Ejemplo n.º 1
     * divideCrvsByDeltaTan : Curve[] * double -> LinkedList<Plane>
     * REQUIRES: theta > 0
     * ENSURES: divideCrvsByDeltaTan(crvs, theta) returns a linked list of planes
     *          along the curves s.t. there is a plane at every point along
     *          the curve where the change in the tangent vector between
     *          two points is greater than theta.
    private IEnumerable<Point3d> DivByAngle(Curve crv, double angle)

      //initialize parameters
      double theta = angle;
      Interval dom = crv.Domain;
      double stepSize = Math.Abs(dom.Length) * Constants.AbsoluteTolerance * Constants.AbsoluteTolerance;

      //initialize list
      List<Point3d> pts = new List<Point3d>();

      Continuity c = Continuity.C1_continuous;
      //initialize data
      double rover = dom.Min; //steps along the curve by stepSize

      //Add plane at start point of curve to list
      Point3d pt = crv.PointAt(rover);

      Vector3d prevTan = crv.TangentAt(rover);
      double oldRover = rover; //stores the previous rover for comparison
      rover += stepSize;

      while (rover < dom.Max)
        Vector3d currTan = crv.TangentAt(rover);
        //If there is a discontinuity between the oldRover and rover
        //then place a point at the discontinuity and update prevTan.
        double discontinuity;
        bool isDisc = crv.GetNextDiscontinuity(c, oldRover, rover,
          out discontinuity);
        if (isDisc)
          pt = crv.PointAt(discontinuity);
          prevTan = crv.TangentAt(discontinuity);

        //If the change in tangent vector is greater than theta,
        //then drop a target at the rover and update prevTan.
        double delta = RhinoMath.ToDegrees(Math.Abs(Vector3d.VectorAngle(prevTan, currTan)));
        if (delta > theta)
          pt = crv.PointAt(rover);
          prevTan = currTan;
        oldRover = rover;
        rover += stepSize;

      //Add target at end point of curve
      pt = crv.PointAt(dom.Max);
      return pts;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Computes the fillet arc for a curve filleting operation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="curve0">First curve to fillet.</param>
    /// <param name="curve1">Second curve to fillet.</param>
    /// <param name="radius">Fillet radius.</param>
    /// <param name="t0Base">Parameter on curve0 where the fillet ought to start (approximately).</param>
    /// <param name="t1Base">Parameter on curve1 where the fillet ought to end (approximately).</param>
    /// <returns>The fillet arc on success, or Arc.Unset on failure.</returns>
    public static Arc CreateFillet(Curve curve0, Curve curve1, double radius, double t0Base, double t1Base)
      Arc arc = Arc.Unset;

      double t0, t1;
      Plane plane;
      if (GetFilletPoints(curve0, curve1, radius, t0Base, t1Base, out t0, out t1, out plane))
        Vector3d radial0 = curve0.PointAt(t0) - plane.Origin;
        Vector3d radial1 = curve1.PointAt(t1) - plane.Origin;

        double angle = System.Math.Acos(radial0 * radial1);
        Plane fillet_plane = new Plane(plane.Origin, radial0, radial1);
        arc = new Arc(fillet_plane, plane.Origin, radius, angle);
      return arc;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Plane horizFrame(Curve C, double t)
     //Create a plane aligned with the world z-axis
     Vector3d Tangent = C.TangentAt(t);
     Vector3d Z = Vector3d.ZAxis;
     Vector3d Perp = Vector3d.CrossProduct(Z, Tangent);
     Plane frame = new Plane(C.PointAt(t), Tangent, Perp);
     return frame;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private LyrebirdCurve GetLBCurve(Curve crv)
            LyrebirdCurve lbc = null;

