Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void WaterYear1931()
            Performance p = new Performance();
            string path = Globals.TestDataPath;
            //controlfile tempPath yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm 1DAY -UxlsFileName=file.xls [-STrace=n]");
            //-UxlsFileName=V:\PN6200\Models\BoiseRiverWare\BoiseModelData.xls -UDebugLevel=1 -UWaterYear=1943 -UFirstWaterYear=1919
            List<string> args = new List<string>();
            args.Add(path + "\\RiverWare\\snakeControl.txt");
            args.Add("1927-10-04");// start date for RiverWare
            args.Add("1928-07-01");// end date for riverware
            args.Add("-UXlsFileName=" + path + "\\Riverware\\SnakeTestData.xls");
            args.Add("-UWaterYear=1931"); // actual xls data begins 10/4/1930  (water year 1931)

            string fn = @"c:\temp\Inflow.Jackson.txt";
            TextFile tf = new TextFile(fn);

            Assert.AreEqual("# import began on line index: 1113", tf[tf.IndexOf("# import")]);
            Assert.AreEqual("start_date: 1927-10-04 24:00", tf[tf.IndexOf("start_date")]);

            int idx = tf.IndexOf("start_date");
            Assert.AreEqual(691.4, Convert.ToDouble(tf[idx+1]),.1);
            Assert.AreEqual(689.4, Convert.ToDouble(tf[idx + 2]), .1);
            Assert.AreEqual(689.4, Convert.ToDouble(tf[idx + 3]), .1);
            Assert.AreEqual(4211.4, Convert.ToDouble(tf[idx + 4]), .1);
            p.Report("completed FullDataDump()");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static TimeSeriesDatabaseDataSet.RatingTableDataTable GetRatingTable(string siteNumber)
            //string url = "http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwisweb/data/exsa_rat/13236500.rdb";
              string url = "http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwisweb/get_ratings?site_no=13081500&file_type=exsa";
              url = url.Replace("13081500", siteNumber);
              string[] data = Web.GetPage(url);

              TextFile tf = new TextFile(data);

              UsgsRDBFile rdb = new UsgsRDBFile(data);

              TimeSeriesDatabaseDataSet.RatingTableDataTable t = new TimeSeriesDatabaseDataSet.RatingTableDataTable();

              t.XUnits = LookupUnits(tf,"# //RATING_INDEP");
              t.YUnits = LookupUnits(tf,"# //RATING_DEP");

              for (int i = 0; i < rdb.Rows.Count; i++)
              double x = Convert.ToDouble(rdb.Rows[i]["indep"]);
              double y = Convert.ToDouble(rdb.Rows[i]["dep"]);
              t.AddRatingTableRow(x, y);
              t.Name = "Usgs " + siteNumber;
              return t;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public DataQueryInfo(HecDssPath path)
     string url = "http://www.nwd-wc.usace.army.mil/perl/dataquery.pl?k=" + path.B;
     results = Reclamation.Core.Web.GetPage(url);
     tf = new TextFile(results);
     this.path = path;
     name = GetName();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static string ConvertCSVToShiftFormat(string html, string[] cbtt)
             *  DATE  ,    GAGE HT  ,    CFS  ,    SHIFT  ,
             4/18/2015  ,    1.04  ,    152.16  ,    +0.29  ,
             4/21/2015  ,    1.07  ,    151.5  ,    +0.27  ,
             5/15/2015  ,    1.56  ,    211.26  ,    +0.11  ,
             6/16/2015  ,    1.77  ,    118.36  ,    -0.64  ,
             7/25/2015  ,    1.67  ,    151.3  ,    -0.35  ,
               ,  ,  ,  ,
               ,  ,  ,  ,
            string[] CRLF = { "\r\n" };
            string[] lines = html.Split(CRLF, StringSplitOptions.None);
            string cleanFile = "cbtt,pcode,date_measured,discharge,stage,shift\r\n";

            var tf = new TextFile(html.Split(new char[]{'\n','\r'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
            for (int i = 0; i < cbtt.Length; i++)
                var idx = tf.IndexOf(cbtt[i]);

                if( idx >=0)
                   var idxDate = tf.IndexOf("DATE", idx);
                    if( idxDate > idx+5)// date should be within 5 lines of cbtt
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: did not find DATE with cbtt ="+cbtt);
                    // now parse data until it runs out
                    for (int j = idxDate+1; j < tf.Length; j++)
                        DateTime t;
                        var tokens = tf[j].Split(',');
                        if( tokens.Length < 4)
                        if( !DateTime.TryParseExact(tokens[0].Trim(), "M/d/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                       DateTimeStyles.None, out t) )

                        var x = cbtt[i] + ",CH," + t.ToShortDateString() + "," + tokens[2].Trim() + "," + tokens[1].Trim() + "," + tokens[3].Trim();
                        cleanFile += x + "\r\n";

