Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Extracts season and episode number by using some regexes from config file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ie">InfoEntry which should be processed</param>
 public static void ExtractSeasonAndEpisode(InfoEntry ie)
     string[] patterns = Helper.ReadProperties(Config.EpIdentifier);
     for (int i = 0; i < patterns.Length; i++)
         patterns[i] = RegexConverter.toRegex(patterns[i]);
     ExtractSeasonAndEpisode(ie, patterns);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public CollidingFiles(InfoEntry ie1, InfoEntry ie2)
     this.ie1 = ie1;
     this.ie2 = ie2;
     label2.Text = ie1.FilePath.Path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ie1.Filename;
     label4.Text = ie1.GetFormattedFullDestination();
     if (!ie2.ProcessingRequested)
         btnSkipSecond.Enabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //we should do the other initializations here too, because they won't update when the user changes the configuration if they are initialized in the constructor
        private void reset()
            string[]      tags         = Helper.ReadProperties(Config.Tags);
            List <string> MovieRegexes = new List <string>();

            foreach (string s in tags)
                MovieRegexes.Add("[^A-Za-z0-9]+" + s);
            MovieTagPatterns = MovieRegexes.ToArray();
            string[] blacklist = Helper.ReadProperties(Config.PathBlacklist);
            pathBlacklist          = String.Join("|", blacklist);
            blacklist              = Helper.ReadProperties(Config.FilenameBlacklist);
            filenameBlacklist      = String.Join("|", blacklist);
            MovieNameFromDirectory = false;
            name                = null;
            ie                  = null;
            part                = -1;
            sequelNumber        = -1;
            multifile           = false;
            filenameBlacklisted = false;
 private void reset()
     seriesNameFromDirectory = false;
     name = null;
     ie = null;
     filenameBlacklisted = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updatess list view and do lots of other connected stuff with it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clear">if true, list is cleared first and unconnected subtitle files are scheduled to be renamed</param>
        /// <param name="KeepShowName">if set, show name isn't altered</param>
        public static void UpdateList(bool clear, BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            InfoEntryManager infoManager = InfoEntryManager.Instance;

            // Clear list if desired, remove deleted files otherwise
            if (clear) {
            else {

            // read path from config && remove tailing slashes
            string path = Helper.ReadProperty(Config.LastDirectory);
            path = path.TrimEnd(new char[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar });
            Logger.Instance.LogMessage("Opening folder " + path, LogLevel.DEBUG);
            bool CreateDirectoryStructure = Helper.ReadBool(Config.CreateDirectoryStructure);
            bool UseSeasonSubdirs = Helper.ReadBool(Config.UseSeasonSubDir);

            if (Directory.Exists(path)) {
                //scan for new files
                List<string> extensions = new List<string>(Helper.ReadProperties(Config.Extensions));
                if (extensions == null) {
                    Logger.Instance.LogMessage("No File Extensions found!", LogLevel.WARNING);
                //convert all extensions to lowercase
                for (int i = 0; i < extensions.Count; i++) {
                    extensions[i] = extensions[i].ToLower();
                //read all files with matching extension
                List<FileSystemInfo> Files = new List<FileSystemInfo>();
                int count = 0;
                foreach (string ex in extensions) {
                    Files.AddRange(Helper.GetAllFilesRecursively(path, "*." + ex, ref count,worker));

                if (worker.CancellationPending)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                    Logger.Instance.LogMessage("Cancelled opening folder.", LogLevel.INFO);

                if (Form1.Instance.InvokeRequired)
                    Form1.Instance.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate
                        Form1.Instance.lblFileListingProgress.Visible = false;
                        Form1.Instance.progressBar1.Visible = true;
                    Form1.Instance.lblFileListingProgress.Visible = false;
                    Form1.Instance.progressBar1.Visible = true;

                //some declarations already for speed
                string[] patterns = Helper.ReadProperties(Config.EpIdentifier);
                for (int i = 0; i < patterns.Length; i++)
                    patterns[i] = RegexConverter.toRegex(patterns[i]);
                int DirectorySeason = -1;
                InfoEntry ie = null;
                bool contains = false;
                DateTime dt;
                string currentpath = "";
                string MovieIndicator = String.Join("|", Helper.ReadProperties(Config.MovieIndicator));
                //Form1.Instance.progressBar1.Maximum = Files.Count;
                for(int f=0;f<Files.Count;f++){
                    if (worker.CancellationPending)
                        e.Cancel = true;
                        Logger.Instance.LogMessage("Cancelled opening folder.", LogLevel.INFO);
                    worker.ReportProgress((int) ((double)f/((double)Files.Count)*100));
                    FileSystemInfo file=Files[f];
                    //showname and season recognized from path
                    DirectorySeason = -1;
                    //Check if there is already an entry on this file, and if not, create one
                    ie = null;
                    currentpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(file.FullName);
                    foreach (InfoEntry i in InfoEntryManager.Instance) {
                        if (i.Filename == file.Name && i.FilePath.Path == currentpath) {
                            ie = i;

                    if (ie == null) {
                        ie = new InfoEntry();

                    //test for movie path so we can skip all series recognition code
                    if (Regex.Match(currentpath, MovieIndicator).Success)
                        ie.Movie = true;
                    //Set basic values, by setting those values destination directory and filename will be generated automagically
                    ie.FilePath.Path = currentpath;
                    ie.Filename = file.Name;
                    ie.Extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FullName).ToLower().Replace(".", "");

                        //Get season number and showname from directory
                        DirectorySeason = ExtractSeasonFromDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(file.FullName));
                        dt = DateTime.Now;

                        //try to recognize season and episode from filename
                        ExtractSeasonAndEpisode(ie, patterns);

                        //Need to do this for filenames which only contain episode numbers (But might be moved in a season dir already)
                        //if season number couldn't be extracted, try to get it from folder
                        if (ie.Season <= 0 && DirectorySeason != -1)
                            ie.Season = DirectorySeason;

                        //if season recognized from directory name doesn't match season recognized from filename, the file might be located in a wrong directory
                        if (DirectorySeason != -1 && ie.Season != DirectorySeason)
                            Logger.Instance.LogMessage("File seems to be located inconsistently: " + ie.Filename + " was recognized as season " + ie.Season + ", but folder name indicates that it should be season " + DirectorySeason.ToString(), LogLevel.WARNING);


                    //if nothing could be recognized, assume that this is a movie
                    if ((ie.Season < 1 && ie.Episode < 1) || ie.Movie) {

                    //if not added yet, add it
                    if (!contains) {

            //Recreate subtitle names so they can adjust to the video files they belong to
            foreach (InfoEntry ie in InfoEntryManager.Instance)
                if (ie.IsSubtitle)

            Logger.Instance.LogMessage("Found " + InfoEntryManager.Instance.Count + " Files", LogLevel.INFO);
            if (Helper.ReadBool(Config.FindMissingEpisodes))
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts season and episode number by using some regexes specified in patterns
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ie">InfoEntry which should be processed</param>
        /// <param name="patterns">Patterns to be used for recognition, supply these for speed reasons?</param>
        public static void ExtractSeasonAndEpisode(InfoEntry ie, string[] patterns)
            string strSeason = "";
            string strEpisode = "";
            Match m = null;
            int episode = -1;
            int season = -1;
            Logger.Instance.LogMessage("Extracting season and episode from " + ie.FilePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+ie.Filename, LogLevel.DEBUG);
            //[Tags] and (CRCXXXXX) are removed for recognition, since they might produce false positives
            string cleanedname = Regex.Replace(ie.Filename, "\\[.*?\\]|\\(.{8}\\)", "");
            foreach (string pattern in patterns)
                //Try to match. If it works, get the season and the episode from the match
                m = Regex.Match(cleanedname, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
                if (m.Success)
                    Logger.Instance.LogMessage("This pattern produced a match: " + pattern, LogLevel.DEBUG);
                    strSeason = "";
                    strEpisode = "";
                    //ignore numbers like 2063, chance is higher they're a year than a valid season/ep combination
                    if (Int32.Parse(m.Groups["Season"].Value + m.Groups["Episode"].Value) > 2000 && (m.Groups["Season"].Value + m.Groups["Episode"].Value).StartsWith("20"))
                        strSeason = Int32.Parse(m.Groups["Season"].Value).ToString();
                    catch (FormatException)
                        strEpisode = Int32.Parse(m.Groups["Episode"].Value).ToString();
                    catch (FormatException)
                    //Fix for .0216. notation for example, 4 numbers should always be recognized as %S%S%E%E (IF THEY ARENT A YEAR!)
                    if (strEpisode.Length == 3 && strSeason.Length == 1)
                        strSeason += strEpisode[0];
                        strEpisode = strEpisode.Substring(1);
                        if (strSeason[0] == '0')
                            strSeason = strSeason.Substring(1);