            List<LyrebirdPoint> points = new List<LyrebirdPoint>();
            if (crv.IsLinear())
                // standard linear element
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtStart.X, crv.PointAtStart.Y, crv.PointAtStart.Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtEnd.X, crv.PointAtEnd.Y, crv.PointAtEnd.Z));
                lbc = new LyrebirdCurve(points, "Line");
            else if (crv.IsCircle())
                crv.Domain = new Interval(0, 1);
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtStart.X, crv.PointAtStart.Y, crv.PointAtStart.Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAt(0.25).X, crv.PointAt(0.25).Y, crv.PointAt(0.25).Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAt(0.5).X, crv.PointAt(0.5).Y, crv.PointAt(0.5).Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAt(0.75).X, crv.PointAt(0.75).Y, crv.PointAt(0.75).Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtEnd.X, crv.PointAtEnd.Y, crv.PointAtEnd.Z));
                lbc = new LyrebirdCurve(points, "Circle");
            else if (crv.IsArc())
                crv.Domain = new Interval(0, 1);
                // standard arc element
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtStart.X, crv.PointAtStart.Y, crv.PointAtStart.Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAt(0.5).X, crv.PointAt(0.5).Y, crv.PointAt(0.5).Z));
                points.Add(new LyrebirdPoint(crv.PointAtEnd.X, crv.PointAtEnd.Y, crv.PointAtEnd.Z));
                lbc = new LyrebirdCurve(points, "Arc");
                // Spline
                // Old line: if (crv.Degree >= 3)
                if (crv.Degree == 3)
                    NurbsCurve nc = crv as NurbsCurve;
                    if (nc != null)
                        List<LyrebirdPoint> lbPoints = new List<LyrebirdPoint>();
                        List<double> weights = new List<double>();
                        List<double> knots = new List<double>();

                        foreach (ControlPoint cp in nc.Points)
                            LyrebirdPoint pt = new LyrebirdPoint(cp.Location.X, cp.Location.Y, cp.Location.Z);
                            double weight = cp.Weight;
                        for (int k = 0; k < nc.Knots.Count; k++)
                            double knot = nc.Knots[k];
                            // Add a duplicate knot for the first and last knot in the Rhino curve.
                            // Revit needs 2 more knots than Rhino to define a spline.
                            if (k == 0 || k == nc.Knots.Count - 1)

                        lbc = new LyrebirdCurve(lbPoints, weights, knots, nc.Degree, nc.IsPeriodic) { CurveType = "Spline" };
                    const double incr = 1.0 / 100;
                    List<LyrebirdPoint> pts = new List<LyrebirdPoint>();
                    List<double> weights = new List<double>();
                    for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                        Point3d pt = crv.PointAtNormalizedLength(i * incr);
                        LyrebirdPoint lbp = new LyrebirdPoint(pt.X, pt.Y, pt.Z);

                    lbc = new LyrebirdCurve(pts, "Spline") { Weights = weights, Degree = crv.Degree };

            return lbc;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public Mesh MeshLoft(Curve c1, Curve c2, int u, int v)
     double[] uList1 = c1.DivideByCount(u, true);
     double[] uList2 = c2.DivideByCount(u, true);
     List<Polyline> input1 = new List<Polyline>();
     for (int i = 0; i < uList1.Length; i++)
         Point3d p1 = c1.PointAt(uList1[i]);
         Point3d p2 = c2.PointAt(uList2[i]);
         Vector3d V = p2 - p1;
         V /= v;
         Polyline pl = new Polyline();
         for (int k = 0; k < v + 1; k++)
             pl.Add(p1 + (V * k));
     return MeshLoft(input1, false, false);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public Mesh TriangleMeshLoft2(Curve c1, Curve c2, int t1, int t2)
     Vector3d v1 = c1.PointAtEnd - c1.PointAtStart;
     Vector3d v2 = c2.PointAtEnd - c2.PointAtStart;
     if (Vector3d.VectorAngle(v1, v2) > Math.PI / 2) { c2.Reverse(); }
     Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
     List<Point3d> ps = new List<Point3d>();
     int Count = t1 - t2;
     double[] t01 = c1.DivideByCount(Count, true);
     double[] t02 = c2.DivideByCount(Count, true);
     for (int i = t2; i <= t1; i++)
         Point3d p1 = c1.PointAt(t01[i - t2]);
         Point3d p2 = c2.PointAt(t02[i - t2]);
         Vector3d v = p2 - p1;
         for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
             double t3 = 0;
             if (i > 1) { t3 = ((double)k / (double)(i - 1)); }
             ps.Add(p1 + v * t3);
     if (t2 > 1)
         return TriangleMeshFromPoints(ps, t2, t1);
     if (t2 == 1) { return TriangleMeshFromPoints(ps); }
     else return mesh;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public Mesh TriangleMeshLoft(Curve c1, Curve c2, int t1, int t2)
            Vector3d v1 = c1.PointAtEnd - c1.PointAtStart;
            Vector3d v2 = c2.PointAtEnd - c2.PointAtStart;
            if (Vector3d.VectorAngle(v1, v2) > Math.PI / 2) { c2.Reverse(); }

