Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void show3()
            salary_class salary_Class = new salary_class();

            salary_Class.Year_no = date_year.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String year_no = salary_Class.Year_no;

            salary_Class.Month_no = date_month.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String month_no = salary_Class.Month_no;

            string           query            = "SELECT month_no,year_no,premiums ,tours,rewards,insurance,discounts,net_salary,comments FROM financial_reports WHERE employee_id='" + employee_id + "' AND year_no='" + year_no + "' AND month_no='" + month_no + "'";
            MySqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, databaseConnection);
            MySqlCommand     command          = new MySqlCommand(query, databaseConnection);
            MySqlDataReader  myreader         = command.ExecuteReader();

            while (myreader.Read())
                int n = dataGridView3.Rows.Add();
                dataGridView3.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = myreader.GetString(0);
                dataGridView3.Rows[n].Cells[1].Value = myreader.GetString(1);
                dataGridView3.Rows[n].Cells[2].Value = myreader.GetString(2);
                dataGridView3.Rows[n].Cells[3].Value = myreader.GetString(3);
                dataGridView3.Rows[n].Cells[4].Value = myreader.GetString(4);
                dataGridView3.Rows[n].Cells[5].Value = myreader.GetString(5);
                dataGridView3.Rows[n].Cells[6].Value = myreader.GetString(6);
                dataGridView3.Rows[n].Cells[7].Value = myreader.GetString(7);
                dataGridView3.Rows[n].Cells[8].Value = myreader.GetString(8);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void show2()
            salary_class salary_Class = new salary_class();

            salary_Class.Year_no = date_year.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String year_no = salary_Class.Year_no;

            salary_Class.Month_no = date_month.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String month_no = salary_Class.Month_no;

            string           query            = "SELECT day_borrow,month_borrow,date_borrow ,Amount FROM borrowing WHERE ID_employee='" + employee_id + "' AND date_borrow='" + year_no + "' AND month_borrow='" + month_no + "'";
            MySqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, databaseConnection);
            MySqlCommand     command          = new MySqlCommand(query, databaseConnection);
            MySqlDataReader  myreader         = command.ExecuteReader();

            while (myreader.Read())
                int n = dataGridView2.Rows.Add();
                dataGridView2.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = myreader.GetString(0);
                dataGridView2.Rows[n].Cells[1].Value = myreader.GetString(1);
                dataGridView2.Rows[n].Cells[2].Value = myreader.GetString(2);
                dataGridView2.Rows[n].Cells[3].Value = myreader.GetString(3);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void show_borrowing()
            salary_class salary_Class = new salary_class();

            salary_Class.Day_no = comboBox_dayno_borrows.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String day_no = salary_Class.Day_no;

            salary_Class.Month_no = date_month.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String month_no = salary_Class.Month_no;

            salary_Class.Year_no = date_year.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String year_no = salary_Class.Year_no;

            string query = "SELECT Amount FROM borrowing WHERE day_borrow='" + day_no + "' AND month_borrow ='" + month_no + "' AND date_borrow='" + year_no + "'";

            MySqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, databaseConnection);
            DataTable        dataTable        = new DataTable();


            foreach (DataRow datarow in dataTable.Rows)
                int n = dataGridView2.Rows.Add();
                dataGridView2.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = datarow[0].ToString();
                sum_day_borrowing += double.Parse(datarow[0].ToString());

                label6.Text = sum_day_borrowing + " JD";
            // MessageBox.Show("sum_Month_borrowing : " + sum_day_borrowing);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void view_year_installment()
            salary_class salary_Class = new salary_class();

            salary_Class.Year_no = date_year.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String year_no = salary_Class.Year_no;

            string query = "SELECT sum FROM payments WHERE year_no='" + year_no + "'";

            MySqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, databaseConnection);
            DataTable        dataTable        = new DataTable();


            foreach (DataRow datarow in dataTable.Rows)
                int n = dataGridView1.Rows.Add();
                dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = datarow[0].ToString();
                sum_year_installment += double.Parse(datarow[0].ToString());

                label8.Text = sum_year_installment + " JD";
            //  MessageBox.Show("sum_year_installment : " + sum_year_installment);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void view_monthly_discounts()
            salary_class salary_Class = new salary_class();

            salary_Class.Year_no = date_year.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String year_no = salary_Class.Year_no;

            salary_Class.Month_no = date_month.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String month_no = salary_Class.Month_no;

            string query = "SELECT discounts FROM financial_reports WHERE  month_no ='" + month_no + "' AND year_no='" + year_no + "'";

            MySqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, databaseConnection);
            DataTable        dataTable        = new DataTable();


            foreach (DataRow datarow in dataTable.Rows)
                int n = dataGridView2.Rows.Add();
                dataGridView2.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = datarow[0].ToString();
                sum_Month_discounts += double.Parse(datarow[0].ToString());

                label6.Text = sum_Month_discounts + " JD";
            //  MessageBox.Show("sum_Month_discounts : " + sum_Month_discounts);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void view_year_salaries()
            salary_class salary_Class = new salary_class();

            salary_Class.Year_no = date_year.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String year_no = salary_Class.Year_no;

            string query = "SELECT DISTINCT employee_id,net_salary FROM financial_reports WHERE  year_no='" + year_no + "'";

            MySqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, databaseConnection);
            DataTable        dataTable        = new DataTable();


            foreach (DataRow datarow in dataTable.Rows)
                int n = dataGridView1.Rows.Add();
                dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = datarow[1].ToString();
                sum_year_salary += double.Parse(datarow[1].ToString());

                label8.Text = sum_year_salary + " JD";
            //  MessageBox.Show("sum_year_salary : " + sum_year_salary);
        private void calculate_salary()
            String sql1, employee_id = "";
            String employee_name = comboBox_list_Employee.SelectedItem.ToString();

            sql1 = "SELECT id,name,salary FROM employee WHERE name='" + employee_name + "'";

            MySqlCommand command1;

            command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql1, databaseConnection);

            MySqlDataReader myaReader1 = command1.ExecuteReader();

            while (myaReader1.Read())
                employee_id = employee_id + myaReader1.GetString(0) + "\n";
                salary      = double.Parse(myaReader1.GetString(2));

            string query = comboBox_list_Employee.Text;

            if (query == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please insert some sql query");

            MySqlCommand commandDatabase = new MySqlCommand(query, databaseConnection);

            commandDatabase.CommandTimeout = 60;

            salary_class salary_Class = new salary_class();

            double reward = 0, tou = 0, premiu = 0, borrows = 0;
            String tour = "", rewards = "", premiums = "";

            if (txt_rewards.Text == "" || txt_premiums.Text == "" || txt_tours.Text == "")
                reward = 0; tou = 0; premiu = 0;
                salary_Class.Premiums = txt_premiums.Text;
                premiums = salary_Class.Premiums; //  العلاوات
                premiu   = double.Parse(txt_premiums.Text);

                salary_Class.Tours = txt_tours.Text;
                tour = salary_Class.Tours;   // الجولات
                tou  = double.Parse(txt_tours.Text);

                salary_Class.Rewards = txt_rewards.Text;
                rewards = salary_Class.Rewards;   //  المكافآت
                reward  = double.Parse(txt_rewards.Text);

            salary_Class.Year_no = date_year.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String year_no = salary_Class.Year_no;

            salary_Class.Month_no = date_month.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String month_no = salary_Class.Month_no;

            salary_Class.Insurance = txt_insurance.Text;
            String insurance = salary_Class.Insurance;  // التأمين

            ins = double.Parse(txt_insurance.Text);

            salary_Class.Discounts = comboBox_discounts.SelectedItem.ToString();
            String discounts1 = salary_Class.Discounts;

            salary_Class.Discounts = txt_discounts.Text;
            String discounts2 = salary_Class.Discounts;

            double disc2 = double.Parse(txt_discounts.Text);

            double disc = double.Parse(comboBox_discounts.SelectedItem.ToString());

