( a.SourceValueType.Guid == metricSourceValueTypeDataviewGuid || a.SourceValueType.Guid == metricSourceValueTypeSqlGuid ) );

            var metricsList = metricsQry.OrderBy( a => a.Title ).ThenBy( a => a.Subtitle ).ToList();

            var metricExceptions = new List<Exception>();

            foreach ( var metric in metricsList )
                    var lastRunDateTime = metric.LastRunDateTime ?? metric.CreatedDateTime ?? metric.ModifiedDateTime;
                    if ( lastRunDateTime.HasValue )
                        var currentDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                        // get all the schedule times that were supposed to run since that last time it was scheduled to run
                        var scheduledDateTimesToProcess = metric.Schedule.GetScheduledStartTimes( lastRunDateTime.Value, currentDateTime ).Where( a => a > lastRunDateTime.Value ).ToList();
                        foreach ( var scheduleDateTime in scheduledDateTimesToProcess )
                            Dictionary<int, decimal> resultValues = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();
                            if ( metric.SourceValueType.Guid == metricSourceValueTypeDataviewGuid )
                                // get the metric value from the DataView
                                if ( metric.DataView != null )
                                    var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                                    var qry = metric.DataView.GetQuery( null, null, out errorMessages );
                                    if ( metric.EntityTypeId.HasValue )
                                        throw new NotImplementedException( "Partitioned Metrics using DataViews is not supported." );
                                        resultValues.Add( 0, qry.Count() );
                            else if ( metric.SourceValueType.Guid == metricSourceValueTypeSqlGuid )
                                // calculate the metricValue assuming that the SQL returns one row with one numeric field
                                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( metric.SourceSql ) )
                                    string formattedSql = metric.SourceSql.ResolveMergeFields( metric.GetMergeObjects( scheduleDateTime ) );
                                    var tableResult = DbService.GetDataTable( formattedSql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, null );
                                    foreach ( var row in tableResult.Rows.OfType<System.Data.DataRow>() )
                                        int entityId = 0;
                                        decimal countValue;
                                        if ( tableResult.Columns.Count >= 2 )
                                            if ( tableResult.Columns.Contains( "EntityId" ) )
                                                entityId = Convert.ToInt32( row["EntityId"] );
                                                // assume SQL is in the form "SELECT Count(*), EntityId FROM ..."
                                                entityId = Convert.ToInt32( row[1] );

                                        if ( tableResult.Columns.Contains( "Value" ) )
                                            countValue = Convert.ToDecimal( row["Value"] );
                                            // assume SQL is in the form "SELECT Count(*), EntityId FROM ..."
                                            countValue = Convert.ToDecimal( row[0] );

                                        resultValues.Add( entityId, countValue );

                            metric.LastRunDateTime = scheduleDateTime;

                            if ( resultValues.Any() )
                                foreach ( var resultValue in resultValues )
                                    var metricValue = new MetricValue();
                                    metricValue.MetricId = metric.Id;
                                    metricValue.MetricValueDateTime = scheduleDateTime;
                                    metricValue.MetricValueType = MetricValueType.Measure;
                                    metricValue.YValue = resultValue.Value;
                                    metricValue.EntityId = resultValue.Key > 0 ? resultValue.Key : (int?)null;

                                    metricValueService.Add( metricValue );

                catch ( Exception ex )
                    metricExceptions.Add( new Exception( string.Format( "Exception when calculating metric for ", metric ), ex ) );

            if ( metricExceptions.Any() )
                throw new AggregateException( "One or more metric calculations failed ", metricExceptions );