/// <summary>
        /// Updates the given calculation pack with data from the panel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pack">Pack to update</param>
        protected override void UpdatePack(DataPack pack)
            if (pack is VolumetricPopPack popPack)
                // Basic pack attributes.
                pack.name        = PackNameField.text;
                pack.displayName = PackNameField.text;

                // Iterate through each level, parsing input fields.
                for (int i = 0; i < maxLevels[serviceDropDown.selectedIndex]; ++i)
                    // Textfields.
                    PanelUtils.ParseFloat(ref popPack.levels[i].emptyArea, emptyAreaFields[i].text);
                    PanelUtils.ParseInt(ref popPack.levels[i].emptyPercent, emptyPercentFields[i].text);

                    // Look at fixed population checkbox state to work out if we're doing fixed population or area per.
                    if (fixedPopChecks[i].isChecked)
                        // Using fixed pop: negate the 'area per' number to denote fixed population.
                        int pop = 0;
                        PanelUtils.ParseInt(ref pop, fixedPopFields[i].text);
                        popPack.levels[i].areaPer = 0 - pop;
                        // Area per unit.
                        PanelUtils.ParseFloat(ref popPack.levels[i].areaPer, areaPerFields[i].text);

                    // Checkboxes.
                    popPack.levels[i].multiFloorUnits = multiFloorChecks[i].isChecked;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the given calculation pack with data from the panel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pack">Pack to update</param>
        protected override void UpdatePack(DataPack pack)
            if (pack is FloorDataPack floorPack)
                // Basic pack attributes.
                floorPack.name = PackNameField.text;
                floorPack.displayName = PackNameField.text;
                floorPack.version = (int)DataVersion.customOne;

                // Textfields.
                PanelUtils.ParseFloat(ref floorPack.floorHeight, floorHeightField.text);
                PanelUtils.ParseFloat(ref floorPack.firstFloorMin, firstMinField.text);
                PanelUtils.ParseFloat(ref floorPack.firstFloorExtra, firstExtraField.text);

                // Checkboxes.
                floorPack.firstFloorEmpty = firstEmptyCheck.isChecked;