Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void Start()
     Socket sock = Sockets.CreateTCPSocket("", 2345);
     client = new ClientInfo(sock, false); // Don't start receiving yet
     client.MessageType = MessageType.CodeAndLength;
     client.OnReadMessage += new ConnectionReadMessage(ReadMessage);
     mcConnect = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void ReadMessage(ClientInfo ci, uint code, byte[] buf, int len)
     if (code == ClientInfo.ImageCodeUpper)
         Console.WriteLine("Message length: " + len + ", code " + code.ToString("X8") + ", content:");
         bu = new byte[len];
         Array.Copy(buf, bu, len);
         //Console.WriteLine("  " + ByteBuilder.FormatParameter(new Parameter(ba, ParameterType.Byte)));
         updatedUpper = true;
     if (code == ClientInfo.ImageCodeLower)
         Console.WriteLine("Message length: " + len + ", code " + code.ToString("X8") + ", content:");
         bl = new byte[len];
         Array.Copy(buf, bl, len);
         //Console.WriteLine("  " + ByteBuilder.FormatParameter(new Parameter(ba, ParameterType.Byte)));
         updatedLower = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 internal void ClientClosed(ClientInfo ci)
     lock (SyncRoot) clients.Remove(ci.ID);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 internal ClientData(ClientInfo ci)
     req.From = ((IPEndPoint)ci.Socket.RemoteEndPoint).Address;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 void SendResponse(ClientInfo ci, HttpRequest req, HttpResponse resp, bool close)
     #if DEBUG
     Console.WriteLine("Response: "+resp.ReturnCode + Responses[resp.ReturnCode]);
     ByteBuilder bb = new ByteBuilder();
     bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("HTTP/1.1 " + resp.ReturnCode + " " + Responses[resp.ReturnCode] +
             "\r\nDate: "+DateTime.Now.ToString("R")+
             "\r\nServer: RedCoronaEmbedded/1.0"+
             "\r\nConnection: "+(close ? "close" : "Keep-Alive")));
     bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\nContent-Encoding: " + (resp.Encoding == null ? "utf-8" : resp.Encoding)));
     if (resp.RawContent == null)
         bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\nContent-Length: " + resp.Content.Length));
         bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\nContent-Length: " + resp.RawContent.Length));
     if(resp.ContentType != null)
         bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\nContent-Type: "+resp.ContentType));
     if(req.Session != null) bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\nSet-Cookie: _sessid="+req.Session.ID+"; path=/"));
     foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> de in resp.Header) bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\n" + de.Key + ": " + de.Value));
     bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\n\r\n")); // End of header
     if(resp.RawContent != null) bb.Add(resp.RawContent);
     else bb.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resp.Content));
     ci.Send(bb.Read(0, bb.Length));
     #if DEBUG
     Console.WriteLine("** SENDING\n"+resp.Content);
     if(close) ci.Close();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 void DoProcess(ClientInfo ci)
     ClientData data = (ClientData)ci.Data;
     string sessid;
     if(data.req.Cookies.TryGetValue("_sessid", out sessid))
         data.req.Session = (Session)sessions[sessid];
     bool closed = Process(ci, data.req);
     data.state = closed ? ClientState.Closed : ClientState.Header;
     data.read = 0;
     HttpRequest oldreq = data.req;
     data.req = new HttpRequest(); // Once processed, the connection will be used for a new request
     data.req.Session = oldreq.Session; // ... but session is persisted
     data.req.From = ((IPEndPoint)ci.Socket.RemoteEndPoint).Address;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 bool ClientConnect(Server serv, ClientInfo new_client)
     new_client.Delimiter = "\n";
     new_client.OnRead += new ConnectionRead(ReadData);
     return true; // allow this connection
Ejemplo n.º 8
 bool ClientConnect(Server serv, ClientInfo new_client)
     new_client.MessageType = MessageType.CodeAndLength;
     new_client.OnReadMessage += new ConnectionReadMessage(ReadMessage);
     return true; // allow this connection
Ejemplo n.º 9
 protected virtual bool Process(ClientInfo ci, HttpRequest req)
     HttpResponse resp = new HttpResponse();
     resp.Url = req.Url;
     for(int i = handlers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--){
         IHttpHandler handler = (IHttpHandler)handlers[i];
         if(handler.Process(this, req, resp)){
             SendResponse(ci, req, resp, resp.ReturnCode != 200);
             return resp.ReturnCode != 200;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
            static void ReadMessage(ClientInfo ci, uint code, byte[] buf, int len)
                if (code == ClientInfo.CommandCode)
                    Console.WriteLine("Message length, code " + code.ToString("X8") + ", content:"+buf.ToString());