                    Console.WriteLine("Error: did not find "+cbtt[i]);


            return cleanFile;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads shef .A file and extracts all shef locations and codes that match
        /// simple, only reads single parameter per line
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">input file to read</param>
        /// <param name="shefloc">shef location to search for</param>
        /// <param name="shefCode">shefcode to search for</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Series ReadSimpleShefA(string filename, string shefloc, string shefCode)
            //.A BRWLD 150309 PD DH2315 /HE1H .00
            //.A BRWLD 150309 PD DH2315 /HE2H .19

            var rval = new Series();
            TextFile tf = new TextFile(filename);

            for (int i = 0; i < tf.Length; i++)
                var m = ShefASimpleRegex.Match(tf[i]);
                if (m.Success)
                    var loc = m.Groups["shefloc"].Value;
                    var sc = m.Groups["shefcode"].Value;
                    var yy = m.Groups["year"].Value;
                    var mm = m.Groups["month"].Value;
                    var dd = m.Groups["day"].Value;
                    var hh = m.Groups["hour"].Value;
                    var min = m.Groups["min"].Value;

                    var val = m.Groups["value"].Value;

                    if (shefCode == sc
                        && loc == shefloc)
                        int year, month, day, hour,minute;
                        double num = Point.MissingValueFlag; ;
                        if (int.TryParse(yy, out year)
                            && int.TryParse(mm, out month)
                            && int.TryParse(dd, out day)
                            && int.TryParse(hh, out hour)
                            && int.TryParse(min, out minute)
                            && double.TryParse(val,out num))
                            var t = new DateTime(year + 2000, month, day, hour, minute,0);
                            if( rval.IndexOf(t)>=0)
                                Console.WriteLine("Skipping duplicate "+t.ToString()+" :" +num);
                            rval.Add(t, num);

            return rval;
Ejemplo n.º 6
         * returns list of dates from beginning of riverware file in *.rdf format.
        private List <DateTime> ReadDates(Reclamation.Core.TextFile tf, int startingIndex)
            List <DateTime> rval = new List <DateTime>();

            int idx = tf.IndexOfAny(new string[] { "time_steps:", "timesteps" }, startingIndex);

            if (idx < 0)
                throw new Exception("Error looking for 'timesteps' or 'time_steps:' in " + tf.FileName);

            string s  = tf[idx];
            int    i2 = s.IndexOf(":");

            s = s.Substring(i2 + 1); // just the number part
            int numDates = Convert.ToInt32(s);

            int idxToDates = tf.IndexOf("END_RUN_PREAMBLE", idx);

            if (idxToDates < 0)
                throw new Exception("Error looking for END_RUN_PREAMBLE in " + tf.FileName);


            for (int i = 0; i < numDates; i++)
                DateTime d;
                string   dateString = tf[idxToDates + i];
                dateString = dateString.Replace(" 24:00", " 23:59:59");
                if (DateTime.TryParse(dateString, out d))
                    throw new Exception("Can't parse " + tf[idxToDates + i] + " as a date and time");

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares data in two usgs rdb files, ignoring comments at the beginning
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tf1"></param>
        /// <param name="tf2"></param>
        /// <returns>true if there are differences in the data</returns>
        public static bool Diff(TextFile tf1, TextFile tf2)
            var diff = System.Math.Abs(tf1.Length - tf2.Length);
            if ( diff > 5)
                Logger.WriteLine("difference in length of files: " + diff);
                return true; //different number of lines in file

            var idx1 = tf1.IndexOfRegex(@"^INDEP\s*SHIFT\s*DEP\s*STOR");
            var idx2 = tf2.IndexOfRegex(@"^INDEP\s*SHIFT\s*DEP\s*STOR");

            tf1.DeleteLines(0, idx1);
            tf2.DeleteLines(0, idx2);

            return TextFile.Compare(tf1, tf2).Length != 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static int LookupNumberOfRuns(Reclamation.Core.TextFile tf)
            int number_of_runs = 1;
            int index = tf.IndexOf("number_of_runs:");

            if (index == -1)
                Logger.WriteLine("Error: number_of_runs is not defined in file " + tf.FileName);
                number_of_runs = Convert.ToInt32(tf[index].Substring(15));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void CGI_Daily_CleanerDesign()
     string payload = "parameter=luc   fb,luc af&start=2016-5-19&end=2016-5-24&format=csv";
     var fn = RunTest(payload, TimeInterval.Daily);
     /*            DATE      ,  LUC     FB      ,  LUC     AF
     5/24/2016 4:10:00 PM: CreateSQL
     5/24/2016 4:10:00 PM: list of 2 series
     05/19/2016,,  253349.11
     05/20/2016,,  253698.69
     05/21/2016,,  254910.41
     05/22/2016,,  255826.27
     05/23/2016,,  255933.44
     TextFile tf = new TextFile(fn);
     int idx = tf.IndexBeginningWith("05/19/2016", 0);
     var s = tf[idx].Split(',')[2];
     double d = Convert.ToDouble(s);
     Assert.AreEqual(253349.11, d, 1.0);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void MultiYearTest()
            Performance p = new Performance();
            string path = Reclamation.Core.Globals.TestDataPath;

            for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
                string dir = @"C:\Temp\dmitest";
                List<string> args = new List<string>();
                args.Add(path + "\\RiverWare\\boiseControl.txt");
                args.Add("1927-10-04");// date for RiverWare
                args.Add("-UXlsFileName=" + path + "\\RiverWare\\BoiseModelData.xls");

                if( Directory.Exists(dir))

                string fn = dir + "\\Inflow.Anderson Ranch.txt";
                TextFile tf = new TextFile(fn);
                int idx = tf.IndexOf("start_date");

                if (i == 1) // 1918
                    double val = Convert.ToDouble(tf[idx + 1]);
                    Assert.AreEqual(429, val, .5);
                if (i == 2) // 1919
                    double val = Convert.ToDouble(tf[idx + 1]);
                    Assert.AreEqual(348, val, .5);

                Directory.Delete(dir, true);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Main constructor for this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idNumber"></param>
        public UsgsRatingTable(string idNumber)
            this.idNumber = idNumber;

            // Get and assign RDB file from the web
            string nwisURL = "http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwisweb/get_ratings?site_no=XXXXXXXX&file_type=exsa";
            downloadURL = nwisURL.Replace("XXXXXXXX", idNumber);
            var newData = Web.GetPage(nwisURL.Replace("XXXXXXXX", idNumber));
            if (newData.Count() == 0)
            { throw new Exception("NWIS data not found. Check inputs or retry later."); }
            webRdbTable = new TextFile(newData);
            webRdbTable.DeleteLine(webRdbTable.Length - 1); //last line from web is blank and the exisitng RDB does not have an empty last line

            // Get and assign RDB file properties
            this.units = webRdbTable.ReadString("LABEL=").Replace("\"", "");
            this.stationName = webRdbTable.ReadString("STATION NAME=").Replace("\"", "");
            this.timeZone = webRdbTable.ReadString("TIME_ZONE=").Replace("\"", "");
            this.ratingTableVersion = webRdbTable.ReadString("RATING ID=").Replace("\"", "");
            this.ratingTableComments = webRdbTable.ReadString("COMMENT=").Replace("\"", "");
            this.ratingTableExpansion = webRdbTable.ReadString("RATING EXPANSION=").Replace("\"", "");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void CompareLinuxToVMSCGI(string payload,TimeInterval interval= TimeInterval.Irregular)
            //Program.Main(new string[] { "--cgi=instant", "--payload=?"+payload });

            TimeSeriesDatabase db = TimeSeriesDatabase.InitDatabase(new Arguments(new string[]{}));
            WebTimeSeriesWriter c = new WebTimeSeriesWriter(db,interval,payload);
            var fn = FileUtility.GetTempFileName(".txt");
            Console.WriteLine("linux temp file:"+fn);

            TextFile tf = new TextFile(fn);
            tf.DeleteLines(0, 1);

            var fnhyd0 = FileUtility.GetTempFileName(".txt");
            Console.WriteLine("vms temp file:" + fnhyd0);
            string url = "https://www.usbr.gov/pn-bin/webarccsv.pl?";

            if( interval == TimeInterval.Irregular || interval == TimeInterval.Hourly)
                url = "https://www.usbr.gov/pn-bin/webdaycsv.pl?";
            Web.GetFile(url + payload, fnhyd0);

              var tf2 = new TextFile(fnhyd0);

              if (!CompareHydrometData(tf, tf2))
              // do detailed comparision.
              var diff = TextFile.Compare(tf, tf2);

              if (diff.Length > 0)
                  for (int i = 0; i < tf.Length; i++)
              Assert.IsTrue(diff.Length == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares 2 text files and returns lines where differences occur.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f1"></param>
        /// <param name="f2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string[] Compare(TextFile f1, TextFile f2)
            int maxIndex = Math.Min(f1.lines.Count, f2.lines.Count);
            var rval = new List<string>();

            if (f1.lines.Count != f2.lines.Count)
                rval.Add("Length of files is different");

            for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++)
                string l1 = f1.lines[i];
                string l2 = f2.lines[i];
                if (l1 != l2)
                    rval.Add("File 1: <" + l1+">  File 2:<"+l2+">");
            return rval.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void Append(string filename)
     TextFile tf = new TextFile(filename);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void ProcessFile(RouteOptions routing, string fileName)
            string importTag = "import"; // used to make friendly export filename
                TextFile tf = new TextFile(fileName);
                SeriesList sl = new SeriesList();

                if (HydrometInstantSeries.IsValidDMS3(tf))
                    importTag = "decodes";
                    sl = HydrometInstantSeries.HydrometDMS3DataToSeriesList(tf);
                else if( HydrometDailySeries.IsValidArchiveFile(tf))
                    importTag = "htools";
                    sl = HydrometDailySeries.HydrometDailyDataToSeriesList(tf);
                else if (LoggerNetFile.IsValidFile(tf))
                    LoggerNetFile lf = new LoggerNetFile(tf);

                    if (lf.IsValid && Array.IndexOf(validSites, lf.SiteName) >= 0)
                        importTag = lf.SiteName;
                        sl = lf.ToSeries(validPcodes);
                //else if (DecodesRawFile.IsValidFile(tf))
                //    DecodesRawFile df = new DecodesRawFile(tf);
                //    importTag = "raw";
                //    sl = df.ToSeries();
                    Logger.WriteLine("skipped Unknown File Format: " + fileName);

                m_importer = new TimeSeriesImporter(m_db, routing,m_saveOption);
                Console.WriteLine("Found " + sl.Count + " series in " + fileName);
                foreach (var item in sl)

                if (sl.Count > 0)
                    m_importer.Import(sl, m_computeDependencies, m_computeDailyDependencies,importTag);
                    FileUtility.MoveToSubDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), "attic", fileName);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.WriteLine("Error:" + ex.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Error:  skipping file, will move to error subdirectory " + fileName);
                FileUtility.MoveToSubDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), "error", fileName);