                        episode = Int32.Parse(strEpisode);
                        Logger.Instance.LogMessage("Cannot parse found episode: " + strEpisode, LogLevel.DEBUG);
                        season = Int32.Parse(strSeason);
                        Logger.Instance.LogMessage("Cannot parse found season: " + strSeason, LogLevel.DEBUG);

                    if ((ie.Filename.ToLower().Contains("720p") && season == 7 && episode == 20) | (ie.Filename.ToLower().Contains("1080p") && season == 10 && episode == 80))
                        season = -1;
                        episode = -1;
                    ie.Season = season;
                    ie.Episode = episode;
        //NOTE: Need a feature to detect if the sequel name is already contained within the filename but was found somewhere else(eg directory) and added to the end again, e.g. "Hackers 2 Operation Takedown 2"
        public string ExtractMovieName(InfoEntry ie)
            this.ie = ie;
            name = ie.FilePath.Name;
            folders=new List<string>(Filepath.extractFoldernamesFromPath(ie.FilePath.Path));

            //folderlevels are used to see which directory contains the video name, so we can set ie.extractednamelevel for path creation
            List<int> folderlevels = new List<int>();
            int origcount=folders.Count;
            if (Regex.IsMatch(name, filenameBlacklist, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                filenameBlacklisted = true;
                //must be atleast 1 then
                ie.ExtractedNameLevel = 1;

            //Remove all illegal paths
            int j = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<folders.Count;i++){
                if (Regex.IsMatch(folders[i], pathBlacklist, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                return "Not Recognized";
            if (!filenameBlacklisted)

            //The idea here is to test if the current name might be a better name instead of the previous one
            //We go upwards and try to find part and sequel numbers, as well as movie name. Those might be from different folders, so we need to check all legit ones

            //Clean first name (sequel and part should still be -1
            name = "";
            for (int i = folders.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                string testname = folders[i];
                int testpart = -1;
                int testsequel = -1;

                //Test for sample
                if (testname.ToLower().Contains("sample"))
                    name = "Sample";
                    return name;
                testname = NameCleanup.RemoveReleaseGroupTag(testname);

                int firsttag = testname.Length;
                //remove tags and store the first occurence of a tag
                //since we may miss a few tags, the string after the first occurence of a tag is removed later (not now since it may
                //contain additional information). Tags need to be removed before part and sequel detection, to avoid detecting things like 720p
                foreach (string s in MovieTagPatterns)
                    Match m = Regex.Match(testname, s, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    if (m.Success)
                        if (m.Index < firsttag)
                            firsttag = m.Index;
                        testname = testname.Substring(0, m.Index)+testname.Substring(m.Index+m.Length,testname.Length-(m.Index+m.Length));

                testpart = ExtractPartNumber(ref testname, ref firsttag);
                if (testpart != -1)
                    ie.IsMultiFileMovie = true;

                testsequel = ExtractSequelNumber(ref testname,ref firsttag);

                //now after recognition of part and sequel numbers, remove the rest too
                testname = testname.Substring(0, firsttag);
                testname = NameCleanup.Postprocessing(testname);

                //Some counterchecks against previous result here
                if (testpart != -1 && part == -1)
                    part = testpart;
                    ie.ExtractedNameLevel = folderlevels[i];
                if (testsequel != -1 && sequelNumber == -1) sequelNumber = testsequel;
                if (name==""||Helper.InitialsMatch(testname, name)) name = testname;

            if (sequelNumber != -1)
                name += " " + sequelNumber;
            if (part != -1)
                name += " CD" + part;
            return name;
 //we should do the other initializations here too, because they won't update when the user changes the configuration if they are initialized in the constructor
 private void reset()
     string[] tags = Helper.ReadProperties(Config.Tags);
     List<string> MovieRegexes = new List<string>();
     foreach (string s in tags)
         MovieRegexes.Add("[^A-Za-z0-9]+" + s);
     MovieTagPatterns = MovieRegexes.ToArray();
     string[] blacklist = Helper.ReadProperties(Config.PathBlacklist);
     pathBlacklist = String.Join("|", blacklist);
     blacklist = Helper.ReadProperties(Config.FilenameBlacklist);
     filenameBlacklist = String.Join("|", blacklist);
     MovieNameFromDirectory = false;
     name = null;
     ie = null;
     part = -1;
     sequelNumber = -1;
     multifile = false;
     filenameBlacklisted = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets video file matching to subtitle
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ieSubtitle">InfoEntry of a subtitle to find matching video file for</param>
 /// <returns>Matching video file</returns>
 public InfoEntry GetVideo(InfoEntry ieSubtitle)
     List<string> vidext = new List<string>(Helper.ReadProperties(Config.Extensions));
     foreach (InfoEntry ie in this.episodes) {
         if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ieSubtitle.Filename) == Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ie.Filename)) {
             if (vidext.Contains(ie.Extension)) {
                 return ie;
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 internal void Add(InfoEntry ie)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void Remove(InfoEntry ie)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// figures out if 2 infoentry target locations collide
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ie1"></param>
        /// <param name="ie2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsSameTarget(InfoEntry ie1, InfoEntry ie2)
            if (ie1 == ie2) return false;
            string name1, name2, dest1, dest2;
            if (ie1.Destination == "")
                dest1 = ie1.FilePath.Path;
                dest1 = ie1.Destination;
                if (!ie1.ProcessingRequested) return false;
            if (ie2.Destination == "")
                dest2 = ie2.FilePath.Path;
                dest2 = ie2.Destination;
                if (!ie2.ProcessingRequested) return false;
            if (ie1.NewFilename == "")
                name1 = ie1.Filename;
                name1 = ie1.NewFilename;
                if (!ie1.ProcessingRequested) return false;
            if (ie2.NewFilename == "")
                name2 = ie2.Filename;
                name2 = ie2.NewFilename;
                if (!ie2.ProcessingRequested) return false;

            return name1 == name2 && dest1 == dest2;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public int IndexOf(InfoEntry ie)
     for (int i = 0; i < episodes.Count; i++)
         if (episodes[i] == ie)
             return i;
     return -1;
 public string ExtractSeriesName(InfoEntry ie)
     this.ie = ie;
     // Read plain filename
     string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ie.Filename);
     filename = NameCleanup.RemoveReleaseGroupTag(filename);
     folders = Filepath.extractFoldernamesFromPath(ie.FilePath.Path);
     if (ie.InSeasonFolder && folders.Length > 2)
         if (!Regex.IsMatch(folders[folders.Length - 2], pathBlacklist, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
             return folders[folders.Length - 2];
     if (folders.Length != 0) {
         extractNameFromString(folders[folders.Length - 1]);
     if (name == null) return "";
     return name;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        //NOTE: Need a feature to detect if the sequel name is already contained within the filename but was found somewhere else(eg directory) and added to the end again, e.g. "Hackers 2 Operation Takedown 2"
        public string ExtractMovieName(InfoEntry ie)
            this.ie = ie;
            name    = ie.FilePath.Name;
            folders = new List <string>(Filepath.extractFoldernamesFromPath(ie.FilePath.Path));

            //folderlevels are used to see which directory contains the video name, so we can set ie.extractednamelevel for path creation
            List <int> folderlevels = new List <int>();
            int        origcount    = folders.Count;

            if (Regex.IsMatch(name, filenameBlacklist, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                filenameBlacklisted = true;
                //must be atleast 1 then
                ie.ExtractedNameLevel = 1;

            //Remove all illegal paths
            int j = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < folders.Count; i++)
                if (Regex.IsMatch(folders[i], pathBlacklist, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                    folderlevels.Add(origcount - j);
            if (filenameBlacklisted && folders.Count == 0)
                return("Not Recognized");
            if (!filenameBlacklisted)

            //The idea here is to test if the current name might be a better name instead of the previous one
            //We go upwards and try to find part and sequel numbers, as well as movie name. Those might be from different folders, so we need to check all legit ones

            //Clean first name (sequel and part should still be -1
            name = "";
            for (int i = folders.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                string testname   = folders[i];
                int    testpart   = -1;
                int    testsequel = -1;