            List<Point3d> ps = new List<Point3d>();
            double[] t0 = c2.DivideByCount(t2 - 1, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < t0.Length; i++)
            { ps.Add(c2.PointAt(t0[i])); }

            for (int i = t2; i < t1; i++)
                t0 = c2.DivideByCount(i, true);
                double[] t01 = c1.DivideByCount(i, true);
                for (int k = 0; k < t01.Length; k++)
                    Vector3d v = c1.PointAt(t01[k]) - c2.PointAt(t0[k]);
                    v *= (double)((i - t2 + 1)) / (double)(t1 - t2);
                    ps.Add(c2.PointAt(t0[k]) + v);
            return TriangleMeshFromPoints(ps, t2, t1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public Mesh TriangleMeshLoft(Curve c1, Point3d c2, int t)
     List<Point3d> ps = new List<Point3d>();
     for (int i = 2; i < t + 2; i++)
         double[] t1 = c1.DivideByCount(i - 1, true);
         for (int k = 0; k < t1.Length; k++)
             Vector3d v = c1.PointAt(t1[k]) - c2;
             v *= ((double)i - 1) / (double)t;
             ps.Add(c2 + v);
     return TriangleMeshFromPoints(ps, t + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Mesh MeshSweep1(Curve l, Curve l2, int Count, int Count2)
     Polyline ls = new Polyline();
     double[] div = l2.DivideByCount(Count2, true);
     for (int i = 0; i < div.Length; i++)
     return MeshSweep1(l, ls, Count);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void CurveCP(Brep x, Curve y, int V, int U)
     int u = bitmap1.Size.Width;
     int v = bitmap1.Size.Height;
     Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap1);
     g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, u, v);
     System.Drawing.SolidBrush myBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.Black);
     float step1 = u / U;
     float step2 = v / V;
     for (float i = 25; i < u - 25; i += step1)
         for (float j = 25; j < v - 25; j += step2)
             double Umin = x.Faces[0].Domain(0).Min;
             double Umax = x.Faces[0].Domain(0).Max;
             double Vmin = x.Faces[0].Domain(1).Min;
             double Vmax = x.Faces[0].Domain(1).Max;
             Point3d pos = x.Faces[0].PointAt(i / u * (Umax - Umin) + Umin, j / v * (Vmax - Vmin) + Vmin);
             double t; float R;
             if (y.ClosestPoint(pos, out t, 200))
                 double dis = y.PointAt(t).DistanceTo(pos);
                 dis /= 200;
                 R = (float)(1 / dis * 2);
                 if (R > 40) R = 40;
             else { R = 20; }
             g.FillEllipse(myBrush, i - R, v - j - R, R * 2, R * 2);
                public override BroadRay Directions(int index, int thread, ref Random random, ref Curve Curves, ref double[] DomainPower, ref double Delay, ref Phase_Regime ph, ref int S_ID)
                    double pos = random.NextDouble();
                    int i;