            //MessageBox.Show("disc : " + disc);
            //double discs = salary/30;
            //MessageBox.Show("discs : " + discs);
            // MessageBox.Show("salary : " + salary);
            dis = disc * (salary / 30);
            //MessageBox.Show("dis : " + dis);
            double discounts = dis + disc2;   //  الخصم

            // salary_Class.Borrow = txt_borrows.Text;
            //String borrow = salary_Class.Borrow;   //  السلف
            //borrows = double.Parse(txt_borrows.Text);

            // salary_Class.Day_no = comboBox_dayno_borrows.SelectedItem.ToString();
            //String day_no = salary_Class.Day_no;   //  يوم السلفة
            //day_no = double.Parse(textBox8.Text);

            salary_Class.Comments = txt_Comments.Text;
            String comments = salary_Class.Comments;  // ملاحظات

            salary_Class.Net_salary = txt_netSalary.Text;

                String sql = "";

                sql = "SELECT id FROM financial_reports WHERE employee_id='" + employee_id + "'";

                MySqlCommand command;
                string       found = "";
                command = new MySqlCommand(sql, databaseConnection);

                MySqlDataReader myaReader = command.ExecuteReader();

                while (myaReader.Read())
                    found = myaReader.GetString(0);

                if (found == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("غير موجود");

                    ins_percent = ins / 100;
                    // MessageBox.Show("ins_percent : " + ins_percent);
                    ins_sal = ins_percent * salary; //salary - (ins * salary);
                                                    // MessageBox.Show("ins_salary : " + ins_sal);

                    net_sal1 = (premiu + tou + reward);
                    net_sal2 = (ins_sal + discounts);                   // borrows
                    if (reward == 0 || premiu == 0 || tou == 0)
                        //net_sal3 = net_sal2;
                        if ((net_sal1 - net_sal2) < 0)
                            net_sal3 = (net_sal2) - (net_sal1);
                            net_sal3 = (net_sal1) - (net_sal2);
                    //MessageBox.Show("net_sal1 : " + net_sal1);
                    //MessageBox.Show("net_sal2 : " + net_sal2);
                    // MessageBox.Show("net_sal2 : " + net_sal3);
                    //MessageBox.Show("borrows :" + borrows);

                    net_salary = (salary) - (net_sal3);
                    //double net_new_salary = (net_salary)- (ins_sal);
                    txt_netSalary.Text = net_salary + "";
                    //MessageBox.Show("net_salary : " + net_salary);

                    //MessageBox.Show(employee_id + "..........." + salary);

                    commandDatabase.CommandText = "INSERT INTO financial_reports(id,year_no, month_no, premiums, tours, rewards,insurance,discounts,employee_id,net_salary,comments)VALUES(NULL,'" + year_no + "','" + month_no + "','" + premiu + "','" + tou + "','" + reward + "','" + ins_sal + "','" + discounts + "','" + employee_id + "','" + net_salary + "','" + comments + "')";

                    MessageBox.Show("insert INTO financial_reports successfully");
                    String year = "", mounth = "", sqls3 = "";
                    sqls3 = "SELECT year_no,month_no FROM financial_reports WHERE employee_id='" + employee_id + "'";

                    MySqlCommand commands3;

                    commands3 = new MySqlCommand(sqls3, databaseConnection);

                    MySqlDataReader myaReaders3 = commands3.ExecuteReader();

                    while (myaReaders3.Read())
                        year = myaReaders3.GetString(0);

                        mounth = myaReaders3.GetString(1);

                    if (year == year_no && mounth == month_no)
                        String sqls, net_selery_final_discounts = "";

                        sqls = "SELECT net_salary ,premiums ,tours , rewards,insurance ,discounts FROM financial_reports WHERE employee_id='" + employee_id + "' AND year_no='" + year_no + "' AND month_no='" + month_no + "'";

                        MySqlCommand commands;

                        commands = new MySqlCommand(sqls, databaseConnection);

                        MySqlDataReader myaReaders = commands.ExecuteReader();

