Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void AddJoinToBuilder(AggregateConfiguration user, IColumn usersExtractionIdentifier, AggregateBuilder builder, QueryBuilderArgs args)
            var    joinableTableAlias = args.JoinIfAny.GetJoinTableAlias();
            string joinDirection      = args.JoinIfAny.GetJoinDirectionSQL();

            var joinOn = args.JoinedTo.AggregateDimensions.SingleOrDefault(d => d.IsExtractionIdentifier);

            if (joinOn == null)
                throw new QueryBuildingException("AggregateConfiguration " + user + " uses a join aggregate (patient index aggregate) of " + args.JoinedTo + " but that AggregateConfiguration does not have an IsExtractionIdentifier dimension so how are we supposed to join these tables on the patient identifier?");

            // will end up with something like this where 51 is the ID of the joinTable:
            // LEFT Join (***INCEPTION QUERY***)ix51 on ["+TestDatabaseNames.Prefix+@"ScratchArea]..[BulkData].[patientIdentifier] = ix51.patientIdentifier

            builder.AddCustomLine(" " + joinDirection + " Join (" + Environment.NewLine + TabIn(args.JoinSql.Sql, 1) + Environment.NewLine + ")" + joinableTableAlias + Environment.NewLine + "on " + usersExtractionIdentifier.SelectSQL + " = " + joinableTableAlias + "." + joinOn.GetRuntimeName(), QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the SQL you need to include in your nested query (in UNION / EXCEPT / INTERSECT).  This does not include parameter declarations (which
        /// would appear at the very top) and includes rename operations dependant on what has been written out before by (tracked by <see cref="ParameterManager"/>).
        /// <para>Use <paramref name="args"/> for the original un renamed / including parameter declarations e.g. to test for cache hits</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggregate"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CohortQueryBuilderDependencySql GetSQLForAggregate(AggregateConfiguration aggregate, QueryBuilderArgs args)
            bool isJoinAggregate = aggregate.IsCohortIdentificationAggregate;

            //make sure it is a valid configuration
            string reason;

            if (!aggregate.IsAcceptableAsCohortGenerationSource(out reason))
                throw new QueryBuildingException("Cannot generate a cohort using AggregateConfiguration " + aggregate + " because:" + reason);

            //get the extraction identifier (method IsAcceptableAsCohortGenerationSource will ensure this linq returns 1 so no need to check again)
            AggregateDimension extractionIdentifier = aggregate.AggregateDimensions.Single(d => d.IsExtractionIdentifier);

            //create a builder but do it manually, we care about group bys etc or count(*) even
            AggregateBuilder builder;

            //we are getting SQL for a cohort identification aggregate without a HAVING/count statement so it is actually just 'select patientIdentifier from tableX'
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aggregate.HavingSQL) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aggregate.CountSQL))
                //select list is the extraction identifier
                string selectList;

                if (!isJoinAggregate)
                    selectList = extractionIdentifier.SelectSQL + (extractionIdentifier.Alias != null ? " " + extractionIdentifier.Alias: "");
                    //unless we are also including other columns because this is a patient index joinable inception query
                    selectList = string.Join("," + Environment.NewLine,
                                             aggregate.AggregateDimensions.Select(e => e.SelectSQL + (e.Alias != null ? " " + e.Alias : ""))); //joinable patient index tables have patientIdentifier + 1 or more other columns
                if (args.OverrideSelectList != null)
                    selectList = args.OverrideSelectList;

                string limitationSQL = args?.OverrideLimitationSQL ?? "distinct";

                //select list is either [chi] or [chi],[mycolumn],[myexcitingcol] (in the case of a patient index table)
                builder = new AggregateBuilder(limitationSQL, selectList, aggregate, aggregate.ForcedJoins);

                //false makes it skip them in the SQL it generates (it uses them only in determining JOIN requirements etc but since we passed in the select SQL explicitly it should be the equivellent of telling the query builder to generate a regular select
                if (!isJoinAggregate)
                    builder.AddColumn(extractionIdentifier, false);
                    builder.AddColumnRange(aggregate.AggregateDimensions.ToArray(), false);
                if (args.OverrideSelectList != null)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot override Select list on aggregates that have HAVING / Count SQL configured in them");

                builder = new AggregateBuilder("distinct", aggregate.CountSQL, aggregate, aggregate.ForcedJoins);

                //add the extraction information and do group by it
                if (!isJoinAggregate)
                    builder.AddColumn(extractionIdentifier, true);
                    builder.AddColumnRange(aggregate.AggregateDimensions.ToArray(), true);//it's a joinable inception query (See JoinableCohortAggregateConfiguration) - these are allowed additional columns
                builder.DoNotWriteOutOrderBy = true;

            if (args.TopX != -1)
                builder.AggregateTopX = new SpontaneouslyInventedAggregateTopX(new MemoryRepository(), args.TopX, AggregateTopXOrderByDirection.Descending, null);

            //make sure builder has globals
            foreach (var global in args.Globals)

            //Add the inception join
            if (args.JoinIfAny != null)
                AddJoinToBuilder(aggregate, extractionIdentifier, builder, args);

            //set the where container
            builder.RootFilterContainer = aggregate.RootFilterContainer;

            //we will be harnessing the parameters via ImportAndElevate so do not add them to the SQL directly
            builder.DoNotWriteOutParameters = true;
            var builderSqlWithoutParameters = builder.SQL;

            //get the SQL from the builder (for the current configuration) - without parameters
            string currentBlock = builderSqlWithoutParameters;

            var toReturn = new CohortQueryBuilderDependencySql(currentBlock, builder.ParameterManager);

            if (args.JoinSql != null)

            //we need to generate the full SQL with parameters (and no rename operations) so we can do cache hit tests
            //renaming is deferred to later
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void AddJoinToBuilder(AggregateConfiguration user, IColumn usersExtractionIdentifier, AggregateBuilder builder, QueryBuilderArgs args)
            var    joinableTableAlias = args.JoinIfAny.GetJoinTableAlias();
            string joinDirection      = args.JoinIfAny.GetJoinDirectionSQL();

            IHasRuntimeName joinOn = null;

            if (args.JoinedTo.Catalogue.IsApiCall(out IPluginCohortCompiler plugin))
                if (plugin == null)
                    throw new Exception($"No IPluginCohortCompiler was found that supports API cohort set '{args.JoinedTo}'");

                joinOn = plugin.GetJoinColumnForPatientIndexTable(args.JoinedTo);
                joinOn = args.JoinedTo.AggregateDimensions.SingleOrDefault(d => d.IsExtractionIdentifier);

            if (joinOn == null)
                throw new QueryBuildingException(
                          $"AggregateConfiguration {user} uses a join aggregate (patient index aggregate) of {args.JoinedTo} but that AggregateConfiguration does not have an IsExtractionIdentifier dimension so how are we supposed to join these tables on the patient identifier?");

            // will end up with something like this where 51 is the ID of the joinTable:
            // LEFT Join (***INCEPTION QUERY***)ix51 on ["+TestDatabaseNames.Prefix+@"ScratchArea]..[BulkData].[patientIdentifier] = ix51.patientIdentifier

                $" {joinDirection} Join ({Environment.NewLine}{TabIn(args.JoinSql.Sql, 1)}{Environment.NewLine}){joinableTableAlias}{Environment.NewLine}on {usersExtractionIdentifier.SelectSQL} = {joinableTableAlias}.{joinOn.GetRuntimeName()}", QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin);