Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static void CreateCubeControlMesh(out ControlMesh controlMesh, out Shape shape, Vector3 size)
            size                *= 0.5f;
            controlMesh          = new ControlMesh();
            controlMesh.Vertices = new Vector3[]
                new Vector3(-size.x, -size.y, -size.z),
                new Vector3(-size.x, size.y, -size.z),
                new Vector3(size.x, size.y, -size.z),
                new Vector3(size.x, -size.y, -size.z),

                new Vector3(-size.x, -size.y, size.z),
                new Vector3(-size.x, size.y, size.z),
                new Vector3(size.x, size.y, size.z),
                new Vector3(size.x, -size.y, size.z)

            controlMesh.Edges = new HalfEdge[]
                new HalfEdge(0, 21, 0, true),                   //  0
                new HalfEdge(0, 9, 1, true),                    //  1
                new HalfEdge(0, 13, 2, true),                   //  2
                new HalfEdge(0, 17, 3, true),                   //  3

                new HalfEdge(1, 23, 7, true),                   //  4
                new HalfEdge(1, 19, 6, true),                   //  5
                new HalfEdge(1, 15, 5, true),                   //  6
                new HalfEdge(1, 11, 4, true),                   //  7

                new HalfEdge(2, 14, 1, true),                   //  8
                new HalfEdge(2, 1, 0, true),                    //  9
                new HalfEdge(2, 20, 4, true),                   // 10
                new HalfEdge(2, 7, 5, true),                    // 11

                new HalfEdge(3, 18, 2, true),                   // 12
                new HalfEdge(3, 2, 1, true),                    // 13
                new HalfEdge(3, 8, 5, true),                    // 14
                new HalfEdge(3, 6, 6, true),                    // 15

                new HalfEdge(4, 22, 3, true),                   // 16
                new HalfEdge(4, 3, 2, true),                    // 17
                new HalfEdge(4, 12, 6, true),                   // 18
                new HalfEdge(4, 5, 7, true),                    // 19

                new HalfEdge(5, 10, 0, true),                   // 20
                new HalfEdge(5, 0, 3, true),                    // 21
                new HalfEdge(5, 16, 7, true),                   // 22
                new HalfEdge(5, 4, 4, true)                     // 23

            controlMesh.Polygons = new Polygon[]
                // left/right
                new Polygon(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, 0),                       // 0
                new Polygon(new int[] { 7, 4, 5, 6 }, 1),                       // 1

                // front/back
                new Polygon(new int[] { 9, 10, 11, 8 }, 2),                     // 2
                new Polygon(new int[] { 13, 14, 15, 12 }, 3),                   // 3

                // top/down
                new Polygon(new int[] { 16, 17, 18, 19 }, 4),                   // 4
                new Polygon(new int[] { 20, 21, 22, 23 }, 5)                    // 5

            shape = new Shape();

            shape.Surfaces = new Surface[6];
            shape.Surfaces[0].TexGenIndex = 0;
            shape.Surfaces[1].TexGenIndex = 1;
            shape.Surfaces[2].TexGenIndex = 2;
            shape.Surfaces[3].TexGenIndex = 3;
            shape.Surfaces[4].TexGenIndex = 4;
            shape.Surfaces[5].TexGenIndex = 5;

            shape.Surfaces[0].Plane = GeometryUtility.CalcPolygonPlane(controlMesh, 0);
            shape.Surfaces[1].Plane = GeometryUtility.CalcPolygonPlane(controlMesh, 1);
            shape.Surfaces[2].Plane = GeometryUtility.CalcPolygonPlane(controlMesh, 2);
            shape.Surfaces[3].Plane = GeometryUtility.CalcPolygonPlane(controlMesh, 3);
            shape.Surfaces[4].Plane = GeometryUtility.CalcPolygonPlane(controlMesh, 4);
            shape.Surfaces[5].Plane = GeometryUtility.CalcPolygonPlane(controlMesh, 5);

            GeometryUtility.CalculateTangents(shape.Surfaces[0].Plane.normal, out shape.Surfaces[0].Tangent, out shape.Surfaces[0].BiNormal);
            GeometryUtility.CalculateTangents(shape.Surfaces[1].Plane.normal, out shape.Surfaces[1].Tangent, out shape.Surfaces[1].BiNormal);
            GeometryUtility.CalculateTangents(shape.Surfaces[2].Plane.normal, out shape.Surfaces[2].Tangent, out shape.Surfaces[2].BiNormal);
            GeometryUtility.CalculateTangents(shape.Surfaces[3].Plane.normal, out shape.Surfaces[3].Tangent, out shape.Surfaces[3].BiNormal);
            GeometryUtility.CalculateTangents(shape.Surfaces[4].Plane.normal, out shape.Surfaces[4].Tangent, out shape.Surfaces[4].BiNormal);
            GeometryUtility.CalculateTangents(shape.Surfaces[5].Plane.normal, out shape.Surfaces[5].Tangent, out shape.Surfaces[5].BiNormal);