Ejemplo n.º 16
 public UsgsRDBFile(string[] data, bool allTextColumns=false)
     m_allTextColumns = allTextColumns;
     tf = new TextFile(data);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static TimeSeriesDatabaseDataSet.RatingTableDataTable GetRatingTable(string cbtt, string pcode,string ratingName)
            string url = "";

            if (HydrometInfoUtility.HydrometServerFromPreferences() == HydrometHost.GreatPlains)
                url = "https://www.usbr.gov/gp-bin/expandrtf.pl?site=pali&pcode=q&form=col";
                url = url.Replace("site=pali", "site=" + cbtt.Trim());
                url = url.Replace("pcode=q", "pcode=" + pcode.Trim());
            else if( HydrometInfoUtility.HydrometServerFromPreferences() == HydrometHost.PN)
                url = "http://lrgs1.pn.usbr.gov/rating_tables/"+ratingName+".csv";
                if( !NetworkUtility.Intranet)
                    url = "https://www.usbr.gov/pn/hydromet/configurationdata/rating_tables/" + ratingName + ".csv";

                var tmp = FileUtility.GetTempFileName(".csv");
                Web.GetFile(url, tmp);

                var rt = new TimeSeriesDatabaseDataSet.RatingTableDataTable();
                return rt;
            else if (HydrometInfoUtility.HydrometServerFromPreferences() == HydrometHost.Yakima)
            {            // yakima ?
                url = "https://www.usbr.gov/pn-bin/yak/expandrtf.pl?site=kee&pcode=af&form=col";
                url = url.Replace("site=kee", "site=" + cbtt.Trim());
                url = url.Replace("pcode=af", "pcode=" + pcode.Trim());

            string[] data = Web.GetPage(url);
            TextFile tf = new TextFile(data);
            return ParseRatingTableData(tf, cbtt, pcode);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void ReadHistoricalFilesFromWeb(DateTime t1, DateTime t2)
            int wy = DateTime.Now.WaterYear();
            TextFile tf = new TextFile(new string[] { });

            if (!InCurrentWaterYear(t1, t2))
                //string filename = Path.Combine(dir, siteName + "_all.txt");
                var data = Web.GetPage(url + state + "/" + siteName + "_all.txt", true);

            var lines = Web.GetPage(url + state + "/" + siteName + "_" + wy + ".tab", true);

            int errorCount = 0;
            if (tf.Length == 0)
            string a = tf[0];
            int idx = a.LastIndexOf("-");
            Name = a.Substring(0, idx);
            a = a.Substring(idx + 1);
            string[] cols = TextFile.Split(a);

            int idxData = Array.IndexOf(cols, columnName);
            if (idxData < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't find column '" + columnName + "'");

            for (int i = 1; i < tf.Length; i++)
                string[] tokens = tf[i].Split('\t');//.Split(i);

                if (idxData >= tokens.Length)

                if (!Regex.IsMatch(tokens[0], "[0-9]{6}"))
                    if (errorCount < 100)
                        Console.WriteLine("skipping:'" + tf[i] + "'");
                DateTime t = ParseDate(tokens[0]);

                if (columnName.Trim().ToLower() != "prcp")
                    t = t.AddDays(-1);
                if (t < t1 || t >= t2)

                double num = 0;
                if (!Double.TryParse(tokens[idxData], out num))
                    if (errorCount < 100)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error parsing '" + tokens[idxData] + "'");
                        Console.WriteLine("from line " + tf[i]);
                Add(t, num);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void IndexOfRegex()
            TextFile tf = new TextFile(data);

            Assert.AreEqual(9, tf.IndexOfRegex("Jackson$"));
            Assert.AreEqual(4, tf.IndexOfRegex("object_name: Jackson"));
            Assert.AreEqual(13, tf.IndexOfRegex("^object_name: Jackson$"));

                tf.IndexOfBothRegex("^object_name: Jackson$", "^slot_name: Inflow$"));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public Yakima82RatingFile(string filename)
     tf = new TextFile(filename);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void Append(string filename)
            TextFile tf = new TextFile(filename);

Ejemplo n.º 22
 public void NthIndexOf()
     TextFile tf = new TextFile(data);
     int idx = tf.NthIndexOf("END_SLOT", 3);
     Assert.AreEqual(14, idx);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static bool CompareHydrometData(TextFile a, TextFile b)
            int idx1 = a.IndexOf("BEGIN DATA");
            int idx2 = a.IndexOf("END DATA");
            a.DeleteLines(idx2, a.Length - 1);

            idx1 = b.IndexOf("BEGIN DATA");
            b.DeleteLines(0, idx1);
            idx2 = b.IndexOf("END DATA");
            b.DeleteLines(idx2, b.Length - 1);

            if (a.Length != b.Length)
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                var x = a[i].Split(',');
                var y = b[i].Split(',');

                if (x.Length != y.Length)
                    return false;

                for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++)
                    if (i == 0) // cbtt parameter
                    {// allow different spacing
                        // 'jck fb'   or 'jck     fb'
                        RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None;
                        Regex regex = new Regex("[ ]{2,}", options);