                    messageCommand(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf, 0, len));
                    ci.SendMessage(ClientInfo.StringCode, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code.ToString("X8")+" success"));
                else if (code == ClientInfo.VoiceCode)
                    Console.WriteLine("Message length, code " + code.ToString("X8") + ", content:" + buf.ToString());

                    messageVoice(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf, 0, len));
                    ci.SendMessage(ClientInfo.VoiceCode, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code.ToString("X8") + " success"));
                else if (code == ClientInfo.moveToCode)
                    Console.WriteLine("Message length, code " + code.ToString("X8") + ", content:" + buf.ToString());

                    string[] value = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf, 0, len).Split(',');
                    naoMotion.moveTo(float.Parse(value[0]), float.Parse(value[1]), float.Parse(value[2]));
                    ci.SendMessage(ClientInfo.VoiceCode, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code.ToString("X8") + " success"));
                else if (code == ClientInfo.movePeonCode)
                    Console.WriteLine("Message length, code " + code.ToString("X8") + ", content:" + buf.ToString());

                    string[] value = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf, 0, len).Split(',');
                    naoMotion.movePeon(float.Parse(value[0]), float.Parse(value[1]), float.Parse(value[2]), float.Parse(value[3]), float.Parse(value[4]), float.Parse(value[5]));
                    ci.SendMessage(ClientInfo.movePeonCode, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code.ToString("X8") + " success"));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 void ReadData(ClientInfo ci, uint code, byte[] bytes, int len)
     Console.WriteLine("Received " + len + " bytes: " +
        System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, len));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void Start()
     Socket sock = Sockets.CreateTCPSocket("localhost", 2345);
     client = new ClientInfo(sock, false); // Don't start receiving yet
     client.MessageType = MessageType.Length;
     client.OnReadMessage += new ConnectionReadMessage(ReadData);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 void ReadData(ClientInfo ci, String text)
     Console.WriteLine("Received text message: " + text);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 void Start()
     Socket sock = Sockets.CreateTCPSocket("localhost", 2345);
     client = new ClientInfo(sock, false); // Don't start receiving yet
     client.OnRead += new ConnectionRead(ReadData);
     client.Delimiter = "\n";  // this is the default, shown for illustration
Ejemplo n.º 15
 void Start()
     Socket sock = Sockets.CreateTCPSocket("localhost", 2345);
     client = new ClientInfo(sock, false); // Don't start receiving yet
     client.OnReadBytes += new ConnectionReadBytes(ReadData);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
                Socket server = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
                Socket cs = server.EndAccept(ar);

                // Start the thing listening again
                server.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback), server);