            shape.TexGens          = new TexGen[6];
            shape.TexGens[0].Scale = MathConstants.oneVector3;
            shape.TexGens[1].Scale = MathConstants.oneVector3;
            shape.TexGens[2].Scale = MathConstants.oneVector3;
            shape.TexGens[3].Scale = MathConstants.oneVector3;
            shape.TexGens[4].Scale = MathConstants.oneVector3;
            shape.TexGens[5].Scale = MathConstants.oneVector3;

            shape.TexGens[0].Color = Color.white;
            shape.TexGens[1].Color = Color.white;
            shape.TexGens[2].Color = Color.white;
            shape.TexGens[3].Color = Color.white;
            shape.TexGens[4].Color = Color.white;
            shape.TexGens[5].Color = Color.white;

            shape.TexGenFlags    = new TexGenFlags[6];
            shape.TexGenFlags[0] = TexGenFlags.None;
            shape.TexGenFlags[1] = TexGenFlags.None;
            shape.TexGenFlags[2] = TexGenFlags.None;
            shape.TexGenFlags[3] = TexGenFlags.None;
            shape.TexGenFlags[4] = TexGenFlags.None;
            shape.TexGenFlags[5] = TexGenFlags.None;

            shape.Materials    = new Material[6];
            shape.Materials[0] = CSGSettings.DefaultMaterial;
            shape.Materials[1] = CSGSettings.DefaultMaterial;
            shape.Materials[2] = CSGSettings.DefaultMaterial;
            shape.Materials[3] = CSGSettings.DefaultMaterial;
            shape.Materials[4] = CSGSettings.DefaultMaterial;
            shape.Materials[5] = CSGSettings.DefaultMaterial;

            ShapeUtility.CreateCutter(shape, controlMesh);
            controlMesh.IsValid = ControlMeshUtility.Validate(controlMesh, shape);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static bool CreateControlMeshFromPlanes(out ControlMesh controlMesh,
                                                         out Shape shape,
                                                         UnityEngine.Plane[]    planes,
                                                         Vector3[]                              tangents        = null,
                                                         Vector3[]                              binormals       = null,
                                                         Material[]                             materials       = null,
                                                         Matrix4x4[]                    textureMatrices         = null,
                                                         TextureMatrixSpace textureMatrixSpace                  = TextureMatrixSpace.WorldSpace,
                                                         uint[]                                 smoothingGroups = null,
                                                         TexGenFlags[]                  texGenFlags             = null)
            controlMesh = null;
            shape       = null;
            if (planes == null)
                Debug.LogError("The planes array is not allowed to be null");
            if (planes.Length < 4)
                Debug.LogError("The planes array must have at least 4 planes");
            if (materials == null)
                materials = new Material[planes.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < materials.Length; i++)
                    materials[i] = CSGSettings.DefaultMaterial;
            if (planes.Length != materials.Length ||
                (textureMatrices != null && planes.Length != textureMatrices.Length) ||
                (tangents != null && tangents.Length != textureMatrices.Length) ||
                (binormals != null && binormals.Length != textureMatrices.Length) ||
                (smoothingGroups != null && smoothingGroups.Length != materials.Length))
                Debug.LogError("All non null arrays need to be of equal length");

            shape             = new Shape();
            shape.Materials   = materials;
            shape.TexGenFlags = new TexGenFlags[planes.Length];
            shape.Surfaces    = new Surface[planes.Length];
            shape.TexGens     = new TexGen[planes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < planes.Length; i++)
                shape.Surfaces[i].Plane = new CSGPlane(planes[i].normal, -planes[i].distance);
                Vector3 tangent, binormal;
                if (tangents != null && binormals != null)
                    tangent  = tangents[i];
                    binormal = binormals[i];
                    GeometryUtility.CalculateTangents(planes[i].normal, out tangent, out binormal);

                shape.Surfaces[i].Tangent     = -tangent;
                shape.Surfaces[i].BiNormal    = -binormal;
                shape.Surfaces[i].TexGenIndex = i;
                shape.TexGens[i] = new TexGen(-1);
                if (smoothingGroups != null)
                    shape.TexGens[i].SmoothingGroup = smoothingGroups[i];
                if (texGenFlags != null)
                    shape.TexGenFlags[i] = texGenFlags[i];

            controlMesh = ControlMeshUtility.CreateFromShape(shape);
            if (controlMesh == null || !ControlMeshUtility.Validate(controlMesh, shape))

            if (textureMatrices != null)
                for (var i = 0; i < planes.Length; i++)
                    SurfaceUtility.AlignTextureSpaces(textureMatrices[i], textureMatrixSpace == TextureMatrixSpace.PlaneSpace, ref shape.TexGens[i], ref shape.TexGenFlags[i], ref shape.Surfaces[i]);
            ShapeUtility.CreateCutter(shape, controlMesh);