                        x[j] = regex.Replace(x[j], " ");
                        y[j] = regex.Replace(y[j], " ");
                    if (x[j].Trim() != y[j].Trim())
                            return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        protected override void ReadCore(DateTime t1, DateTime t2)
            //  http://www.nwd-wc.usace.army.mil/perl/dataquery.pl?k=id%3ACHJ%2Brecord%3A%2F%2FCHJ%2FYT%2F%2FIR-MONTH%2FIRVZZBZD%2F%2Bpk%3Achj&sd=23&sm=MAY&sy=2011&ed=24&em=MAY&ey=2011&of=HTML&et=Screen&dc=One+Column&snpt=Daily&snph=00&snpw=15&f1m=MAY&f1d=24&f2=on&f2sm=MAY&f2sd=19&f2em=MAY&f2ed=24&f3c=Less+Than+Or+Equal+To&f3t=
            //record://los/hf//ir-month/drxzzazd/ time:-1m

            string url = "http://www.nwd-wc.usace.army.mil/cgi-bin/dataquery.pl?k=id:[email protected]+record:";
            url += m_path + "&sd=01&sm=JAN&sy=2007&ed=23&em=FEB&ey=2007&of=Text+Comma-Delimited";

            url = ApplyDatesToURL(t1, t2, url);

            string[] results = Reclamation.Core.Web.GetPage(url);

            TextFile tf = new TextFile(results);

            string msg = "<P>The web server is too loaded right now to service your request. Please wait a few minutes and try your request again. ";
            int idx = tf.IndexOf(msg);
            if (idx >= 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(msg);

            string pattern = @"(?<date>\d{1,2}[A-Za-z]{3}\d{4}),(?<hour>\d\d:\d\d),(?<value>[+-]?([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)";
            Regex re = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled);
            for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++)
                DateTime t = DateTime.MinValue;
                double val = Point.MissingValueFlag;
                Match m = re.Match(results[i]);
                if (m.Success)
                    GroupCollection g = m.Groups;

                    if (g["hour"].Value == "24:00")
                        if( DateTime.TryParse(g["date"].Value, out t)
                        && double.TryParse(g["value"].Value, out val))
                        t = t.AddDays(1);
                        AddVal(t, val);

                    if (DateTime.TryParse(g["date"].Value+" "+g["hour"].Value, out t)
                        && double.TryParse(g["value"].Value, out val))
                        AddVal(t, val);

                        SkipMessage("skipping " + results[i]);
                    SkipMessage("skipping " + results[i]);
                 //   Console.WriteLine(results[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void AddCampbellDataLogger(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (openFileDialogCr10x.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                TextFile tf = new TextFile(openFileDialogCr10x.FileName);
                if (LoggerNetFile.IsValidFile(tf))
                    // import all columns in LoggerNet file.
                    LoggerNetFile ln = new LoggerNetFile(tf);