                        while (myaReaders.Read())
                            net_selery_final_discounts = myaReaders.GetString(0);           //290
                            premiums_final_discounts   = double.Parse(myaReaders.GetString(1));
                            tours_final_discounts      = double.Parse(myaReaders.GetString(2));
                            rewards_final_discounts    = double.Parse(myaReaders.GetString(3));
                            insurance_final_discounts  = double.Parse(myaReaders.GetString(4));
                            discounts_final_discounts  = double.Parse(myaReaders.GetString(5));

                        premiums_final_discounts  += premiu;
                        tours_final_discounts     += tou;
                        rewards_final_discounts   += reward;
                        insurance_final_discounts += ins_sal;
                        discounts_final_discounts += discounts;

                        salary_value_discounts = salary - double.Parse(net_selery_final_discounts);
                        //MessageBox.Show("net_selery_final_discounts : " + net_selery_final_discounts);
                        //MessageBox.Show("salary_value_discounts : " + salary_value_discounts);

                        ins_percent = ins / 100;
                        //MessageBox.Show("ins_percent : " + ins_percent);
                        ins_sal = ins_percent * salary; //salary - (ins * salary);
                                                        //MessageBox.Show("ins_sal : " + ins_sal);

                        net_sal1 = (premiu + tou + reward);
                        net_sal2 = (ins_sal + discounts);                  //borrows
                                                                           //if (reward == 0 || premiu == 0 || tou == 0)
                                                                           //    //net_sal3 = net_sal2;
                                                                           //    MessageBox.Show("Enter number " );


                        if ((net_sal1 - net_sal2) < 0)
                            net_sal3   = (net_sal2) - (net_sal1);
                            net_salary = (salary) - (net_sal3);
                            net_sal3   = (net_sal1) - (net_sal2);
                            net_salary = (salary) + (net_sal3);
                        //MessageBox.Show("net_sal1 : " + net_sal1);
                        //MessageBox.Show("net_sal2 : " + net_sal2);
                        // MessageBox.Show("net_sal3 : " + net_sal3);
                        // MessageBox.Show("borrows :" + borrows);

                        //double net_new_salary = (net_salary)- (ins_sal);
                        txt_netSalary.Text = net_salary + "";
                        //MessageBox.Show("salary : " + salary);
                        //MessageBox.Show("net_salary : " + net_salary);

                        //MessageBox.Show("employee_id : " + employee_id + "..........." + "salary : " + salary);

                        /*commandDatabase.CommandText = "INSERT INTO financial_reports(id,year_no, month_no, premiums, tours, rewards,insurance,discounts,employee_id,net_salary,comments)VALUES(NULL,'" + year_no + "','" + month_no + "','" + premiu + "','" + tour + "','" + rewards + "','" + ins_sal + "','" + discounts + "','" + employee_id + "','" + net_salary + "','" + comments + "')";
                         * commandDatabase.ExecuteNonQuery();
                         * commandDatabase.Dispose();*/

                        remaind_salary = salary - net_salary;
                        //MessageBox.Show("remaind_salary : " + remaind_salary);

                        salary_updated     = salary - (remaind_salary + salary_value_discounts);
                        txt_netSalary.Text = salary_updated + "";

                        //MessageBox.Show("salary_updated : " + salary_updated);

                        // , , rewards,insurance ,discounts

                        commandDatabase.CommandText = "Update financial_reports set net_salary='" + salary_updated + "',premiums='" + premiu + "',tours='" + tou + "',rewards='" + rewards + "',insurance='" + ins_sal + "',discounts='" + discounts + " ' WHERE employee_id = '" + employee_id + "' AND year_no = '" + year_no + "' AND month_no = '" + month_no + "'";

                        MessageBox.Show(" Update financial_reports ");