                    Interval t = Curves.Domain;
                    double x = random.NextDouble() * (t[1] - t[0]) + t[0];
                    Point3d P = Curves.PointAt(x);
                    Vector3d f = Curves.TangentAt(x);
                    Vector fore = new Hare.Geometry.Vector(f.X, f.Y, f.Z);

                    double Theta = random.NextDouble() * 2 * System.Math.PI;
                    double Phi = random.NextDouble() * 2 * System.Math.PI;
                    Vector Direction = new Hare.Geometry.Vector(Math.Sin(Theta) * Math.Cos(Phi), Math.Sin(Theta) * Math.Sin(Phi), Math.Cos(Theta));

                    double cosphi = Hare.Geometry.Hare_math.Dot(Direction, fore);
                    double sinphi = Math.Sqrt(1 - cosphi * cosphi);
                    double tanphi =  sinphi/cosphi;
                    double F_r = sinphi * sinphi * Math.Pow((tanphi * tanphi + 1) / (tanphi * tanphi + (1 + tanphi * Math.Tan(delta))), 1.5);

                    double[] power = new double[8];
                    for (int oct = 0; oct < 8; oct++) power[oct] = DomainPower[oct] * reciprocal_velocity * dLinf * F_r;
                    double[] phase = new double[8];
                    if (ph == Phase_Regime.Random) for (int o = 0; o < 8; o++) phase[o] = random.Next() * 2 * Math.PI;
                    else for (int o = 0; o < 8; o++) phase[o] = 0 - Delay * Utilities.Numerics.angularFrequency[o];

                    return new BroadRay(Utilities.PachTools.RPttoHPt(P), Direction, random.Next(), thread, DomainPower, phase, Delay, S_ID);
                public override double[] DirPower(int threadid, int random, Vector Direction, double position, ref Curve Curves, ref double[] DomainPower)
                    X_Event X = new X_Event();
                    double[] RayPower = new double[8];

                    Interval t = Curves.Domain;
                    Point3d P = Curves.PointAt((position/t.Length) + t.Min);
                    Vector3d f = Curves.TangentAt(position);
                    Vector fore = new Hare.Geometry.Vector(f.X, f.Y, f.Z);

                    double cosphi = Hare.Geometry.Hare_math.Dot(Direction, fore);
                    double sinphi = Math.Sqrt(1 - cosphi * cosphi);
                    double tanphi = sinphi / cosphi;
                    double F_r = sinphi * sinphi * Math.Pow((tanphi * tanphi + 1) / (tanphi * tanphi + (1 + tanphi * Math.Tan(delta))), 1.5);

                    for (int oct = 0; oct < 8; oct++)
                        if (DomainPower[oct] == 0)
                            RayPower[oct] = 0;
                            RayPower[oct] = DomainPower[oct] * reciprocal_velocity * dLinf * F_r;
                    return RayPower;
                public override BroadRay Directions(int index, int thread, ref Random random, ref Curve Curves, ref double[] DomainPower, ref double Delay, ref Phase_Regime ph, ref int S_ID)
                    double pos = random.NextDouble();
                    int i;

                    Interval t = Curves.Domain;
                    double x = random.NextDouble() * (t[1] - t[0]) + t[0];
                    Point3d P = Curves.PointAt(x);

                    double Theta = random.NextDouble() * 2 * System.Math.PI;
                    double Phi = random.NextDouble() * 2 * System.Math.PI;
                    Vector Direction = new Hare.Geometry.Vector(Math.Sin(Theta) * Math.Cos(Phi), Math.Sin(Theta) * Math.Sin(Phi), Math.Cos(Theta));
                    double[] phase = new double[8];
                    if (ph == Phase_Regime.Random) for (int o = 0; o < 8; o++) phase[o] = random.Next() * 2 * Math.PI;
                    else for (int o = 0; o < 8; o++) phase[o] = 0 - Delay * Utilities.Numerics.angularFrequency[o];

                    return new BroadRay(Utilities.PachTools.RPttoHPt(P), Direction, random.Next(), thread, DomainPower, phase, Delay, S_ID);
Ejemplo n.º 14
    private void RunScript(Brep x, Curve y, int V, int U, ref object A)
        Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap1);
        g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, u, v);
        System.Drawing.SolidBrush myBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.Black);

