Ejemplo n.º 1
        public SummaryResult ParseSummary(string rawResult)
            const string kDurationStart = "(Total execution time: ";
            int          durationStart  = rawResult.IndexOf(kDurationStart) + kDurationStart.Length;
            int          durationEnd    = rawResult.IndexOf(" sec", durationStart);

            int totalEnd   = rawResult.IndexOf(" run", durationEnd);
            int totalStart = rawResult.IndexOf("\n\n", durationEnd) + 2;

            int passedEnd   = rawResult.IndexOf(" passed", durationEnd);
            int passedStart = rawResult.LastIndexOf(' ', passedEnd - 1) + 1;

            int failedEnd   = rawResult.IndexOf(" failed", durationEnd);
            int failedStart = rawResult.LastIndexOf(' ', failedEnd - 1) + 1;

            int skippedEnd   = rawResult.IndexOf(" skipped", durationEnd);
            int skippedStart = rawResult.LastIndexOf(' ', skippedEnd - 1) + 1;

            SummaryResult result = new SummaryResult();

            result.Duration   = rawResult.Substring(durationStart, durationEnd - durationStart);
            result.TotalCount = rawResult.Substring(totalStart, totalEnd - totalStart);
            result.PassCount  = rawResult.Substring(passedStart, passedEnd - passedStart);
            result.FailCount  = rawResult.Substring(failedStart, failedEnd - failedStart);
            result.SkipCount  = rawResult.Substring(skippedStart, skippedEnd - skippedStart);

 /// <summary>
 /// Emit the AllTestsComplete event
 /// </summary>
 protected void RaiseAllComplete(SummaryResult result)
     if (AllTestsComplete != null)
         AllTestsComplete(this, new AllTestsCompleteEventArgs(result.PassCount, result.FailCount, result.SkipCount, result.Duration));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Break out results and raise appropriate events
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultSource"></param>
        private void ParseResults(System.Xml.XmlNode resultSource)
            SummaryResult result = new SummaryResult();

            if (resultSource == null)
                result.Duration   = "0";
                result.TotalCount = "0";
                result.PassCount  = "0";
                result.FailCount  = "0";
                result.SkipCount  = "0";
                for (int i = 0; i < resultSource.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                    ProcessTest(XunitResultXmlUtility.GetResult(resultSource, i));
                result.Duration   = GetAttribute(resultSource, "time");
                result.TotalCount = "0";
                result.PassCount  = GetAttribute(resultSource, "passed");
                result.FailCount  = GetAttribute(resultSource, "failed");
                result.SkipCount  = GetAttribute(resultSource, "skipped");
 /// <summary>
 /// Emit the AllTestsComplete event
 /// </summary>
 protected void RaiseAllComplete(SummaryResult result)
     if (AllTestsComplete != null)
         AllTestsComplete(this, new AllTestsCompleteEventArgs(result.PassCount, result.FailCount, result.SkipCount, result.Duration));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public SummaryResult ParseSummary(string rawResult)
            //Disposing the test runner.\nStop time: 7:22 AM (Total execution time: 22.019 seconds)\n\n6 run, 1 passed, 5 failed, 0 inconclusive, 0 skipped\n\n\n";
            SummaryResult result = new SummaryResult();
            string        footer = rawResult.Substring(rawResult.IndexOf("\nStop time:"));

            result.Duration   = Regex.Match(footer, @"\d+\.\d+").Value;
            result.TotalCount = Regex.Match(Regex.Match(footer, @"\d+\srun").Value, @"\d+").Value;
            result.PassCount  = Regex.Match(Regex.Match(footer, @"\d+\spassed").Value, @"\d+").Value;
            result.FailCount  = Regex.Match(Regex.Match(footer, @"\d+\sfailed").Value, @"\d+").Value;
            result.SkipCount  = Regex.Match(Regex.Match(footer, @"\d+\sskipped").Value, @"\d+").Value;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static SummaryResult ParseSummary(List <string> source)
            SummaryResult result      = new SummaryResult();
            string        summaryLine = source.Find(line => line.Trim().StartsWith("<test-results name="));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(summaryLine))
                //<test-results name="redgreenplayground.dll" total="5" failures="4" not-run="1" date="2009-10-02" time="10:35:46">
                string[] attributes = summaryLine.Split(' ');
                foreach (string keyValue in attributes)
                    if (keyValue.Contains("="))
                        int    delimiter = keyValue.IndexOf("=");
                        string key       = keyValue.Substring(0, delimiter);
                        string value     = keyValue.Substring(delimiter + 2, keyValue.Length - delimiter - 3);
                        switch (key)
                        case "total":
                            result.TotalCount = value;

                        case "failures":
                            result.FailCount = value;

                        case "not-run":
                            result.SkipCount = value;

                result.PassCount = (int.Parse(result.TotalCount) - int.Parse(result.FailCount)).ToString();
                result.Duration  = String.Empty;
        public SummaryResult ParseSummary(string rawResult)
            const string kDurationStart = "(Total execution time: ";
            int durationStart = rawResult.IndexOf(kDurationStart) + kDurationStart.Length;
            int durationEnd = rawResult.IndexOf(" sec", durationStart);

            int totalEnd = rawResult.IndexOf(" run", durationEnd);
            int totalStart = rawResult.IndexOf("\n\n", durationEnd) + 2;

            int passedEnd = rawResult.IndexOf(" passed", durationEnd);
            int passedStart = rawResult.LastIndexOf(' ', passedEnd - 1) + 1;

            int failedEnd = rawResult.IndexOf(" failed", durationEnd);
            int failedStart = rawResult.LastIndexOf(' ', failedEnd - 1) + 1;

            int skippedEnd = rawResult.IndexOf(" skipped", durationEnd);
            int skippedStart = rawResult.LastIndexOf(' ', skippedEnd - 1) + 1;