                    /* else
                     * {
                     *   double ins_percent = ins / 100;
                     *   //MessageBox.Show("ins_percent : " + ins_percent);
                     *   double ins_sal = ins_percent * salary;//salary - (ins * salary);
                     *   //MessageBox.Show("ins_salary : " + ins_sal);
                     *   double net_sal3 = 0.0;
                     *   double net_sal1 = (premiu + tou + reward);
                     *   double net_sal2 = (ins_sal + discounts);   // borrows
                     *   if (reward == 0 || premiu == 0 || tou == 0)
                     *   {
                     *       net_sal3 = net_sal2;
                     *   }
                     *   else
                     *   {
                     *       if ((net_sal1 - net_sal2) < 0)
                     *       {
                     *           net_sal3 = (net_sal2) - (net_sal1);
                     *       }
                     *       else
                     *       {
                     *           net_sal3 = (net_sal1) - (net_sal2);
                     *       }
                     *   }
                     *   //MessageBox.Show("net_sal1 : " + net_sal1);
                     *   //MessageBox.Show("net_sal2 : " + net_sal2);
                     *   //MessageBox.Show("net_sal2 : " + net_sal3);
                     *   //MessageBox.Show("borrows :" + borrows);
                     *   double net_salary = (salary) - (net_sal3);
                     *   //double net_new_salary = (net_salary)- (ins_sal);
                     *   txt_netSalary.Text = net_salary + "";
                     *   //MessageBox.Show("net_salary : " + net_salary);
                     *   //MessageBox.Show(employee_id + "..........." + salary);
                     *   commandDatabase.CommandText = "INSERT INTO financial_reports(id,year_no, month_no, premiums, tours, rewards,insurance,discounts,employee_id,net_salary,comments)VALUES(NULL,'" + year_no + "','" + month_no + "','" + premiu + "','" + tour + "','" + rewards + "','" + ins_sal + "','" + discounts + "','" + employee_id + "','" + net_salary + "','" + comments + "')";
                     *   commandDatabase.ExecuteNonQuery();
                     *   commandDatabase.Dispose();
                     *   MessageBox.Show("insert INTO financial_reports successfully");
                     * }*/
            catch (Exception ex)

             *          string query2 = comboBox_list_Employee.Text;
             *          if (query == "")
             *          {
             *              MessageBox.Show("Please insert some sql query");
             *              return;
             *          }
             *          MySqlCommand commandDatabase2 = new MySqlCommand(query, databaseConnection);
             *          commandDatabase2.CommandTimeout = 60;
             *          //    double salary = 0.0;
             *          try
             *          {
             *              //commandDatabase2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO borrowing(id,ID_employee, date_borrow, day_borrow, Amount, month_borrow)VALUES(NULL,'" + employee_id + "','" + year_no + "','" + day_no + "','" + borrows + "','" + month_no + "')";
             *              // commandDatabase2.ExecuteNonQuery();
             *              //commandDatabase2.Dispose();
             *          }
             *          catch (Exception ex)
             *          {
             *              MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);
             *          }
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void calculate_borrowing()
            string query = comboBox_list_Employee.Text;

            if (query == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please insert some sql query");

            MySqlCommand commandDatabase = new MySqlCommand(query, databaseConnection);

            commandDatabase.CommandTimeout = 60;

            String sql1, employee_id = "";
            double borrows = 0.0;
            double salary  = 0.0;

                salary_class salary_Class = new salary_class();

                String employee_name = comboBox_list_Employee.SelectedItem.ToString();
                sql1 = "SELECT id,name,salary FROM employee WHERE name='" + employee_name + "'";

                MySqlCommand command1;
                command1 = new MySqlCommand(sql1, databaseConnection);

                MySqlDataReader myaReader1 = command1.ExecuteReader();

                while (myaReader1.Read())
                    employee_id = employee_id + myaReader1.GetString(0) + "\n";
                    salary      = double.Parse(myaReader1.GetString(2));

                salary_Class.Borrow = txt_borrows.Text;
                String borrow = salary_Class.Borrow;   //  السلف
                borrows = double.Parse(txt_borrows.Text);

                salary_Class.Day_no = comboBox_dayno_borrows.SelectedItem.ToString();
                String day_no = salary_Class.Day_no;   //  يوم السلفة

                salary_Class.Year_no = date_year.SelectedItem.ToString();
                String year_no = salary_Class.Year_no;

                salary_Class.Month_no = date_month.SelectedItem.ToString();
                String month_no = salary_Class.Month_no;