        float step1 = u / U;
        float step2 = v / V;
        for (float i = 25; i < u - 25; i += step1)
            for (float j = 25; j < v - 25; j += step2)
                double Umin = x.Faces[0].Domain(0).Min;
                double Umax = x.Faces[0].Domain(0).Max;
                double Vmin = x.Faces[0].Domain(1).Min;
                double Vmax = x.Faces[0].Domain(1).Max;
                Point3d pos = x.Faces[0].PointAt(i / u * (Umax - Umin) + Umin, j / v * (Vmax - Vmin) + Vmin);
                double t; float R;
                if (y.ClosestPoint(pos, out t, 200))
                    double dis = y.PointAt(t).DistanceTo(pos);
                    dis /= 200;
                    R = (float)(1 / dis * 2);
                    //  Print(R.ToString());
                    if (R > 40) R = 40;
                else { R = 20; }
                g.FillEllipse(myBrush, i - R, v - j - R, R * 2, R * 2);

        str = @"C:\maps\temp1.jpg";
        Mesh[] meshes = Mesh.CreateFromBrep(x, MeshingParameters.Smooth);
        Mesh M = new Mesh();
        foreach (Mesh partialMesh in meshes)

        Rhino.Display.DisplayMaterial mat = new Rhino.Display.DisplayMaterial();
        mat.SetTransparencyTexture(str, true);
        mat.BackTransparency = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Rhino.Geometry.Curve rectangle = null;
            DA.GetData(0, ref rectangle);

            bool closedBool = rectangle.IsClosed;
            int  spans      = rectangle.SpanCount;
            int  degree     = rectangle.Degree;

            List <Rhino.Geometry.Point2d> originalPoints = new List <Point2d>();

            List <double> xVals = new List <double>();
            List <double> yVals = new List <double>();

            if (closedBool != true || spans != 4 || degree != 1)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Input curve is not a closed, linear quadrilateral.");


            for (int i = 0; i < spans; i++)
                Rhino.Geometry.Point3d cornerPoint          = rectangle.PointAt(rectangle.SpanDomain(i).Min);
                Rhino.Geometry.Point2d flattenedCornerPoint = new Rhino.Geometry.Point2d(cornerPoint);


            Rhino.Geometry.LineCurve testCurveA = new Rhino.Geometry.LineCurve(originalPoints[0], originalPoints[2]);
            Rhino.Geometry.LineCurve testCurveB = new Rhino.Geometry.LineCurve(originalPoints[1], originalPoints[3]);

            if (testCurveA.GetLength() != testCurveB.GetLength())
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Input curve is not orthogonal, results are not guaranteed.");

            Rhino.Geometry.Point2d topRightPoint = new Rhino.Geometry.Point2d(xVals.Max(), yVals.Max());
            DA.SetData(1, topRightPoint);

            Rhino.Geometry.Point2d topLeftPoint = new Rhino.Geometry.Point2d(xVals.Min(), yVals.Max());
            DA.SetData(2, topLeftPoint);

            Rhino.Geometry.Point2d bottomLeftPoint = new Rhino.Geometry.Point2d(xVals.Min(), yVals.Min());
            DA.SetData(3, bottomLeftPoint);

            Rhino.Geometry.Point2d bottomRightPoint = new Rhino.Geometry.Point2d(xVals.Max(), yVals.Min());
            DA.SetData(4, bottomRightPoint);

            List <Rhino.Geometry.Point2d> orderedPoints = new List <Point2d>();


            DA.SetDataList(0, orderedPoints);

            //TODO: Check for rotation. No warnings will be raised if input is orthogonal rotated object, but corners will not be accurate.
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private double computeBiasHeight(Point3d P, bool biasApicalRegions, Curve boundaryCurve)
            double t;
            boundaryCurve.ClosestPoint(P, out t);
            double minDist = Utils.Distance(P, boundaryCurve.PointAt(t));

            if (biasApicalRegions)
                foreach (Circle apical in iApicals)
                    double dist = Utils.Distance(P, apical.Center) - (apical.Radius + 0.1);
                    if (dist < 0.0) dist = 0.0;

                    if (dist < minDist)
                        minDist = dist;

            return iInitialCurvingBias * (1.0 - Math.Pow(0.9, minDist * 15.0));