                    foreach (var item in ln.ToSeries())
Ejemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// This method generates the full table from the RDB file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rdbFile"></param>
 private void CreateFullRatingTable(TextFile rdbFile)
     // Build container DataTable
     DataTable ratingTable = new DataTable();
     ratingTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Stage", typeof(double)));
     ratingTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Shift", typeof(double)));
     ratingTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Flow", typeof(double)));
     // Save RDB file
     var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
     rdbFile = new TextFile(tempFile);
     // Loop through each RDB file row to find the data
     int headerRow = rdbFile.IndexOf("INDEP	SHIFT	DEP	STOR") + 2;
     for (int i = headerRow; i < rdbFile.Length; i++)
         var row = rdbFile[i];
         var newRow = ratingTable.NewRow();
         var rowVals = rdbFile[i].Split('\t');
         newRow["Stage"] = Convert.ToDouble(rowVals[0]);
         newRow["Shift"] = Convert.ToDouble(rowVals[1]);
         newRow["Flow"] = Convert.ToDouble(rowVals[2]);
     this.fullRatingTable = ratingTable;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// This method generates the HJ and Q tables
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="station"></param>
 private void CreateShiftAndFlowTables(TextFile rdbFile)
     var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
     rdbFile = new TextFile(tempFile);
     var rdbFileString = rdbFile.FileContents;
     var rdbItems = rdbFileString.Split('\t', '\n', '\r', ' ').ToList();//[JR] these separate the rdb file into chunks, make sure that new line characters are specified in this line
     var skelPtIdx = Enumerable.Range(0, rdbItems.Count).Where(i => rdbItems[i] == "*").ToList();//get skeletal points idx
     var breakptIdx = Enumerable.Range(0, rdbItems.Count).Where(i => rdbItems[i].Contains("BREAKPOINT")).ToList();//get breakpoint idx
     var offsetIdx = Enumerable.Range(0, rdbItems.Count).Where(i => rdbItems[i].Contains("OFFSET")).ToList();//get offset idx
     // Generate HJ Table by defining stage-shift pairs within a C# DataTable
     var hjTable = CreateHJTable(rdbFileString);
     // Define Logarithmic coefficient pairs in a C# DataTable
     var coeffTable = new DataTable();
     coeffTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("breakpoint", typeof(double)));
     coeffTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("offset", typeof(double)));
     if (offsetIdx.Count == 0) // no breakpoint and coefficient data
         var coeffRow = coeffTable.NewRow();
         coeffRow["breakpoint"] = -999999999.99;
         coeffRow["offset"] = 0.0;
     else if (offsetIdx.Count == 1)
         var coeffRow = coeffTable.NewRow();
         coeffRow["breakpoint"] = -999999999.99;
         coeffRow["offset"] = Convert.ToDouble(rdbItems[offsetIdx[0]].Split('=')[1].ToString().Replace("\"", ""));
         for (int i = 0; i < offsetIdx.Count; i++)
             var coeffRow = coeffTable.NewRow();
             if (i == 0)
             { coeffRow["breakpoint"] = -999999999.99; }
             { coeffRow["breakpoint"] = Convert.ToDouble(rdbItems[breakptIdx[i - 1]].Split('=')[1].ToString().Replace("\"", "")); }
             coeffRow["offset"] = Convert.ToDouble(rdbItems[offsetIdx[i]].Split('=')[1].ToString().Replace("\"", ""));
     // Generate Q DataTable
     var qTable = new DataTable();
     qTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Stage", typeof(double)));
     qTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Flow", typeof(double)));
     qTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("A-Coeff", typeof(double)));
     qTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("B-Coeff", typeof(double)));
     foreach (var item in skelPtIdx)
         var qRow = qTable.NewRow();
         double ghVal = Convert.ToDouble(rdbItems[item - 3]);
         double shiftVal = Convert.ToDouble(rdbItems[item - 2]);
         double stageVal = ghVal + shiftVal;
         qRow["Stage"] = stageVal;
         qRow["Flow"] = Convert.ToDouble(rdbItems[item - 1]);
         DataRow[] coeffMatch = coeffTable.Select("[breakpoint] <= '" + stageVal + "'");
         qRow["A-Coeff"] = coeffMatch[coeffMatch.Count() - 1][1];
         qRow["B-Coeff"] = 0.0;
     if (qTable.Rows.Count < 1)
     { throw new Exception("No skeletal points found for station: " + this.stationName); }
     this.hjTable = hjTable;
     this.qTable = qTable;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        * Create a tree file that is usable by pisces
        * input :  riverware rdf file
        * output : comma seperated tree file.
        *  // example portion of input file.
        *  (this input file is using snapshots in riverware)
        *  -----------------------------------
        *  object_type: SnapShotObj
        *  object_name: Most Likely 2
        *  slot_name: Andrews Gage 12447390 at RM 3_5_Gage Outflow
        *  units: cfs
        *  // example output.  There is no nesting of tree levels for now.
        *  RiverwareName,Description,RiverwareDataType,Level,Units
        *  Riverware Results,,,0,
        *  Yakima River at Parker PARW,Yakima River at Parker PARW,Gage Outflow,1,cfs
        *  Yakima River at Grandview,Yakima River at Grandview,Gage Inflow,1,cfs
        *  ...
        public static void AddRiverWareFileToDatabase(string rdfFilename, PiscesFolder parent,
                                                      TimeSeriesDatabase db)
            Reclamation.Core.TextFile tf = new Reclamation.Core.TextFile(rdfFilename);

            #region notes

             * SnapShotStyle...
             * -------------------------------------
             * 2001-9-29 24:00
             * 2001-9-30 24:00
             * object_type: SnapShotObj
             * object_name: Most Likely 2     ### scernario name
             * slot_name: Andrews Gage 12447390 at RM 3_5_Gage Outflow   # object_name slotName are combined.
             * END_SLOT_PREAMBLE
             * units: cfs
             * Regular Style ...
             * ---------------------------------------
             * END_COLUMN
             * END_SLOT
             * object_type: StreamGage
             * object_name: Yakima 202_0 at Easton EASW
             * slot_name: Gage Outflow
             * END_SLOT_PREAMBLE
             * units: cfs
             * scale: 1

            int          number_of_runs = LookupNumberOfRuns(tf);
            PiscesFolder folder         = parent;
            if (number_of_runs == 1)
                folder = db.AddFolder(parent, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rdfFilename));

            int sz = tf.Length;
            // object_type and object_name should occur on consecutive lines.
            int         index      = tf.IndexOfBoth("object_name:", "slot_name:", 0);
            var         objectList = new List <string>(); //list to avoid duplicates in tree
            Performance p1         = new Performance();
            Performance p2         = new Performance();
            int counter = 0;

            var sc = db.GetSeriesCatalog();
            Dictionary <string, int> objTypeID = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int> objNameID = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            while (index < sz && index > 0)
                //slot_name: Andrews Gage 12447390 at RM 3_5_Gage Outflow
                string slot_name   = tf[index + 1].Substring(11); //Andrews Gage 12447390 at RM 3_5_Gage Outflow
                string object_type = tf[index - 1].Substring(13);
                string object_name = tf[index].Substring(13);
                string units       = tf[index + 3].Substring(6).Trim();

                string tag = object_name + ":" + slot_name;
                if (!objectList.Contains(tag))
                    int scenarioNumber = -1;
                    if (number_of_runs > 1)
                        scenarioNumber = 1;