                ClientInfo c = new ClientInfo(cs, null, null, ClientDirection.Both, false);
                c.server = this;
                // Allow the new client to be rejected by the application
                if (Connect != null)
                    if (!Connect(this, c))
                        // Rejected
                // Initiate key exchange
                c.EncryptionType = encType;
                switch (encType)
                    case EncryptionType.None: KeyExchangeComplete(c); break;
                    case EncryptionType.ServerKey:
                        c.encKey = GetSymmetricKey();
                        byte[] key = ClientInfo.GetLengthEncodedVector(c.encKey);
                        Console.Write(c.ID + " Sent key: "); ClientInfo.LogBytes(key, key.Length);
                    case EncryptionType.ServerRSAClientKey:
                        RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
                        RSAParameters p = rsa.ExportParameters(true);
                        c.encParams = p;
                    default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown or unsupported encryption type " + encType);
                lock (SyncRoot) clients[c.ID] = c;
            catch (ObjectDisposedException) { }
            catch (SocketException) { }
            catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); }
Ejemplo n.º 17
 internal void KeyExchangeComplete(ClientInfo ci)
     // Key exchange is complete on this client. Client ready
     // handlers may still force a close of the connection
     if (ClientReady != null)
         if (!ClientReady(this, ci)) ci.Close("ClientReady callback rejected connection");
Ejemplo n.º 18
 bool ClientConnect(Server s, ClientInfo ci)
     ci.Delimiter = "\r\n\r\n";
     ci.Data = new ClientData(ci);
     ci.OnRead += new ConnectionRead(ClientRead);
     ci.OnReadBytes += new ConnectionReadBytes(ClientReadBytes);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 static void ReadMessage(ClientInfo ci, uint code, byte[] buf, int len)
     Console.WriteLine("Message, code " + code.ToString("X8") + ", content:");
     byte[] ba = new byte[len];
     Array.Copy(buf, ba, len);
     Console.WriteLine("  " + ByteBuilder.FormatParameter(new Parameter(ba, ParameterType.Byte)));
     ci.SendMessage(code, buf, (byte)0, len);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        void ClientRead(ClientInfo ci, string text)
            // Read header, if in right state
            ClientData data = (ClientData)ci.Data;
            if(data.state != ClientState.Header) return; // already done; must be some text in content, which will be handled elsewhere
            text = text.Substring(data.headerskip);
            Console.WriteLine("Read header: "+text+" (skipping first "+data.headerskip+")");
            data.headerskip = 0;
            string[] lines = text.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Split('\n');
            data.req.HeaderText = text;
            // First line: METHOD /path/url HTTP/version
            string[] firstline = lines[0].Split(' ');
            if(firstline.Length != 3){ SendResponse(ci, data.req, new HttpResponse(400, "Incorrect first header line "+lines[0]), true); return; }
            if(firstline[2].Substring(0, 4) != "HTTP"){ SendResponse(ci, data.req, new HttpResponse(400, "Unknown protocol "+firstline[2]), true); return; }
            data.req.Method = firstline[0];
            data.req.Url = firstline[1];
            data.req.HttpVersion = firstline[2].Substring(5);
            int p;
            for(int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++){
                p = lines[i].IndexOf(':');
                if(p > 0) data.req.Header[lines[i].Substring(0, p)] = lines[i].Substring(p+2);
                else Console.WriteLine("Warning, incorrect header line "+lines[i]);
            // If ? in URL, split out query information
            p = firstline[1].IndexOf('?');
            if(p > 0){
                data.req.Page = data.req.Url.Substring(0, p);
                data.req.QueryString = data.req.Url.Substring(p+1);
            } else {
                data.req.Page = data.req.Url;
                data.req.QueryString = "";

            if(data.req.Page.IndexOf("..") >= 0) { SendResponse(ci, data.req, new HttpResponse(400, "Invalid path"), true); return; }

            if(!data.req.Header.TryGetValue("Host", out data.req.Host)){ SendResponse(ci, data.req, new HttpResponse(400, "No Host specified"), true); return; }

            string cookieHeader;
            if(data.req.Header.TryGetValue("Cookie", out cookieHeader)){
                string[] cookies = cookieHeader.Split(';');
                foreach(string cookie in cookies){
                    p = cookie.IndexOf('=');
                    if(p > 0){
                        data.req.Cookies[cookie.Substring(0, p).Trim()] = cookie.Substring(p+1);
                    } else {
                        data.req.Cookies[cookie.Trim()] = "";

            string contentLengthString;
            if(data.req.Header.TryGetValue("Content-Length", out contentLengthString))
                data.req.ContentLength = Int32.Parse(contentLengthString);
            else  data.req.ContentLength = 0;

            //if(data.req.ContentLength > 0){
                data.state = ClientState.PreContent;
                data.skip = text.Length + 4;
            //} else DoProcess(ci);

            //ClientReadBytes(ci, new byte[0], 0); // For content length 0 body
Ejemplo n.º 21
 void ReadData(ClientInfo ci, String text)
     Console.WriteLine("Received from " + ci.ID + ": " + text);
     if (text[0] == '!')
     else ci.Send(text);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 void ClientReadBytes(ClientInfo ci, byte[] bytes, int len)
     int ofs = 0;
     ClientData data = (ClientData)ci.Data;
     Console.WriteLine("Reading "+len+" bytes of content, in state "+data.state+", skipping "+data.skip+", read "+data.read);
         case ClientState.Content: break;
         case ClientState.PreContent:
             data.state = ClientState.Content;
             if((data.skip - data.read) > len) { data.skip -= len; return; }
             ofs = data.skip - data.read; data.skip = 0;
         //case ClientState.Header: data.read += len - data.headerskip; return;
         default: data.read += len; return;
     data.req.Content += Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes, ofs, len-ofs);
     data.req.BytesRead += len - ofs;
     data.headerskip += len - ofs;
     #if DEBUG
     Console.WriteLine("Reading "+(len-ofs)+" bytes of content. Got "+data.req.BytesRead+" of "+data.req.ContentLength);
     if(data.req.BytesRead >= data.req.ContentLength){
         if(data.req.Method == "POST"){
             if(data.req.QueryString == "")data.req.QueryString = data.req.Content;
             else data.req.QueryString += "&" + data.req.Content;