                //Test for sample
                if (testname.ToLower().Contains("sample"))
                    name = "Sample";
                testname = NameCleanup.RemoveReleaseGroupTag(testname);

                int firsttag = testname.Length;
                //remove tags and store the first occurence of a tag
                //since we may miss a few tags, the string after the first occurence of a tag is removed later (not now since it may
                //contain additional information). Tags need to be removed before part and sequel detection, to avoid detecting things like 720p
                foreach (string s in MovieTagPatterns)
                    Match m = Regex.Match(testname, s, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    if (m.Success)
                        if (m.Index < firsttag)
                            firsttag = m.Index;
                        testname = testname.Substring(0, m.Index) + testname.Substring(m.Index + m.Length, testname.Length - (m.Index + m.Length));

                testpart = ExtractPartNumber(ref testname, ref firsttag);
                if (testpart != -1)
                    ie.IsMultiFileMovie = true;

                testsequel = ExtractSequelNumber(ref testname, ref firsttag);

                //now after recognition of part and sequel numbers, remove the rest too
                testname = testname.Substring(0, firsttag);
                testname = NameCleanup.Postprocessing(testname);

                //Some counterchecks against previous result here
                if (testpart != -1 && part == -1)
                    part = testpart;
                    ie.ExtractedNameLevel = folderlevels[i];
                if (testsequel != -1 && sequelNumber == -1)
                    sequelNumber = testsequel;
                if (name == "" || Helper.InitialsMatch(testname, name))
                    name = testname;

            if (sequelNumber != -1)
                name += " " + sequelNumber;
            if (part != -1)
                name += " CD" + part;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// This function generates a new filename from the Target Pattern, episode, season, title, showname,... values
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateNewName()
            if ((Movie && Showname == "") || (!Movie && !isSubtitle && nameOfEpisode == ""))
                NewFilename = "";
                //Note: Subtitle destination path is set here too
                if (isSubtitle)
                    if (nameOfEpisode == "" && Season > -1 && Episode > -1)
                        InfoEntry videoEntry = InfoEntryManager.Instance.GetMatchingVideo(Showname, Season, Episode);
                        if (videoEntry != null)
                            string nfn, dst;
                            if (videoEntry.NewFilename == "")
                                nfn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(videoEntry.Filename);
                                nfn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(videoEntry.NewFilename);
                            nfn += "." + Extension;

                            //Move to Video file
                            dst = videoEntry.Destination;

                            //Don't do this if name fits already
                            if (nfn == Filename)
                                nfn = "";
                            //Don't do this if path fits already
                            if (dst == FilePath.Path)
                                dst = "";
                            NewFilename = nfn;
                            Destination = dst;
                //Target Filename format
                string tmpname;

                //Those 3 strings need case/Umlaut processing
                string epname     = this.nameOfEpisode;
                string seriesname = nameOfSeries;
                string extension  = Extension;

                if (!isMovie)
                    tmpname = Helper.ReadProperty(Config.TargetPattern);
                    tmpname = tmpname.Replace("%e", episode.ToString());
                    tmpname = tmpname.Replace("%E", episode.ToString("00"));
                    tmpname = tmpname.Replace("%s", season.ToString());
                    tmpname = tmpname.Replace("%S", season.ToString("00"));
                    adjustSpelling(ref epname, false);
                    tmpname = "%T";

                adjustSpelling(ref seriesname, false);
                adjustSpelling(ref extension, true);

                //Now that series title, episode title and extension are properly processed, add them to the filename

                //Remove extension from target filename (if existant) and add properly cased one
                tmpname  = Regex.Replace(tmpname, "\\." + extension, "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                tmpname += "." + extension;

                tmpname = tmpname.Replace("%T", seriesname);
                tmpname = tmpname.Replace("%N", epname);

                //string replace function
                List <string> replace = new List <string>(Helper.ReadProperties(Config.Replace));
                List <string> from    = new List <string>();
                List <string> to      = new List <string>();
                foreach (string s in replace)
                    if (!s.StartsWith(Settings.Instance.Comment))
                        string[] replacement = s.Split(new string[] { "->" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (replacement != null && replacement.Length == 2)
                            tmpname = Regex.Replace(tmpname, replacement[0], replacement[1], RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                //set new filename if renaming process is required
                if (Filename == tmpname)
                    NewFilename = "";
                    NewFilename = tmpname;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public InfoEntry GetCollidingInfoEntry(InfoEntry ie)
     foreach(InfoEntry ie2 in this){
             return ie2;
     return null;