                    RiverWareSeries s;
                    if (object_type == "SnapShotObj")
                        s = new RiverWareSeries(rdfFilename, "", slot_name, scenarioNumber, true, units);
                        s = new RiverWareSeries(rdfFilename, object_name, slot_name, scenarioNumber, false, units);
                    s.Units            = units;
                    s.ConnectionString = ConnectionStringUtility.MakeFileNameRelative(s.ConnectionString, db.DataSource);

                    if (object_type.Contains("Reservoir"))
                        object_type = "Reservoir";
                    else if (object_type.Contains("Reach"))
                        object_type = "Reach";
                    else if (object_type.Contains("Diversion"))
                        object_type = "Diversion";
                    else if (object_type.Contains("Canal"))
                        object_type = "Canal";

                    int id = sc.NextID();
                    if (!sc.FolderExists(object_type, folder.ID))
                        objTypeID.Add(object_type, id);
                        sc.AddFolder(object_type, id, folder.ID);
                    if (!sc.FolderExists(object_name, objTypeID[object_type]))
                        objNameID.Add(object_name, id);
                        sc.AddFolder(object_name, id, objTypeID[object_type]);
                    sc.AddSeriesCatalogRow(s, id, objNameID[object_name], "");

                index = tf.IndexOfBoth("object_name:", "slot_name:", index + 2);
            //398.7732813 seconds elapsed. total
            //384.6792607 seconds elapsed. db.add()

            // disable tree refresh (doubles perf)
            // 255.9736646 seconds elapsed. total
            // 241.7702669 seconds elapsed. db.add()

            // implemented member ExternalDataSource
            //34.8756696 seconds elapsed. total
            //20.3753912 seconds elapsed. db.add()

            var convention = Reclamation.TimeSeries.RiverWare.ImportRiverWare.ScenarioConvention.Default;
            if (number_of_runs > 1) // Multiple runs.
            {                       // show dialog to allow water year naming or traces
                var dlg = new Reclamation.TimeSeries.RiverWare.ImportRiverWare();
                if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    convention = dlg.NamingConvention;

                // Add Scenarios.
                var tblScen = db.GetScenarios();
                for (int i = 0; i < number_of_runs; i++)
                    string name = "Run" + i;
                    if (convention == RiverWare.ImportRiverWare.ScenarioConvention.ByYear)
                        name = (dlg.FirstYear + i).ToString();
                    //string scenarioPath = ConnectionStringUtility.MakeFileNameRelative("FileName=" + item, DB.Filename);
                    tblScen.AddScenarioRow(name, true, "ScenarioNumber=" + (i + 1).ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void WaterYearTrace()
            string path = Globals.TestDataPath;
            List<string> args = new List<string>();
            //-UxlsFileName=V:\PN6200\Models\BoiseRiverWare\BoiseModelData.xls -UDebugLevel=1 -UWaterYear=1943 -UFirstWaterYear=1919
            args.Add(path + "\\RiverWare\\snakeControl.txt");
            args.Add("1927-10-04");// start date for RiverWare
            args.Add("-UXlsFileName=" +path + "\\RiverWare\\SnakeTestData.xls");

            string fn = @"c:\temp\Local Inflow.MinidokaToMilner_Milner.txt";
            TextFile tf = new TextFile(fn);

            int idx = tf.IndexOf("start_date");
            Assert.AreEqual(-2906, Convert.ToDouble(tf[idx + 1]), .6);
            Assert.AreEqual(-2864, Convert.ToDouble(tf[idx + 2]), .6);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads Raw RBMS Text file. Adds DateTime and Value Columns
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static DataTable ReadRBMSFile(string filename)
            TextFile tf = new TextFile(filename);
            int fieldCount = 0;
            if (tf.FileData.Length > 0)
                fieldCount = tf[0].Split(',').Length;

                if (fieldCount < 4 || fieldCount > 5)
                   throw new Exception("Error: " + filename + "is not a valid RBMS File. It should have 4 or 5 columns of data");
                throw new Exception("Error: There was not data in the input file");
            tf = null;
            CsvFile raw = null;
            if (fieldCount == 5)

                string[] dataTypes = new string[] { "String", "String", "String", "String", "String" };
                string[] fieldNames = new string[] { "DH", "Riser", "Date", "Time", "Measured" };
                //DH-438-RS   ,     1,01-apr-2000,00:00:54     ,    870.290
                //string pattern = @"\s*[A-Za-z\-0-9]{3,}\s*,\s*\d+,\d{1,2}-[A-Za-z]{3}-\d{4},\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s*,\s*[0-9\.\-\+Ee]+";
                raw = new CsvFile(filename, dataTypes, fieldNames);
                string[] dataTypes = new string[] { "String", "String", "String", "String" };
                string[] fieldNames = new string[] { "DH", "Riser", "Date", "Measured" };
                //DH-259-RS   ,     1,01-apr-1991 00:00:32     ,    866.960
                //string pattern = @"\s*[A-Za-z\-0-9]{3,}\s*,\s*\d+,\d{1,2}-[A-Za-z]{3}-\d{4}\s\d{2}:\d{2}(:\d{2})?\s*,\s*[0-9\.\-\+Ee]+";
                raw = new CsvFile(filename, dataTypes, fieldNames);

            return CreateDateValueTableForDatabase(raw);

            // format with date time together.
            //DH-259-RS   ,     1,01-apr-1991 00:00:32     ,    866.960
            // format with date time  csv.
            //DH-438-RS   ,     1,01-apr-2000,00:00:54     ,    870.290