                String sql22 = "";

                sql22 = "SELECT id FROM financial_reports WHERE employee_id='" + employee_id + "' AND year_no='" + year_no + "' AND month_no='" + month_no + "'";

                MySqlCommand command22;
                string       found = "";
                command22 = new MySqlCommand(sql22, databaseConnection);

                MySqlDataReader myaReader22 = command22.ExecuteReader();

                while (myaReader22.Read())
                    found = myaReader22.GetString(0);

                if (found != "")
                    MessageBox.Show(" موجود");

                    String sqls             = "";
                    double net_selery_final = 0.0;

                    double net_selery_final_borrowing = 0.0;

                    sqls = "SELECT net_salary FROM financial_reports WHERE employee_id='" + employee_id + "' AND year_no='" + year_no + "' AND month_no='" + month_no + "'";

                    MySqlCommand commands;

                    commands = new MySqlCommand(sqls, databaseConnection);

                    MySqlDataReader myaReaders = commands.ExecuteReader();

                    while (myaReaders.Read())
                        net_selery_final = double.Parse(myaReaders.GetString(0));

                    net_selery_final_borrowing = net_selery_final - borrows;
                    // MessageBox.Show("net_selery_final : " + net_selery_final);
                    //  MessageBox.Show("amount_borrowing : " + borrows);
                    //  MessageBox.Show("net_selery_final_borrowing : " + net_selery_final_borrowing);

                    commandDatabase.CommandText = "INSERT INTO borrowing(id,ID_employee, date_borrow, day_borrow, Amount, month_borrow)VALUES(NULL,'" + employee_id + "','" + year_no + "','" + day_no + "','" + borrows + "','" + month_no + "')";

                    label11.Text = net_selery_final_borrowing + "";

                    // commandDatabase.CommandText = "INSERT INTO financial_reports(id,year_no, month_no, premiums, tours, rewards,insurance,discounts,employee_id,net_salary,comments)VALUES(NULL,'" + year_no + "','" + month_no + "','" + 0 + "','" + 0 + "','" + 0 + "','" + 0 + "','" + 0 + "','" + employee_id + "','" + net_selery_final_borrowing + "','" + "" + "')";
                    // MessageBox.Show("insert new Salary ");

                    commandDatabase.CommandText = "Update financial_reports set net_salary='" + net_selery_final_borrowing + " ' WHERE employee_id = '" + employee_id + "' AND year_no = '" + year_no + "' AND month_no = '" + month_no + "'";
                    MessageBox.Show("تم تسجيل السلفة بنجاح ");
                    //MessageBox.Show(" Update financial_reports ");
                    //  MessageBox.Show("غير موجود");

                    commandDatabase.CommandText = "INSERT INTO borrowing(id,ID_employee, date_borrow, day_borrow, Amount, month_borrow)VALUES(NULL,'" + employee_id + "','" + year_no + "','" + day_no + "','" + borrows + "','" + month_no + "')";

                    //String sqls = "";
                    //double net_selery_final = 0.0;

                    double net_selery_final_borrowing22 = 0.0;

                    net_selery_final_borrowing22 = salary - borrows;

                    label11.Text = net_selery_final_borrowing22 + "";

                    //  MessageBox.Show("net_selery_final_borrowing22: " + net_selery_final_borrowing22);

                    commandDatabase.CommandText = "INSERT INTO financial_reports(id,year_no, month_no, premiums, tours, rewards,insurance,discounts,employee_id,net_salary,comments)VALUES(NULL,'" + year_no + "','" + month_no + "','" + 0 + "','" + 0 + "','" + 0 + "','" + 0 + "','" + 0 + "','" + employee_id + "','" + net_selery_final_borrowing22 + "','" + "" + "')";
                    MessageBox.Show("تم تسجيل السلفة بنجاح ");

            catch (Exception ex)