            SummaryResult result = new SummaryResult();
            result.Duration = rawResult.Substring(durationStart, durationEnd - durationStart);
            result.TotalCount = rawResult.Substring(totalStart, totalEnd - totalStart);
            result.PassCount = rawResult.Substring(passedStart, passedEnd - passedStart);
            result.FailCount = rawResult.Substring(failedStart, failedEnd - failedStart);
            result.SkipCount = rawResult.Substring(skippedStart, skippedEnd - skippedStart);

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Break out results and raise appropriate events
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultSource"></param>
        private void ParseResults(System.Xml.XmlNode resultSource)
			SummaryResult result = new SummaryResult();
			if (resultSource == null)
				result.Duration = "0";
				result.TotalCount = "0";
				result.PassCount = "0";
				result.FailCount = "0";
				result.SkipCount = "0";
				for (int i = 0; i < resultSource.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
					ProcessTest(XunitResultXmlUtility.GetResult(resultSource, i));
				result.Duration = GetAttribute(resultSource, "time");
				result.TotalCount = "0";
				result.PassCount = GetAttribute(resultSource, "passed");
				result.FailCount = GetAttribute(resultSource, "failed");
				result.SkipCount = GetAttribute(resultSource, "skipped");
		public SummaryResult ParseSummary(string rawResult)
			//Disposing the test runner.\nStop time: 7:22 AM (Total execution time: 22.019 seconds)\n\n6 run, 1 passed, 5 failed, 0 inconclusive, 0 skipped\n\n\n";
			SummaryResult result = new SummaryResult();
			string footer = rawResult.Substring(rawResult.IndexOf("\nStop time:"));
			result.Duration = Regex.Match(footer, @"\d+\.\d+").Value;
			result.TotalCount = Regex.Match(Regex.Match(footer, @"\d+\srun").Value, @"\d+").Value;
			result.PassCount = Regex.Match(Regex.Match(footer, @"\d+\spassed").Value, @"\d+").Value;
			result.FailCount = Regex.Match(Regex.Match(footer, @"\d+\sfailed").Value, @"\d+").Value;
			result.SkipCount = Regex.Match(Regex.Match(footer, @"\d+\sskipped").Value, @"\d+").Value;
			return result;
        public static SummaryResult ParseSummary(List<string> source)
			SummaryResult result = new SummaryResult();
			string summaryLine = source.Find(line => line.Trim().StartsWith("<test-results name="));
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(summaryLine))
				//<test-results name="redgreenplayground.dll" total="5" failures="4" not-run="1" date="2009-10-02" time="10:35:46">
				string[] attributes = summaryLine.Split(' ');
				foreach (string keyValue in attributes)
					if (keyValue.Contains("="))
						int delimiter = keyValue.IndexOf("=");
						string key = keyValue.Substring(0, delimiter);
						string value = keyValue.Substring(delimiter + 2, keyValue.Length - delimiter - 3);
						switch (key)
							case "total":
								result.TotalCount = value;
							case "failures":
								result.FailCount = value;
							case "not-run":
								result.SkipCount = value;
				result.PassCount = (int.Parse(result.TotalCount) - int.Parse(result.FailCount)).ToString();
				result.Duration = String.Empty;
			return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Do the real work of running some tests
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyPath">Where the class lives physically on the disk</param>
        /// <param name="filters">A set of filters to narrow the tests that should be run</param>
        private void RunTestsImpl(string assemblyPath, string filter)        //params Filter<ITest>[] filters)
            string consoleRunnerPath = GetConsoleRunnerExePath();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(consoleRunnerPath))

            StreamReader sr    = null;
            DateTime     start = DateTime.Now;

            using (System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process())
                string arguments = string.Format(" {1} /xmlConsole \"{0}\"", assemblyPath, filter);
                p.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(consoleRunnerPath, arguments);
                p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                sr = p.StandardOutput;
            string        line       = sr.ReadLine();
            List <string> rawResults = new List <string>();

            while (line != null)
                line = sr.ReadLine();
            TimeSpan          duration      = DateTime.Now - start;
            List <TestResult> parsedResults = NUnitParser.ParseTestResults(rawResults);
            SummaryResult     summary       = NUnitParser.ParseSummary(rawResults);

            summary.Duration = string.Format("{0}.{1}", duration.Seconds, duration.Milliseconds);
            foreach (TestResult testResult in parsedResults)
                RaiseComplete(string.Empty, testResult);
            //while (line != "<!--This file represents the results of running a test suite-->")
            //{// eat the preamble
            //    line = sr.ReadLine();
            //line = sr.ReadLine();

            //ResultParser parser = new ResultParser();
            //string rawResult = String.Empty;
            //while (line != null)
            //    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            //    ResultParser.ReadNextTextResult(sr, ref line, result);
            //    rawResult = result.ToString();
            //    if (ResultParser.IsTestResult(rawResult))
            //    {// Only raise event for tests completed, not fixtures and the like.
            //        RaiseComplete(result.ToString(), parser.ParseTest(rawResult));
            //    }