            // return raw;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public TextFileCredentials(string filename)
            m_fileName = filename;

            tf = new TextFile(m_fileName);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public static TimeSeriesDatabaseDataSet.RatingTableDataTable ParseRatingTableData(TextFile tf, 
            string cbtt, string pcode)
             <table border="1" summary="Expanded Rating Table">	<tr align="center">
            <th width="80px"><b>ft</b></th>
            <th width="80px"><b>cfs</b></th>
             * Table Edit Date: 18-SEP-2014 02:22
            <tr align="right"><td>2440.01</td><td>-704.00</td></tr>
            <tr align="right"><td>2440.02</td><td>-704.00</td></tr>
            <tr align="right"><td>2440.03</td><td>-704.00</td></tr>
            <tr align="right"><td>2440.04</td><td>-704.00</td></tr>

            TimeSeriesDatabaseDataSet.RatingTableDataTable t = new TimeSeriesDatabaseDataSet.RatingTableDataTable();
            int idx = tf.IndexOfBothRegex("<th.*</th>", "<th.*</th>");
            if (idx >= 0)
                t.XUnits = Regex.Match(tf[idx], @"<th.*<b>(?<x>\w*)</b>").Groups[1].Value;
                t.YUnits = Regex.Match(tf[idx + 1], @"<th.*<b>(?<x>\w*)</b>").Groups[1].Value;
            //<br>Table Edit Date: 18-SEP-2014 02:22<br>Today's Date: 23-SEP-2014 06:54
            var idxDate = tf.IndexOfRegex("Table Edit Date:.*<br>");
            if (idxDate >= 0)
                t.EditDate = Regex.Match(tf[idxDate], "Table Edit Date:(?<date>.*)<br>").Groups[1].Value;

            Regex re = new Regex(@"<tr.*?>(?<x>[\d\.\-\+]{1,12})</td><td>(?<y>[\d\.\-\+]{1,12})</td>");
            for (int i = idx + 2; i < tf.Length; i++)
                var m = re.Match(tf[i]);
                if (m.Success)
                    double x, y;
                    if (double.TryParse(m.Groups["x"].Value, out x)
                        if (double.TryParse(m.Groups["y"].Value, out y)
                            && System.Math.Abs(998877 - y) > 0.01
                            t.AddRatingTableRow(x, y);
            t.Name = "Hydromet " + cbtt + " " + pcode;
            idx = tf.IndexOfRegex("<b>Station .+<br />");
            if (idx >= 0)
                t.Name = Regex.Match(tf[idx], "<b>Station (.+)<br />").Groups[1].Value;

            return t;
Ejemplo n.º 33
        public UsgsRDBFile(string filename)
            tf = new TextFile(filename);

Ejemplo n.º 34
        private void ReadSnowDepth(DateTime t1, DateTime t2)
               					           Change In
                                  Snow Water   Snow  Snow Water  Change In
            Site Name               Date Time   Equivalent  Depth  Equivalent  Snow Depth
            ATLANTA SUMMIT         01/07 0000       16.1     58.0
                       01/08 0000       16.1     57.0       0.0        -1.0
                       01/09 0000       16.0     57.0      -0.1         0.0
                       01/10 0000       15.9     57.0      -0.1         0.0
                       01/11 0000       15.9     56.0       0.0        -1.0
                       01/12 0000       16.0     56.0       0.1         0.0
                       01/13 0000       16.8     61.0       0.8         5.0
                       01/14 0000       17.4     64.0       0.6         3.0
                               Change In
                                Snow Water   Snow  Snow Water  Change In
            Site Name               Date Time   Equivalent  Depth  Equivalent  Snow Depth
            JACKSON PEAK           01/07 0000       13.5     50.0
                       01/08 0000       13.5     48.0       0.0        -2.0
                       01/09 0000       13.4     49.0      -0.1         1.0
                       01/10 0000       13.4     48.0       0.0        -1.0
                       01/11 0000       13.4     48.0       0.0         0.0
                       01/12 0000       13.5    -99.9       0.1       -99.9
                       01/13 0000       14.5    -99.9       1.0       -99.9
                       01/14 0000       15.4     62.0       0.9       -99.9


            var data = Web.GetPage(urlDepth + state + "/" + siteName + ".txt", true);

            TextFile tf = new TextFile(data);
            var idx = tf.IndexOf("Site Name               Date Time   Equivalent  Depth");
            if (idx > 0)
                string pattern = "^.{23}(?<month>\\d{2})/(?<day>\\d{2})\\s{1}0000\\s*(?<se>[0-9\\.+-]+)\\s*(?<sd>[0-9\\.+-]+)";
                for (int i = idx+2; i < idx+10; i++)
                    Regex re = new Regex(pattern);

                    var m = re.Match(tf[i]);
                    if (m.Success)
                        int month = int.Parse(m.Groups["month"].Value);
                        int day =   int.Parse(m.Groups["day"].Value);
                        double sd = double.Parse(m.Groups["sd"].Value);
                        DateTime t = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, month, day);
                        if (t >= t1 && t <= t2)
                            if (System.Math.Abs(sd - 99.9) < 0.1)

                              Add(t, sd);

Ejemplo n.º 35
        public TextFileCredentials(string filename)
            m_fileName = filename;

            tf = new TextFile(m_fileName);